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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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@blackheart612 nice propellers you have there.

I see you have doubts about the engine curves, and while I still didn't try the pack I have read here that they are somewhat overpowered.

BAD-T has realistic curves for both single and double stage superchargers, feel free to use them on yout engines.


I would recommend not raising static thrust higher than 45kN as they start getting way too overpowered.

You can find the supercharger setting on the description or sulfix (D for double, S for single).

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On 22/05/2016 at 7:38 PM, blackheart612 said:

 I'm not sure about that, radial cockpit would probably have clipping and I have no idea what that might do. Probably none but still, the length of the razorback is then limited to the design of the cockpit.

The stryker mod had surface mount radial cockpits, they worked fine. It also had a razor back set up. It basically had a cockpit with two rear nodes, a large on for the main 1.25m section, and a small one behind the cockpit. Then it had surface mount pieces that could be attached behind the cockpit to turn any 1.25m cylinder part into a razor back.

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12 hours ago, Artfact said:

@theonegalenLooking very good to me.:) Perhaps the Marlin's a bit too powerful in comparison, but the speed curves look great on all!
You tested this with FAR?
Good that you didn't go for a dual mounted test bed for the Alison.

Yeah, the KAX radial had a problem with its props generating too much drag. I believe for a while all KAX engines had this problem.

I don't currently use FAR, so no, these cfgs are tuned for Stock Aero. I was under the impression most players who used FAR also used AJE, which I thought did things with propellers already. My apologies if it is not so.

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On 5/26/2016 at 1:02 AM, tetryds said:

@blackheart612 nice propellers you have there.

I see you have doubts about the engine curves, and while I still didn't try the pack I have read here that they are somewhat overpowered.

BAD-T has realistic curves for both single and double stage superchargers, feel free to use them on yout engines.


I would recommend not raising static thrust higher than 45kN as they start getting way too overpowered.

You can find the supercharger setting on the description or sulfix (D for double, S for single).

Awesome! I'd check them out for reference, although it would seem like some people would like to help me in making configs as well. I'll see what we can come up with soontm

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I worked on some updates with the two engines in to match the newest engines (and make it kerbalish I guess) - the propellers have been resized and K1710 (middle) got its propeller reworked. There's also another prop coming along which might be together with release 2 if I get proper configs. 

That's a spitfire engine on the right.


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On 5/26/2016 at 0:02 PM, tetryds said:

@blackheart612 nice propellers you have there.

I see you have doubts about the engine curves, and while I still didn't try the pack I have read here that they are somewhat overpowered.

BAD-T has realistic curves for both single and double stage superchargers, feel free to use them on yout engines.


I would recommend not raising static thrust higher than 45kN as they start getting way too overpowered.

You can find the supercharger setting on the description or sulfix (D for double, S for single).

I'm taking a look at Blackheart's configs and wanted to check out your BAD-T curves for some reference points but the D/L link to your SXT Props pack is currently disabled by Dropbox for too much traffic LOL.  Any place else I can pick them up or are they the same ones that come with Lack's SXT pack?  Wasn't sure so thought I'd ask...

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@rasta013 Oh, my bad, try this one: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxzJ7NAE_s5PY0xBVkpKLU9INWs

Make sure to update your firespitter plugin to the latest 1.1.2 compatible version.

@blackheart612 those props are awesome, would you mind if I redistributed your engines with modified cfgs together with the SXT propellers for the next BAD-T?

Edit: @rasta013 some engines will throw NREs too, add this MM patch to fix that:


    dependOnEngineState = True
    dependOnThrottle = True


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Welp, here's the fourth prop. I'm thinking about making some more parts but I have 2 more props to do in mind probably.

Edit: I actually had some issues with this engine. Visual issues. But I'll keep it a secret. If anybody notices, then I'll tell. :P


Edited by blackheart612
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21 hours ago, blackheart612 said:

Welp, here's the fourth prop. I'm thinking about making some more parts but I have 2 more props to do in mind probably.

Edit: I actually had some issues with this engine. Visual issues. But I'll keep it a secret. If anybody notices, then I'll tell. :P


Ah, wonderful, with that as base I can finally make a propper He 112.:)
If it is indeed a Me 109 engine (earlier types) than the nose is a bit too pointy noh? Was this your visual issue?:3

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2 hours ago, Artfact said:

Ah, wonderful, with that as base I can finally make a propper He 112.:)
If it is indeed a Me 109 engine (earlier types) than the nose is a bit too pointy noh? Was this your visual issue?:3

Well, now that's mostly a design flaw from me :P I based it off the Bf 109 E-3 and the blueprints had cuts for barrels (on top of the nose and in the middle of the propellers) the nose itself was cut as well because there should have been a hole for a cannon. I cut the nose tip, filled it up with a cone and failed horribly. That can easily be fixed though.

Edited by blackheart612
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Do you plan on making WW2 themed airplane cockpits?

All the mods I know of which added them stopped being maintained as far as I know, and since your prop engines look so good I am sure you could make pretty cockpits.

Also, you can try AviatorArsenal weapons on these props if you want to tweak them to fit weapons nicely.

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Very impressive collection you have, @tetryds! But I am under the impression that not all of the users of my mod necessarily play with BD armory and your pack especially because there are issues in BD armory apparently because Baha didn't update to 1.1.2 yet. That doesn't mean I can't make a compatibility patch in the future though :wink:

Regarding the cockpits I am reluctant to do that at the moment, really. Since I could probably make a cockpit and then I should make a non-mediocre interior which is probably not gonna be easy or quick. I would probably venture into it in the future but not as soon as I can. Plus I actually want custom cockpits in the game but that would require additional parts to correspond with it.

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@blackheart612 yes that is true, it's mainly so that you shape it in a way that it looks good with and without them, at your will.

About the cockpits, take your time, BAD-T 3 will also have to wait for BDArmory so they may be already under development when the setup starts. For the purpose of the tournament it would be ok if they didn't have IVAs at all, but that depends on if you are interested on making the exteriors of the ones you plan to make before making the IVAs for them (and if you care about that at all).

As soon as BAD-T 2 ends I will make configs for your engines for myself and share them here, I will also suggest that AJE configs are made for them on the future.

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Actually, when I learn making cockpits, I will try and resist to make IVAs if it ever happened soon enough. Meanwhile, I actually did some revisiting on the Marlin's blades so I improved it.



Here's some sneak peek on what I am developing next. This MAY be for release 3 because I'm thinking of releasing two engines at a time. So I went and made the engine of the F4U Corsair which happened to have two rows of radial engine. I was so tempted to detail it so here is what it resulted into (I just baked at quickly UV'd mesh for depth) [see Spoiler for image]. But I discovered that the engine of the A6M Zero was also two rows of radial with fewer cylinders so I was grooving. Now, the nose casing will take some time but I'm happy to have made these.




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