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how many times you have visited dres?

Parv Kerman

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Just once with a probe in >1,000 hours.

Performed high and low resource scans + some goo and materials bay and felt like I had enough fuel for an impromptu landing.  Managed to snap 1 of 3 solar panels on the touchdown, but survived well enough for another round of the repeatable experiments on the surface.





Its a very boring surface without the procedural treatment the Mun has.

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I shall admit I've never been to Dres :(

There are a lot of places I've never been, with kerbals or probes.  Also never been to Moho.  I've only ever visited the Jool system once, and that was a probe.  I've sent a few probes to Eve.  I've only been playing since maybe a month or two before 1.0.5, and my time is limited by crazy work hours.

But, I WILL visit all these places, including Dres!  That's why I love this game.  So much freedom to explore, so many places to go...

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Twice now. This time crewed. And I managed to land near the Canyon. And get down there. Ok, Jeb got down there. And it was more falling than getting...

Edited by Mat2ch
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2 hours ago, Kyrt Malthorn said:

I shall admit I've never been to Dres :(

There are a lot of places I've never been, with kerbals or probes.  Also never been to Moho.  I've only ever visited the Jool system once, and that was a probe.  I've sent a few probes to Eve.  I've only been playing since maybe a month or two before 1.0.5, and my time is limited by crazy work hours.

I've never been to Dres.  Or Moho.  Or the Jool system.

I've orbited Eve and Gilly with a capsule, landed a probe on Ike, crash-landed a probe on Duna, and gotten a monolithic station in Duna orbit.


And I've been playing since 0.15.

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9 hours ago, KerikBalm said:

 wait a minute... did Dres make an account on the KSP forums, with the name parc kerman?

what do you think? can dres type?? use your mind!

and it's parv kerman, not parc kerman. I'm from India.

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I've been there a few times, though never with more than a simple lander that didn't stay long.

My first mission to Dres made it home with 4m/s left in the tank. That was more memorable than the mission itself. :P

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Let's see, once before I started doing YouTube videos of KSP, once in my original series with the Dres third of the Dreloho Program, once in the Kerpollo series in the Drepollo episode, and then again recently to take the picture you can see in my signature on the right.

So 4 times, not counting screwing around and testing for the above missions.

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Only 3 times, but that was enough to do pretty much all you can do there. The first was a complete exploration pack (lander, rover, 2 probes with ore scanners on high and low orbit), the second time was the crewed mission and the third was a colonisation pack, with a roving research base and a space station/asteroid miner. 

Driving the rover down the canyon was fun, but Jool is just 300 m/s away from there! And i'm not even counting the capture burn!

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3 times so far, in three different career saves.  I have yet to go in my current career as my tech level isn't there yet, but looking forward to it.  I have never explored it, just touched down, there what science I could and returned home.  That goes for all planets.  I have yet to really do any exploring, so far just concentrating on science gathering.  Perhaps I should change that this time around...

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I'd heard a report of a planet between Duna and the Jool system.


Went to the reported location.

Fell asleep.


Must have been nothing there worth seeing.


Never planning on returning

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