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[1.2.2] Contract Pack: Historical Progression (v1.5 - 4/24/2017)


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Contract Pack: Historical Progression

This contract pack is designed to take you through the history of the human space program. This entire contract pack was inspired by Whitecat106's Historic Missions contracts. He has created an incredible selection of close to 700 missions! For me, that is too much, and I wanted to go through the history of human spaceflight and progress how we have done in real life. I did not want to have to launch a mission that was almost the smae thing over and over again.

This contract pack takes you from the first sounding rockets to New Horizons and into the future. You will be tasked with recreating some of the most ambitious missions like the Apollo Program, Voyager and the International Space Station. It is up to you to guide the Kerbals into the cosmos through a historical progression.

Some of these contracts are very involved and require you to use gravity assists to accomplish the contract parameters. Others give you the option to complete certain goals in order to gain bonuses. For example, in your Space Shuttle contracts, you get bonus funds if you land your shuttle on the Runway back at KSC. One of the best examples of this is the MESSENGER contract. It requires you to enter a polar orbit of the first planet in the solar system. We will use the stock system  with the Real Solar System planets as an example.

MESSENGER Contract Parameters

General Goal: Design an unmanned craft to Orbit Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees

  1. Design an unmanned craft with an antenna (also with 3 SCANsat scanners if you have the mod installed)
  2. Launch MESSENGER
  3. Enter Orbit of the Sun
  4. OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Kerbin (Earth) for a gravity assist
  5. OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) for a gravity assist
  6. OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Eve (Venus) again for a gravity assist
  7. OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for a gravity assist
  8. OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) again for a gravity assist
  9. OPTIONAL BONUS: Flyby Moho (Mercury) for the third time for a gravity assist
  10. Enter Orbit of Moho (Mercury) with a minimum Inclination of 70 degrees
  11. Transmit Science Data from Space around Moho (Mercury)
  12. If you have SCANsat installed, have 80% mapping of Low Quality, Biome and High Quality

Most of the missions are not that difficult or that involved, but MESSENGER was launched in 2004 after more than 50 years of spaceflight and we knew some new tricks to help us achieve an orbit.







* Sounding Rocket    - First Launches
* V-2    - First Suborbital Flight
* Sputnik    - First Satellite
* Sputnik 2    - First Object with Living Creatures to Orbit (OPTIONAL)
* Explorer 1 - First American Satellite (OPTIONAL)
* Vanguard 1 - First Solar Powered Satellite, Oldest Object still in Earth Orbit
* Luna 1 - First Flyby of Moon
* Explorer 6 - First Photo of Earth from Orbit (OPTIONAL)
* Luna 2 - First Impact into Moon
* Luna 3 - First Images of Farside of Moon
* Discoverer 13 - First Object to Orbit and Return something to Earth
* Mercury-Redstone 2 - First Primate in Space
* Venera 1 - First Flyby of Venus
* Koarbl-Sputnik 5 - First Mammals to Orbit and Return to Earth
* Vostok 1 - First Human to Orbit Earth
* Freedom 7 - First Suborbital Human Flight
* Vostok 2 - 1 Day Spent in Space
* OSO-1 - First Solar Observatory
* Telstar 1 - First Communications Satellite
* Mariner 2 - First Succesful Venus Flyby (science data returned)
* Vostok 6 - First Woman in Space
* Syncom 2 - First Geosynchronous Satellite
* Syncom 3 - First Geostationary Satellite
* Voskhod 1 - 3 Humans in One Capsule
* Mariner 4 - First Flyby of Mars, First Pictures of Mars
* Voskhod 2 - First EVA
* Gemini V - 7 Days in Space
* Venera 3 - First Impact into Venus
* Gemini 6 & Gemini 7 - First Orbital Rendezvous
* Luna 9 - First Soft Landing on Moon, First Images from Surface of Moon
* Gemini 8 - First Orbital Docking
* Luna 10 - First Satellite Around Moon
* Venera 4 - First Probe to Send Data from Venus Atmosphere
* Kosmos 186 & Kosmos 188 - First Automated Docking
* Apollo 4 - First Test of Saturn V
* Zond 5 - First to Orbit Moon and Return to Earth
* OAO-2 - First Ultraviolet Telescope
* Apollo 8 - First Humans to Orbit Moon
* Apollo 11 - First Landing on Moon
* Apollo 12 - Second Landing on Moon
* Soyuz 9 - 14 Days in Space
* Venera 7 - First Soft Landing on Venus
* Luna 16 - First Automated Sample Return from Moon
* Lunokhod 1 - First Rover on Moon
* Apollo 14 - Third Landing on Moon
* Salyut 1 - First Space Station
* Mariner 9 - First Orbit of Mars
* Apollo 15 - Fourth Landing on Moon, First Rover
* Pioneer 10 - First Ship on Escape Trajectory from Sun, Pass Asteroid Belt, Jupiter Flyby
* Apollo 16 - Fifth Landing on Moon, 3 Days on Moon
* Apollo 17 - Final Landing on Moon
* Pioneer 11 - First Saturn Flyby
* Skylab & Skylab 2 - First American Space Station, 28 Days in Space
* Skylab 3 - 56 Days in Space
* Mariner 10 - First Photos of Venus, First Mercury Flyby
* Skylab 4 - 84 Days in Space
* Venera 9 - First Orbit of Venus, First Images from Surface of Venus
* Apollo-Soyuz - First International Joint Mission
* Viking 1 - First Images from Mars Surface, First Soil Samples of Mars
* Helios - Closest Ever Flyby of Sun
* Voyager 2 - First Uranus Flyby, First Neptune Flyby
* Voyager 1 - Flyby of Jupiter, Flyby of 5 Jupiter Moons, Flyby of Saturn, First in Interstellar Space
* Pioneer Venus Orbiter - First Multi-Year Mission at Venus
* STS-1 - First Reusable Manned Spacecraft
* Venera 13 - First Venus Soil Samples, First Sounds from Venus Surface
* STS-5 - 4 Crew Members
* IRAS - First Infrared Orbital Observatory
* STS-7 - 5 Crew Members
* STS-9 - 6 Crew Members
* STS-41B - First Untethered EVA
* STS-41G - 7 Crew Members
* Mir - First Long-Term Modular Space Station
* Mir Kvant-1 - First Module Addition to Space Station
* Soyuz TM-4 - 365 Days in Space
* Phobos 2 - First Flyby of Phobos
* Magellan - First to Map Venus
* Hipparcos - First Astrometric Observatory
* Galileo - First Orbit of Jupiter, First Probe in Jupiter Atmosphere
* COBE - First Orbital Cosmic Microwave Observatory
* Hubble - First Optical Observatory
* STS-61 - Repair Hubble
* NEAR Shoemaker - First Orbit of Asteroid, First Landing on Asteroid
* Pathfinder - First Rover on Mars
* HALCA - First Orbital Radio Observatory
* Cassini-Huygens - First Orbit of Saturn, First Landing on Titan
* ISS-Zarya - First Multinational Space Station
* ISS-Unity - Building the ISS
* ISS-Zvezda - Building the ISS
* ISS-Expedition 1 - First Crew on ISS
* Dennis Tito - First Tourist in Space
* Genesis - First Vessel Return from beyond Moon
* Hayabusa - First Ascent from Asteroid, First Sample Return from Asteroid Surface
* MESSENGER - First Orbit Mercury
* New Horizons - First Flyby Pluto

* NEW: Dawn - First Orbit Around Giant Asteroid

* NEW: Kepler Telescope - First Telescope to look for Exoplanets

*NEW: Juno - First Polar Orbit of Jupiter


These are not nessecary to use the contract pack, but it makes the pack much better

There are many part mods to consider that will give you the ability to construct realistic looking, or in some cases replicas of the spacecraft that are simulated in this contract pack.

  • Bluedog Design Bureau (NASA / ESA)
  • @raidernick Awesome Collection of Mods
    • Skylab
    • US & Soviet Solar Panels Pack
    • Salyut Stations
    • Soviet Spacecraft
    • Soviet Probes
    • US Probes Pack
    • US Rockets Pack
    • Antares & Cygnus  
  • Tantares


  • The contract pack removes the World Firsts and Explore Body stock missions as we are already covering this with the pack
  • This contract pack works with all planet packs, but you will experience some weird contracts if your Home planet is not the 3rd rock from the sun
  • Full support for Stock, Stock x2, Stock x6.4, Outer Planets Mod
  • Full support for Real Solar System, Half Size Real Solar System, Stock Size Real Solar System
  • I do not know how this will play with other Contract Packs unless listed below, as it is designed to go through all major "firsts" of our space history so will duplicate similar contracts from other packs
  • Most missions cannot be cancelled nor will they expire. There are a set of optional missions and more will be coming down the line. These optional missions can be cancelled and do not need to be completed.


  • Anomoly Surveyor
  • AntennaRange Relays
  • Clever Sats
  • Field Research
  • Giving Aircraft a Purpose (GAP)
  • Kerbal Academy
  • Maritime Mission Pack
  • RemoteTech Contract Pack


  • @nightingale for creating Contract Configurator as well as helping me with many questions along the way
  • @severedsolo for answering some questions I had about some contracts
  • @Whitecat106 for inspiring me with your Historic Missions pack
  • @TheReadPanda is streaming a career with the Contract Pack active




  1. Make sure you have Contract Configurator and Module Manager Installed as they are NOT included with the download
  2. Download the Contract Pack
  3. Copy to GameData folder
  4. Enjoy!


  • Add Remaining Missions
    • Falcon Flight 20 - First Powered Landing of First Stage of Rocket
  • Moon / Mun contracts will require specific biomes to be reached (want to stop players from landing on the far side)
  • Add a requirement to deorbit and destroy Space Stations after
  • Add additional SCANsat mission support
  • Add additional DMagic Orbital Science Mission Support
    • Additional Mars / Duna Missions
      • Landers
        • Phoenix
        • Insight
      • Orbiters
        • Mars Global Surveyor
        • MAVEN
      • Rovers
        • Spirit
        • Opportunity
        • Curiosity
    • ISS Construction
    • Apollo Applications Program
      • Manned Venus Flyby (this was a proposed mission using Apollo hardware)
    • Future Missions
      • OSIRIS Rex
      • Asteroid Redirect Mission
      • Mars Sample Return Mission
      • Europa Mission
      • Red Dragon
      • Mars 2020

CC-BY-NC-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)



1.6 - April 24, 2017

  • Small fixes to many missions to fix completion issues
  • Fix to STS-41B by removing the EVA component as it was not working correctly
  • Fix Apollo Rover missions by allowing the player to accomplish mission using a separate rover from the lander

1.5 - March 6, 2017

  • Fixed secondary Ap in Apollo 4 mission to be on the correct side of the Mun in stock
  • Fixed Gemini 8 mission for the proper docking to register
  • Fixed Shuttle Missions so that you can accomplish Return Home Safely parameter
  • Fixed the Space Station missions to mark parameters as completed correctly

1.4 - January 27, 2017

  • Fixed mission for Gemini 7 / Gemini-6
  • Fixed Apollo missions, can now be completed with the Rover
  • Removed requirements for probes to  have antenna - with the new Coms system in 1.2 it was duplicative

1.3 - August 22, 2016

  • Brand New Financial Reward System - This is completely based on the radius of your Home Planet. If you have a larger size Homeworld such as a resized Kerbin or RSS build, then the funds rewards will adjust accordingly to meet the increase costs required to accomplish mission goals
  • Zond Orbit Parameters updated
  • REMOVED: Venera 3 as it was essentailly a failed mission and Venera 4 was a repeat
  • Fixed Phobos 2 prerequisite to allow mission to actually fire correctly
  • Adding correct sorting for all contracts so they will show up in order in the Mission Control building interface
  • Fixed prestige settings of all missions
  • Apollo 14 and Apollo 16 will go to Minmus (unless you have some version of RSS installed and then it will be the Moon)
  • Fixed issue where Venera 9 wouldn't check off Orbit Parameter when switching to the Lander

1.2 - July 23, 2016

  • Massive Behind the Scenes Overhaul to prepare release for Contract Configurator Update
  • Freedom 7 - Moved to Optional
  • Vostok 2 - Available after Vostok-1
  • Mir: Kvant - Changed Requirement to be finished Mir mission
  • Mars 2 - REMOVED - Was a failed mission as it crashed into Mars
  • Mars 3 - REMOVED - Was a failed mission since it did not communicate with Earth on landing
  • Helios - Fixed Mission Description to give correct Orbital Distance
  • NEW! Optional Missions
    • Moon Missions
      • Surveyor 1 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Luna 13 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Surveyor 3 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Surveyor 5 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Surveyor 6 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Surveyor 7 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Lunokhod-2 - Unmanned Lunar Rover
    • Mars Missions
      • Viking 2 - Unmanned Mars/Duna Lander
    • Mir Space Station
      • Kristall - Mir Module
      • Soyuz TM-18 - 437 Days in Space
      • Spektr - Mir Module
      • STS-71 - Space Shuttle Docking to Mir
      • STS-74 Mir Docking Module - Mir Module Launched by Space Shuttle
      • Priroda - Mir Module
      • Soyuz TM-31 - Last Human Spaceflight to Mir
      • Mir Deorbit

1.1.1 - July 11, 2016

  • Fixed issue because I made a mistake and uploaded the version for Contract Configurator 1.15 that is not released yet! Sorry guys!!

1.1 - July 11, 2016

  • V-2 - Removed the need to destroy the rocket at the end of the contract, was not allowing completion in some cases
  • Sputnik 2 - Moved to OPTIONAL (mission is essentially the same as Sputnik)
  • Explorer 1 - Moved to OPTIONAL (mission is essentially the same as Sputnik)
  • Explorer 6 - Moved to OPTIONAL (mission is essentially the same as Sputnik)
  • NEW: Dawn (orbit around giant asteroid, Dres in stock or Vesta & Ceres in Half Size RSS, will not show up in regular RSS)
  • NEW: Kepler (first telescope to look for exoplanets)
  • NEW: Juno (first mission to enter polar orbit of Jupiter)
  • Removed duplicate descriptions
  • Kosmos 186 & Kosmos 188 Contract - Fixed the way the docking vessels were treated not allowing the contract to complete
  • Luna 10 and Zond 5 Contracts - Fixed an issue where they were offered multiple of times
  • Apollo 4 - Fixed the way the Crew Capacity was handled so players could include a Lander for their test as well
  • Apollo Program - Fixed the wording on the contracts to better let the player know the Parking Orbit requirements
  • Changed Antenna requirements to read Transmission Devices for clarity for player
  • Syncom 2 and Syncom 3 Contracts - Changed orbital requirements to require closer to a circular orbit
  • Gemini 7 & Gemini 6A Contract - Completely re-wrote to work more consistently

1.01 - July 9, 2016

  • Fixed some text on Explorer 6 mission
  • Modified some Duna / Mars contracts for stability
  • Added main logo in anticipation of Contract Configurator 1.15

1.0 - July 8, 2016
* Initial Release


Edited by pap1723
Version Update
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Quick Little Update to 1.01

1.01 - July 9, 2016

  • Fixed some text on Explorer 6 mission
  • Modified some Duna / Mars contracts for stability
  • Added main logo in anticipation of Contract Configurator 1.15


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3 minutes ago, Sol Invictus said:

So, is this contract pack compatible with Realism Overhaul + Realistic Progression Zero?

It is definitely compatible with Realism Overhaul, but it will have many of the same style contracts as Realistic Progression Zero. If you wanted to use the contracts from this pack, I would install it with RP-0 and then use the built in Contract Configurator function to disallow the RP-0 Contracts.

For example, RP-0 Contract Order:

  1. First Launch
  2. Unmanned past Karman Line
  3. Unmanned Orbit
  4. Moon Flyby

Historical Progression Contract Order:

  1. Sounding Rockets (First Launch)
  2. V-2 (Unmanned past Karman Line)
  3. Sputnik 1 (Unmanned Orbit)
  4. Luna 1 (Flyby Moon)
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Hey @pap1723,

just wanted to let you know that I solved the science balancing issue in SETIcontracts by just removing all science rewards (with very few exceptions).

So that the contracts only pay for the restrictions which are unique to career mode (funds, reputation) and science is done like in science mode, by doing experiments.

The only exceptions I made were some of the missions which eg went to the same biomes as previous missions (prolonges orbit, eg for life support). And the most important historical milestones (escape atmo, orbit and so on a token 1 science each).

That pretty much leaves science balancing between experiments/tech node costs and contract balancing can concentrate on funds and reputation.

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Version Update to 1.1

  • V-2 - Removed the need to destroy the rocket at the end of the contract, was not allowing completion in some cases
  • Sputnik 2 - Moved to OPTIONAL (mission is essentially the same as Sputnik)
  • Explorer 1 - Moved to OPTIONAL (mission is essentially the same as Sputnik)
  • Explorer 6 - Moved to OPTIONAL (mission is essentially the same as Sputnik)
  • NEW: Dawn (orbit around giant asteroid, Dres in stock or Vesta & Ceres in Half Size RSS, will not show up in regular RSS)
  • NEW: Kepler (first telescope to look for exoplanets)
  • NEW: Juno (first mission to enter polar orbit of Jupiter)
  • Removed duplicate descriptions
  • Kosmos 186 & Kosmos 188 Contract - Fixed the way the docking vessels were treated not allowing the contract to complete
  • Luna 10 and Zond 5 Contracts - Fixed an issue where they were offered multiple of times
  • Apollo 4 - Fixed the way the Crew Capacity was handled so players could include a Lander for their test as well
  • Apollo Program - Fixed the wording on the contracts to better let the player know the Parking Orbit requirements
  • Changed Antenna requirements to read Transmission Devices for clarity for player
  • Syncom 2 and Syncom 3 Contracts - Changed orbital requirements to require closer to a circular orbit
  • Gemini 7 & Gemini 6A Contract - Completely re-wrote to work more consistently
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I had to post because this mod just made my day.  I love doing the historical missions and the previous "full" contract pack was great (particularly the many details in the descriptions).  This is also a welcome evolution of that because it did get a bit tedious to do so many missions that either were very repetitive or where you had to create failure.  Along those lines, I have reached the early unkerballed capsule tests. Both Korabl-Sputnik and Mercury-Redstone appeared.  

I built one of the rockets (using the many historical parts from the other recommended mods) and went to remove Jeb from the capsule so I could do the test.  What do I see!  I see Zvezdochka and Ham waiting to board as tourists!  I love that!  Finally, I can send some of the real first astronauts on their missions!  

That was an excellent touch to add and a great surprise for me.  Kudos!

and Thank you

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Hey @pap1723

I'm playing KSP 1.1.3 with your mod. But Gemini 7 & Gemini 6A Contract I rendezvous at cca. 20 meters is done, but game don't recognize it. I tried it with MechJeb Randezvous autopilot and it is still unrecognized. I don't have any other contract packs instaled and all stock contracts are off.

Sorry, bad english speaker and writer.


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3 hours ago, vmo11 said:

Hey @pap1723

I'm playing KSP 1.1.3 with your mod. But Gemini 7 & Gemini 6A Contract I rendezvous at cca. 20 meters is done, but game don't recognize it. I tried it with MechJeb Randezvous autopilot and it is still unrecognized. I don't have any other contract packs instaled and all stock contracts are off.

Sorry, bad english speaker and writer.


Your English is just fine!

There is an issue with that Mission that I hope to have fixed for the next release. I am not releasing another version until the new Contract Configurator comes out. For the time being, I would ALT-F12 to open the debug menu and force complete the contract to move on.

Sorry for the issue with that one, it has proven a tricky one to fix.

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Hello, nice pack, im really having fun but i have a question:

On 7/8/2016 at 4:53 PM, pap1723 said:

This entire contract pack was inspired by Whitecat106's Historic Missions contracts. He has created an incredible selection of close to 700 missions! For me, that is too much, and I wanted to go through the history of human spaceflight and progress how we have done in real life. 

is there anything in this pack that is not in Historic Missions? Im guessing having both packs would not be ideal.

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37 minutes ago, frango9000 said:

Hello, nice pack, im really having fun but i have a question:

is there anything in this pack that is not in Historic Missions? Im guessing having both packs would not be ideal.

Hi @frango9000, thanks for the kind words about the pack. If I had to guess, Historic Missions covers every mission that I have in here. The only real difference is that some of the missions I have created are more involved with more steps than some of the Historic Missions.

Eventually, there will be some new missions, but that will be later game stuff.

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Hi there, I like the modpack but i feel like something is missing.

The APP Moon Base Contrsuction. Could you please add it? Because I lik Bases

if you do it, plz add Planetary Base Systems INC to the Recomended mods list becuse it add cool base parts,

Edited by Starslinger999
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Congratulations to @nightingale on the huge update to Contract Configurator. If you download the new version of these contracts, you must have at least version 1.15.3 of Contract Configurator!

UPDATE to 1.2

  • Massive Behind the Scenes Overhaul to prepare release for Contract Configurator Update
  • Freedom 7 - Moved to Optional
  • Vostok 2 - Available after Vostok-1
  • Mir: Kvant - Changed Requirement to be finished Mir mission
  • Mars 2 - REMOVED - Was a failed mission as it crashed into Mars
  • Mars 3 - REMOVED - Was a failed mission since it did not communicate with Earth on landing
  • Helios - Fixed Mission Description to give correct Orbital Distance
  • NEW! Optional Missions
    • Moon Missions
      • Surveyor 1 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Luna 13 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Surveyor 3 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Surveyor 5 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Surveyor 6 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Surveyor 7 - Unmanned Lunar Lander
      • Lunokhod-2 - Unmanned Lunar Rover
    • Mars Missions
      • Viking 2 - Unmanned Mars/Duna Lander
    • Mir Space Station
      • Kristall - Mir Module
      • Soyuz TM-18 - 437 Days in Space
      • Spektr - Mir Module
      • STS-71 - Space Shuttle Docking to Mir
      • STS-74 Mir Docking Module - Mir Module Launched by Space Shuttle
      • Priroda - Mir Module
      • Soyuz TM-31 - Last Human Spaceflight to Mir
      • Mir Deorbit
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I got a question - I have been using the mod since 1.1 and so far, taking the trip down the historical lane has been fun and educational.  Thank you for that.

I just updated to the latest version , I do understand that some contracts were changed and updated, but perhaps I am updating the mod incorrectly as I am getting repeats and in fact, the Apollo' were out of order.

thank you for the mod.

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32 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

I got a question - I have been using the mod since 1.1 and so far, taking the trip down the historical lane has been fun and educational.  Thank you for that.

I just updated to the latest version , I do understand that some contracts were changed and updated, but perhaps I am updating the mod incorrectly as I am getting repeats and in fact, the Apollo' were out of order.

thank you for the mod.

Hey @gamerscircle, I watch you quite a bit on Twitch and you were actually using the other modpack by @Whitecat106 previously called Historic Missions. I am assuming that is the issue you were having.

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2 hours ago, pap1723 said:

Hey @gamerscircle, I watch you quite a bit on Twitch and you were actually using the other modpack by @Whitecat106 previously called Historic Missions. I am assuming that is the issue you were having.

You are absolutely correct, my mistake.  Sorry about that and thanks for pointing that out @pap1723

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This is the first contract mod I've tried, I was satisfied with the stock contracts until I saw this one and I love it.  I am having problems with the Gemini 6A and Gemini 7 rendezvous though.  I've noticed someone else had problems with it too,and saw the ALT+F12 fix, so thanks.  I was pulling my hair out thinking I did something wrong.  Being, cough, older, cough, I remember some of these missions and being able to play them in Kerbal Space Program is just awesome.

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On 7/17/2016 at 6:56 AM, Starslinger999 said:

Hi there, I like the modpack but i feel like something is missing.

The APP Moon Base Contrsuction. Could you please add it? Because I lik Bases

if you do it, plz add Planetary Base Systems INC to the Recomended mods list becuse it add cool base parts,

Hi @Starslinger999,

Sorry for the late response to your message. I will definitely be adding some of the Moon Base missions, but I will be adding them as futuristic missions. It is my opinion that technologically, we were not ready to create long-term habitats on the Moon prior to the developments that took place on Mir and the ISS.

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Thanks for putting this together. Is there a way I can increase the chance of these being made available though? I'm quite often finding there's only a single historical mission available at a time. Am playing with a bunch of other contract mods so maybe they're crowding it out.

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4 minutes ago, baldamundo said:

Thanks for putting this together. Is there a way I can increase the chance of these being made available though? I'm quite often finding there's only a single historical mission available at a time. Am playing with a bunch of other contract mods so maybe they're crowding it out.

Hey @baldamundo, the way the contract pack works is that during the early part of the game, there is only usually one historical progression contract available at a time. This is because they all build off of each other. Once you get into the timeframe of the late 1960's into the 70s and 80s there are a lot more concurrent missions that will be available at the same time.

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1 minute ago, pap1723 said:

Hey @baldamundo, the way the contract pack works is that during the early part of the game, there is only usually one historical progression contract available at a time. This is because they all build off of each other. Once you get into the timeframe of the late 1960's into the 70s and 80s there are a lot more concurrent missions that will be available at the same time.

Ohhh. That makes sense. For people who use KCT it does make the early game a lot slower though

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