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[1.4.x-1.8.x] Airplane Plus - R26.4 (Fixed issues/Github is up to date) (Dec 21, 2019)


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14 minutes ago, TedwinKnockman66 said:

windows is so dark, and i think you need to do mk1 sized mi-8 cockpit because it's not very giant helicopter

It's true, though there are various reasons why I didn't make it an Mk1. It's useful to have a Size 2 Viewer's cockpit. The engine of Mi-8 is also made for Size 2. It contains a cargo bay behind which is useless in an Mk1, and I can make a cargobay for 2.5m. I've also overloaded the Mk1 cockpits. So it's better to distribute the sizes.

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1 hour ago, TedwinKnockman66 said:

but can you do both versions of mi-8 cockpit? (because mi-8 is common trasport heli) helicopter, and i think for cargo heli you should need to do Mi-26 or Mi-6 for 2,5 or MK-3 size

Unfortunately not, like I said, Mk1 as of this moment is done already. You can still use Mi-8 on size 2 as a transport helicopter as there is a transport cabin already out. There are other cockpits for Mk1 to use. In fact, there are 2 helicopter cockpits for Mk1 already.
Aside from these reasons, Making an Mk-1 cockpit would mean I'd have to remake a smaller iva and reconfigure the props and everything. There would also be no Mi-8 rotors so I have to do a size for Mk-1 already. That's why Mi-8 will be settled in Size 2.

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I love this mod and I really appreciate all the effort you put into it, but... I am wondering if you could make these gorgeous parts TweakScale-able (Except for the cockpits and crew modules)? It would make all of those parts extra useful! :wink:

Oh also here is one of my recent crafts that I made using your wonderful mod :)

Edited by AdrianK.
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2 hours ago, blackheart612 said:

Dev update at last. It's been a while since I got to work but I've finished the last part I want to have for the next update. I'll be tending configs to fix everything I remember and will soon have a release ready version.



Finally I can give my Mi-8 the cockpit and rotors she deserves!! 



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On 19/01/2017 at 7:46 PM, TheRagingIrishman said:

Welcome to the forums! @SufficientAnonymity made some RPM configs a while back and I finally got around to packaging them and writing a mm.cfg to autoswitch the internal from the stock one to the RPM one. Go to the link below, download it, put the stuff in the Spaces folder into /GameData/AirplanePlus/Spaces and put the APP_RPM.cfg file anywhere within /GameData. Make sure you have ModuleManager installed. There are currently no RPM internals for either of the size 2 cockpits (Droopnose and Commercial).


@SufficientAnonymity would you mind making RPM internals for the 2 cockpits that currently don't have any?

@blackheart612 would you mind adding these to the next release?

Will do, but a bit snowed under with some big shoots to retouch at the moment.

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Release 11

Let's fix everything! If there are further issues, I will update in about a day with the collective issues that I can replicate and fix. For now, Here are the existing ones I fixed. Also, a few new parts while I'm at it. Formal Changelog:


Added Size 2 Viewer's Cockpit based on Mi-8 Hip

Added J-56 "Lotus" High-Bypass Turbofan Engine, based on Airbus A320's CFM-56

Added KV2-117A "Hippo" Turboshaft Engine based on Mi-8 Hip, as well as its tail rotor, KV2-117A Control Rotor

Added KV3-117 "Twinblade" Coaxial Turboshaft Engine, based on Kamov Ka-52


Fixed issue where navball will be reoriented in a wrong direction when reverting if Airplane Plus cockpit is used - for all cockpits

Fixed almost lack of roll on Size 2 cockpits

Fixed missing intakes for MK2 Non-commercial Cockpit

Fixed transparent IVA on droopnose (concorde) cockpit

Fixed badly placed doors for Size 2 Passenger Cabin IVA

Fixed and filled hollow colliders for cockpits to avoid problems with FAR

Fixed wrong mirror on Elevon 2B (WARNING: You will need to remake crafts with this or it will be rotated in the wrong direction for existing crafts)


Actually updated the Part Deleter's Guide


Enjoy! :D 

Edited by blackheart612
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Well, here she is. My attempt at an Mi-8 replica.

My only issue is the controllability of the aircraft with the rotors from this mod. Whilst the aircraft is in flight, the controls feel quite sluggish and unresponsive. I have taken to using the rotors from KRX, as they have just the right amount of power (I know .cfg files can be changed, having made a few changes to the thrust of the AP+ rotors). 

Apologies if this seems overly negative, 'tis my honest review of the rotors in this mod.

Keep up the great work! :wink:

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UPDATED TWEAKSCALE PATCH, follow the link below, simply place the entire folder into your KSP gameData directory for tweakscale goodness. You will also need to download tweakscale separately, which can be found on this forum thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/101540-122-tweakscale-v234jan-23/

Airplanes Plus Tweakscale Download


@blackheart612 if you could please, update your OP with this link for the tweakscale patch

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1 minute ago, blackheart612 said:

Awesome, I've updated the link. Thanks :) 

Here for you sir. Thanks for updating! If you remember, could you please tag me when you release new updates and let me know what the new parts are so I can keep it up to date? :) 

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On 1/29/2017 at 5:52 PM, blackheart612 said:

Dev update at last. It's been a while since I got to work but I've finished the last part I want to have for the next update. I'll be tending configs to fix everything I remember and will soon have a release ready version.


You can use http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155056-122-kerbal-foundries-continued-tracks-wheels-and-gear-01-22-17/

for your wheels...


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Coming along nicely. I pimped up the F16 cockpit with some ASET/RPM love. A little more work left such as gear/flaps levers, a few buttons more and fine tweaks. Also, the fix for the hex codes on the HUD is hopefully here soon.
-Not trying to make an authentic F16 cockpit whatsoever, just one that works.



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Patch 11.1

Small fixes and updated the OP with some fabulous catalog of some of the parts.




Buffed all helicopter main rotors to have 50% more from its base power

Fixed no hatch for Size 2 Viewer's Cockpit

Fixed Blank texture for Brand Decal on CFM56 to show up transparent texture instead of white and black


Additional changelog not added from last release:

Added ability to search for real names to see specific parts (i.e, Airbus, Falcon, Fighter, etc)

Fixed Size 2 Non-commercial cockpit to have only one crew


@TedwinKnockman66 Some feedback regarding the rotors are much appreciated. I'm looking to improve them.

Edited by blackheart612
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Rotor buff was needed, thanks!

i also wanted to say, maybe you should check how propeller engines work if you get lot of free time; Propellers should produce almost no thrust when they get to their critical max speed instead of stopping. They should work normally, but produce no thrust.

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