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[DEV HALTED][1.3] CxAerospace: Stations Parts Pack v1.6.2 [2017-5-24]


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Here is a comparison. Its pretty minor, and I might need to play with the size and count of the individual cells to get rid of the artifacting.


Partially transparent backing (check the album to see it a bit better than the resized ones below)


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And normal opaque (more to show off the direction the texturing is going)

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@Jasseji, not sure yet. I'll do a comparison of file size when i get  closer to finalizing the part, but I dont believe it will be much since the alpha channel is still used for either case. Transparency is just defined by selecting a different KSP shader in Unity.


Another test shot, larger/fewer cells and more spacing between them for more let-through:

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Hey CX! I love the work that you have put in to this mod, I am very much looking forward to the upcoming bits for my ISS replica! :D

One question though, as I have read through the thread and it seems nobody has asked yet; If I understand correctly in real life two active APAS ports would have the ability to dock: (from APAS wiki page)


Unlike previous docking systems, either APAS-75 unit could assume the active or passive role as required.


I have not read anything that would suggest that the later APAS-89/95 are any different. please let me know if I am wrong, I would only want this if it would be possible IRL

How would I go about making this possible without ruining the gendering you currently have? It is definitely correct that two permanently passive ports should not be able to dock as neither one has a latch mechanism.


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  On 9/5/2016 at 9:05 AM, FlyingFalap said:

I have not read anything that would suggest that the later APAS-89/95 are any different.


I would not know this. Maybe someone else who subs to this thread might be able to answer you.


  On 9/5/2016 at 9:05 AM, FlyingFalap said:

How would I go about making this possible without ruining the gendering you currently have? It is definitely correct that two permanently passive ports should not be able to dock as neither one has a latch mechanism.


KSP uses transforms defined in the blend file to define the docking port. Off the top of my head, The CFG files for the Active APAS can be modified to have the snapOffset value changed from 60 to 30.

With a 30 degree snap offset, you can dock Active-Active, and still do Active-Passive. though only make this change for the CXA_APAS_A.cfg file.

Edited by cxg2827
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DS%20APAS%2089%20PMA%202.jpgKristall_APAS_docking_mechanisms.jpghttp://www.orbiter-forum.com/showthread.php?t=22235 A poster in this topic states that the APAS 95 used on the ISS is non-androgynous, and you can see this as well in photos of the ports from approachint shuttles; the passive port is visibly missing the spring assemblies under each petal that on an active port would extend the docking ring. As a result, the station-side port is physically unable to perform the active role. It does appear that the APAS 89 port used on Mir, which was very similae to 95, was fully androgynous however, if that's any help.

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The whole point of an androgynous system is that any two parts can dock together. Ports on a spacecraft can switch to active or passive depending on their role: typically the port playing the active role extends, but if it's retracted, then it acts as a passive port. On the ISS, the ports are passive only, because they will always be docked to by active spacecraft, but there should be nothing preventing two Orions or two Dragons from docking together.

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Version 1.3 is now up. New Solar, Radiator (forgot to include, fixing release after work), and Truss parts to play with. I'll update the OP tomorrow evening with new pictures and some additional information on the Rectangular Truss Attachment System (RTAS) docking ports, as they can be a little tricky to use.

Download v1.3 on SpaceDock


Change Log:



New Parts:

  • KHM 2.5M-1.25M Adapter
  • 1.25M APAS-Passive (Mk1-2)
  • Long Spacer Truss (ITS)
  • Integrated Equipment Assembly Truss (ITS)
  • Rectangular Truss Attachment System (RTAS)- Active
  • Rectangular Truss Attachment System (RTAS)- Passive 
    • Note these RTAs ports are tricky to use unless you are a veteran at docking. Forum Thread OP will get
      updated information regarding these
  • Electronic Equipment Thermal Control System (EETCS) Radiators
  • Solar Array Wing


  • Trunnion Pin received specular texture.
  • Z1 received normal/specular textures. Tray deployment animation reduced angle. Slight change in model
    to accept RTAS docking port (not craft breaking). grabbable handrails.
  • KU Band Antenna received normal/specular textures. Given surface attach node.
  • 1/2 Resolutions textures updated per new changes.


Edited by cxg2827
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  On 9/8/2016 at 6:01 AM, cxg2827 said:

Version 1.3 is now up. New Solar, Radiator, and Truss parts to play with. I'll update the OP tomorrow evening with new pictures and some additional information on the Rectangular Truss Attachment System (RTAS) docking ports, as they can be a little tricky to use.

Download v1.3 on SpaceDock


Change Log:



I am Missing the Solar Wing in the doanload, i downloaded from CKAN - somehow spacedock doesnt let me download


Edit: neither the CKAN nor the spacedock download contain Solar Wings or Radiators

Edited by Jasseji
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  On 9/8/2016 at 12:00 PM, Tristonwilson12 said:

they do for me


Hmm, weird, under which subfolder ?

I have under Parts/Utility only the Trunnion Pin + KU band Antenna,

under Parts/Truss:

CxAerospace - Station Parts Pack v1.3\GameData\CxAerospace\Station Parts\Parts\Truss\CXA_P6_BATTERY_TRUSS.cfg
CxAerospace - Station Parts Pack v1.3\GameData\CxAerospace\Station Parts\Parts\Truss\CXA_P6_LONG_SPACER.cfg
CxAerospace - Station Parts Pack v1.3\GameData\CxAerospace\Station Parts\Parts\Truss\CXA_RTAS_A.cfg
CxAerospace - Station Parts Pack v1.3\GameData\CxAerospace\Station Parts\Parts\Truss\CXA_RTAS_P.cfg
CxAerospace - Station Parts Pack v1.3\GameData\CxAerospace\Station Parts\Parts\Truss\CXA_Z1.cfg

The new APAS is present too, as well as the KHM Endcap, missing the Radiator and Solar wing inside the .zip file

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@Jasseji, I just checked SpacePort, and you are correct. There should be a "SolarNRad" folder under "Parts", but it looks like I didn't properly package the files. Half res textures are there for them, but no parts. whoops.

I'll get the download fixed after i get home from work today, sorry folks.

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  On 9/8/2016 at 12:58 PM, cxg2827 said:

@Jasseji, I just checked SpacePort, and you are correct. There should be a "SolarNRad" folder under "Parts", but it looks like I didn't properly package the files. Half res textures are there for them, but no parts. whoops.

I'll get the download fixed after i get home from work today, sorry folks.


Thanks, good to know i'm not blind :D

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@AndrewHere, are you referring to the new RTAS ones? I'm making a a guide for that tonight.

Typical troubleshooting, make sure you are docking active-passive. The acquire force is pretty small for these, so it gives you some more time during magnetism to properly align the alignment pins into the passive capture cups.

These ports are pretty unforgiving, so you might have to use RCS to back us a smidge for re-alignment if you miss.

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