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What new parts should they add?

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My personal list:

  • More LF-only tanks, or fuel switching for the current ones (latter strongly preferred).
  • Cylindrical 2-kerbal 1.25m lander pod. Or at least make the Mk1 lander can fit in a Mk2 bay.
  • 0.625m and 2.5m SRBs, preferably with the proportions of the Kickback.
  • 2.5m nuclear option, perhaps with better Isp than the LV-N. A nuclear lightbulb or gas core NTR maybe, porkjet and nertea have made nice ones.
  • 0.625m high vacuum Isp engine.
  • Larger landing legs, suitable for landing stages SpaceX-style.
  • More base parts, if Kerbal Planetary Base Systems were stockified I'd be very happy, and the parts are also useful for rovers and stations.
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One thing I have a need for is a smaller set of landing legs for micro-landers.

Payload switching for tanks integrated into stock would be excellent.

Basically they need to take about 20 of the most highly rated mods and integrate them (surface science and hand tools hello!). Or at least develop stock interpretations, a-la remotetech.

Another rover body or two wouldn't go amiss.

Its hard to suggest other parts because I have added in so many via mods I cant tell which are stock any more.

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More SRBs. Also, retexturing of the SLS parts to orange to fit NASA's official color scheme (that they changed since Squad and NASA partnered). Allowing for the two extra seats in the Mk3 cockpit to be used would be great too.

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3 minutes ago, Aperture Science Employee said:

I'd rather have KW's style integrated instead of NovaPunch's.

if KW is what I think it is, its an order of magnitude more parts than NovaPunch. From a practicality standpoint NovaPunch is enough parts to get the job done w/out overloading you with way too many options. that is if KW is what I think it is.

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Guys, could we get these into stock? Make their deployment stageable, so that we can drop them open once we ditch the strap-ons?




Right now we're stuck with airbrakes, which don't have the same functionality and produce head-on drag (as intended).

Edited by DDE
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39 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I think they would make a great mod, but they don't need to be stock.  Most people won't be trying to land a firstvstage, no need to clutter up the inventory.

Oh, it's not just for landing. As seen above, they can be used on ascent stages as well.

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I personally think this is a great idea. Grid fins are one of those unique parts KSP should have, but doesn't.

As for the "most people won't" argument. You could just as easily say  "most people won't make it to eeloo, therefore we don't need it there taking up memory."

Edited by EpicSpaceTroll139
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8 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

grid fins aren't needed for ascent, and frankly are a waste.

Again, it's fine as a mod, but not as stock.

Grid fins simply provide drag at one end of the craft to keep it righted.  How many times have you had a craft flip itself into an orientation you didn't want when entering the atmosphere?  If you can remember at least one time, then grid fins can be usefull.  Not just for landing first stages, but aerobraking, and landing tall craft on other planets.  It would be far more versatile than you give them credit for.

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1 minute ago, Alshain said:

Grid fins simply provide drag at one end of the craft to keep it righted.  How many times have you had a craft flip itself into an orientation you didn't want when entering the atmosphere?  If you can remember at least one time, then grid fins can be usefull.  Not just for landing first stages, but aerobraking, and landing tall craft on other planets.  It would be far more versatile than you give them credit for.

Still not needed, and, even acknowledging they could be useful, should still be a mod, not stock

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Just now, linuxgurugamer said:

Still not needed, and, even acknowledging they could be useful, should still be a mod, not stock

Well I disagree, I think they should be stock.  As for what is or isn't needed, I could name a dozen KSP parts that are useful but not needed, like landing legs for example.

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3 minutes ago, Alshain said:

Well I disagree, I think they should be stock.  As for what is or isn't needed, I could name a dozen KSP parts that are useful but not needed, like landing legs for example.

Why are landing legs not needed?  

I think we can agree to disagree, and let's leave it at that

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3 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Why are landing legs not needed?  

I think we can agree to disagree, and let's leave it at that

Because, you can land a craft without them.  We had the Mun long before we had landing legs to land on it with.  People still landed on it just fine.  Now I much prefer having them, but they are certainly not needed.  A grid fin would be in the same category.  Not needed, but certainly worth having in stock.

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