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KSPedia Creation Tutorial


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  On 8/30/2016 at 11:46 PM, JPLRepo said:

No use the Asset Compiler tool as per the tutorial. Not the "Build All''" button in the KSPedia Tool



Yup, just figured that out. Now to find the output file..

Aha! Found it under "AssetBundles" in my Unity project folder.

Edited by Angel-125
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@DMagic @JPLRepo Thanks to your help, I'm slightly less frustrated, lol. :)

One thing isn't clear to me, should I be including the fonts in the asset bundle? If I install them on my machine (and I did install them), how do I know that another computer will have the fonts as well? Does the KSP asset compiler rasterize the fonts?

Here's what I have in my setup now. Right now you can see that the text isn't showing up. Any idea why that would be?

Thanks again for your help. :)


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  On 8/31/2016 at 1:11 AM, Angel-125 said:

@DMagic @JPLRepo Thanks to your help, I'm slightly less frustrated, lol. :)

One thing isn't clear to me, should I be including the fonts in the asset bundle? If I install them on my machine (and I did install them), how do I know that another computer will have the fonts as well? Does the KSP asset compiler rasterize the fonts?

Here's what I have in my setup now. Right now you can see that the text isn't showing up. Any idea why that would be?

Thanks again for your help. :)


If you use the fonts from the tutorial or the ones from the squadcore bundle then they are packaged in that bundle. If you use your own fonts they should be automatically packaged into your bundle file (along with your pictures).

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  On 8/31/2016 at 1:53 AM, JPLRepo said:

If you use the fonts from the tutorial or the ones from the squadcore bundle then they are packaged in that bundle. If you use your own fonts they should be automatically packaged into your bundle file (along with your pictures).


Interesting, good to know. :) Looks like Squad's Part Tools 1.1.2 doesn't have fonts in them. I just created a test project, this is what it has to import:


I've also noticed that for some reason, the text in my header doesn't appear. There's nothing showing. I've included the fonts in my asset bundle and I can change the font (the fonts in my asset bundle appear in the selection box). I've also verified that they appear in the list of files in the asset bundle. But in Unity, the text isn't there. Not sure why just yet.

On the plus side, I can cheat and set the text in Photoshop. This is a single transparent image on top of a background:


Getting closer to figuring this all out with your help. :)

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  On 8/31/2016 at 2:08 AM, DMagic said:

I think the text object is just too small, either make it taller or just set the text to overflow.

And yes, Squad doesn't provide any fonts, but the ones they use are freely available.


Oh I feel like such a noob. That was it, I just had to make the font text box taller. Serves me right, I'm used to auto-formatting text boxes in my software dev tools, heh. Thanks again! :)

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  On 8/31/2016 at 2:08 AM, DMagic said:

And yes, Squad doesn't provide any fonts, but the ones they use are freely available.


I have been reliably advised that the fonts as per what is in the start of the tutorial are in the squadcore.ksp file. Just not in the part tools unity package.
So you can download them yourself and use them. In theory it should use the ones from the squadcore.ksp file. But may actually re-package them into your ksp file.

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  On 8/31/2016 at 2:18 AM, JPLRepo said:

I have been reliably advised that the fonts as per what is in the start of the tutorial are in the squadcore.ksp file. Just not in the part tools unity package.
So you can download them yourself and use them. In theory it should use the ones from the squadcore.ksp file. But may actually re-package them into your ksp file.


Awesome. Thanks so much for your help guys, I've built a few test pages already, and things are working great. :)

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Is it possible to use a newer version of Unity? 
The Beta Linux editor is currently only available in 5.2.2, 5.3.x and 5.4.x
I'm not familiar with Unity's build system.
(This would be a good question to add to the FAQ.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hello everyone.

I've already downloaded unity 5.4 and the part tools and will start to use it to translate the kspedia to my language. My question is, how can I open the .ksp files from the game, change the text in them, and save it separately on my mod so when the player installs it, the game reads my files instead of the standard ones?

I already used MM to translate a great part of the game and even textures, but translating the entire KSPedia would be the icing on the cake.


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  • 2 months later...

Hi all

I happened to have come across a simple and low impact method of creating KSPedia pages a few months ago which I would like to share with the community (take a look at the BDAc and Aviator Arsenal KSPedia's as a reference)

Let me explain ..........

I do not build the KSPedia pages from inside Unity ... Instead, I build an image in the .png format using Fireworks (any image editor should work fine) and after exporting the completed .png to a .jpg format, I then import the .jpg into unity and create the KSPedia files for each section using just the image I created in Fireworks ... This allows for using any font you desire without having to import it into Unity itself before creating the KSPedia pages as well as not having to get all technical with Unity

This is the more simple and less impact solution as compared to building each page from within Unity ... it takes up less memory and is faster loading as well as being much easier to deal with ... creating pages within Unity is a pain and by using this method I have found that both the BDAc and the Aviator Arsenal KSPedia's have turned out to have less of an impact on memory usage as well as being quicker to load when compared to each other (yes, I tested this quite extensively ... That is what I do, test stuff and find the easy way :wink:)


- Set your canvass at 2048 x 1534 while editing
- after you're satisfied, then save the image as a .jpg at half the resolution (1024 x 768)
- Import the .jpg as an image into Unity then start building your pages

Enjoy :)

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File size? It probably also affects loading time.

As for making everything with images, it's probably easier for most people. Though I've always hated editing text in Photoshop and find it much easier to edit and position from within Unity. I'm probably far more familiar with Unity than most people though, so using whatever is easiest is the best option.

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  On 1/17/2017 at 6:41 PM, CobaltWolf said:

What is the reasoning behind working at double resolution? And do they have to be 1024x768?

EDIT: Just to throw in the tag, @DoctorDavinci


Working at double resolution is just habit for me from back when I used to do graphic design and tattoos ... using 1024 x 768 as the final image res saves on page load time which was very noticeable in earlier versions of the BDAc KSPedia

And the resolution of the imported image must be divisible by 2 or else Unity will throw a fit

I generally drop the res to 1024 x 768, import it, make the canvass 2048 x 1536 (for reasons stated earlier in this thread), create an image object and size it to 2048 x 1536 then create the page (there is an in depth explanation on how to do this earlier in the thread)


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  On 1/18/2017 at 3:47 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@DoctorDavinci Thanks for this. I've technically already built a KSPedia (27+ pages) in Photoshop alone but I really can't be bothered to learn Unity, reformat/rebuild the pages within Unity and deliver a traditionally-made kspedia file in the foreseeable future. :/


Perhaps this weekend, if I get a chance, I will make a tutorial video on how to create KSPedia's with my method

Once you have the images done as I have explained above, it is really easy to create a KSPedia ... very simple in fact

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  On 1/18/2017 at 5:16 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

Once you have the images done as I have explained above, it is really easy to create a KSPedia ... very simple in fact


Well I've already dipped my fingers/toes in Unity, and made one demo image according to the format so I'm a little comfortable going ahead. But your video will be quite welcome.

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  On 1/17/2017 at 3:07 AM, DoctorDavinci said:

Hi all

I happened to have come across a simple and low impact method of creating KSPedia pages a few months ago which I would like to share with the community (take a look at the BDAc and Aviator Arsenal KSPedia's as a reference)

Let me explain ..........

I do not build the KSPedia pages from inside Unity ... Instead, I build an image in the .png format using Fireworks (any image editor should work fine) and after exporting the completed .png to a .jpg format, I then import the .jpg into unity and create the KSPedia files for each section using just the image I created in Fireworks ... This allows for using any font you desire without having to import it into Unity itself before creating the KSPedia pages as well as not having to get all technical with Unity

This is the more simple and less impact solution as compared to building each page from within Unity ... it takes up less memory and is faster loading as well as being much easier to deal with ... creating pages within Unity is a pain and by using this method I have found that both the BDAc and the Aviator Arsenal KSPedia's have turned out to have less of an impact on memory usage as well as being quicker to load when compared to each other (yes, I tested this quite extensively ... That is what I do, test stuff and find the easy way :wink:)


- Set your canvass at 2048 x 1534 while editing
- after you're satisfied, then save the image as a .jpg at half the resolution (1024 x 768)
- Import the .jpg as an image into Unity then start building your pages

Enjoy :)


Hi @DoctorDavinci I've made the KSPedia entry for the USI mods, all 183 pages! I started off using a very similar method to yours but the issue i ran into VERY quickly was the resulting assetbundle file size. Following your method i had around 4 pages coming in at 10mb already. What sort of file size are you getting out and how many pages are you including?

In the end i had to breakdown every page into individual images so they could be shared(and individually optimized to the lowest resolution possible), used a texture style image for the backgrounds and got all 183 picture heavy pages into a 3mb asset bundle. 



  On 1/18/2017 at 3:47 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

@DoctorDavinci Thanks for this. I've technically already built a KSPedia (27+ pages) in Photoshop alone but I really can't be bothered to learn Unity, reformat/rebuild the pages within Unity and deliver a traditionally-made kspedia file in the foreseeable future. :/


Give me shout if you want to bounce any ideas off me in regards to this project. After 200 hours building the above entry I'm sure i could pass on a few good workflow tips :D 

Edited by dboi88
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Is anyone able to create KSPedia entries in Unity 5.4.0? I'm currently using the 1.1.2 Part Tools and when running the asset compiler I am receiving the message that:

InvalidOperationException: WebPlayer asset bundles can no longer be built in 5.4+
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.WebPlayerAssetBundlesAreNoLongerSupported () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/editor/BuildPipelineBindings.gen.cs:274)
UnityEditor.BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles (System.String outputPath, UnityEditor.AssetBundleBuild[] builds, BuildAssetBundleOptions assetBundleOptions) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/editor/BuildPipelineBindings.gen.cs:442)
KSPAssets.Editor.AssetCompiler.BuildAssetBundles (Boolean compressAssetBundles, Boolean cleanupDirectory, System.String[] abNames)
KSPAssets.Editor.ScreenBundles+<BuildBundle>d__6.MoveNext ()
KSPAssets.Editor.EditorUtil.UpdateCoroutine ()
UnityEditor.EditorApplication.Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/editor/EditorApplicationBindings.gen.cs:222)

Guess I should look back into the 1.2 Pre-release forum... 

It seems not. :( 

Edited by Poodmund
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