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1.1.2 even less stable than prerelease


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So I cleared out the Game Data folder of all mods (Squad folder remains) and the landing leg explosions still happen for me, on my first attempt it even destroyed Kerbin! Second attempt I removed the science bay and it was just the Mk1 capsule, Mk 16 and 2 radial chutes, small battery, heat shield and 4 micro legs. At 4 m/s the heat shield and legs were destroyed (in that order, plenty of clearance between the two) and Jeb got to enjoy another 30 second flight before he went poof. Same exact results with the LT-1 landing legs except for no joy ride.. 

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@NathanKell sorry it took a while I was busy earlier today, but someone just earlier mentioned they are having the same issue as I described. It takes a little longer than 5-10 seconds, I must have had some stuff running in the background but it still crashes every time and definitely when it shouldn't. Video here.

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I wouldn't say "less stable than prerelease," but I too have noticed a lot of instability in all three versions of 1.1 that have come out. Most disturbingly, I've experienced multiple CTDs, which is something that as far as I recall never happened in an previous version. They seem to occur at unpredictable times, and even from something as simple as plopping down the first part in an editor, which makes them hard to avoid or report.

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  On 4/30/2016 at 8:35 PM, HebaruSan said:

Are you sure? I heard from a very reliable source that the pre-release was going to be bug-free:

"it will have already gone through QA and experiementals and be almost bug free"

"wont be posting them just because there are hardly any bugs left anyways" "unlike before these are almost bug free"

I guess everyone makes mistakes?


The 1.1 prerelease was much better than 1.1.2, I made that point in my post.

  On 4/30/2016 at 7:13 PM, Gaarst said:

You know you can fill out a bug report to actually help the devs fix the game instead of just complaining.


I am fully capable of complaining and reporting a bug report as well.

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Well d'oh! Having no issues at all re:exploding landing legs after a fresh download and reinstall of 1.1.2. I had thought The Patcher which I'd read was now working would update to 1.1.2 but it didn't or doesn't and I updated both patches to 1.1.1 and didn't notice until I glanced down at the corner of the screen earlier today.

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I haven't noticed much of a change from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2, except that now in 1.1.2 my airplanes (exactly the same ones that worked fine in 1.1.1) are showing tendencies to yaw during takeoff and after landing.

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so decided to research unity as it seems to be the reason for many bugs, I go to their website on my ipad, and it proceeds to crash my browser, repeatedly, loving the irony... 


(yes I know it's my devices fault but stil)

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1 hour 5 minutes 37.68 seconds. That is how long I was able to play KSP before it gave up the ghost again. Better than the other days 7 minutes for sure, BUT, during this past hour and change, I spent the majority of it building a rocket that was or is <some day I suppose> to carry a 3000 ore capacity tank to the Mun for a base I am making in a test save while I wait for a core mod I use to catch up to 1.1.what ever we are at when this game STOPS being so bloody UNSTABLE. Modded and unmodded alike are seeing these random crashes, and while being able to say do this then that then this then that and bam failure would be nice, it is so random that, the only reliable thing I can say is: play 1.1.2 and watch it crash at SOME POINT. Anyway, I hope my work was "saved" when I told it to save in the vab about 90 seconds prior to that crash. if it didnt, thats about 45 minutes work LOST because this game is so unreliable now. Anyway, output log below for what ever its worth.


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I'm surprised to see the amount of people having issues with 1.1.2. I have not had any issues with the newest patch. In fact, this version has been the single most stable version since pre-release came out. The game has not crashed once and the overall performance is much better (for me personally) compared to any earlier version.

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@heliobyte you are one of the rare, one of the lucky. I have played each version from when .21 came out thru today. from .21 thru 1.0.5 i experienced maybe 3 crashes total if that many. 1.1 one drops and the crashes started piling up. While, yes, the game <when its bloody working> is wonderful and all is right with the world. THEN with 0 warning the game stops and a little message pops up: KSP has stopped working. I have had this happen 13-14 times now since 1.1. While I agree they need a break, Squad borked up bad with rushing triple ace and 1.1.2 into existence while trying to fix things that while irritating for those who experienced it, the games major instability needed priority and frankly seems like it did not get it. now they are on vacation and we are left with an unstable product that has no warning before it fails on us, is completely RANDOM when and HOW it does it. This is a kraken to use the old terminology, and its not leaving much if any forensic evidence on how its feeding off of us. The kraken is striking unmodded versions and modded versions alike. It is also not attacking all of us. some people are being left alone such as yourself, while the rest of us are being plagued by this kraken as badly as the great hall in beowulf was by grendel. Enjoy your luck good sir, the rest of us wish we were as lucky.

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  On 5/2/2016 at 12:13 AM, Brotoro said:

I haven't noticed much of a change from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2, except that now in 1.1.2 my airplanes (exactly the same ones that worked fine in 1.1.1) are showing tendencies to yaw during takeoff and after landing.


I noticed the same with a rocket that launched fine and straight in 1.1.1 (with SAS enabled) and now it tilts to one side (with & without SAS enabled).  I haven't seen any game crashes in 64bit, only spaceship crashes.  Poor Jeb.

Edited by SpatulaCity
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  On 5/2/2016 at 6:09 AM, heliobyte said:

I'm surprised to see the amount of people having issues with 1.1.2. I have not had any issues with the newest patch. In fact, this version has been the single most stable version since pre-release came out. The game has not crashed once and the overall performance is much better (for me personally) compared to any earlier version.


Same here.

Been playing quite a lot of hours during the weekend and not a single glitch (except missing some mods the first hours after patching until modmanager was updated).

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I will say that 1.1.2 has it's upsides.  I'm on a macbook pro mid-2014, and the game feels much more responsive than previous releases.  I am completely in love with the UI scaling features, and didn't realize how much I needed those until I had them.  I haven't had any CTD so far, even with a healthy number of mods.  My main complaint is still the ridiculousness surrounding the spaceplanes, I just had 26 consecutive takeoff failures with a design that worked fine in 1.0.X and 1.1.  All of the failures were either LY-01/05 landing gear related, or the aircraft just wildly yawing during rollout.  I've tried dickering with the landing gear settings, but all with the same result.  Seems like as long as you're content to shoot rockets at space, all is well, but spaceplanes just aren't getting any love.

Actually, it does kind of parallel the real space program in that sense...

Edited by JJE64
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  On 5/1/2016 at 4:00 AM, AlamoVampire said:

@NathanKell any word on when these random crashes that are hitting everyone going to be addressed? being able to play for 5-6 minutes then CTD is not stable nor playable. modded or not, its hitting everyone... please tell me some fix is coming and coming soon? because honestly, I am floored a patch comes out addressing the non critical things when such a huge and frankly seemingly well documented and reported issue is keeping a good portion of us on footing that would make a mountain goat nervous... look, i LOVE KSP, have had it since .21 and between that version and 1.0.5 i had seen maybe 3 crashes TOTAL, since 1.1 ive seen a dozen or more, thats an avg of 4 PER patch 1.1, trip 1 and 1.1.2, and thats sad panda territory there i tell you what.


I played 1.1.2 all day yesterday and did not have a single crash. Please don't include me in your blanket statements. 

I am pretty happy with where things have landed so far. Haven't messed with rovers yet but landing legs seem to be in a good place. Have several landings under my belt in 1.1.2. 

just need a few more mods to get the bugs worked out and all will be well for me. 

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Just installed RSS, RF, and 20 other mods.  My OSX install is purring like a well fed kitten at the moment.  No complaints other than the "Blocked Wheel Thingy" -->  Heretofore referred to as BWT.

I'm rather happy at the moment. Just patiently awaiting RO...

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  On 5/2/2016 at 1:14 PM, Basto said:

I played 1.1.2 all day yesterday and did not have a single crash. Please don't include me in your blanket statements. 

I am pretty happy with where things have landed so far. Haven't messed with rovers yet but landing legs seem to be in a good place. Have several landings under my belt in 1.1.2. 

just need a few more mods to get the bugs worked out and all will be well for me. 


When the majority of players are seeing instability with crashes terms like everyone will be used. Yes there are some, most likely 5% MAYBE 10% like you not getting hit by what ever kraken is hitting us. You are lucky. We are not.

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  On 5/2/2016 at 3:53 PM, AlamoVampire said:

When the majority of players are seeing instability with crashes terms like everyone will be used. Yes there are some, most likely 5% MAYBE 10% like you not getting hit by what ever kraken is hitting us. You are lucky. We are not.


And you are basing your "majority" on a handful of people posting on a forum. Very scientific.

People tend not to post when they are not having problems. 

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Zero issues with 1.1.2 on my gaming rig, fully stock.  I haven't tried planes, more into rockets, but I've found it to be great so far.

Laptop, well, being less than what might be needed to run it with all the fun graphics, yes it has crashed a few times. And it has been at staging as well.


Update: Strike that, I have one issue on my game rig - I killed a keostationary sat contract, but its orbit and ground station persist in my tracking map ... 

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