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PartTweaks - Official forum thread


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  On 3/26/2016 at 5:23 PM, FreeThinker said:

Be carefull it will not conflict with other mods which add any fuel switch, or you will be in for a nasty surprise when the partmodules  start to combat each-other


I know but thanks for your thinking ahead. ModuleManager allows me to make some requirements for the tweaks to run for example if a certain mod is installed it will load or not load it...

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@FreeThinker I just updated mod description because my goald changed quiete a bit! Thanks for your think ahead... Personally was a litle scared of this questions and hoped nobody would ask them because they are often difficult to answer and everybody expects something different :sealed:

Edited by Roovy
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  On 3/29/2016 at 3:25 PM, Roovy said:

@FreeThinker I just updated mod description because my goald changed quiete a bit! Thanks for your think ahead... Personally was a litle scared of this questions and hoped nobody would ask them because they are often difficult to answer and everybody expects something different :sealed:


Alright this makes things much clearer.

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  On 3/29/2016 at 3:31 PM, FreeThinker said:

Alright this makes things much clearer, but how far will your scope extend, will it be stock nly, or will you extend it to popular mods?


I will and I already did (if you ignore that I'm working on it right now :lol:). In todays update there's going to be HRP-compatiblity.

What else do you expect? Something like the possibility to insert wishes etc.?

PS: I'm still working on the site too so there will be more helpful later (hopefully).

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  On 3/29/2016 at 3:35 PM, Roovy said:

I will and I already did (if you ignore that I'm working on it right now :lol:). In todays update there's going to be HRP-compatiblity.

What else do you expect? Something like the possibility to insert wishes etc.?

PS: I'm still working on the site too so there will be more helpful later (hopefully).


Well I guess a lot of the changes you made were because you were probably frustrated with their lack of balance. That how I started with modding as well as I tried to make Near Future Technology to work nicely with KSP Interstellar which is very difficult to achieve

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  On 3/29/2016 at 3:37 PM, FreeThinker said:

Well I guess a lot of the changes you made were because you were probably frustrated with their lack of balance. That how I started with modding as well as I tried to make Near Future Technology to work nicely with KSP Interstellar which is very difficult to achieve


NFT is from you too?! WOW. I'm much bigger fan than I thought ^_^

Besides this: Yes, the extreme unrealism in some aspects of KSP gave me many of my ideas. But most of progress I did in the last moth were because of tipps from outside... you know. For example ModuleManager- or HRP-compatibility as well as the thing with air intakes were passed on to me... It's actually the second mod I'm crating but the first one isn't public because I've just a good idea and basic knowings in Blender and programming (as well as Unity).

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  On 3/29/2016 at 3:45 PM, Roovy said:

NFT is from you too?! WOW. I'm much bigger fan than I thought ^_^


Sorry you misunderstand me. I initialy only created some Modula Manager config files to alter KSPI and NFT behavior, later I started bug fixing KSPI and meged them tohether and continiously added new features and improved exisitng ones to create KSPI Extended.

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  On 3/29/2016 at 3:48 PM, FreeThinker said:

Sorry you misunderstand me. I initialy only created some Modula Manager config files to alter KSPI and NFT behavior, later I started bug fixing KSPI and meged them tohether and continiously added new features and improved exisitng ones to create KSPI Extended.


Still nice work :sticktongue:

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Although I have never actualy spoken with fractal about taking over KSPI, I try to continue in Fractals vision of creating a gradualy realisitc technological path to the stars, and I did exactly that. This is why a vision is so important, is gives some direction and limits your scope. Trying to improve everything will result into nothing, as people will not know what to expect. It's kind of like a political parties. Just understanding their core philosophy should be enough to be able to vote consiously

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  On 3/29/2016 at 3:56 PM, FreeThinker said:

Although I have never actualy spoken with fractal about taking over KSPI, I try to remain in Fractals vision of creating a gradualy realisitc technological path to the stars, and I did exactly that. This is why a vision is so important, is gives some direction and limits your scope. Trying to improve everything will result into nothing, as people will not know what to expect. It's kind of like a political parties. Just understanding their core philosophy should be enough to be able to vote consiously


I know (personal experience is best...or...bust!). Don't really know what to say more about it than... tanks :wink:

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There it is: The version 0.65 with one more feature than announced and one less than announced (categories).

Enjoy and share your impressions. Thanks to all your support!

SpaceDock, CurseForge, Curse

@Beetlecat@John FX@FreeThinker@JeffreyCor@Beetlecat@GuigU95@Sequinox

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As a quick tip: now that your mod is gaining features and traction, you might want to ask a moderator to move your thread into the "Add-On Releases" subforum. Quoting the KSP version number the mod is designed to run on in square brackets in the thread title is also recommended, so people will know that your mod is up to date (or not).

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  On 3/31/2016 at 9:50 AM, Streetwind said:

As a quick tip: now that your mod is gaining features and traction, you might want to ask a moderator to move your thread into the "Add-On Releases" subforum. Quoting the KSP version number the mod is designed to run on in square brackets in the thread title is also recommended, so people will know that your mod is up to date (or not).


Thanks. Already got informed from the moderators but it's too early in my eyes. Just some more days... 

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Well, the KSP 1.1 version will not work in all cases.

1. Procedural Fairing diameter has not the correct slider. It's only possible to extend the diameter. Missing size-arrows in menu.
2. Parts there not attached to the mainpart can't be tweaked.
3. Parts like the Multi Node Adapter can be tweaked only in diameter. The Nodes missing the size-slider.


Sorry, wrong thread

Edited by hraban
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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 0.75 is out! Here are the major changes:

  • reballance of already tweaked parts (yes, again!), also some changes to ISFs
  • tweaked total ballance of air-intakes (more at froum-thread)
  • added cross feed enabler
  • optional features added
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It looks like Intersteller Fuel Switcher is actually required as opposed to supported as indicated on the OP. Would really be great if this really was optional and not required.

Edited by JeffreyCor
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  • 2 months later...

Update 0.9 (beta) is out!


  • added optional version without InterstellarFuelSwitch
  • tiny changes to CrossFeedEnabler-cfg
  • cleaned up the installation folde

Version 0.9 (non-beta) will be released soon. Look up the download-sites for more informations.


@JeffreyCor I included your idea. Look up the Optional-folder and just install the non-InterstellarFuelSwitch version. (And delete the IStFs-folder :)

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  On 7/17/2016 at 10:41 AM, Roovy said:

Update 0.9 (beta) is out!


  • added optional version without InterstellarFuelSwitch
  • tiny changes to CrossFeedEnabler-cfg
  • cleaned up the installation folde

Version 0.9 (non-beta) will be released soon. Look up the download-sites for more informations.


@JeffreyCor I included you idea. Look up the Optional-folder and just install the non-InterstellarFuelSwitch version. (And delete the IStFs-folder :)


Yeay! :D

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  • 2 months later...

@Beetlecat @JeffreyCor @Nansuchao

Update 0.9 is out! The full version :P

I set down after a long while and thought about what I can do and came up with some tiny things:

  • I added KSP's internal fuelflow-system and removed the outdated crossfeedEnabler (since KSP 1.0.5)  ->  be shure to delete the old folder
  • I also made myself a plan on working out some minor things for release 1.0 (comming with KSP1.2). I will work a lot on the fuel amounts and weights. For example if the part is fueled they get heavier to keep stock ballance; also HRP's parts will get a litle less fuel capacity ('cause there must be some weak spot if they already are heat resistent!)
  • I'm looking toward your ideas. Maybe you can find some problems in the 1.2 pre-release that I can work on if they are appearing in KSP 1.2 final.

0.9 might be a tiny update, but since it's just the step from a beta to the release it is fine. Update 1.0 will be a bigger update tho and I'm not shure yet if a .1 jump in version is enough. I'm happy to be back and want to thank @NathanKell for his awesome mod CrossFeedEnabler that made a big part of this possible in the first place!

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