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Weather Chat Megathread


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I live in the Netherlands, and it is pretty hot in here (for my taste). People always say its good weather. But its just way to hot to even go outside. I love winter much more, because it is way more safe than summer. And when i go bicycling (not for sport, but for transportation) i always get the wind against me. Man, i hate the weather in this country. And there is not even snow in winter, wich proves global warming and scraps away the fun. I always get negative feelings about weather, but the perfect weather is a sky packed with clouds so the sun wont burn my eyes, no wind and a temprature at about 5-15 degrees Celcius so i dont have to worry about those stupid bugs trying to invade me.

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Eastern Great Lakes. This summer's been really dry so far, it's rained maybe 40 to 60 seconds in the last two weeks, with a total of one major rain since summer started, if I recall correctly. It got up to 307 K on one occasion, but mostly hangs around 300 in the day. Last winter was really warm and dry compared to the average. We got like a week in which it got really cold, though, one location sort of near me got to 229 K including the wind chill. That was February 3, I think. Felt like a return to the few years before that, because 2014-15 and 2013-14 were really cold. Sometime in March this year, before the spring started, it got to 289 K one day, which was very surprising to me because it would be the most extreme temperature range of a season I can remember. If you include the wind chill, the effective temperature, it's a difference of sixty degrees K. That's bloody ridiculous. There was a big snowstorm in March, the only one this year. Right now it's cloudy and I'm hopeful. I like the winter better because you can do something about the cold. Not the heat. Besides, it's so much more energy intensive to cool things down than to heat them up.

A few years ago there was a tornado. It did some damage to an amusement park in my city but not much else.

In the winter, I find myself wishing it was summer, that I could go out there and breathe the air without discomfort and walk around without wrapping myself in fifty billion garments and end up looking like a sumo wrestler. In the summer, it's the opposite. :D

EDIT: It's raining. Hallelujah.

SECOND EDIT: Oh, by the way, I don't usually describe temperature in terms of degrees Kelvin, but someone in this thread did it and I thought it was cool so I did it.

Edited by Findthepin1
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  On 7/28/2016 at 9:45 PM, Findthepin1 said:

It got up to 307 K on one occasion


92 Fahrenheit...that's not really that hot. The hottest it ever got in my area was sometime between 2007 and 2009, where it reached 315 Kelvin (107 Fahrenheit). And that's not including the heat index values! The next hottest was one day in July of 2012, where it got to 312.5 Kelvin (102 Fahrenheit).

Also, on the subject of weather, the Atlantic's 5th cyclone this year just formed. It is tropical storm Earl, and it managed to kill 6 people before it fully formed! And it's also moving pretty fast towards Mexico. It may get to a Category 1 hurricane, or it may cross over to the Pacific Ocean. I would not be surprised if it did, considering the storm's odd and complex history so far.

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  On 7/24/2016 at 6:11 PM, ProtoJeb21 said:

Only two days ago, my state got hit by severe thunderstorms (for like, what? The 13th time this month?), and a large one passed about 20 miles ENE (east-northeast). It was about 8:30 at night, and the storm had this eerie mix of gray to it. What was amazing was that, despite being miles away, this thunderhead towered into the sky. I could see flashes coming from swollen masses of clouds and a few bolts of lightning shooting out of the towering storm. It was terriflying but beautiful.

I better get used to these storms, because another one is coming tomorrow. Fun times ahead. At least the change in the Jet Stream will (hopefully) make tomorrow's storm the last of the severe ones.


Would you happen to live in  Virginia? 

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  On 8/3/2016 at 2:52 AM, ProtoJeb21 said:

Error 404: Not Found

(answer: I don't)


Oh. We've had several bad storms, and heat so bad that there have been several brown outs due to grid overload. Luckily,  I was in New Mexico for most of it, but as soon as I stepped off the plane, the air felt like soup. NM has zero humidity compared to VA. I currently have a 24" fan blowing on me. I'm still hot. I went to see the new Star Trek partially because the theater has a brand-new AC system.

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  On 8/4/2016 at 2:14 AM, Dispatcher said:

Of course of equal importance with temperatures is humidity.  High levels of both will make you suffer and die, if you get enough of them.


I want to like this post, but I live on the Gulf Coast...
Who the hell decided that Houston was a good place to build?!?  (Oh, right.  Lyndon Johnson and Albert Thomas.)


(I've read lists of tips on how to stay cool in hot weather.  Most of them are "make your body sweat more" or "wet your skin".  None of these lists were written by people in humid environments. :rolleyes:)

Edited by razark
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This regards weather and since tonight i am in an abnormal situation. It's the first time in my life. I know you guys in california have much larger fires and losses every year, you now have even greater respect from me.


On the foto from early this morning, my house is about 1km below the left end of the fire. For those who don't speak spanish: It was startet yesterday by a foreigner who made a fire (it's strictly forbitten in summer). He was arrested last night. The fire spreads uncontrolled. 5 helicopters and a seaplane and a large ground crew are fighting it. Military personell and equipment arrived early this morning by ship from Tenerife. 700 people had to leave their houses this night, 1 firefighter died this morning.

And now to the weather: for the afternoon they predict 37 degrees celsius, strong winds over the ridge (more than 30km/h) and very dry air (less than 30% rel. humidity).

Famous last words: "Will keep you informed" :-)

Edit: ok guys, here's the cause of the fire: that idiot (german, 27, home unknown) lit the toilet paper after defecating. He was accidentally caught on site. Good work ! The good news: it's not "force majeure", it's incendiarism. No way for the insurance to talk themselves out of this ...

Update: wind and heat staid in higher levels until now. Situation is unchanged. There is a lot of charcoal falling out of the cloud, every 2 hours i have to sweep over the terrace:


If it stays like this, they say that they will have control over the fire until the evening.

Update: Temperatures rose to 33° at 550m above sealevel and stormy winds have come up. The fires are still out of control despite all efforts. There are two fronts, the foto shows the northern front. 2500 people had to evacuated until now, my direct vicinity is as of now (00:00 UTC) not yet affected but 3km to the south "Jedey" was evacuated. Fortunately now more victims to the fire but many houses are lost to the flames. 20km² of forest have been destroyed. The foto is taken at about 300m sealovel, the ridge is 1900m high. See you tomorrow


Update (5.8.16, 1000utc): thank you @Dispatcher. It seems this morning that my direct vicinity is out of danger. But the strong hot and dry winds are expected to stay for the next 2-3 days, Calima-weather. The fire is now to the south, Las Indias and Fuencaliente (Los Canarios) have been partly evacuated but less people than feared had to leave their homes. Some stay with heroic words.

I was near (500m) when a group of pine trees burst in flames tonight (catastrophy-tourism ;-). These trees are 30m high and the flames were much higher. A torus went up 50-100m like a thermal and dissolved when mixing with the surrounding air. The burst lasted maybe 2 minutes and it even made way against the strong wind. Impressive.

Oh, the neighbor lost his vineyard in the mountain. I feel a little like the martian when he ran out of ketchup ... :-)


Edited by Green Baron
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Its been raining constantly here in New Zealand for the past week... well, not all the time... but enough that all the paddocks around my house had surface flooding, the soil cannot soak up anymore....


And amongst all that.... a baby lamb was born not more than 20 feet from my front door today!... we had to intervene because of complications... but the lamb was born safe and sound... both mother and lamb doing well... and both rewarded one human with a few licks.... :)

The rain has stopped for now, so if the lamb survives the night.... then all will be well.... I'll name it.... "Jeb"



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Although I live in Philly, I decided to take a 2 week vacation to see my grandparents in FT Myers, Florida. There has been a storm a day. The thunder is booming and loud. The lightning struck right across the canal. There is an osprey that watches us from around there in its nest, staring, watching. There has not been a day where you could hear thunder here. IT is loud. It's extremely humid here, and it never goes below 90 until 5 or 6 o clock. Other than that, we went to Epcot in Disney World (lots of fun, but very hot). It's never windy here, it really doesn't help. It was fun down here, I wish I could visit again.

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  On 8/4/2016 at 4:42 AM, razark said:

I want to like this post, but I live on the Gulf Coast...
Who the hell decided that Houston was a good place to build?!?  (Oh, right.  Lyndon Johnson and Albert Thomas.)


(I've read lists of tips on how to stay cool in hot weather.  Most of them are "make your body sweat more" or "wet your skin".  None of these lists were written by people in humid environments. :rolleyes:)


I've lived in the "deep South" and I know 3 things.  In the summer, one can shower and dry off indoors, go outside and get the mail or just go outside.  By the time you get back inside, you'll want to take another shower.  In the summer, there is no way to dress to keep cool.  In the winter, the cold goes right to the bone and dressing for it makes little difference.

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  On 8/4/2016 at 8:50 AM, Green Baron said:

This regards weather and since tonight i am in an abnormal situation. It's the first time in my life. I know you guys in california have much larger fires and losses every year, you now have even greater respect from me.

On the foto from early this morning, my house is about 1km below the left end of the fire. For those who don't speak spanish: It was startet yesterday by a foreigner who made a fire (it's strictly forbitten in summer). He was arrested last night. The fire spreads uncontrolled. 5 helicopters and a seaplane and a large ground crew are fighting it. Military personell and equipment arrived early this morning by ship from Tenerife. 700 people had to leave their houses this night, 1 firefighter died this morning.

And now to the weather: for the afternoon they predict 37 degrees celsius, strong winds over the ridge (more than 30km/h) and very dry air (less than 30% rel. humidity).

Famous last words: "Will keep you informed" :-)



I have no words; that is bad and I'm sorry that it is happening there in the Canary Islands and near you.  Such things occur in my state in the American Southwest and are often due to the idiocy of one thoughtless (or criminal) individual.  I wish you well, Green Baron.

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  On 8/5/2016 at 12:37 AM, Dispatcher said:

In the summer, one can shower and dry off indoors, go outside and get the mail or just go outside.  By the time you get back inside, you'll want to take another shower.


Some days, you don't even need to go outside to get the sweaty, slimy, just crawled out of a swamp feeling.

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Can't edit my post anymore. This is concerning the fire on La Palma and how fast one can get in an "abnormal situation", influenced by weather.

My vicinity seems to be out of danger. The fire is still out of control the third day now due to high temperatures (40°C this afternoon), right now before midnight still 28, winds higher than 30km/h and a relative humidity of 30%. No more casualties than the one dead firefighter. Many people were evacuated from Jedey, San Nicolas, Las Indias, Fuencaliente (Los Canarios) and i read that Mazo and Tijarafe are unsure what to do, depending on what happens through the socond half of the night. 2 amphbious planes joined the 5 helicopters. The fire jumped from the western flanks of the southern part of the island to the south and east.


35km² of forest and patches of agricultur (mainly vineyards) are burnt. Many "bodegas", weekend or holiday-homes were burnt. 2500 people were evacuated until now, i have no information on damage to houses but in Jedey last night at least a few houses fell to the flames. Planes and helicopters can't operate at night and i think it's useless to fight such a fire with hoses ....

That's all from me on that.

Ah, and one politician stood up and made clear that 95% of those fires are avoidable. Isn't that helpful ?


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Just had a slow powerful storm pass through.  Turned the sky black (sun still up).  Plastered one side of my house with leaves and left piles of hail by the house.  So much rain that a nearby ditch was filled and water covered most of the road next to it.  It was very loud and had a lot of lightning.

Most impressive what nature can do ... and the electric service was not interrupted.

Too bad you guys with fires didn't get some of this stuff.  I didn't take photos because it was just a black sky.

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The weather in my area is turning nasty. Temperatures are up to the low-mid 90's with heat index values of up to at least 105 degrees and excessive humidity. This savage heat won't end until Sunday. On top of that, there are going to be on-and-off thunderstorms, mainly in the afternoons, until next Wednesday. It may seem like I won't be able to see the Super-Perseid shower tonight, but things will clear up by 10 or 11 tonight. Just have to wait several hours without losing power...

It'll all be worth it.

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