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[1.11.2] B9PartSwitch v2.18.0 (March 17)


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If anyone wants to provide any useful information about what is or is not working in new KSP versions, including relevant debugging issue such as logs, please do so, otherwise just wait for an update.

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9 hours ago, blowfish said:

If anyone wants to provide any useful information about what is or is not working in new KSP versions, including relevant debugging issue such as logs, please do so, otherwise just wait for an update.

I use B9PartSwitch for my mods BetterSRBs and EveOptimizedEngines and I haven't had a problem with either one in KSP 1.12.1.  Everything seems to be functioning normally, at least for what I'm using it for.

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10 hours ago, blowfish said:

If anyone wants to provide any useful information about what is or is not working in new KSP versions, including relevant debugging issue such as logs, please do so, otherwise just wait for an update.

Only thing I could spot so far is incompatibility with the new inventory system (so already pre 1.12). Configured Items put into the Inventory will come out in some random (not the base item) setting. E.g.  to be tested with the Habtech2 Truss connectors.

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Heho @blowfish!

I'm adding support for CryoTanks, Kerbal Atomics and CryoEngines for SIMPLEX Resources.  I'm doing so by adding a CryoFuel in place of LqdMethane.  I have the patching all done, Nertea's patches for this were very straightforward.

However, in line with the the SIMPLEXResources philosophy of keeping it simple stupid, I don't want the resource for CryoFuel to be available on the stock tanks before a certain tech node .  I'm not sure whether that will be the first Methalox engine, or until the first CryoTanks are made available.   It means that early game tanks won't see CryoFuel until later in the game.

Is there an example of how this could be implemented? 

I see that there is an option for "upgradeRequired = name of a PARTUPGRADE that is required to unlock the subtype"  Is it just a matter of defining a stock part upgrade for the appropriate tech tree node?


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On 7/3/2021 at 6:43 PM, theJesuit said:

Is there an example of how this could be implemented? 

I see that there is an option for "upgradeRequired = name of a PARTUPGRADE that is required to unlock the subtype"  Is it just a matter of defining a stock part upgrade for the appropriate tech tree node?

There's an example here: RR Science Lab Blacksmith

Yes, it's simply a matter of creating a stock part upgrade ( PARTUPGRADE {} ). Its name value is then what you give to upgradeRequired in the subtype.

I have a web of fancy config stuff in there, so, gentle warning to tread cautiosly and not get webbed up. :sticktongue:



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  • 2 weeks later...

User error ignore

you guys love big crashes so heres one, hard crashes on loadup, seems the same as the others, somethign funky is going on, having mmwatchdog there or not dosent change the crashes. and obviously for me, OPT is unusable without the part switch. 

i cant read all the other warnings behind because they all pop up together and the game actually freezes then crashes to desktop. the game is 1.11.2 and everything is brand new for 1.11.2 as far as i can tell (just down graded to make pathfinder work)


installed mods 


12/07/2021  12.51    <DIR>          000_USITools
12/07/2021  17.07            14ÿ336 666_ModuleManagerWatchDog.dll
12/07/2021  17.07    <DIR>          999_KSP-Recall
12/07/2021  16.53             5ÿ120 999_Scale_Redist.dll
12/07/2021  11.54    <DIR>          Ablative-Airbrake
13/07/2021  00.47    <DIR>          B9AnimationModules
13/07/2021  00.47    <DIR>          B9_Aerospace_HX
12/07/2021  13.02    <DIR>          B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings
12/07/2021  11.54    <DIR>          B9_HX_Reconfig
12/07/2021  11.53    <DIR>          Benjee10_X-37B
12/07/2021  16.20    <DIR>          BetterBurnTime
12/07/2021  11.54    <DIR>          BonVoyage
12/07/2021  11.48    <DIR>          CommunityCategoryKit
12/07/2021  11.48    <DIR>          CommunityResourcePack
12/07/2021  16.23    <DIR>          ContractConfigurator
12/07/2021  13.08    <DIR>          ContractPacks
13/07/2021  00.34    <DIR>          CraftManager
12/07/2021  13.19    <DIR>          DeepSky
12/07/2021  12.50    <DIR>          DMagicOrbitalScience
12/07/2021  11.50    <DIR>          Endurance
12/07/2021  13.19    <DIR>          EnduranceReconfig
12/07/2021  12.50    <DIR>          ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads
12/07/2021  11.47    <DIR>          Firespitter
12/07/2021  11.53    <DIR>          FruitBatIndustries
12/07/2021  11.48    <DIR>          HLAirships
12/07/2021  13.11    <DIR>          IXSWarpShipOS
12/07/2021  13.12    <DIR>          IXSWarshipsBlueshift
12/07/2021  23.32    <DIR>          JanitorsCloset
12/07/2021  11.55    <DIR>          JSI
12/07/2021  11.53    <DIR>          KAS
14/07/2021  22.01    <DIR>          KerbalEngineer
12/07/2021  11.55    <DIR>          KerbalReusabilityExpansion
12/07/2021  11.48    <DIR>          KIS
12/07/2021  12.04    <DIR>          Knes
12/07/2021  11.55            10ÿ240 KSPModFileLocalizer.dll
12/07/2021  11.54    <DIR>          KSTS
13/07/2021  00.25    <DIR>          KXAPI
14/07/2021  22.28                 0 listing.txt
12/07/2021  11.53    <DIR>          MechJeb2
12/07/2021  16.19    <DIR>          MechJebForAll
12/07/2021  11.47           141ÿ312 ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll
14/07/2021  22.01        19ÿ934ÿ494 ModuleManager.ConfigCache
14/07/2021  22.01           812ÿ962 ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
14/07/2021  22.01             9ÿ164 ModuleManager.Physics
14/07/2021  22.01            36ÿ364 ModuleManager.TechTree
12/07/2021  23.33    <DIR>          ModuleManagerWatchDog
12/07/2021  11.54    <DIR>          NavyFish
12/07/2021  11.46    <DIR>          NearFutureProps
12/07/2021  11.48    <DIR>          NearFutureSolar
12/07/2021  17.11    <DIR>          OPT
13/07/2021  00.23    <DIR>          OPT_Legacy
12/07/2021  11.55    <DIR>          PlanetaryBaseInc
12/07/2021  12.50    <DIR>          ProceduralFairings
12/07/2021  13.08    <DIR>          PWBFuelBalancerRestored
12/07/2021  11.48    <DIR>          REPOSoftTech
12/07/2021  11.47    <DIR>          RetractableLiftingSurface
12/07/2021  11.47    <DIR>          scatterer
12/07/2021  12.50    <DIR>          ScienceRelay
07/07/2021  14.30    <DIR>          Squad
03/04/2020  18.54    <DIR>          SquadExpansion
12/07/2021  12.54    <DIR>          StageRecovery
12/07/2021  11.52    <DIR>          StationScience
12/07/2021  11.48    <DIR>          SXT
14/07/2021  16.22    <DIR>          ThunderAerospace
12/07/2021  12.55    <DIR>          Trajectories
12/07/2021  12.43    <DIR>          Tundra-ExplorationV5.0
12/07/2021  23.33    <DIR>          TweakScale
12/07/2021  12.51    <DIR>          UmbraSpaceIndustries
12/07/2021  13.11    <DIR>          Waterfall
14/07/2021  22.01                39 WBIPlayMode.cfg
14/07/2021  21.58    <DIR>          WildBlueIndustries
              10 File(s)     20ÿ964ÿ031 bytes
              63 Dir(s)  88ÿ547ÿ450ÿ880 bytes free


Edited by Space Kadet
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I'm working on a mod that adds the option to switch between different propellants for the stock engines. I recently updated from 1.7.3 to 1.12 and it no longer calculates the delta-v given in the VAB/SPH properly until I switch editors, reload the craft file, or exit and re-enter the VAB/SPH.

    name = ModuleEnginesFX
    maxThrust = 300
      name = MonoPropellant
      ratio = 1
      DrawGauge = True
      key = 0 196
      key = 1 186
      key = 7 0.001

My changes to the max thrust and atmosphere curve are calculated correctly when I select this ModuleB9PartSwitch subtype, but the delta-v is still calculated as though the engine runs on LF/Ox instead of MonoProp.

I'm using the latest version of B9PartSwitch (v2.18.0) and no other mods.

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I'm trying to write a MM patch for TAC-LS, merging all the containers in one single model, using B9PartSwitch to change the resource type. It worked for the cylindrical containers, but with the radial containers, the texture don't change!

What I'm doing wrong?

This is my patch:

	refVolume = 0
	@refVolume += #$RESOURCE[Food]/maxAmount$
	@refVolume += #$RESOURCE[Water]/maxAmount$
	@refVolume += #$RESOURCE[Oxygen]/maxAmount$
		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
		moduleID = Supply Type
		switcherDescription = Supply Type
		affectDragCubes = false
		affectFARVoxels = false
		switchInFlight = false
		baseVolume = #$../refVolume$

			name = Supplies
			title = Supplies
			primaryColor = #39826b
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 90
			tankType = TAC_Supplies
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanLifeSupport/Texture
			name = Food
			title = #autoLOC_TACLS_00016 // Food
			primaryColor = #b29368
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 60
			tankType = TAC_Food
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanFood/Texture
			name = Water
			title = #autoLOC_TACLS_00017 // Water
			primaryColor = #316178
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 50
			tankType = TAC_Water
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanDrinkingWater/Texture
			name = Oxygen
			title = #autoLOC_TACLS_00018 // Oxygen
			primaryColor = #94aebd
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 40
			tankType = TAC_Oxygen
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanBreathingOxygen/Texture
			name = Waste
			title = #autoLOC_TACLS_00020 // Waste
			primaryColor = #1d1d1d
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 10
			tankType = TAC_Waste
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanWaste/WasteTexture

	-RESOURCE[Food] {}
	-RESOURCE[Water] {}
	-RESOURCE[Oxygen] {}

// Hide obsolete parts
	%TechHidden = True
	@category = none
	@tags ^= :\s*cck-lifesupport::

This is the original parts:

        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanLifeSupport/Texture
        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanFood/Texture
        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanDrinkingWater/Texture
        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanBreathingOxygen/Texture
        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanWaste/WasteTexture

*  Only showing here the definition of the 'MODEL'!

The resources are changing correctly. Only the texture don't change! It keeps the texture of the original part that I'm editing!

I was able to do the same thing with the stackable (cylindrical) container, changing the resources and texture!



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10 hours ago, Dominiquini said:

I'm trying to write a MM patch for TAC-LS, merging all the containers in one single model, using B9PartSwitch to change the resource type. It worked for the cylindrical containers, but with the radial containers, the texture don't change!

What I'm doing wrong?

This is my patch:

	refVolume = 0
	@refVolume += #$RESOURCE[Food]/maxAmount$
	@refVolume += #$RESOURCE[Water]/maxAmount$
	@refVolume += #$RESOURCE[Oxygen]/maxAmount$
		name = ModuleB9PartSwitch
		moduleID = Supply Type
		switcherDescription = Supply Type
		affectDragCubes = false
		affectFARVoxels = false
		switchInFlight = false
		baseVolume = #$../refVolume$

			name = Supplies
			title = Supplies
			primaryColor = #39826b
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 90
			tankType = TAC_Supplies
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanLifeSupport/Texture
			name = Food
			title = #autoLOC_TACLS_00016 // Food
			primaryColor = #b29368
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 60
			tankType = TAC_Food
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanFood/Texture
			name = Water
			title = #autoLOC_TACLS_00017 // Water
			primaryColor = #316178
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 50
			tankType = TAC_Water
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanDrinkingWater/Texture
			name = Oxygen
			title = #autoLOC_TACLS_00018 // Oxygen
			primaryColor = #94aebd
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 40
			tankType = TAC_Oxygen
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanBreathingOxygen/Texture
			name = Waste
			title = #autoLOC_TACLS_00020 // Waste
			primaryColor = #1d1d1d
			defaultSubtypePriority  = 10
			tankType = TAC_Waste
				currentTexture = HexCan000
				texture = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanWaste/WasteTexture

	-RESOURCE[Food] {}
	-RESOURCE[Water] {}
	-RESOURCE[Oxygen] {}

// Hide obsolete parts
	%TechHidden = True
	@category = none
	@tags ^= :\s*cck-lifesupport::

This is the original parts:

        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanLifeSupport/Texture
        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanFood/Texture
        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanDrinkingWater/Texture
        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanBreathingOxygen/Texture
        model = ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/Models/HexCan
        position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        scale     = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
        rotation = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
        texture = HexCan000, ThunderAerospace/TacLifeSupportHexCans/HexCanWaste/WasteTexture

*  Only showing here the definition of the 'MODEL'!

The resources are changing correctly. Only the texture don't change! It keeps the texture of the original part that I'm editing!

I was able to do the same thing with the stackable (cylindrical) container, changing the resources and texture!



I resolved here!

I change 'HexCan000' for 'Texture' in the 'currentTexture' field and works! I don't know why...

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  • 4 weeks later...
12 hours ago, aleianand said:

yo i can´t start ksp cause of errors from the mod, i am currently playing in 1.12.3 here is the log https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V_8UAPSk3fv50NR6oXSw6eJCZmkbnq1t/view?usp=sharing

Welcome to the forums.

You have plenty of mods installed and your log shows the following MM error summary (search for #### in the log file) that suggests the problem might be with IFS configs or WarpPlugin (KSPIE), not B9PartsSwitch itself.

[LOG 19:30:36.942] ModuleManager: 21049 patches applied, found <color=orange>77 errors</color>
2 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTGmodular.cfg
6 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSRFCmodular.cfg
8 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSCCmodular.cfg
15 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSCTmodular.cfg
2 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSISTLmodular.cfg
2 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/Patches/IFSPGTmodular.cfg
5 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER305LqdHydrogen.cfg
5 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER310LqdMethane.cfg
5 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER315Hydrazine.cfg
5 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER505LqdOxygen.cfg
5 errors related to GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches/IFSWRAPPER510HTP.cfg
17 errors related to GameData/WarpPlugin/Patches/B9PartSwitch/CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg

You could ask in those forum topics or, if you want to diagnose the problem yourself, start with a fresh KSP 1.12.2 install and add your key mods a few at a time and see when the errors start.

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@blowfish is it possible to use SUBTYPE/MODULE to modify not a module, but PART/mass?

I want make mass_multiplier_switcher:
one typical b9ps with addedMass, and another "mass_multiplier" b9ps that will multiply final mass of the part x0.001, x1000, etc


Edited by flart
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  • 2 weeks later...
45 minutes ago, Brainpop14 said:

Anyone tested this in 1.12.2 yet?

If you have the time to wait on an answer (and the time to play KSP while you wait) you should test for yourself. Consider this golden advice. ;) That said, I don't think there's ever a time where B9PS breaks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello there, Not sure if this is a user error or not but I keep getting this message

B9PartSwitch has encountered a fatal error and KSP needs to close

No subtypes found on B9PartSwitch (moduleID='StockSwitch') on part

Please see KSP's log for additional details


and yet I cant find anything relevant to the situation in the log


if you could proved some help, it would be nice



I am playing on the latest version of KSP


Edited by Giancarlo Kerman
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Hi There!

I've just got a quick question regarding part switch.

Let's say I wanted to use a MM patch to reorder the tank switches another mod provides so that they are in a different order (Ex, if they are normally Fuel 1, Fuel 2, Fuel 3, I patch it so it's Fuel 1, Fuel 3, Fuel 2 instead). What exactly would I need to do to do that?


EDIT: Never mind I figured out a workaround so I don't need to do this

Edited by CessnaSkyhawk
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I'd like to be able to use a texture atlas as a switch by simply changing the texture offset instead of either creating multiple textures, or using multiple transforms.  Looking at the documentation there doesn't appear to be a way to access the texture offset properties in the TEXTURE{} node, I'd just like to confirm that this is indeed the case.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/25/2020 at 6:04 AM, blowfish said:

There's nothing special about SSPX's configs of ModuleB9DisableTransform.  It can all be patched with MM just like anything else.  Figure out what the state of the config is at the point you want to patch it, then make the edits you need.

Also keep patch order in mind.  @PART[sspx-cargo-container*] is going to run in the legacy pass, which is before all mod passes.  @PART[sspx-cargo-container*]:BEFORE[StationPartsExpansionRedux] will run long after that


On 1/25/2020 at 8:49 AM, theJesuit said:

In testing my patch only works with the BEFORE. If not then the decals get stuck on one particular, unasked for, decal (the diamond one). This is the only way I've been able to make it work - unless I'm missing something.

Away from my computer currently, I think when I've used FOR it gets stuck on am OreDecal.  But that might be the MetallicOreDecal.

Thanks for the sugggestions and help though!

It's been a while, and I have FINALLY cracked this issue.  On incorrect and additional overlaid decals on the SSPX container (and recent logistics ) parts.  I couldn't work out what I was doing wrong,  I now have it SORTED.

SSPX has 32 transforms for the decals basically for mod support.  Without any mods additional mods (MKS, EL, etc, in each container file it has all 32 theme listed as transform = etc, but helpfully at the top transform = Ore is commented out. SSPX then patches this to remove the transforms when certain mods are installed.

I couldn't for the life of me work out how, or when to repatch for Simplex Resources.  I'd get the green diamond decal for everything.  Or I'd get the first few, and then a repeat of whatever I have first.

I had worked out to remove the whole then using AFTER, and start from scratch.  But still no luck!

What I finally realised is that the transform lists have to be in a specific order.  For my patch (below in the spoiler) I have moved the removed deacals to the top.  These have to be in the same order that they appear in the part.cfg file of the container parts.  Same with the others.  Even mixing them seems to muck it all up.

Basically, there are two patches now, as it works.  So I'm leaving it, from the second you can see that the decals now used with Kerbalism Simplex are kept in the same order.

	{	@MODULE[ModuleB9DisableTransform]
			{	!transform = OreDecal
				!transform = MetallicOreDecal
				!transform = SpecializedPartsDecal
				!transform = HydratesDecal
				!transform = WaterDecal
				!transform = RocketPartsDecal
				transform = UraniniteDecal
				transform = SubstrateDecal
				transform = MineralsDecal
				transform = CommoditiesDecal
				transform = ExoticMineralsDecal
				transform = RareMetalsDecal
				transform = MaterialKitsDecal
				transform = MetalsDecal
				transform = PolymersDecal
				transform = SuppliesDecal
				transform = MachineryDecal
				transform = RecyclablesDecal
				transform = FertilizerDecal
				transform = GypsumDecal
				transform = DirtDecal
				transform = SilicatesDecal
				transform = SiliconDecal
				transform = RefinedExoticsDecal
				transform = ColonySuppliesDecal
				transform = OrganicsDecal
				transform = RockDecal
				transform = LeadDecal
				transform = SnacksDecal
				transform = SoilDecal
				transform = ScrapMetalDecal
				transform = LifeSupportDecal

	{	@MODULE[ModuleB9DisableTransform]
			{	!transform = OreDecal
				!transform = MetallicOreDecal
				!transform = SuppliesDecal
				!transform = SpecializedPartsDecal
				!transform = FertilizerDecal
				!transform = HydratesDecal
				!transform = WaterDecal
				!transform = SnacksDecal
				!transform = RocketPartsDecal
				transform = UraniniteDecal
				transform = SubstrateDecal
				transform = MineralsDecal
				transform = CommoditiesDecal
				transform = ExoticMineralsDecal
				transform = RareMetalsDecal
				transform = MaterialKitsDecal
				transform = MetalsDecal
				transform = PolymersDecal
				transform = MachineryDecal
				transform = RecyclablesDecal
				transform = GypsumDecal
				transform = DirtDecal
				transform = SilicatesDecal
				transform = SiliconDecal
				transform = RefinedExoticsDecal
				transform = ColonySuppliesDecal
				transform = OrganicsDecal
				transform = RockDecal
				transform = LeadDecal
				transform = SoilDecal
				transform = ScrapMetalDecal
				transform = LifeSupportDecal


 So, a couple of years now and I have got it sorted.  transforms to be kept in order.

The part switch for tank  types that use these can be in any order.


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