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What hobbies do you have besides KSP


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http://loli.kokorolibrary.net/  My useless drawings, I also make greetings cards but they are unsellable : https://goo.gl/photos/utzbLn4ji3vCL8Yt6

http://kokorolibrary.net/photography/  My worthless photography.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6xNox8s6f5PBwbvDm-fqw recently I have been recording videos as I colour my drawings.
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  On 6/14/2016 at 2:26 PM, Kokoro said:

http://loli.kokorolibrary.net/UrlAdvisorGoodImage.png  My useless drawings, I also make greetings cards but they are unsellable : https://goo.gl/photos/utzbLn4ji3vCL8Yt6UrlAdvisorSuspiciousImage.png

http://kokorolibrary.net/photography/UrlAdvisorGoodImage.png  My worthless photography.


:3 ... anata no asu, watashi wa hitori kaze ii sadasuo ... :3 a bit rusted but prolly not far ; )

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I'm seriously into Target Archery: I own an Oak English Longbow, Swimming, Climbing: (Wall or Rock) I got addicted to it through summer camp, Collecting Coins (Technically I only collect foreign change), Rock and Mineral collecting (I have been a rock hound since I was eight years old), Collecting Scale model aircraft (not the ones you get in a kit.) Medieval reenactment/ LARP (I am working on hopefully reenacting a viking warrior, but that's still a work in progress, however I did at one time LARP as Robin Hood.) Synthesizers (I'm not as good as Yanni or Vangelis, probably because I am extremely rusty.) 

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  On 6/9/2016 at 4:04 PM, flyboy67109 said:

 First,I'm a private pilot and am working on building my own sport airplane called a HiMax. 

Second, I'm into ham radio and enjoy working on my radios. 

Third, I brew my own beer. And before you ask, yes it's legal.


1.  I own an '87 Paraplane PM-2; fly it around eastern Pennsylvania. It's showing its age, though. May well end up retiring it.

2. Used to be involved with ham radio, N7HRI back in the day when I was still USAF stationed in Utah...mostly 2-meter stuff.

3. Winemaker here! Never got the urge to do any beer, I have a few friends who do and we trade stock.

4. Just bought a 2012 Can-Am Spyder RT-S 2 months ago, now cruising around with the wife is taking place of the ultralight flights!

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I have a fair few hobbies. Mine are: programming, archery, model rocketry, model trains, lego, RC aircraft/boats, airfix, 3D design/modelling, electronics, sleeping, eating, gaming, scouting, ham radio.

To name just a few :) 

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Speedcubing (duh)


Thinking about everything (occasionally just a few things in particular, but often I'm literally thinking about everything)

Trying to decide whether time goes too slowly or too fast, failing

Xevious (I'm up to 226000 as of today! Beat the second mothership, but not much further, damn bombs everywhere!)

Learning about space, physics, engineering, biology, etc. via the internet

VR games, like Minecraft

Being a nerd by knowing a bunch of random stuff about space and insects

Actually, I think I can sum up this whole list in one item:

Being a nerd. Nerds are awesome, and get the coolest jobs ever!

Also, I play a few instruments; saxophone, vibraphone, congas, coffee cans.

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RC helicopters and planes first and foremost (as much as weather, time and money will allow which means I don't get to fly as much as I like).

Music (played for most of my life, now it has taken the back seat for that RC time and money vampire, still hugely into listening to music)

Smaller hobbies:

Listening to ATC recordings. Kennedy Steve is a riot and I get my needs to nerd out satisfied.

Flight sims (FSX in particular) + other sims like Silent Hunter 3

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  • 2 weeks later...

RC planes as a boy (in the 70s), had a privat pilote licence (motor) in the 90s until 2004, but the joy about motorized flight and the licence expired. Flew paragliders for 10 years in the alps and southern german midranges (got an elbow prosthesis from that :-/). Built strong wooden longbows, but moved to spain this year and these things are weapons here, i'd have to register myself and apply for a weapons license, so i smuggled all the stuff back and its now stowed in a garage in germany. There's not the right wood around here anyway.

Remains sailing. Sailed the northern atlantic isles and the western mediterrian on my Rosinante, mostly single handed, In the moment i'm without an own boat, helping out a friend who does boat trips for tourists. But one day i'll hoist the rags again ...

Besides: Prehistory, palaeontology. And i'm trying to learn C++. Which is a mess for someone who was raised on curly brackets, pointers and function calls.

And no, i'm not playing KSP right now :-)


lol: just realized: "Single handed" doesn't mean that i only have one hand, i have two. The prosthesis is inside and replaces the joint, i don't even realize that thing. There is a rule among seafarers: "One hand for the boat, one for the man". ("All hands on deck !" got it ?). So "single handed" just means sailing alone.

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I'm a new ham radio tech, I don't even have a radio yet, but I still count it as a hobby!

I like studying languages/linguistics in general, and I'm studying Japanese in particular. I'm considering French too, after I get a good grasp on Japanese (years from now, that is). I like science, math, and especially history, but I'm not sure those are really hobbies. I have watched some anime and read some manga, but that's not really a hobby for me either. Mostly I spend my time studying, writing, and playing games.



http://loli.kokorolibrary.net/  My useless drawings, I also make greetings cards but they are unsellable : https://goo.gl/photos/utzbLn4ji3vCL8Yt6

http://kokorolibrary.net/photography/  My worthless photography.



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