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[1.1.2] Orbital Utility Vehicle v1.2.4


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Do not use any grappler parts as vessel Root. 

Command Pod, roughly same size as Mk1; will work on IVA when I get my hands on the new PartTools. Now has data transmitter built-in. Two variants depending on other active mods.

  • KAS: adds front mounted winch unit w 30 meter cable. Size slightly reduced, Increased ejection force. No more harpoon bouncing off of asteroids.
  • SCANSat: adds small SCANSat network uplink unit w/ BTDT scanner.
  • FStextureSwitch2 for some visual customization options

Advanced Drone Unit, derived from the Command Pod. Crew space converted to service bay. More EC and Mono capacity. Integrated RCS thrusters. One variant available

  • RemoteTech: Service bay removed. Adds 500km passive Omni antenna and 9Mm directional antenna, should allow comfortable operation within Kerbin SOI. Increased EC and Mono capacity. Integral RTG

Grappler unit, very handy for moving things around when you don't have a docking port. Strong SAS and RCS thrusters. Moderate EC capacity and LF/OX, LF,  or Mono fuel options. Reduced SAS power to 20; Max RCS power increased to 15 with default RCS thrust set to 5%.

Radial NV engine; burns LF/OX or Mono. Reversible thrust. Full extension to around 2m, a tad shorter than the FT400 fuel tank. can give you that extra clearance you need when hauling large objects. Keep Kerbals away from moving parts. Fixed reverse thrust. added thrust Gimbal. now with KSPI-E config. wide range of characteristics depending on fuel type. Added Indicator for reverse thrust mode.

Helper Drone, small remote controlled RCS block with integrated light and RTG. Max RCS thrust of 8 w/ default thrust at 10% max. Minimal SAS.  Use grabber to dock after initial separation.

  • 3km omni antenna if using RemoteTech.

Adaptor Carrier; same dimensions as Push Adaptor but fitted with higher capacity Mono tank and compartments for up to 4 Helper Drones. Grabber unit only. Will replace Push Adaptor part in future. Fixed collider boxes so you don't get stuck grabbing on to Size 1 Docking port when you get perfect alignment. Added orientation indicators and switcher. Red-Left, Green-Right, Yellow-Up.

Push Adaptor/Service Bay; Grabber/DockingPort/Service Bay. Service Bay replaced by KIS container if you run KIS.

Grappler Jr. Grappler arm w/ Service Bay, integrated external command seat. Service Bay replaced with KIS container if KIS is installed. I don't know what it's good for... Jeb made me do it.


SpaceDock: http://spacedock.info/mod/313/Orbital%20Utility%20Vehicle

ModuleManager: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/50533-105-module-manager-2618-january-17th-with-even-more-sha-and-less-bug/



Enceo's IVA! Retrofitted from the copula, fits real nice! Pics below



Blank IVA, more or less, for those what want to roll their own. 

Edited by nli2work
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this is why ksp my most favorite game of all time,and i play video games since i was 7 years old.

this is ridiculous and unbelievable what a powerful modding community this game got! every time i browse wip/released mods,it feels like christmas all over again! thank you thank you sir!this looks amazing


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  On 2/29/2016 at 7:42 PM, 123nick said:

plan on adding interstellar extended support? mainly just adding a interstellar reactor part module and interstellar thermal nozzle part module into the radial nervas, i think.


I'll look into it. I did plan a few integrations with KAS and SCANsat and ART (though that's at least in part stock now). 

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  On 3/1/2016 at 5:09 AM, Virtualgenius said:

Would you consider making an endcap similar to the cockpit shape I think it would compliment it you could have it like  a service module with additional fuel and electrical resources and additional cargo



that's a pretty good idea... it could be some kind of joint thing like in one of the rover mod I used before Wild Buffalo or something. All aboard the space train!

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  On 3/1/2016 at 7:35 PM, ProtoJeb21 said:

Heads up! KottabosGames just did a review on the mod! Also, this pack is amazing.


I'm here from KottabosGames :D

I'd just like to say you've made an outstanding craft mod, it's just perfect for what I need for orbital construction which I've found quite clunky up until now.  Bravo and thank you very much for this amazing contribution!

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Holy frijoles man, this thing is fun to fly lol great work! now imma make myself a module manager to make the engines and grabber use nothing but Liquid fuel to satisfy my Nuclear OCD lmao 

Edited by Elith
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@nli2work it so good to see you back in business! ) I wanted put my hands on your orbital tug since the day you posted your first pictures, it's been a while and finally, ah. I pray God this cute wonder gets an IVA sometime in the future,  I know you're awesome at makng them.

P.S. @nli2work you know, you're the one who inspired me to learn modelling and textureing. Loved your vids.

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First, I'm ecstatic that this mod has been updated!  Thank you so much, nli2work.  :D  I have a quick request:  Would it be possible, perhaps using the texture-switching feature, to have a version of the pod that does not have the winch on the front when one isn't using KAS/KIS?  I'd just rather not have the thing hanging off the front of the pod if I can't actually use the winch for anything, that's all.  :)

Again, thanks much for getting this useful mod back into shape.  Keep up the great work!

Later, all.  :cool:

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the winch will only be there if you have KAS active. KIS will not affect it either way. if you don't have ModuleManager then it'll only be the base model.

Updated OP, added KSPI-E Engine config. fixed bug in last version where engine is not available with KSPI-E

Edited by nli2work
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  On 3/9/2016 at 12:41 AM, nli2work said:

the winch will only be there if you have KAS active. KIS will not affect it either way. if you don't have ModuleManager then it'll only be the base model.

Updated OP, added KSPI-E Engine config. fixed bug in last version where engine is not available with KSPI-E


Uh, okay, but the thing is, I don't even HAVE KAS or KIS installed, not anywhere on my computer, let alone in GameData.  Hmm, I'll investigate this, I did edit some of the configs, perhaps I removed something I shouldn't have.

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