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HSP: Mission complete.


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@The Minmus Derp I'm giving thought to three options right now for my next project: Snarkiverse, Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul, and OPM. The first two would be new saves; the third would probably be a continuation of HSP. We're getting pretty close to the end here--only three check marks to go!--so I'll have to decide before too long, but to be honest when I'm done with HSP I'll probably take a break for a bit, mess around in sandbox, try out mods, etc. before I get started on another serious career.


@SiriusRocketry No worries, I appreciate having people interested enough in my stuff to badger me for more of it.

The OP has a complete log of kermanned missions and a listing of operational spacecraft, although it doesn't include probes, satellites, unkermanned rovers, or expendable vehicles. As for mods, here's a reasonably complete list:


All Y'all (action menu button to deploy/retract all solar panels)

B9 Part Switch (dependency of something?)

Better Burn Time

Bon Voyage


Blast Awesomeness Modifier

Community Category Kit (dependency?)

Community Resource Pack (dependency?)

Mod Action Groups (needed for action groups to activate/deactivate rover wheels)

Distant Object Enhancement

DMagic Contracts Window

Engine Lighting

Environmental Visual Enhancements

Firespitter (dll only, dependency of Nebula Decals)

Docking Sound FX

Hull Camera VDS

Image Viewer (?)

Indicator Lights

Jool Rings (optional to SVT)

Kerbal Engineer

Kerbal Hacks (wearable props, including helmet lights and the alternate glass helmets used on some missions)

KerbNet Controller

Kerbal Inventory System

Kopernicus (dependency of SVT)

KS3P (post-processing)

Maneuver Node Evolved (very helpful for adjusting ejection angle on interplanetary transfer burns)

MechJeb (only used to automate routine maneuvers--circularization, rendezvous, docking, auto-execution of nodes--and not for more advanced functions--automatic takeoff/landing, transfer burns, etc.)

Modular Flight Integrator (dependency of Kopernicus?)

Docking Port Alignment Indicator

Nebula Decals (with a lot of custom decals)

Porkjet's Part Overhauls (no longer used except for tankage, which has identical stats to stock)

Persistent Rotation


Porkalike Rapier (alternate model, stats identical to stock)

Real Plume

Real Plume Stock Configs

Reentry Particle Effects


Smoke Screen (dependency of Real Plume)

Speed Unit Changer (before I had KER I used this to display AP/PE in flight, now I mostly just use it to switch to miles per hour while driving rovers)

Squad (obviously)

Stock Visual Enhancements

Stock Visual Terrain

Texture Replacer

----Cetera's Suit Pack

----Poodmund's Calm Nebula Skybox

----Diverse Kerbal Lasses

----Simple Female Kerbals (mine)

----NecKros's Female Faces

----Scart91's Texture Pack (heads only)

----Possibly another texture pack, I feel like I've got more male heads than that


Kerbal Alarm Clock

KSP Alternate Resource Panel

Tweak Scale (dependency of Nebula Decals, not used for anything else)

UbioZur Welding (so far only used for torus modules, although I do have some future plans that would involve welding)

Warp Everywhere (removes low orbit warp restrictions)

Waypoint Manager

Wheel Sounds

Module Manager (dependency of a bunch of stuff)

Somewhere in there is a patch to increase the science lab cap from 500 to 2000 but damn if I can find it--I might have just edited the original file, I forget



Daring 9 commander Burmin and ELC-1 on the surface of Tylo. With Burmin's landing, a kerman has set foot on every known terrestrial world in the kerbolar system; only the atmosphere of Jool itself remains unexplored.


Daring 9: liftoff from Tylo.



After spending a few hours on the surface waiting for better lighting for his selfies collecting data and observations, Burmin climbed back aboard ELC-1 and lifted off to return to the orbiting It's Later Than You Think.



A few minutes after takeoff, the landing stage was jettisoned and the ascent stage ignited.



Unfortunately, the ascent stage ran out of batteries midway up, but Burmin was able to keep it in control by careful use of the engine gimbal and some timewarp abuse to reach a stable 31x35 kilometer orbit.



The original plan was for Burmin to rendezvous with the orbiter, not the other way round, but with ELC-1's batteries flat, junior pilot Piper had to steer It's Later Than You Think to the rendezvous instead.



It's Later Than You Think pulled up next to ELC-1 after a single orbit.



Burmin left the ascent stage in Tylo orbit and transferred back to the orbiter.



Once Burmin and the surface data are safely aboard, It's Later Than You Think burns out of Tylo orbit on a fast transfer back to Kerbin; it will arrive in about two years.


KS-17 & 18: crew rotations.



Dauntless 2106 took off for its first mission, KS-17, commanded by P2 Mike.



KS-17 was a regular Kerbin system crew rotation; as always, the shuttle stopped first at Kerbin station Immutability to drop off P4 Madette, E2 Crisdia, S4 Ribnard, and S2 Harfen and pick up the returning crew.



It then rendezvoused with Starbus Phoebe to transfer the passengers for Minmus--with Base Constancy retired and the last crew due to leave station Persistence, there were no outbound passengers for the Mun.



Phoebe arrived at Mun station Persistence and picked up the crew of Expedition Persistence 11, the quarter-century-old station's final crew.



Once Phoebe had departed for Minmus, the old station was powered down and deactivated, leaving the Mun's sphere of influence uninhabited for the first time since the arrival of Expedition Persistence 1 aboard Defiance 3 almost three decades previously.



Phoebe then dropped off P3 Virlina, E2 Eriby, S3 Wenmy, and S2 Addon at Minmus station Perpetuity...



...and P4 Janbe, E3 Jochelle, S4 Rodnard, and S3 Berelle at Base Tenacity, before bringing the departing crews back to Dauntless 2106 to return to Kerbin.



P3 Lemlock and P1 Asrine flew mission KS-18, the first operational flight of the S500, aboard Gallant 5001.



The mission retrieved the crew of the Daring 7 Data Processing Mission and transferred the remaining data to Starbus Phoebe for transport to one of the space stations at the next crew rotation.



5001 made an uneventful reentry and landing.


Daredevil "Franklin:" Jool ascent vehicle.



Almost three years after its launch, Daredevil "Franklin" arrived in the Joolian system.



Two flybys of Tylo and a burn from its transfer stage positioned the test vehicle for entry on the day side of Jool.



The transfer stage was jettisoned, heat shields deployed, and "Franklin" entered the atmosphere.



Having learned from Lucidity 8 that parachutes don't work on Jool above 5000 meters, the engineers had to quickly devise a new procedure for the transition from unpowered descent to powered ascent. Instead of dropping the heat shields in sequence, as the Eve Daredevil had done, "Franklin" jettisoned them all at once and simultaneously ignited its engines at an altitude of about 100,000 meters and tail-first speed of nearly 300 meters per second.



It took most of the first-stage fuel just to arrest the vehicle's downward velocity, but the transition to ascent was completed smoothly.



The second- and third-stage boosters carried "Franklin" almost vertically out of the atmosphere.



After the final pair of boosters was jettisoned, the core LV-N ignited to carry the ship into orbit.



After a roughly ten-minute burn, "Franklin" was safely in a 613x355 kilometer orbit. The engineers were pleased to note that it still had nearly 2,000 meters per second worth of fuel left--enough to raise its apoapsis beyond the orbit of Laythe, which will substantially reduce the delta-v requirement of the accompanying orbiter on the kermanned mission.

With the success of "Franklin," the administration has given its approval to Daring 10, the last mission currently planned in the Daring program, which will attempt a kermanned return from the Joolian atmosphere.

(OOC: Jool was the last planet in the stock system I had never returned from, and the successful Jool ascent was one of the most exciting moments I've ever had in KSP. "Franklin" represented the last major technical challenge required to complete the original goal of HSP--to return a kerbal from every world in the stock system--and although I still have to do the actual kermanned mission, the hard part is over.)




S3 Tangel, veteran of 11 space missions, notably Valor 6B, first mission to space station Patience II.

E4 Carena, veteran of 7 space missions, notably Intrepidity 5, first landing on Minmus, Bravado 6, first mission to the Jool system, and Daring 7, first mission to Laythe.

S3 Thomptrey, veteran of 9 space missions, notably Intrepidity 4, first completely successful Mun landing.

P5 Hayberta, veteran of 9 space missions, notably Daring 5, first mission to Minmus, and Daring 7, first mission to Laythe.

S5 Kathelyn, veteran of 5 space missions, notably Bravado 3, second mission to Duna, Daring 4, first mission to Eeloo, and Daring 7, first mission to Laythe.

E5 Traissa, first kerman on Ike and veteran of 3 space missions, notably Bravado 4, first mission to Ike, and Daring 6, first mission to Vall, Bop, and Pol.


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11 hours ago, Hotaru said:

Snarkiverse, Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul, and OPM.

Regardless of which one you pick, why not also get an interstellar mod and sent an expedition to another star?

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@DAL59 @The Minmus Derp We will see. I do think an interstellar mission would be interesting to try someday, but I don't anticipate such a thing any time soon. If I start a new save I'll be starting from scratch; even if I continue HSP I'll have the whole of OPM to explore before I start thinking about anything beyond. 



Daredevil "Gordon," which will make the Space Program's first attempt to return a kerman from the atmosphere of Jool, awaits liftoff on a Vorpal IIID rocket.


Daring 9: return from Tylo.



Less than two years after its departure from Tylo, It's Later Than You Think burned back into Kerbin orbit, incidentally setting a new Kerbin-Jool-Kerbin speed record and becoming the first ship to accomplish the round-trip in under four years.



P2 Gregger commanded mission KS-19 aboard Dauntless 2103 Profit Margin; the mission delivered the Daring 9 Data Processing Mission--P2 Gilbree, E2 Grathy, S4 Leeuna, and S2 Kevin--and picked up the original crew.



Profit Margin brought Burmin and the rest of the Daring 9 crew safely back to Kerbin.




Duna ops.



Starbus Elizabeth picked up the crew of station Permanence for return to Kerbin.



Gallant 5001, on mission KS-20, delivered P2 Gregger, E4 Statha, S5 Darina, and S4 Heidi to Starbus Phoebe for the trip to Duna.


Daring 10: objective Jool.



A Vorpal III rocket launched the core module of Daring 10--the final planned mission of the Daring program. Aboard were seven of the Space Program's bravest and most experienced kerbonauts--P5 Vasya, P1 Asrine, E5 Barsen, E4 Deblian, S5 Ziggy, S2 Munvan, and S2 Urjorie.



A Vorpal I delivered the orbital module while a Brillig III launched Aqualung 34 to assemble it.



Finally, a Vorpal IIID launched Daredevil "Gordon," the ascent vehicle.



"Gordon" departed Kerbin directly after launch; it will make the trip to Jool on its own, to be met after arrival by the Daring 10 orbiter.



The orbiter, unofficially Don't Let Me Down, burned out of Kerbin orbit shortly afterward on a slightly slower trajectory to facilitate the rendezvous in Jool orbit; both ships will arrive in the Joolian system in just over two years.


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@The Minmus Derp She. And I'm sorry to say @Lithobrake is correct: HSP will be over soon. I make no promises about what, if anything, will come next--maybe HSP/OPM, maybe another save, maybe something else, maybe nothing at all. At the moment I'm pretty burnt-out and really looking forward to having the HSP project behind me, but I also have a lot of ideas, and it's possible--maybe even likely--that once I've relaxed for a bit I'll be back in the spirit of things. As I always say: we will see.



Daring 10 pilot Asrine aboard Daredevil "Gordon" during the descent into the atmosphere of Jool.


KS-20, 21 & 22: crew rotations.



Starbus Elizabeth arrived back in Kerbin orbit; the downbound Permanence crew returned to Kerbin aboard Gallant 5001.



Starbus Phoebe dropped off the next crew at Duna station Permanence.



Dauntless 2106, piloted by P2 Eiliel on mission KS-21, delivered P3 Eiliel, E4 Daphthy, S5 Gledia, and S4 Valcee to Kerbin station Immutability.



The Dauntless then rendezvoused with Starbus Elizabeth, which delivered P1 Asene, E3 Jantrice, S4 Vertine, and S3 Temy to Minmus station Permanence...



...and P3 Piper, E4 Corrick, S4 Erigee, and S3 Milotte to Base Tenacity.



P4 Madette and P1 Sigemy flew mission KS-22 aboard Gallant 5002--the first flight of the second S500 shuttle--to retrieve the Daring 9 Data Processing Mission crew.


Daring 10: The atmosphere of Jool.



Two years after its launch from Kerbin, Daredevil "Gordon" arrived in the Joolian system. Two flybys of Tylo, one of Laythe, and a burn from its transfer stage put it in its final orbit to await the arrival of Don't Let Me Down.



The orbiter arrived a few days later; after a distant flyby of Tylo, an eleven-minute burn matched its periapsis with that of "Gordon."



A second maneuver at periapsis put Don't Let Me Down on course to intercept the ascent vehicle.



The ship drew up alongside "Gordon" on the next orbit.



The administration had wanted a more experienced kerbonaut aboard the ascent vehicle, but they also insisted on a pilot, and P1 Asrine was the only volunteer.



With no provision for a docking between the two ships, she suited up and went outside to transfer to "Gordon."



Once Asrine was aboard, a final burn from the transfer stage at apoapsis sent "Gordon" on a course to enter the atmosphere at the next periapsis.



The descent into the atmosphere took more than ten minutes, and Asrine reported the ride was relatively gentle. She collected data and observations from the upper and lower atmosphere on the way down.



At about 110,000 meters and 300 meters per second, "Gordon's" heat shields were jettisoned and engines started.



The first pair of boosters arrested the ship's descent; it reached a minimum altitude of 102,450 meters before starting back up.



The remaining four boosters carried "Gordon" out of the atmosphere and raised its apoapsis high enough for the nuclear motor to circularize.



Once the ship was clear of the atmosphere, the last boosters were jettisoned and the core LV-N started up.



The nuclear motor provided most of the delta-v required to reach a stable orbit.



Fourteen minutes later, the ship was safely in orbit. The entire descent had taken just over half an hour, and Asrine had spent fifteen minutes in the atmosphere of Jool.



Another burn a few minutes later set "Gordon" on course to encounter Don't Let Me Down on the next orbit.



The ascent vehicle used the last of its fuel setting up the intercept; the orbiter completed a burn to match velocity.



At last, Don't Let Me Down pulled alongside Daredevil "Gordon" for the second time.



Asrine collected the scientific data gathered during the descent before leaving the ascent vehicle to return to the orbiter.



Asrine: first kerman in the atmosphere of Jool!





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1 hour ago, SiriusRocketry said:

^ ???? OK, but Hotaru said he was OK with spam, unless you are referring to something else?

She. And it is in fact against the rules; while I personally don't mind, that doesn't mean it doesn't bother anybody else, and they're perfectly free to report such posts.


PS. Next update soon, today or tomorrow probably, this week for sure.

Edited by Hotaru
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1 minute ago, Hotaru said:

She. And it is in fact against the rules; while I personally don't mind, that doesn't mean it doesn't bother anybody else, and they're perfectly free to report such posts.

I'm deeply sorry for the 'he' assumption, rest assured I will remember in future. Edited to reflect the issue. 

@Vanamonde thanks for that. @Hotaru sorry again and thanks for clearing that up.


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3 minutes ago, SiriusRocketry said:

I'm deeply sorry for the 'he' assumption, rest assured I will remember in future. Edited to reflect the issue.

No worries, it's my own fault for picking an androgynous name.

Edited by Hotaru
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@The Minmus Derp As I've said, OPM is one of the possibilities. I'm also considering Snarkiverse (or Snarkiverse + OPM, probably with Plock moved back to its original orbit) and Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul. All this is assuming I decide to do another mission report thread at all, which is not a sure thing.

I'm also giving some thought to doing whatever I end up doing in 2.5 scale. For one thing it'll be an extra challenge, having to figure out all the delta-v requirements for going everywhere from scratch. For another, it would give rockets and shuttles a more useful late-game role, whereas in stock it really makes the most gameplay sense to use SSTOs for all but the heaviest payloads.

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Daring 10 orbiter Don't Let Me Down during a flyby of Laythe, on its way out of the Jool system.


Daring 10: return from Jool.



With Asrine and the atmospheric data safely aboard, "Gordon" was left in Jool orbit while Don't Let Me Down departed for Kerbin.



During a final flyby of Laythe, scientist Urjorie performed an EVA to collect observations.



A final correction after the Laythe encounter put Don't Let Me Down on course for Kerbin.



Two years later, the ship returned to the Kerbin system.



As usual, a long engine burn captured it into orbit. While the Daring spacecraft was originally intended to make a direct reentry to Kerbin, it turns out that the system is actually pretty well overdesigned for most of the missions it's been sent on, and almost every mission has ended up making a propulsive capture instead.



The ship adjusted its orbit near apoapsis, then performed a third and final maneuver to circularize.



P4 Piper took off at the controls of Dauntless 2106 for mission KS-23.



The Dauntless rendezvoused with Don't Let Me Down and picked up the crew; the science data was left aboard the ship for future processing.



With the Daring 10 crew aboard, 2106 reentered the atmosphere.



It landed safely, bringing to a close the final mission of the Daring project and, at last, achieving the goal laid out for the Space Program four decades ago: to explore every known world in the system and return.












Well, here we are. HSP is finally over. I set out to land and return everywhere in the stock system with stock parts, and now I've done it. I ended up compromising to varying degrees on practically all the conditions I originally laid out, but on the other hand I also ended up doing the whole project without ISRU and mostly without refueling, which I'm kind of pleased with even if it wasn't really on purpose.

HSP was just supposed to be a fun, quick-and-dirty little project, not a year-and-a-half odyssey, but these things happen. It's been an interesting experience. I've learned an enormous amount about KSP and I have no doubt I'm a much better imaginary rocket scientist for it. But now I'm done, and it's time for a break.

I don't know what I'm going to do next. I have a lot of interesting ideas, but I'm not quite sure yet what I want to do with them. We will see.





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8 hours ago, Hotaru said:

Daring 10 orbiter Don't Let Me Down

Orbiter...Don't let me down...oh I see what you did there!! 

If it were a lander, I would call it Way down we go. :D

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