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[1.2.2] Historical Progression Tech Tree v2.0 - Updated 02-22-2017


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  On 8/20/2017 at 7:48 PM, TK-313 said:

I'm sorry to complain, but the R-7/Soyuz launch vehicle parts are horribly misplaced in the tech tree. All of the tanks and engines are tier 6, which is even later than the N-1 parts. This makes it completely absurd in the context of this (historical) tech tree and leaves no option for Sputnik and Vostok launches (some of the parts from the separate Vostok mod - the pods - are, on the other hand, available too early, but the lack of a launch vehicle somehow balances that). Can this be helped somehow?


Agreed.  Thanks for the quick patch, I'll look into adjusting some of the other tantares stuff and post up any configs to here/github pull :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry if this is something that's been addressed, I've only read through a few pages of this thread. 

I can't unlock anything at the 500 science level. I only have this and a couple of your other recommended mods, the research station is upgraded to allow up to 500 science to be researched, and I've got plenty of science to use. The message says "technology has unresearched requirements", but I've unlocked the node that it says it requires. It seems to do this for all 500 level nodes (I only have three up to that level, but I assume it persists for the rest). Is this a bug, or intended somehow? 

Thanks, otherwise I'm really enjoying this mod! 

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  On 9/11/2017 at 5:35 AM, BigFluffyChiken said:

I can't unlock anything at the 500 science level. I only have this and a couple of your other recommended mods, the research station is upgraded to allow up to 500 science to be researched, and I've got plenty of science to use. The message says "technology has unresearched requirements", but I've unlocked the node that it says it requires. It seems to do this for all 500 level nodes (I only have three up to that level, but I assume it persists for the rest). Is this a bug, or intended somehow?


It's a bug in the game. Use something like the following, put it into a cfg file into your GameData and it should work again, changes the cost of all 500 nodes.

    @RDNode:HAS[#cost[500]] {
        @cost = 480


Edited by Mike`
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are there any conflicts among the supported parts mods? What would happen if i downloaded all of them because a lot of them sound cool.


Are any of them redundant? I noticed that cyrogenic engines and atomic engines sound similar.

Edited by CYoungCS
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  • 2 months later...

Well, I have some bad news and some good news:

The bad news is that the ModuleManger devs have finally broken out the +1 Vorpal sword and started enforcing the Highlander rules on the behavior of BEFORE, FOR, and AFTER passes for patches. Now there really can be only one... and that has completely broken HPTechTree's mod support.

The good news is that the fix is relatively straightforward -- I was able to restore expected behavior by replacing every instance of 


with either


or just


in the mod support cfg's.


Ah, and as a bonus, it turns out the reason the greenhouses keep showing up in the Survivability node when USI-LS is installed is that RoverDude changed the names of them in their PART files.

		@TechRequired = ModernCrewSupport

seems to fix that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To save everyone from slaving over a hot keyboard to replace every line matching above, I made a regular expression that you can use in notepad++ to replace all the occurrences in the files.

open all at once>find and replace>copy paste>click regular expression option>replace all in opened documents>save all


Find what:


Replace with:



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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 12/21/2017 at 7:36 PM, DScamp said:

Hello Guys,

I am getting this error:

Can't compare it with any other cfg.



I got it for a DMagic Module Manager patch:

in a quick glance, it seems that the command "%" is now available for creating a value/string inside a node (like adding a resource somewhere):

%name = something

but not a node itself like:


so the above error you mentioned is probably related (it's probably not creating a node as "Module" for a part, but for the tche tree itself).

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  On 5/1/2018 at 3:30 PM, Jimbodiah said:

Too bad this mod is no longer active :(


I'll have a similar style tech tree up by this weekend.  It won't have the nine extended branches like this one, instead ten! but with only the stock nodes.

five basic nodes at tier one that split into two branches each for tiers two to six, coming back to the five nodes for tier seven.  The tiered research costs are the same as HPtechtree.

  1. propulsion systems
       atmospheric engines
       rocketry engines
  2. control systems
       active (sas, rcs, little engines)
       passive (wings and cones)
  3. electrical systems
       electrical (solar, batteries)
       electronics (probes/ comms)
  4. crew systems
       surface (lander, legs, wheels)
       command and space habitats
  5. engineering systems
       fuel tanks

The plan is rather than a historical basis, each column will be based more or less on sizing. About half of the stock parts will be moved around for balance with the idea that mod parts will generally be in the rightish place if not supported.

I'll put a link here but it will have its own release post.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can confirm working on 1.4.3 ;)


despite running the mod itself successful, I cant find the parts (especially engines) of the history expansion dlc in the code. They are way off their time related nodes and i wanted to replace them but without even localizing them i think i can forget that ;.;

Edited by Sarius23
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  • 10 months later...
  On 7/21/2016 at 10:04 PM, pap1723 said:

Historical Progression Tech Tree

This tech tree is designed to take you through the history of the human space program. I always felt like the stock tech tree was lacking and did not like the placement of the parts. There are other tech trees that utilize the stock tech tree and move parts around and that is what inspired me to create a new tech tree like this. The tree will start you with Unmanned parts before you progress to learning how to send Kerbals into Space safely.

What I did with this tree is create a linear approach to Research. The entire tree is broken down into space associated disciplines so you are not required to research new fuel tanks before you get bigger and better engines. This allows the player to drive their research focus. If you as the player wants to get the next tier of electronics to support your craft, you have that option.




    • Rocket Engine Parts
    • Jet Engine Parts
    • Rocket Fuel Tanks
    • Liquid Fuel Tanks
    • Advanced Fuel Tanks
    • Fairings
    • Advanced Wings
    • Nose Cones
    • Intakes
    • Adapters
    • Decouplers
    • Landing Gear
    • Service Bays
    • Fuel Ducts
    • Docking Ports
    • Rover Wheels
    • Probe Cores
    • RCS
    • MonoProp Tanks
    • Winglets
    • Reaction Wheels
    • Command Pods
    • Cockpits
    • Parachutes
    • Heat Shields
    • Life Support
    • All Science Parts
    • Power Generation
    • Power Storage
    • Antennas
    • Heat Control


The tiers are organized from left to right and are listed in numerical order. These are the tiers and the corresponding years that I have used for the placement of the parts.

TIER 1: 1956 and Earlier
This only includes the starting node with many more parts moved to the starting node than in Stock. There are also a node for Wings and Structural Pieces to remove them from the other nodes.

TIER 2: 1957 - 1958
This was the era when we moved from Sounding Rockets to ICBM's and finally to our first satellites like Sputnik and Explorer 1.

TIER 3: 1959
During this time, humans successfully flew by the Moon with the Luna program as well as developed the first techniques of returning capsules from space.

TIER 4: 1960 - 1963
These years are when Manned spaceflight first happened. Yuri Gregarin became the first person in space and in orbit, with Vostok 1 and the US launched astronauts in the Mercury Program. The first unmanned missions to another planet took place with flybys of Venus.

TIER 5: 1964 - 1966
This tier was when we progressed from single manned flights to multiple people in the same spacecraft. The duration of the flights in space increase from short times to up to two weeks. The techniques used to rendezvous and dock ships together were devloped during these years as well as the first landing on the Moon with Luna 9.

TIER 6: 1967 - 1971
We landed men on the Moon! This was the ultimate goal of both the US and USSR and the technology developed for huge rockets to launch men to the Moon as well as other unmanned spacecraft to Mars and Venus.

TIER 7: 1972 - 1979
This was the time when humans learned how to live in space. The Soviets launched their Salyut space station program and the United States did the same with Skylab. The first missions to the outer planets also took place with Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Viking 1 also became the first successful landing on Mars.

TIER 8: 1980 - 1993
The Space Shuttle Era where we concentrated on living in Low Earth Orbit. The Soviets launched the Mir space station which was the first modular space station. 

TIER 9: 1994 - 2005
Long-term space habitation and rovers on Mars was the major focus during this period. Pathfinder became the first rover on another planet, humans lived for more than a year on Mir, and the construction of the International Space Station began.

TIER 10: 2006 - 2020
Back to the Moon or on to Mars? New technologies are being developed by many companies to provide the tools needed for humans to get back to the Moon and to also look to Mars as well.

TIER 11: 2020 - 2050
Near future technologies. These are experimental things that are in development right now that may one day help us reach farther than we ever have before.

TIER 12: 2050 and beyond
These technologies have not been developed yet, or they are just on the drawing board. Things like Warp Drives and FTL travel and Nuclear Fusion will take us to the stars.


  • Module Manager



  1. Make sure you have Module Manager Installed
  2. Copy HPTechTree folder into your GameData folder

There will only be mod conflicts with mods that are new tech trees or move parts around in a different organization.

  • Community Tech Tree
  • Engineering Tech Tree
  • SETI Tech Tree
  • Unmanned Before Manned
  • RP-0
  • Open Tech Tree

Every parts mod will be supported out of the box as the design of the tech tree utilizes the existing nodes from the stock tech tree. For the most part, you will not have many conflicts as the parts will appear where the mod creator wanted them to. They will not necessarily show up in the exact proper place. If you would like to add support for your mod, please contact me. If you have a request for a mod to be fully supported, please let me know.

  • AntennaRange
  • Airplane Plus
  • Atomic Age
  • Aviation Lights
  • BD Armory
  • Bluedog Design Bureau
  • Buffalo Rover
  • Coatl Aerospace
  • Cormorant Aeronology
  • Cryo Engine & Cryo Tanks
  • CxAerospace
  • DMagic Orbital Science
  • FASA
  • Fuel Tanks Plus
  • Hab Tech
  • Interstellar (through their side)
  • KAS
  • KAX
  • Kerbal Atomics
  • Kerbal Planetary Base Systems
  • Kerbal Reusability Expansion
  • Kerbalism
  • KIS
  • kOS
  • KW Rocketry
  • Lonesome Robots Gemini & Agena
  • MechJeb
  • Mk2 Expansion
  • Modular Rocket Systems
  • MOLE
  • Near Future Packs
  • Pathfinder
  • Procedural Fairings
  • Raidernicks Mods
    • Cygnus & Antares
    • Misc Parts
    • Skylab
    • US Probes
    • US Rockets
  • Real Chute
  • Real Scale Boosters
  • RemoteTech
  • Sample Capsule Return
  • SCANsat
  • SETI Probe Parts
  • Sounding Rockets
  • SpaceY Expanded
  • SpaceY Heavy Lifters
  • SSTU
  • Station Science
  • Surface Experiment Package
  • Tantares
  • Tantares (old pack)
  • Tantares Launch Vehicles
  • Tantares Launch Vehicles (old pack)
  • TAC Life Support
  • Universal Storage
  • USI Life Support
  • Vens Stock Revamp
  • Wild Blue Tools




  • GITHUB: https://github.com/pap1723/HPTechTree/releases
  • SPACEDOCK: Spacedock HPTechTree
    I will be adding full integration of more mods. My plan is to continue to update the tree with new mods added. The order I will integrate the mods is determined by which I used in my own saves first.


    CC-BY-NC-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)


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Could I use this In a realism overhaul career with RSS and real engines mod

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No you cannot, it will not work with all of the different part names from RO. However, I did create the tech tree for RP-0 which is the career add-on for Realism Overhaul, so it has a similar feel.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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