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The children between worlds <Revived>


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Okay guys, lets try something new (I'll be doing this for Infinitum as well) I'm going to start posting the first 300 words of each new chapter here, just so you can see my progress, I think this'll work well because it's the first few hundred words of the next chapter, not a couple hundred random words further along.

Anyway, here :)


On the surface of Urncisa


Lo’ez, a messenger for King O’as, was on his way to meet King Khuu. A powerful king whose empire was one of the largest, only out-sized by O’as’ empire, it was a several X’a away by gliding, and he gently skimmed just K’x’ over the trees with a gliding machine that allowed him to glide extremely long distances without tiring, and used small pedals to keep it airborne. If he used just his wings, it would take many X’a due to fatigue taking over.

He came upon the guard posts several V’l after leaving the castle, large but lightweight structures that spanned across several trees in order to spread the weight around, they were used for defensive purposes, and he made a gentle landing, everyone who left the empire was required to gain exit, and entry by the guards or they would have the authority to shoot on sight with the mechanized trebuchets that could hurl stones, and black powder bombs several hundred K’x, they were quite impressive and exceptionally powerful, the only problem was that wars were more brutal, and many mistakes were made when they accidentally took down one of their own.

“Hello Lo’ez, what brings you here today?” Asked the guard, he was getting used to seeing him, giving messages to Khuu mostly, to keep the fragile peace between them.

“I’m delivering a message to King Khuu.” He said.

“May I see the message?” The guard asked.

Lo’ez handed it over it was sealed with the king's seal, and the guard looked it over, examining the seal to make sure it was authentic “This seems good to go, you’re free to carry on.” He said before using a mirror to signal the Okay to let him by.

“Thank you,” He said, and jumped off the tree..."

Aside from the bold text, that's 300 words :) The (...") was just there to show there's more text.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I know I haven't made many word count updates in a while, but chapter 6 is 3.1k words long, and 34.6k words overall now, chapter 7 will begin somewhere along the 35-6k word count, and by chapter 9, (The planned halfway point) it will be at least 42-45k words long overall, so around novel length, if it got published at that time (Word count wise at least) :)

Edited by Spaceception
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Two updates in one day? This almost never happens!


Well it did happen! I've finished chapter 6, and am (FINALLY) working on chapter seven, it's just over 4k words, 35.5k words total.

Which means, that when I start on chapter 8...

I'LL BE PAST 40K WORDS(Hopefully, maybe in the beginning of Chapter 8)!!

That's the novel length (Minimum, but I'll take what I can get :))!

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So, after some consideration, I've decided I'll only put up the first 7 chapters up, and the first two 2nd draft chapters up when they're finished.

I'll still do progress updates, however, and publishing updates when the book is complete, and I'm looking to publish it.

@Findthepin1@TotallyNotHuman_@Andem@ProtoJeb21 & @Atlas2342, you guys will still see the full novel, every draft so I can get tips on how to improve it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 5


On the surface of Urncisa




Lo’ez, a messenger for King O’as, was on his way to meet King Khuu. A powerful king whose empire was one of the largest, only outsized by O’as’ empire, it was a several X’a away by gliding, and he gently skimmed just K’x’ over the trees with a gliding machine that allowed him to glide extremely long distances without tiring, and used small pedals to keep it airborne. If he used just his wings, it would take many X’a due to fatigue taking over.


He came upon the guard posts several V’l after leaving the castle, large but lightweight structures that spanned across several trees in order to spread the weight around, they were used for defensive purposes, and he made a gentle landing, everyone who left the empire was required to gain exit, and entry by the guards or they would have the authority to shoot on sight with the mechanized trebuchets that could hurl stones, and black powder bombs several hundred K’x, they were quite impressive and exceptionally powerful, the only problem was that wars were more brutal, and many mistakes were made when they accidentally took down one of their own.


“Hello Lo’ez, what brings you here today?” Asked the guard, he was getting used to seeing him, giving messages to Khuu mostly, to keep the fragile peace between them.


“I’m delivering a message to King Khuu.” He said.


“May I see the message?” The guard asked.


Lo’ez handed it over it was sealed with the king's seal, and the guard looked it over, examining the seal to mak sure it was authentic “This seems good to go, you’re free to carry on.” He said before using a mirror to signal the Okay to let him by.


“Thank you,” He said, and jumped off of the tree, and began gliding to the Kings empire.


Several V’l later, he could begin to make out the castle, by the thin wisps of black smoke that protruded above the tree line, and faint straight lines that were the walls that surrounded some of it.


Lo’ez decided it was a good place to rest, and settled for the night, so he could go to the empire the next V’l.


Shortly after waking up, he quickly packed up his camp, scaled a nearby tree, and began to glide to Khuu’s empire.


Several C’ew later, he gently glided to the wall where the guard was eyeing him suspiciously, “Purpose of visit?” he asked.


“I’m here to deliver a message from King O’as to King Khuu.” He responded.


The guard nodded, eyeing his appearance “We’ll have a guard escort you, and you may leave your glider here.”


Lo’ez nodded, and set his glider down on a rack, this wasn’t his first time here, and whenever they said guard, they always mean several, they weren’t very trusting, and Khuu’s empire was more militaristic and oppressive than O’as.


One of the very few reasons they hadn’t gone to war was because while O’as had less military power, they had a better strategy, and almost always emerged victorious to anyone who challenged them, or at least, made a strong fight against the attacker. Another reason was, though Khuu would never admit to it, was that O’as was generally kinder than other Kings, and his subjects were more loyal and ready to fight by his side, while his felt oppressed, and during battle, would sometimes go to the enemy’s side instead.


The guards quickly led him to the entrance of the castle, and onto a mechanized elevator that used extremely large, and heavy cranks that required several guards to operate. When they were onboard, the guard gave a signal to send them up to the top, the elevator led to the Kings study, surrounded by several armed guards. This was where he made important meetings, that’s all that was really known, although, it was thought he also discussed military strategy as well.


When they got to the top, two of the guards stood behind, and in front of the elevator to keep him from leaving. Putting two guards in the elevator wasn’t really needed, as an iron door closed loudly, keeping them in, but they always covered their bases.


It was a large room with a single table in the center and a grand chair for Khuu. There were small windows that let some light in, but they were just used for air ventilation, most of the light was provided by several large torches on the walls, giving it an eerie flickering golden look to the black colored room.


Lo’ez stepped forward and bowed in respect to the King. “Hello, King Khuu, it is good seeing you again, I have a message from King O’as.” He said, before raising his head back up, and holding out the tightly wrapped scroll.


The King looked at it for several K’ir, seeming to get madder every second, when he finished, he walked around the table, in front of Lo’ez, and knelt down to him so they were eye level. The way he spoke to Lo’ez made him tremble in fear.


“You mean to tell me, that our gods aren’t gods?” He said, in a quiet, dangerous voice.


“Not me, King O’as.” He said, barely able to speak.


“You dare, to insult me, with lies?” He said his voice starting to raise, the guards behind him shifting, know wat was coming.


“No, I wouldn’t,” Lo’ez said, risking backing away slowly.


King Khuu trembled in rage, he believed deeply in the gods, or as very few of the royals knew in O’as’ empire, Elordians, on the light world.


The other empires had different names for the gods, and all believed deeply in them, but they all meant the same thing, O’as was one of them, and Khuu was outraged that he would dare speak out against them.


“Liars have to be punished.” He said, voice steady, and calm, but Lo’ez felt a sense of anger that made it seem he was radiating heat.


“P-please, I’m o-only an m-m-messenger.” He said, shaking.


Khuu straightened up slowly, and looked beyond Lo’ez to the guards, “Kill him.” He said, one of them gave a curt gesture and armed his spear.


“What? No!” He said, turning quickly to beg for mercy, but it was too late, the guard’s spears had already pierced his body, with Lo’ez’s thin blood pouring everywhere.


“Clean this up, or you’re next,” Khuu said harshly, the guards quickly nodded and cleaned it up as fast as they could.


“Now assemble the troops, we’re going to war.” He said when they were finished. The guards looked at each other briefly, and nodded, quickly striding to the elevator, getting the troops ready, and weapons prepared.


“Oh O’as, what did you get yourself into?” He asked no one as he stared out of the small window, into the distance in the direction of O’as’ empire.




2 X’I later




“What is that?” Asked a guard who was pointing a telescope out to the distance, he saw a huge black mass approaching them, but he couldn’t get a clear view of what it was.


“I don’t know,” replied one of the other guards, after looking through the scope as well, “Fire a warning shot.”


The guard next to him gave the signal to the weapon masters, and fired three shots towards the mass approaching, exploding in midair.


Several K’ir later, they responded with hundreds upon hundreds, setting the forest on fire, and destroying several posts.


“Oh no, send several guards, warn the King, we’re at war.” Said the guard, who suddenly became very nervous.


“What should we do?”


“There’s no doubt others are preparing, but we need to send a signal to the others to prepare a blockade.”


“We don’t have nearly enough weapons or guards to hold them off.”


“We don’t need to hold them off, just slow them down, are you prepared to die?” Said the guard, standing straighter, flexing his wings, and struggling to hide the fear in his voice.




“Good, because I’d say your final words, something tells me we aren’t going to make this out alive.” He made the motion to the guards to begin defending the empire, got his own weapons ready, he hoped they would be able to hold them off for awhile.




Several V’I later




“My King, I bear very bad news.” Said a guard hurriedly, making a clumsy bow.


“Don’t tell me it has something to do with the fires I the distance.” He said, over the last few days, fires have been seen approaching the empire, they hoped it was another wildfire, but O’as had an uneasy feeling about it.


“An empire, we don’t know which, but we strongly suspect it’s Khuu’s, has declared war on us, they approached our posts, we fired a warning shot, but they shot back and set the forest on fire, our post were defending the empire last we saw them, but it’s likely they’re all dead now.”


O’as nodded solemnly, “Ready the troops, and prepare for war, we must not let them enter the castle.”


“Why did they declare war on us my king?”


“I don’t know, but I have an idea.” He said, suddenly regretting sending the messenger to King Khuu, he hadn’t come back yet, even though he should’ve been back by now. He addressed the guards next to him, “Bring H’ruc to me, I need to speak with him.” The guard nodded, scaled a tree, and set off towards the village, while the other looked at him.


“My King, you should prepare for battle.”


“Not yet, we’ve got time, evacuate the outer villages, and bring them here.”


Yes, my King.” He said, before rounding up a few guards and setting off towards the other villages.




H’ruc was speaking to Isrs when the guards appeared behind him.


“H’ruc, the King requested an emergency meeting with you, you need to come with us now.”


He nodded, “I neeed to go.” He said, the guards looked at him funny, they didn’t recognize the language, and they stared in awe and curiosity as the… The thing, on something they didn’t have a word for suddenly, went back.


“Let’s go.” He said, speaking normally now. H’ruc followed them as they scaled the trees he followed suit, and they set off for the castle.


Several C’ew later, they gently landed and entered the square, striding towards the Kings tower, with the guards right behind him.


“Hello O’as, what is it you wish to see me for?” Said H’ruc respectfully when they entered the palace.


“Hello H’ruc, I have something important to tell you, guards, please stand at the entrances, I don’t want anyone overhearing. The guards nodded and strode over to the outside, standing on either side of the grand doors.


O’as beckoned H’ruc over closer, and began to speak quieter than he usually spoke, “H’ruc, a nearby empire, I suspect Khuu’s empire, has declared war on us.”




“Because,” O’as  knew he wasn’t going to like this, and took a deep breath, “I sent a messenger over to the empire, telling him about how the gods aren’t gods, and how we were communicating with them, I think that he may believe I’m lying, he believes deeply in them.”


“Why did you tell him then, if you knew that he fanatically worships them?”


“I, I, I don’t know.”


“So now they’re on their way here, not to mention, that if they take over this empire, he’ll likely execute me, making all of my work on the Elerdions amount for nothing.”


“I know, I’m sorry, but maybe they could help, just tell them the situation, maybe they could sort it before it gets too out of hand.”


H’ruc looked up in frustration. “Okay, should I tell them to start landing probes here in the castle?”


“You should, the castle walls will allow you better protection than those huts in your village, when they land a probe here, move here, nobody will bother you, and I’ll give you somewhere to stay, as well as total authority over any of the landed probes.”


He sighed “Okay, should I go now?”


“Yes, and hurry, I need to get ready for battle.”


H’ruc strode out of the castle, and set back towards the village when he arrived, he immediately drew up some pictures to describe the situation, hoping they would understand, then strode over to the probe, waiting for the screen to light up again. He looked over at his notes, and almost a C’ew later, it lit back up.


“Heellooo Is’rs, I haave something.” He said as he pulled up a picture of ‘Vurvians’ fighting, bombing each other, and killing one another, and pointed at the smoke off in the distance, which, luckily, was just in the view of the screen.


Isrs stared at the picture, and smoke with a strange expression, and said something he didn’t know the meaning of, “War.”


“Waar.” He said, “Whaat is waar?”


“War is that,” Isrs said, pointing at the pictures.


Whaat should I do?”


“I don’t know, H’ruc.”


“Probe, here?” He asked, lifting up a picture of the castle, with a probe landing on it.




“Make... Peace?” He asked.


“We’ll try.”


Several C’ew later, there was a flash of light in the sky, and H’ruc saw it going to the castle, he grabbed everything he could, asked some of his fellow philosopher’s to help wheel carts over, and set off for the castle, arriving well after it landed.


O’as was in front of it, staring at the screen, as the Elordians looked back at him, and the peasants in the square looked wary at the probe, wondering what it was for.


When they saw him stride towards the probe, they looked confused, even more so when their King stepped out of the way to let him stand in front of it instead, and when he started making strange noises, imitating the creatures in the… The thing, they thought him to be possessed.


His fellow colleagues clumsily bowed to O’as in respect, looked at H’ruc, who didn’t do such thing, and quickly left, going back to the village.


Hellloo Is’rs,” H’ruc said, setting down in front of the probe, with all of his work next to him, one of the peasants in the square tried to see what was on it, but O’as stepped in front of them, and they bowed in apology and watched from a distance.


“H’ruc is the only one to speak with these…” O’as couldn’t decide what to call them, he could try saying ‘Elordian’ but they wouldn’t have a clue what he was talking about, after a few seconds, he settled on a word, “Creatures, no one else is to approach them, or be put in the dungeons, now get back to your work.”


Everyone hurriedly went back to their stores and tried to act as if nothing was out of the ordinary, making fleeting glances at H’ruc from time to time, but keeping their distance.


“Hello H’ruc, we are getting a probe ready to be landed where the war is, but it will have to be landed in several days, as we need a system loud enough to get everyone’s attention, how, in your language, do you say, ‘stop fighting, make peace’?” Isrs said slowly, having to repeat themselves several times for H’ruc to get the message.


H’ruc said it in his language, to Isrs, who was holding a recorder, when he finished, Isrs pressed a button, which made the same sound he had just made.


“Is this correct?”




“Good. I’ll work on saying it, the probe you’ll be going on is going to come a bit sooner than we expected, and we need you to come here as soon as possible, understand?”


“Yes, you neeed to huuurry, and I neeed to be there.”


“Yes. Now, what’s all of this?” Isrs said, pointing to his carts full of papers.


Everrrythiing you have tauught me.”


Isrs made a smile, “Well, that’s quite a lot of material, when we get you up here, we’ll give you a special machine to make that easier.”


H’ruc nodded, “What is it?”


“A ‘computer’,” Isrs said slowly, pausing to let H’ruc copy it.


Commputeerr, what does it do?”


“It’s a machine that lets you store all of that material, and fits it all easily inside of something like this,” Isrs said, holding up a weird machine, it was thin, and didn’t look like it could hold much at all.


“It doesn’t look like it can do that.” He said slowly, with disbelief.


“Do you have libraries?”




“Yes, places with just books,” Isrs said, holding up a book, which looked small and thinner than what he was used to.




“Well, this machine has enough storage to fit an entire library of information in it, it’s extremely advanced, and when you get up here, we’ll teach you about it, and show you how to use one, understand?”


“Not reealy.”


Isrs paused for a moment to reword what they had said, and continued, “It’s an object that can store lots of these, into this,” Isrs said, holding up the thin machine, “It’s very advanced, and we’ll teach you about it when you’re up here, understand?”


“Yes. What is it called?”


“It’s a tablet, a type of computer,” Isrs said, holding it up, and showing the screen, Isrs had a black object surrounding their hand, and when Isrs tapped what looked like a button, the screen changed to something else. “It’s a screen I can touch, that acts like a button.”


“I don’t understand.”


“When I touch it,” Isrs said, tapping it lightly, making the screen change from writing to a picture. “It acts like a button, right?”




“But it’s not a button, this ‘glove’ on my hand lets me touch it, and it acts like a button, understand?”




“Good, anyway, we’ll talk more about these later, for now, when you are waiting for us, try organizing the papers by drawings, and words, and random things, understand?”




“That way we can go back to those, and review them, or update you, okay?”




“You are learning very fast, we’ve only been at this for several Hix’s, and already, you’ve learned so much.”


“What’s ‘Hix’s’?”


“It’s how long our world takes to orbit the gas giant.”


“Gass, Giaant?”


“Yes, that big ball in the sky, that looks like this,” Said Isrs, pulling up a picture on their tablet, and showing it to H’ruc.


H’ruc looked up at the gas giant in the sky, and for once, he felt like he could fully understand something, “Oh, I understand.”


“Good, now, we’re going to go for a couple days, so we can prepare the probe, and while we’re gone, we want to organize those papers, understand?”




“Okay, goodbye H’ruc.”


“Goodbye Is’rs.” He said before the screen went black, with O’as staring at him with a blank expression.


“Um, were you really communicating with them?”


“Yes, I was, I need to sort these out, where am I going to be staying?”


“Oh yes, you’ll be staying in there,” O’as said, pointing to a small stone entrance, with small houses built inside, “You can place all of your things in there, and you’ll be given a daily pay for food and drink, now excuse me, I must get ready for battle, now that you’re safe from King Khuu, I need to gather the troops, and set off.”


“Good luck, my King.”


O’as gave H’ruc a warm gesture, “Thank you, and good luck with the communication, and let’s hope they can help us.” O’as turned and strode over to his guards, which had recently gotten his royal armor, and an army ready outside of the gate, H’ruc watched as they set off towards Khuu’s army, and saw a great black mass of Warriors going to defend their empire.


H’ruc wheeled the cart over to where he was now going to be living, and began settling in, he had a feeling he was going to be there for a while.






O’as led the army as they glided high above the trees, and towards the army off in the distance, almost visible, with the smoke trails lighting the area off in the distance.


“Do you think we stand a chance?” Shouted one of the warriors around O’as for protection.


“I don’t know, it will definitely be a hard battle, but we need to intersect them before they can get too close to the castle.”


“Where are they?”


“Fighting the guards at their posts I presume, but if the army is that large, they have no chance.”


“So they’re probably through at this point?”


“I believe so.”


The next V’l, they stopped in front of the black mass, which had landed in anticipation of their arrival, King Khuu was in the front, standing with his weapon ready to fire.


O’as grabbed the wooden device that magnified his voice, and shouted into it, “STOP! STOP FOR A MOMENT!” He said desperately. O’as stepped forward to Khuu, with a few of his guards, apprehensively standing behind him, weapons poised, ready to fire. “Hello King Khuu, please, you have to listen, we don’t have to fight, we can get through this without killing each other” Said O’as with a hint of bitterness, aiming his own weapon at Khuu just in case.


“You really thought I would believe that the sky gods are like us? Do you take me for a fool?” Khuu said, walking forwards, angrily.


“No,” O’as said calmly, “But you must understand, we were wrong about them, they really aren’t gods, now let’s just talk about this, we don’t have to do this.” He said with urgency.


“No, we fight.” He said. At those words, his troops began scaling the trees, and preparing the trebuchets, O’as quickly gave the signal to do the same, as he and his guards hurried to his armored vehicle that would protect him, O’as felt apprehensive at the battle ahead.


Then chaos broke loose




H’ruc studied the papers over the candlelight in his new home, drawings up on the walls, and papers everywhere, they were organized by type, but there were so many of them, he was working on putting them away, but got sidetracked studying them further, hoping that the more he looked over them, the more he could understand them.


He sighed and wondered what it was going to be like when he was going to leave, he hadn’t really thought about it before, but later when the screen lit up again, he supposed would be a good time to ask.


He got on his perch and quickly fell asleep, ready for whatever they had coming for him.


H’ruc gathered what he thought were the most important papers, some new drawings, and walked down the spiral spokes that led down to the square.


The townspeople looked at him weirdly, but made no effort to engage him in conversation, or to approach him, they just muttered, wondering what he did that made their King, respect a peasant. He could tell him, but without the protection of O’as, and the sheer craziness of it all, with only pictures as proof, he guessed that they would burn him alive.


H’ruc set his papers down neatly next to the probe, and kneeled down next to it, and waited patiently for the screen to light up.


“Helloo Is’rs.” Bending down to get the pictures ready.


“Hello H’ruc, what do you want to know today?” Isrs said, noticing he was a bit hurried


He held it up, him in a seat of sorts, rising high in the air, his world, a small circle, representing flying on the ship. He was trying to ask; what will it be like to fly? He hoped they would understand, although, if they didn’t he would have to figure out how to make them understand, Isrs looked at the picture for some time, and called someone over, they talked to each other, in some words he understood, and most he didn’t.


After awhile, Isrs addressed him, “H’ruc, do you want to know what flying to space is like?”


Fllyingg to spaaacce?” He asked curiously.


“Yes, flying to space, that,” Isrs said, pointing to the picture, “Do you want to know what it’s like.”


“Yes. I do, will it hurt?”


“It depends, actually, I don’t know what your body is like, and so I can’t be sure.”


“Will I die?” He asked, suddenly feeling a little scared


“We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen, I promise you that.”


H’ruc shrugged, not quite believing Isrs, but accepting the promise, “Okay, what can you tell me?”


“It will be… exciting, I guess, but it will likely be hard.”


“Hard? What do I need to learn?”


“This isn’t the thing you would be learning, I meant it will be hard for your body, that’s all.”


“Hard for my body?” He asked, slightly confused.


“I mean, it will be uncomfortable, you’ll be pushed against a seat very hard, but we’re sure you can handle it.”


“Okay, what’s spaaacce?”


Isrs tilted their head trying to think of what to say, “Um… it’s where all of the planets and stars exist, there’s no air, and it’s either very hot or very cold.”


“It does not sound good.”


“No, it’s not, it’s dangerous, but it’s a risk we’re willing to take.”


H’ruc didn’t understand ‘risk’ but in the way Isrs used it, he assumed it had something to do with danger. “Are you in spaacace?”


“Yes, but I’m in a special shelter that protects me, a space station.”


“What are you doing with the waar?”


“We’re still working on it as fast as we can.”


“I’m scared.”


Isrs stared at him, seeing that he really did look scared, at least in his way, “Don’t worry, you’ll be safe, I’ll be here, you will be safe.”


H’ruc took a few breaths of air, wanting to believe Isrs, but doubting all the same, after a moment, he spoke, “Alright,” He said before taking another breath of air, “Okay, will youu be wiith me the entiiire time?”


“Yes. I will.”


H’ruc felt his head lift a little and felt slightly more relaxed at Isrs’ words. He felt like they were the only ones he could really trust, especially now. Looking at a sundial he recently set up, almost six C’ew had passed during their conversation. “It’s geetting late now, should we carry on tomorroow?”


“Yes, we can carry on tomorrow, are you tired?”


“Yes, and I neeed to think.”


“Alright, we will continue tomorrow, in the meantime, get some rest, it looks like you need it, don’t worry about the papers for now.”


“Okay. I will, talk to you soon, bye Isrs.”


“Bye H’ruc,” Said Isrs, before the screen went black. H’ruc stood upright, stretching his wings and neck as he did so, ignoring the villagers who were staring at him, and walking past everyone so he could get to his room, and get some rest. He fell asleep almost as soon as he closed his eyes.

Here's Chapter 5 of TCBW! Leave feedback, please :)

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Some good news, great news for something else, bad news, and more good news.
I've finished almost 1.9k words on Chapter 7!
During the month of April, TCBW will be put on hold, as I'm going to be finishing up the first draft of Infinitum during Camp NaNo, go to that thread for updates, but don't panic, I will be picking this back up again in May.
Also, I'll be thinking about how this series will unfold, for instance, this will be a quadrilogy, not a trilogy like I planned, with a third novel put in between the second and third (Now the forth), general details (Like blurbs) on the other three novels if you guy's are interested :)
And finally, I'm working on a secret writing project (Separate from this, and it's on/off at the moment since I'm busy with other things), that I think you guy's will like a lot, but no details in the foreseeable future since I don't know if it'll get off the ground.
I love the new formatting.

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  • 5 weeks later...

UPDATE: Turns out 'quadiliogy' is the wrong term, it's actually 'tetralogy', and that's what it'll be.


Anyway, I'll begin writing this again sometime in early May :) Don't worry, this series is still alive, and I'm really pumped to get to the sequels eventually.

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  • 1 year later...

peers out from behind the corner.


Uh, hi... long time no see. As you can probably guess, my time management skills suck.

I've been stuck on this idea for a long time now, I couldn't get inspiration for the idea, because I only had a premise, and I didn't know where it would go. The characters felt flat, and in retrospect, there were too many unnecessary characters and pointless storylines I was trying to do. Now, I'm trying this again. I've mostly planned out the book, and wrote out the main characters. I think it'll be a much more interesting, and tighter story now. But it will need work.

I have a planning doc that's over 4k words long, and has the 4 important characters (May need better development), some details of their world (Incomplete), and the overall plot (Rough, may be shuffled).

I'm not looking for betas or anything, way too early to care about that. I need to finish the draft, and edit it, instead of giving you guys what's essentially half-assed writing.


The premise is similar. And it will follow the POV of three (At somepoint 4) characters.

The meaning behind their names? Well, they were pulled out of a hat. Doesn't need to be special.

Fumner, an Elordian scientist and engineer working with the Vurvian's to establish a technological presence, he works with a team of three other scientists and engineers. But he's arrogant, and sometimes hard to work with.

Nume, an Elordian scientist on a voyage to the outermost planet to study an ancient starship and base. She's idealistic, and trying to find her place in the world, as everything they know is changing.

H'ruc, a Vurvian (K'Lofli for him) scientist working with the Elordian's to advance his civilization. He owns an apprentice (Indentured servants basically), and they work together. But H'ruc is secretly working with his King, who wants to use the technology to wage war against his enemy. Unbeknowest to the Elordian's.

And V'yol, H'ruc's apprentice and loyal servant. He also works with the Elordian's to learn technology, and has taken a liking to their culture.

So far, I'm over 500 words in. I started this morning.


Again, sorry its been so long, I've wanted to continue this for a long time, but I didn't know how. Hopefully 2nd times the charm.


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Update on my progress (I'll probably make updates once a week).

I've finished chapters 1/2, and am on chapter 3 now. As of now I'm over 3800 words in. After this chapter, I'll be done with introductions, and moving on to more of the storyline.

I might edit this later with my final word count of the day by the way.


EDIT: I broke 5k earlier. Approaching the end of chapter three. I think I'll have 7-10 chapters per character. I don't know yet. I only have an overarching plot, but no specific place for it.

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TIme for my next update :)

I've now written over 1900 words today. over 15,000 words in total!  I may write more (I won't bother updating), but it looks like I'm doing pretty good. A little behind, but I'll try to compensate over the next week. Currently on chapter 8, and starting act 2. Cool stuff is happening. And I also think I may severely trim down one of the plotlines, as it feels more like "exposition: the story", rather than anything more interesting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was wondering, @Spaceception, do you use a specific computer for writing? Or just your personal device. I'm asking because I just got myself an older laptop with a real honest-to-goodness mechanical keyboard. I plan to use it for my writing stuff, as it provides a totally distraction-free environment while being portable. You might wanna try it yourself if you haven't already, old Thinkpads (the best brand IMO) can be bought on eBay for less than $70.

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