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Commonly used acronyms


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OP: Original Post.

I remember being confused for months when someone would tell me to refer to the OP, but I had no idea what the OP was!

Not to be confused with OPM: Outer Planets Mod.

Edited by Mjp1050
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This is great!  Here's a couple (many stolen from http://www.decronym.xyz/

  • AFB (air force base)
  • AGL (Above Ground Level)
  • ASL (Above Sea Level)
  • AOS (Aerojet Rocketdyne)
  • ARM (Asteroid Redirect Mission)
  • ASDS (SpaceX Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship)
  • F9 (SpaceX Falcon 9)
  • F9H (SpaceX Falcon 9 Heavy)
  • MECO (Main Engine Cut-Off)
  • EDL (Entry, Descent, Landing)
  • ESA (European Space Agency)
  • ICBM (Intercontinental Ballistic Missile)
  • Isp (Specific Impulse)
  • ISRU (In-Situ Resource Utilization)
  • KSC (Kerbal Space Center)
  • LES (Launch Escape System)
  • LH2 (Liquid Hydrogen)
  • LOX (Liquid Oxygen)
  • NERVA (Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application)
  • NTR (Nuclear Thermal Rocket)
  • SOI (Sphere Of Influence)
  • STS (Space Shuttle)
  • TVC (Thrust Vector Control)
  • TWR (Thrust to Weight Ratio)
  • LOS (Loss Of Signal)
  • SRB (Solid Rocket Booster)
  • LRB (Liquid Rocket Booster)
  • TLA (Three Letter Acronym)
  • x64 (64 bit operation system/program)
  • x86, x32 (32 bit operating system program)
  •  m/s (Meters per Second)
  • km/s (Kilometers per second)
  • CTD (Crash To Desktop)
  • BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death)
  • SAS (Stability Enhancement System)
  • ASAS (Advanced Stability Enhancement System)
  • CKAN (Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network)

That's all I think think of/steal right now.

Oh, and OPM (outer Planets Mod)

Edited by Mad Rocket Scientist
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  On 6/20/2016 at 9:09 PM, Bran31 said:

In space travel, a Sol and SOL are very different things :wink: 

KSP-AVC might be one to add though.


In the default font, capital "i" and lowercase "L" are the same: "l" "I"


KOS (Kerbal Operating System)



SXT (Stock eXTension)

VSR (Ven's Stock Revamp)

RPM (Raster Prop Monitor)

KCT (Kerbal Construction Time)

KF (Kerbal Foundries)

IR (Infernal Robotics)


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  On 6/20/2016 at 6:55 PM, Mjp1050 said:

OP: Original Post.

I remember being confused for months when someone would tell me to refer to the OP, but I had no idea what the OP was!

Not to be confused with OPM: Outer Planets Mod.


But can be confused with Over Powered, another common use for the acronym around here



Edited by Gaiiden
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Not to be a wet blanket, but... is there any UI option for turning the highlighting off?

I'm sure it's a great, very convenient tool for folks who are new to the forum. But since I already know what they mean, they don't add value for me-- and I find the highlighting incredibly intrusive and distracting when I'm trying to read.

Would really love to have a way of turning it off.

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Likewise, it's kind of annoying.  And for some reason, it puts FAR as Ferram Aeronautics Research when it's Ferram Aerospace Research, which kind of points towards a minor issue with this: it can be wrong.  Also, should anyone want to talk about Federal Aviation Regulations (for example, FAR Part 25, specifying regulations for designing aircraft for safe landings, kind of relevant maybe if people want to get all realistic aviation) will get the wrong acronym.  It needs some means to determine context.

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  On 6/20/2016 at 7:44 PM, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

This is great!  Here's a couple (many stolen from http://www.decronym.xyz/



Great list!


Here are a few more NASA-related ones, off the top of my head:


OMS: Orbital Maneuvering System (usually pronounced like "ohms")

MOCR: Mission Operations Control Room

RTLS: Return To Launch Site

TDRSS: Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System




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I approve of this - even though it is a bit hard on the eyes.

For those starting out, "My Mun FRT was borked because I didn't bother to check my CoM/CoT after losing the LFO tanks and I wound up out of dV in LKO" could be a bit arcane.

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BFR - Big 'Falcon' Rocket (SpaceX's booster for the MCT)

MCT - Mars Colonial Transporter

RO - Realism Overhaul

RF - Real Fuels

Planet neutral orbit 

GO - Geosynchronous orbit

LO - Low Orbit

MO - Medium Orbit

HO - High Orbit

  On 6/21/2016 at 8:54 PM, Trann said:

Then again, does anyone actually use Δv?


I ∆o. ∆v is really the real way of saying it, dv is just a contraction. 


  On 6/21/2016 at 9:25 PM, Gojira1000 said:

My Mun FRT was borked because I didn't bother to check my CoM/CoT after losing the LFO tanks and I wound up out of dV in LKO


Everything but FRT is easily understandable. All of those are used frequently, while people rarely talk about free return trajectories (at lest in the parts of the forum I frequent).

Edit: also F9 (Falcon 9).

Edited by Robotengineer
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FOD - Foreign Object Damage

RT - Remote Tech (mod)

F5 - ... F5 (for safety)

MAL - Minimum Ambient Lighting (mod)

ALA - Ambient Lighting Adjustment (mod)

CTT - Community Tech Tree (mod)

DRE - Deadly Re-entry (mod)

FF - Final Frontier (mod)

KJR - Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (mod)

dCoM - dry CoM

fpm - feet per minute

DOA - Dead on Arrival

SECO - Second-stage Engine Cut-Off

sep - Separation

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