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Downloading principia?


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  On 2/27/2016 at 6:46 PM, Svm420 said:

Because people like you who think their time is more important than the authors :rolleyes:. Read what he/she has written, and then maybe you'll find what you're looking for. IF not too bad :) 


but as someone who has downloaded it, it still makes little too no sense why you have to login too some IRC chat, and then do !linux too have a link (that can easily be posted on the original post) too the download too then be able to download. it just seems so unnecessary,  and this is the only mod in existence too have such a method for downloading. i mean, if @eggrobin has a reason why, then i guess its ok, but still.

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  On 2/28/2016 at 7:36 PM, 123nick said:

but as someone who has downloaded it, it still makes little too no sense why you have to login too some IRC chat, and then do !linux too have a link (that can easily be posted on the original post) too the download too then be able to download. it just seems so unnecessary,  and this is the only mod in existence too have such a method for downloading. i mean, if @eggrobin has a reason why, then i guess its ok, but still.


Seeing who and what mod authors deal with everyday I think it is a system worth adopting for more mods :) 

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  On 2/28/2016 at 7:41 PM, 123nick said:

why? what advantage does it bring? 


Keeps the riff raff out :) and encourage reading which so so many these days avoid. It encourages communication with the author. I am sure there are many other benifit I am not thinking of too.

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  On 2/28/2016 at 7:43 PM, Svm420 said:

Keeps the riff raff out :) and encourage reading which so so many these days avoid. It encourages communication of with the author.


the "riff raff" ? as in, people who just want easily available download links? or do you mean something else by that? and the encouraging of reading-- how exactly? it doesent promote reading so much as it just seems more time consuming.  i mean, i guess i read the #principia, and had too open the esper.net website. and i had too read the text telling me to do !linux too get the download link, but.... why should one be encouraged too read such minor things? they dont seem too make any difference at all, in any way.and it only encourages communication with the author by getting the person too go too the chat channel, but.... is communication with the author not already supported by this very forum we are on?

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  On 2/28/2016 at 7:48 PM, 123nick said:

the "riff raff" ? as in, people who just want easily available download links? or do you mean something else by that? and the encouraging of reading-- how exactly? it doesent promote reading so much as it just seems more time consuming.  i mean, i guess i read the #principia, and had too open the esper.net website. and i had too read the text telling me to do !linux too get the download link, but.... why should one be encouraged too read such minor things? they dont seem too make any difference at all, in any way.and it only encourages communication with the author by getting the person too go too the chat channel, but.... is communication with the author not already supported by this very forum we are on?


How long did it take you to get the mod? Is that really such a significant amount of time? How much time do you think the author spent on the mod? If you can't be bothered to spend that much time to get the dl why should the author spend any time to help you or anything else you might want from them. You think your time is more valuable? If you see no value in being forced to stop the gimme gimme now now now! attitude so many demonstrate toward mod authors then I have nothing left to say. You just don't get it or don't want to. :) 


It also would seem obvious to me that mass consumption/distribution isnt Eggrobins goal. So why should he do something that would obviously be antithesis to his goals, just for you or other who want it NOW? lol

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  On 2/28/2016 at 7:52 PM, Svm420 said:

How long did it take you to get the mod? Is that really such a significant amount of time? How much time do you think the author spent on the mod? If you can't be bothered to spend that much time to get the dl why should the author spend any time to help you or anything else you might want from them. You think your time is more valuable? If you see no value in being forced to stop the gimme gimme now now now! attitude so many demonstrate toward mod authors then I have nothing left to say. You just don't get it or don't want to. :) 


how long did it take me too get the mod? like, 30 seconds? i think? and no, its not a significant amount of time, well, unless you compare it too other mods on ksp, which take.... 10? 5 seconds? and yes, i respect the author did take a long time on the mod.... like many other mod authors did with there mods. but i dont see a single other instance , anywhere, of any modder having some irc channel, even if it took them 2, 3, maybe even 4 years too make there mod. and really, im not bothered by it. its just the most oddest thing. like, why? oh, and i think my time is a bit valuable, but 30 seconds is not enough for me too care about. and are people really showing the " gimme gimme now now now attitude" that you say they are?

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Moved these to their own thread, the development thread is for development of the addon, not for discussion on the modders choices for redistribution.

Due to the unfinished state and experimental nature of Principia we're lucky we can access it at all.

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  On 2/28/2016 at 8:14 PM, sal_vager said:

Moved these to their own thread, the development thread is for development of the addon, not for discussion on the modders choices for redistribution.

Due to the unfinished state and experimental nature of Principia we're lucky we can access it at all.


Good to know I will be reporting such offenses in the future :) 

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If you had read the first few pages of the principia thread you would have seen that eggrobin does distribution the way he does because he wants to focus on the physics he is implementing and not have his dev thread turn into something like FARs thread where there's tons of people who don't understand what the new physics are and bugging eggrobin about it.

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  On 2/27/2016 at 2:47 PM, LeoBlueSpikes said:

Where can I download it? Why don't you just put one link?


I believe it's because Principia isn't ready for end users to play with. It exists in the dev forum so the author can get other devs to help develop and debug it. Scroll down and read the warnings in boldface. Principia isn't ready for actual play yet, and the author intelligently has no desire to provide end-user support on an undocumented and unfinished mod that can corrupt savefiles.

If you aren't a developer yourself, experienced with collaborative development, I don't think he wants you to have Principia yet. Not because he's being obnoxious or lazy, but because you'd end up unhappy, and he's saving you (and himself) a lot of wasted time and frustration.

Perhaps he could consider a non-technical disclaimer at the top explaining this, assuming I've read his intentions correctly. As it stands, the first post is all in dev-speak and people like you who don't speak that language will naturally end up confused about what's going on.

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