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[1.12.x] The Maritime Pack v0.1.19


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Hi Fengist, love your work. I've just downloaded the alpha testing pack, and will publish results when I've completed some tests. The Elcano challenge around Kerbin by sea (mostly) is taking up most of my KSP time, but this makes for something out of the ordinary whilst taking a break. (Also I have done some hardware and software testing in my time, so this should be fun!) I've read through the thread. Did you have any test plan, or guidelines or is experimental testing the way to go?

Testing Instance:
Macbook air, bootcamp > Win7 x64
Brand spanking new install
x64 exe
KER, firespitter & your alpha testing pack only mods.

Testing Instance:
Macbook air, bootcamp > Win7 x64
Brand spanking new install
KER is only other mod installed.
x64 .exe

1. Initial Test result (standalone cat):
FAIL - tab did not trigger launch. 

Test steps as follows
a. built aircraft per thread instructions as closely as possible:
i.  +engine, +wheels.
ii. added the shuttle last, extended it in SPH, made shuttle root part, 
iii. created sub-assembly
b. created launch rig, placing the cat last.
c. grabbed aircraft from sub assembly menu, and connected the extended shuttle node to the node on the cat.
d. clicked launch, loaded ok on runway. 
e. activated engine, throttle to 0, gear down (also tried up), SAS on, brakes on (also tried off).
f. pressed tab, no reaction. held tab, no reaction. (Realised I had to decouple first!)
g. right-clicked and undocked the aircraft from the cat,
h. Switched to aircraft using "]" key
h. pressed tab, text appeared "Pilot, set your brakes...Launch requested...Catapault shuttle not found on aircraft".
i. looked for log, couldn't find one in any directory in GameData/Maritime Pack...

Repeated this test several times, with different craft and different rigs. No joy.
Also tried other variations and combinations eg built cat rig > connected shuttle to cat, then built plane around shuttle. 

KSP log and screenies


Further testing...Restarted KSP, checked everything. Rebuild everything from scratch, same result. "Catapult shuttle not found on aircraft".


2. Test CVL Embedded cat launch

This worked! But launched the aeroplane backwards. So I rotated the cat 180 deg and it still went backward, so I realised I must have had the shuttle 180 deg out. 

I will now go back and fix the craft and re run 1.... 


1b. Standalone cat rerun

Can't get the standalone catapult to work. Always says 'Shuttle not found'.

Reran Test 2. - CVL Launches

Repeated this successfully several times. 
I can predicably take off from the CVL. Yay. It works very well. 

3. CVL Landing with KLOLS
In progress...

It's hard. I've come close a few times. And failed many. A few notes for you:

Firstly, there was a strange failure state where I landed just short of the carrier and the KLOLS still found my arrester hook. (KLOLS went yellow) The aircraft jiggled against the carrier until I retracted the hook. Screenies

Secondly, after crashing into the carrier, a Universe Eating Kraken came along and ate the world. I got screen shots, description of test steps, KSP log in here.

General Points:
-I assume you know already that if you turn on KLOLS before decoupling the plane, then the red laser comes out the rear end of the plane like this. (it started immediately on the flight deck, this picture was just taken at the end of the shenanigans).

-TAB assignment clashes with Pilot Assistant which has this key assigned to a pausing function. For release could you make this key binding configurable? Or if not, choose another key. (Although that said, I think the PA one is configurable so it's not the end of the world if you can't).

-The embedded launcher jiggles around on the deck of the carrier when a plane taxies over it. Is there an official way of connecting it securely to the deck to avoid this? I just radially attached it to the line down the middle of the flight deck.

-KLOLS enabling. The first time I loaded the ship on the runway, KLOLS was off by default apparently. Then I manually turned one or two of them on (I have multiple arrestors). Then the next time I loaded (ie reverted or quickloaded) to this, all of the KLOLS were on simultaneously by themselves and I had to turn them all off manually before decoupling the aircraft. Weird. It's like these a global setting of it irrespective of the craft state.
And then the next time I restarted the game and loaded the quicksave (where the KLOLS had been on), the visible laser was off, but when I switched to the carrier and checked the right-click menu it said "deactivate..." meaning they thought they were on! See link below. Also the screen did print the text: 'You're in the box'. 
Also on this attempt I thought I nailed it, but the arrestor didn't kick in. Wonder if it's in some failed state. I'll ditch that quicksave and try again.  See here for screenies. And see here for KSP log. And here's the quicksave if you like. 

Update: One more thing before sleep: another Universe Eating Kraken attack. Same situation, near-miss of the arrestors and crash. See here for files.

Also, let me know if there is a better way you prefer for the test results and logs and screenshots. 

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Thanks @Maverick_aus.  It'll take me a bit to digest this.  Just to make sure we're on the same page.  The shuttle needs to be surface mounted to the aircraft and then, you can attach it to the catapult.  I has to be on the aircraft when undocked an not still on the catapult.

The log for Maritime Pack is in the GameData/Maritime Pack/Plugins/PluginData folder.  It's a file called MPLog.dat and it's just a text file.  If you don't see it, go one folder deeper to /CVFlightDeck and look for config.xml.  Mare sure this line:  <bool name="MPWLog">1</bool>  The value is set to 1.

And your report format is great.  The KSP logs tell me a lot and I've already spotted some problems on my end.  It'll take a few days to get these things fixed and tested.

Thanks again.

And no, I'd never tried have a plane locked onto the deck and turning KLOLS on.  I'll have to look into that as well.  I have an 'idea' of how to fix it but not positive.


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9 hours ago, Fengist said:

...Just to make sure we're on the same page.  The shuttle needs to be surface mounted to the aircraft and then, you can attach it to the catapult.  I has to be on the aircraft when undocked an not still on the catapult.

Yeah, that's one thing I'm managing to get right! See the screenies/craft file.


The log for Maritime Pack is in the GameData/Maritime Pack/Plugins/PluginData folder.  It's a file called MPLog.dat and it's just a text file.  If you don't see it, go one folder deeper to /CVFlightDeck and look for config.xml.  Mare sure this line:  <bool name="MPWLog">1</bool>  The value is set to 1.

Ah, it was set to 0. Fixed now. Next test results will include this log.


And your report format is great.  The KSP logs tell me a lot and I've already spotted some problems on my end.  It'll take a few days to get these things fixed and tested.

Thanks again.

And no, I'd never tried have a plane locked onto the deck and turning KLOLS on.  I'll have to look into that as well.  I have an 'idea' of how to fix it but not positive.

Glad I'm able to help. Thanks for enriching the community of players and their experience by sharing your creativity and engineering! I've recently tried making my own parts (justing cfg-ing) and even downloaded and played with blender, so I have a much better appreciation of how much artistry, engineering and sheer effort modders pour into their loves. 

PS: I have the next few hours free if you want to come back with anything immediately, otherwise there might be more of a wait over the weekend. 

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Testing Session 2 - 29-07-2016

CVL Cat launch testing
Lots of FAILS 
See below, details in notes. 

Weirdness in SPH

CVL Cat launch testing II
With small aircraft - mostly FAILS. With larger a/c a PASS. 
Given others have had better success with larger craft, I'll keep trying the samller. I'll vary the launchpower, and the exact placement relative to CoM and CoL and see if this shows anything up. 

Landing Test
Attempting to land, crashed into the ship bridge crashed the game (again). 

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Ok, hold up testing.  I've got enough info to go on for now. Thanks. I've disable the download on the alpha till I can get back to this.  Right now I'm trying to get another mod finished and out the door.  As soon as I can, I'll start digging into these problems and trying to fix them.



@Maverick_aus What is the mass of these aircraft you're trying to launch?  I'm looking over the logs and you're barely hitting 40 m/s.  My 7 ton was hitting 100+.

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35 minutes ago, Fengist said:

Ok, hold up testing.  I've got enough info to go on for now.

Ah ok.

35 minutes ago, Fengist said:


@Maverick_aus What is the mass of these aircraft you're trying to launch?  I'm looking over the logs and you're barely hitting 40 m/s.  My 7 ton was hitting 100+.

Yeah, the few times it actually 'caught on properly' and work as intended they go much better speed and took off easily. It's great. However most of the time it is behaving as though the cat is 'slipping' off/past the plane, or not catching properly, and a lot of the energy imparted is going into flipping. It's really as though the cat is pushing off the CoM.

Tiger - 5.9t
Wasp - 4.4t
Dome - 6.1t
Bat - 12.4t

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10 minutes ago, Maverick_aus said:

Ah ok.

Yeah, the few times it actually 'caught on properly' and work as intended they go much better speed and took off easily. It's great. However most of the time it is behaving as though the cat is 'slipping' off/past the plane, or not catching properly, and a lot of the energy imparted is going into flipping. It's really as though the cat is pushing off the CoM.

Tiger - 5.9t
Wasp - 4.4t
Dome - 6.1t
Bat - 12.4t

Ok, well, the pushing part I'm probably not going to change.  I went through all kinds of hell getting that to work.  The solution Infinite Dice came up with was his own nose gear.  With wheels screwed, I'm not even going there. As far as the nullrefs, I know what's causing those and those I can fix.   As far as the kraken.  I have no clue what's causing that.  The KLOLS, I can probably fix. Instead of tying it to the ship, I'll tie it to the arresting gear.

But, the other mod is on a schedule so that'll come first.  MP is up, running and people are happy. The other isn't out the door yet.

I'll let you know when I get a new alpha up.  Till then, feel free to play with it but I STRONLY suggest that you create another install without too many other mods. I've been known to wipe out saves before.

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12 minutes ago, Fengist said:

Ok, well, the pushing part I'm probably not going to change.  I went through all kinds of hell getting that to work.  The solution Infinite Dice came up with was his own nose gear.  With wheels screwed, I'm not even going there. As far as the nullrefs, I know what's causing those and those I can fix.   As far as the kraken.  I have no clue what's causing that.  The KLOLS, I can probably fix. Instead of tying it to the ship, I'll tie it to the arresting gear.

But, the other mod is on a schedule so that'll come first.  MP is up, running and people are happy. The other isn't out the door yet.

I'll let you know when I get a new alpha up.  Till then, feel free to play with it but I STRONLY suggest that you create another install without too many other mods. I've been known to wipe out saves before.

Thanks - yeah, I set up a separate instance of KSP just for this before I started. Isolate variables, good testing practise.
Ok. I'll keep fiddling with it, and let you know if I can get good launches again. I haven't been able to since yesterday. 

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10 minutes ago, Lo Var Lachland said:

This mod would be perfect for an Elcano challenge. :)

@Lo Var Lachland Oh man.  "You took the words right out of my mouth..." :cool:
I was just thinking you could travel by (mother)ship, then launch the aircraft for surveying the path ahead/sightseeing!
And when you get to a little bit of land you need to cross...Amphibious aircraft carrier, anyone? lol

Before I set out recently for the challenge, I nearly started experimenting with a tiny reusable VTOL UAV which I could detach/attach from the top of the exploring craft, just for that purpose. Never got far with it though. Another concept at play was small disposable drones you could launch from the Elcanoing vehicle.  

Instead I allowed myself to see ahead/from the sky, by aerial surveys using manned airfcraft as well as long range tomahawk cruise missile-style UAVs. The fact that I'd overflown my path justified use of scansat maps. 

What were you thinking?

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@Fengist Mate, just one more, please. I can't help it! I'm hooked!

Before trying the trap anymore, I just sanity-checked it. And no joy. I drove right through it with the arrestor hook down. :(
Logs and screens below.

That's it for now. I promise. 

EDIT: Ok forget all that. When I activate KLOLS, and actually FLY in from 500m away, it works.  

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7 hours ago, Maverick_aus said:

@Lo Var Lachland Oh man.  "You took the words right out of my mouth..." :cool:
I was just thinking you could travel by (mother)ship, then launch the aircraft for surveying the path ahead/sightseeing!
And when you get to a little bit of land you need to cross...Amphibious aircraft carrier, anyone? lol

Before I set out recently for the challenge, I nearly started experimenting with a tiny reusable VTOL UAV which I could detach/attach from the top of the exploring craft, just for that purpose. Never got far with it though. Another concept at play was small disposable drones you could launch from the Elcanoing vehicle.  

Instead I allowed myself to see ahead/from the sky, by aerial surveys using manned airfcraft as well as long range tomahawk cruise missile-style UAVs. The fact that I'd overflown my path justified use of scansat maps. 

What were you thinking?

Almost the same thing as you man.

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How to use the hook and the arresting gear?

It can,t stop my plane,but my landing speed just 65m/s(sometimes when its hook catched the arresting gear,the plane was jump)

This is my carrier and my plane





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5 hours ago, BF2_Pilot said:

The landing speed must keep 40-80 m /s ? In the FARmod it is dangerous

No, it's not set to any speed.


And guys.  This is an ALPHA.  That means it has gobs of bugs.  It also means that you should NOT YET be trying this thing out with a lot of other mods installed...  If you're asking me why I doesn't work and you're telling me that you're not even using it on Maritime Pack parts, then I can't tell you either.

Let's get it working with the parts I KNOW first and then tackle the issue of it not working with every other mod.


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6 hours ago, BF2_Pilot said:

it was jump and didn't stop

How should i use it ?


Ok, for now, take it down to just one arrestor.  There may be some issue with using that many.  Next, it's hard to tell but do you have your tailhook actually deployed.  If it's not, the arresting gear will ignore you.

And rotating them shouldn't matter.  That 'in the box' notice at the top means the system is active, has his plane spotted and is ready to engage when he gets close... if the arresting hook is deployed.

And again, you guys are using these things on large boat parts.  I do not know yet if that has any effect.  So far, I haven't seen a screenshot of anyone attempting to land on my carrier.

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13 hours ago, Fengist said:

So far, I haven't seen a screenshot of anyone attempting to land on my carrier.

My test rig was based on your carrier top deck with twin hulls on the bottom as per your catamaran vid. No other boat parts installed other than MP 

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