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[Minimum KSP version - 1.11] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) v1.12


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@EdwardB3020 What you are complaining about isn't an issue to be fixed. This is the intended design.  Those parts have not been supported for over a year. Go back to the first post in this thread and look at the section:

>>> Important notes to KAS v1.0+

Your choices are:

  1. Try to use the legacy parts without support
  2. Revert your KSP install to a version that supports the old KAS
  3. Learn to live with the current system
  4. Uninstall the mod

Personally I don't get the love for the old pipes.  I hated them and thought the were buggyAF. I rarely had them survive more than a couple scene loads before I'd have to go out and reinstall them.  Learn to write patches to change behavior you don''t like. I posted a patch somewhere in this thread to add longer linkages and the RTS-1 length can be changed with a MM patch.

Edited by Tonka Crash
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  On 4/25/2020 at 3:58 AM, EdwardB3020 said:

Why can't I attach 2 joint sockets together like in this video but I have to have a hinge? 

If possible could there be a patch fixing this issue? These hinges have limited rage and the sockets had longer range


I'd like to confirm what @Tonka Crash has said. Indeed, the old pipes were too buggy. No to mention they were physically impossible. Due to how the game is designed, it was simply not possible to make them stable. RTS-1, on the other hand, gives most of the stuff that people would like to get from the old pipes. And RTS-1 links never get destroyed due to they are flexible! If you're looking for a rigid connection, take a look at the TJ parts family. It's not as good as the old pipes (due to the short distance limit), but there is a reason why they are not: they are physically realistic.

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  On 4/25/2020 at 5:39 AM, IgorZ said:

I'd like to confirm what @Tonka Crash has said. Indeed, the old pipes were too buggy. No to mention they were physically impossible. Due to how the game is designed, it was simply not possible to make them stable. RTS-1, on the other hand, gives most of the stuff that people would like to get from the old pipes. And RTS-1 links never get destroyed due to they are flexible! If you're looking for a rigid connection, take a look at the TJ parts family. It's not as good as the old pipes (due to the short distance limit), but there is a reason why they are not: they are physically realistic.


Hmm I took a look at that and they work the same. Thanks :)

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1.6 (April 26th, 2020):

  • [Fix #289] RTS-1 docking mode is not reset on decoupling.
  • [Change] Stop complaining about KSP minor version change.
  • [Enhancement] Add two new localization strings for the custom corridors: Corridor-1000 and Corridor-1500.
  • [Enhancement] Add an optional patch MM-LegacyKASPipesPart.txt to simulate the old KAS pipes. Use at your own risk!
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It seems like the newest version of Kerbal Attachment System would work fine, if I had not gotten stuck within the loading screen.

I always get stuck at the point where it reaches the message, "Verifying Expansion: Breaking Ground SquadExpansion/Serenity". The probable reason that I get stuck in this part is because the Community Category Kit mod bundled with KAS is invalid to the current version of the game (1.9.1).

Is there a way to get past this without getting stuck?

Edit: This wasn't an issue the last time I played the game with older mods.

Edited by Eli the Space Nerd
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  On 4/28/2020 at 12:36 AM, Tonka Crash said:

@Eli the Space Nerd I updated today and didn't have any issues.

It might be the bundled miniAVC.dll, I remove them out of habit after updates.




Even when I did add the ZeroMiniAVC mod,  the game would still get stuck on that very same screen message, "Verifying Expansion: Breaking Ground SquadExpansion/Serenity". This is a problem that I was unable to solve.

Edited by Eli the Space Nerd
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  On 4/28/2020 at 3:04 AM, Eli the Space Nerd said:

Even when I did add the ZeroMiniAVC mod,  the game would still get stuck on that very same screen message, "Verifying Expansion: Breaking Ground SquadExpansion/Serenity". This is a problem that I was unable to solve.


We need to see logs to see what's going on

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  On 4/28/2020 at 3:04 AM, Eli the Space Nerd said:

Even when I did add the ZeroMiniAVC mod,  the game would still get stuck on that very same screen message, "Verifying Expansion: Breaking Ground SquadExpansion/Serenity". This is a problem that I was unable to solve.


Then you have another problem.  Log files are needed

Read this BEFORE asking for supporthttp://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 4/28/2020 at 4:56 AM, Eli the Space Nerd said:

Here's the log file I currently have.



I see a lot of errors like this:

[ERR 23:35:20.044] MechJeb module MechJebModuleMenu threw an exception in OnLoad: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes(System.Reflection.Assembly,bool)
  at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0 
  at AssemblyLoader+LoadedAssembly.TypeOperation (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x00006] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 
  at AssemblyLoader+LoadedAssembyList.TypeOperation (System.Action`1[T] action) [0x0001c] in <55ba45dc3a43403382024deac8dcd0be>:0 
  at MuMech.ToolbarTypes.getType (System.String name) [0x00014] in <4cdbe337c6aa43d0bc3552436a95c969>:0 
  at MuMech.ToolbarManager.get_Instance () [0x00023] in <4cdbe337c6aa43d0bc3552436a95c969>:0 
  at MuMech.ToolbarManager.get_ToolbarAvailable () [0x0000c] in <4cdbe337c6aa43d0bc3552436a95c969>:0 
  at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.ClearButtons () [0x00034] in <4cdbe337c6aa43d0bc3552436a95c969>:0 
  at MuMech.MechJebModuleMenu.OnLoad (ConfigNode local, ConfigNode type, ConfigNode global) [0x00000] in <4cdbe337c6aa43d0bc3552436a95c969>:0 
  at MuMech.MechJebCore.OnLoad (ConfigNode sfsNode) [0x002fc] in <4cdbe337c6aa43d0bc3552436a95c969>:0 

Not to mention this one:

[ERR 23:32:09.205] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KerbalEngineer.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

[ERR 23:32:09.206] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KerbalEngineer.Unity, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

I'd say you have real troubles with KerbalEngineer. Try either updating it or removing altogether.

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  On 4/28/2020 at 4:56 AM, Eli the Space Nerd said:

Here's the log file I currently have.



Numerous problems.  

  1. You game is still installed in the default steam path. This allows steam to update your game outside your control. You should copy the game tree and play from a different path.
  2. Multiple versions of mods installed. This tells me you are installing mods manually and not deleting old versions before updating.  Some of the old mods looks like they are loading old versions of the DLL, or at least KSP is aware they are out there. Old version aren't supposed to load, but you have 3 versions of KSPDev_Utils it looks like it loaded.  One of these could be a problem. It looks like you have half a dozen different Module Managers going back to 2.5 which tells me they were probably bundled with something ancient.  I don't know if that ancient .DLL is still around.
  3. Related to 2, out of date mods.  Beginning in 1.7 I started seeing reflection errors cause issues which were due to out of date .DLLs.  These don't necessarily report as an issue from the mod causing the problem. For example, I have the same version of KER which doesn't cause problems for me. I don't have time to verify each of your mods on your install.  All it takes is one wrong .DLL to break your KSP. 
  4. I would switch to the Dev version of MechJeb it updates much more frequently than the standard version, but this isn't your problem.

I would copy your game tree to C:\Games\Kerbal Space Program.  Delete everything from GameData except Squad and SquadExpansion.  (All your mods)  Install CKAN and use it to install your mods. It at least deletes old parts of mods when it updates.  No more mulitple copies of Module Manager.  And makes staying current, trivial.  Doing it manually relying on KSP-AVC doesn't work if you can't load the game.  Research anything older than 1.8 to see if there is evidence it works.  There was a Unity change at 1.8 that forced many mods to update or at least recompile. Use your old steam install as a reference as you rebuild under a new path.


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@Eli the Space Nerd Yes, you want to move your game install to somewhere outside the Steam tree.  Probably not your Desktop.  Search this forum for the problems people have with Steam autoupdating your install.

I don't use Steam for KSP at all, so I'm basing this on what I've read. 

If it were me:

  1. I'd do a complete backup of your current Steam install, keep this someplace safe and don't change it. 
  2. Wipe the steam install and do a clean install from Steam. Check that this clean install runs.
  3. Copy the clean Steam install to a new location that will become the new installation you play from.
  4. Next I would install CKAN in your new location to add mods. Refer to the backup you made in 1) to make sure you get everything.
  5. If you want to continue with an old save, copy the Kerbal Space Program\saves directory from the backup you created in step 1) to the same location in your new installation.  But, if you don't have the same mod list your old backups may not work if you are missing parts from craft.
  6. Once you're convinced your game is working like you want, you could delete the backup from 1)

You don't have to only use mods for 1.8+, a lot of older mods still work fine, especially if they are just parts packs.  CKAN reports I have a 4 older than 1.8 out of 111 installed and I've got couple I manually installed that were pretty old.  You should do a little research to see if the older mods are still reported to work in newer KSP releases. 

Edited by Tonka Crash
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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to make a skycrane for a rover with a winch, I tested it and it works... except when I launch the whole thing on a rocket. Upon launching, or even staging with some decouplers, the which joint breaks and everything rips apart.

Here is a picture in the VAB. The skycrane is connected to the rover via the winch and an attachment point. I added for struts to make everything rigid before extending the cable.


What should I do to avoid the winch joint breaking? More struts? Reconfigure the whole thing differently? If so, how?

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  On 4/30/2020 at 6:02 AM, Micascisto said:

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to make a skycrane for a rover with a winch, I tested it and it works... except when I launch the whole thing on a rocket. Upon launching, or even staging with some decouplers, the which joint breaks and everything rips apart.

Here is a picture in the VAB. The skycrane is connected to the rover via the winch and an attachment point. I added for struts to make everything rigid before extending the cable.


What should I do to avoid the winch joint breaking? More struts? Reconfigure the whole thing differently? If so, how?


In KSP it's common that a rocket gets destroyed at the first launch. And at the second. And at the third. And many times more until it finally succeeded :) The winch to port connection is not a magic. It's a regular part-to-part joint. In the docked state, it's a strong as a regular tiny joint would be. If it breaks, it only means your design is not as good as you think. Obviously, you need more struts. And, to be honest, there is a game limitation to the physics. Some things just cannot be done :( 

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@Micascisto You could try releasing a little cable from the winch before you launch the rocket and let the struts carry the load.  This should unload the winch connections, so launch forces don't rip it apart.  Also NASA used 3 winch lines on it's skt crane. After you separate everything, winch it back up snug.

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Thanks for the replies.

I tried to add an excessive amount of struts, but it didn't work. It looks like any decoupling action in previous stages triggers something in the winch that makes it move violently destroying any strut. Without any strut, sometimes I can see the whole rover+crane flying out of the fairing. The Kraken never fails!

I also tried a different construction, by having the skycrane initially attached to the rover via a decoupler, and then I activate the winch to connect it to the rover. However, the cable goes through the rover like it didn't exist.

I wonder how this this guy did it?


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  On 5/2/2020 at 3:33 AM, Micascisto said:

Thanks for the replies.

I tried to add an excessive amount of struts, but it didn't work. It looks like any decoupling action in previous stages triggers something in the winch that makes it move violently destroying any strut. Without any strut, sometimes I can see the whole rover+crane flying out of the fairing. The Kraken never fails!

I also tried a different construction, by having the skycrane initially attached to the rover via a decoupler, and then I activate the winch to connect it to the rover. However, the cable goes through the rover like it didn't exist.

I wonder how this this guy did it?


If you could make a crane from the stock parts, I'd try it to figure out what's happening (no promises). Sorry, I don't debug with the third party mods unless it's a mods compatibility investigation.

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  On 5/2/2020 at 4:39 AM, IgorZ said:

If you could make a crane from the stock parts, I'd try it to figure out what's happening (no promises). Sorry, I don't debug with the third party mods unless it's a mods compatibility investigation.


Stock parts (a decoupler instead of the winch) works fine!

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