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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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@MeCripp I already know it's entirely possible without FS but it would have no extensive sound management and no prop blur. My guess is the tail rotor is RCS as well or SAS but only RCS can turn directionality. Unlike FS which accelerates the tail rotors to turn the whole craft. There will also be no mesh switching. Put simply, I can't drop all of FS :P 

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34 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:


@VoidGap It's normal if you just started the engine. You have to gain some speed first before the propellers get some pull going.

Ah, It seems it was a problem with the biplane tail skid from the firespitter mod.  It provides more resistance than a wheel, and was preventing my biplanes from budging an inch with such low thrust. Once I switched to a normal back wheel my planes work exactly as you described. But the engines used to have much higher stationary thrust, why the change? Is it more realistic this way? Thank you so much for this mod, I love combining it with a bunch of other mods to make ww1-ww2 dogfights.

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@VoidGap I believe so. Without it, the engines would usually shoot the plane off before the sound even finishes powering up. And the sounds are shortened. Besides, it also doesn't automatically fly after a full thrust at any moment on the runway unless it's picked up enough speed. Because powerful engines such as Bumblebee usually can take off in less than a few seconds. It still can but after it's picked up speed now, not almost instantly. It's like simulating the slow rise in RPM when trying to take off. I could adjust that in engine response time but that would make the engine less responsive while in-flight (much like a jet engine). So it was the best way to implement it. Because it would only respond slowly when it's stationary, not while in-flight.

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This mod is amazing, honestly there are not many mods out there that do prop engines besides firespitter, and KAX, I really like the NK-12 which is pretty sick. I also love the "Kitty" Turboprop I am assuming it is based on the Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-76P Similar to what is used on the Pilatus PC-12 If so awesome. If you are open to suggestions I have an engine request, I would really like to see a General Electric CT7-9B Turboprop very similar to what is used on the Saab 340. 

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On 12/3/2016 at 11:57 PM, Shnyrik said:

TweakScale can help you. Simply add this config to TweakScale patch folder.

  Reveal hidden contents

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free

        type = free


There also is a solution, at least for open cockpits.

There is Mk1 Cargo Bay mod which also has 0.625 cargo bay.

You take it, take command seat and as a result get tons of happiness :wink:


What a cute I-153

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Aviator Arsenal contains a dll that handles dynamic propeller spinning, used for the trumpet.

It could easily be modified to handle propellers, maybe even applying actual torque and generating thrust based on the propeller settings and rpm.

Modifying it to do that would provide a neat simplified alternative to FS, which has much more than what you might need and contains some known issues.

If anyone is interested on forking it please contact me as it has a strict license.

Advanced Jet Engine could also be a good alternative but it seems a bit complicated to configure and set up.

Edited by tetryds
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@tetryds I like firespitter, but if there's something else out there that works just as well and hopefully has a modder-friendly module usage, I'd switch to it. It'd also be preferable if it all handles the features FS does. Because sure, IFS can do fuel switch and I don't know if mesh switch as well and AA could also handle prop spin, it's hard to tell if the other would be updated as soon as the release or as soon as the other does. Even if FS is on life support, at least it's up to date and only one plugin to rule them all.


Anyway, update. I'll probably fix NREs after the next release, I don't know if I'm up for reconfiguring all rotors yet. Because I've added two more. In any case, here's the second rotor for this next update.


But that's not all. Look at that hull.



I'll probably add cockpits on next release too. I'd like to release continuously if I can. Though I'd work when I feel like it. And I feel like it atm so I may update a couple more in succession. Hopefully.

Some more details about the Mk1 Bay Door:


It's almost the same looking as an Mk1 Structural Fuselage but the ribs are closer to each other "for structural integrity"



P.S. It functions as a cargo bay so how far it's opened is also adjustable :) 

Edited by blackheart612
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On 12/4/2016 at 7:58 PM, MeCripp said:

If you wanted to try and drop the FS plugin you could look here

just a option maybe


@blackheart612 I wasn't a big fan of Chopper Parts because of animation frame stutter. The faster the blades turn the less rotation you see until it looks like the blades are turning in just two positions or not turning at all. This is because the blades are turning at the same frames per second as the display. The rotor switch swaps the blades for a blur that the computer can display. With KRX I had to give different rotation speeds for different blade counts. I use @RoverDude's FireSpitter as that version is the closest to current.


12 hours ago, blackheart612 said:

@tetryds I like firespitter, but if there's something else out there that works just as well and hopefully has a modder-friendly module usage, I'd switch to it. It'd also be preferable if it all handles the features FS does. Because sure, IFS can do fuel switch and I don't know if mesh switch as well and AA could also handle prop spin, it's hard to tell if the other would be updated as soon as the release or as soon as the other does. Even if FS is on life support, at least it's up to date and only one plugin to rule them all.


Anyway, update. I'll probably fix NREs after the next release, I don't know if I'm up for reconfiguring all rotors yet. Because I've added two more. In any case, here's the second rotor for this next update.


But that's not all. Look at that hull.



I'll probably add cockpits on next release too. I'd like to release continuously if I can. Though I'd work when I feel like it. And I feel like it atm so I may update a couple more in succession. Hopefully.

Some more details about the Mk1 Bay Door:

  Reveal hidden contents

It's almost the same looking as an Mk1 Structural Fuselage but the ribs are closer to each other "for structural integrity"



P.S. It functions as a cargo bay so how far it's opened is also adjustable :) 

I'm loving the cargo bay :cool:

Edited by Eskandare
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@Eskandare FSEngines also does that but I'm not sure if it's adjustable on the settings. It only happens when it's about to turn into blur anyway. There's a certain amount of spin until what you said happens. Unless it has blur... Maybe I should try spinning the blurs so fast it goes irregular like that. Stuttering and stopping then reversing the spin direction. I wonder how it will look :o 

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Just now, blackheart612 said:

@Eskandare FSEngines also does that but I'm not sure if it's adjustable on the settings. It only happens when it's about to turn into blur anyway. There's a certain amount of spin until what you said happens. Unless it has blur... Maybe I should try spinning the blurs so fast it goes irregular like that. Stuttering and stopping then reversing the spin direction. I wonder how it will look :o 

Look at the rotation speeds I use, you may want to use 400 as the rotation speed for 4 blades. that is how I solved the problem with my upcoming Hawk engine.

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13 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:

@Eskandare I'm more concerned about the Hawk engine. Is it a General Electric T700? Though I can't adjust the spins because I'm using FSEngines, it has a different function than Module Engines and the blade spin is not adjustable by Propeller spinner but adjusted by the RPM amount, see video on OP


I find the FSengines was designed with an older KSP in mind, it was great at the time but completely unfinished. As far I could tell, it flat out wasn't working in 1.2. I prefer to use Module Engines to get the effect.

	     name = FSplanePropellerSpinner
	     propellerName = bladeSpinner	
	     rotationSpeed = -400
	     //windmillRPM = 0.01
	     spinUpTime = 7.0 //15.0
	     useRotorDiscSwap = 1
		 rotorDiscFadeInStart = 0.45
		 rotorDiscFadeInEnd = 0.65
		 rotorDiscSpeed = -400
		 rotorDiscName = rotorDisc
		 blade1 = rotorMast
	     name = FSplanePropellerSpinner
	     propellerName = shaftSpinner	
	     rotationSpeed = -400
	     //windmillRPM = 0.01
	     spinUpTime = 7.0 //15.0
	     useRotorDiscSwap = 0
	     name = FSplanePropellerSpinner
		 rotationSpeed = -400
		 //windmillRPM = 0.001
		 spinUpTime = 7.0 //15.0
		 useRotorDiscSwap = 1
		 rotorDiscFadeInStart = 0.45
		 rotorDiscFadeInEnd = 0.65
		 rotorDiscSpeed = -400
		 rotorDiscName = rotorMastblur


Edited by Eskandare
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At this point (1.2.x) FSEngines really show signs of aging. Though the one I had to decipher a bit was FSengineBladed used on the tail rotors which function greatly and I really like it as it's the only realistic way a tail rotor would function without any tricks like RCS or another plugin's help.

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4 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:

At this point (1.2.x) FSEngines really show signs of aging. Though the one I had to decipher a bit was FSengineBladed used on the tail rotors which function greatly and I really like it as it's the only realistic way a tail rotor would function without any tricks like RCS or another plugin's help.

In reality I look at the situation like this: KSP is a game and games use suspension of disbelief to create a desired effect. If RCS and Module Engines is needed to be used to generate the desired effect then sobeit.

I don't see the NREs getting fixed in the foreseeable future as FSEngines got left in a prototype phase and never finished.

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Btw. anyone aware that the velcurve coming w the ww2 prop engines as well as ww1 era et all cause the engines to flame out if you are not going at least 0.2m/s ?

Makes it kinda hard to get going in the first place if you spawn in, sit on runway w or without brakes applied and try to get going unless Jeb picks it up like a paper plane and starts pushing...

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Hmmm, I've added the wings of C-130 but I'm not sure if people will like it. I'll post a pic, let me know what you think. I've also added a huge Flag Decal on the Cargo Door and I think it's pretty fancy.



@gsc What's the issue exactly? The plane will have very low stationary thrust, you can't fly instantly when it's on. You need to slowly taxi forward before takeoff. Even if you don't have brakes and the going backwards, the engine will be powerful enough to pull your forward. Just don't apply brakes.

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56 minutes ago, blackheart612 said:

@gsc What's the issue exactly? The plane will have very low stationary thrust, you can't fly instantly when it's on. You need to slowly taxi forward before takeoff. Even if you don't have brakes and the going backwards, the engine will be powerful enough to pull your forward. Just don't apply brakes.

The problem isnt low thrust when stationary, thats all nice and peachy - its the fact that the engines flame out immediately once activated when/if you are not doing at least 0.2m/s in either direction, no matter if fore/aft/side/up/down - if you just spawned in - physics ease done, sitting on runway NOT drifting away by some phantom force (ie 0.0m/s speed) the engine/s wont start / flame out


Or just come to a full stop if engines are running and as soon as you drop below 0.2m/s = flame-out


basically tested the 601 Tornado engine mostly - but for laughs tried the spud one as well and same thing...


its the included velcurve params in cfg - switched the one in tornado out w one from the 601 from sxt pack and voila - starts right up sitting on runway stationary (0.0m/s)

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Hmmm, I'll tweak the model a bit though, it needs some fine tuning in the angle part of it. It's angled awkwardly so the ailerons are finely rotated to match the angle. I'll also figure out how to make a better collider for it.

@gsc Something is different on your side. I've tested both engines you said and I couldn't replicate the issue. Latest release of AP+ test suggests they work @ 0m/s. I just throttled to 0 on the pics to avoid moving. KSP 1.2.1.




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