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Terminology: Kerbin system apses


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KSP is rocket science, serious stuff, precise engineering... To match this level of technology, everything must be perfect, and very specific. And we are just sitting here saying apoasis and periapsis in all situations. Enough! Time has come to solve this critical problem and find new terms for the apses of the Kerbin system.

I have come up with a few, feel free to suggest your own, so that together we can make Kerbin great again finally say the right things when needed!


Perimoeorivicikion, Apomoeorivicikion (from Mohorovičić, "h" replaced by "e" since eta is historically called heta, "k" added to make it sound greeker, excessive length and unpronounceability is intended)
Perimoe, Apimoe
[periapsis term not specified],  Ramadamadamadingdong (by Aperture Science)

Perievon, Apoevon (pretty obvious)
Perieev, Apoeev

Perigille, Apogille (Gilly doesn't sound Greek at all so no "on" but an "e")

Perikeron, Apokeron (because whatever you say, "perikerb" or "perikerbon" just sounds bad)
Perikee, Apokee (-gee with a "k")

Perimynthion, Apomynthion (-cynthion with an "m" because we say "munar")
Perimune, Apomune (-lune with an "m")
Periloon, Apiloon

Periminimuse, Apominimuse (Minmus sounds like a contraction of minimus, so "i" added; kept the "e" of perimune)
Perimuse, Apomuse (derived from perimune, with an "s")
Perimint, Apimint (by 5thHorseman)

Peridunon, Apodunon (pretty obvious)
Peridoon, Apidoon

Perikon, Apoikon (pretty obvious) 

Pericemeterion, Apocemeterion (Dres is supposed to be Ceres, Ceres is a Roman goddess called Demeter in Greek; so if Ceres = Demeter, then Deres = Cemeter)
Peridree, Apidree

Perijole, Apojole (derived from -jove, jovian...)
Perizoone, Apozoone (from perizene, with more oo)
Perijule, Apijule
Apojoo, Perijoo (by Van Disaster)

Perilythion, Apolythion (dropped the "a" because I think it sounds more natural this way)
Perilaythion, Apolaythion (sounds natural enough if you pronounce "ay" as one sound, not two)

Perivallon, Apovallon (pretty obvious)
Periveikon, Apoveikon (from the Greek word for "wall": "teikos" with a "v" instead of a "t" to make it closer to Vall)

Perityle, Apotyle (pretty obvious)

Peribopion, Apobopion (pretty obvious)

Peripalion, Apopalion (Greek root of "pollen" is "pale")
Perigyron, Apogyron (Google Translate says the Greek for "pollen" is "gyri")

Perikelyon, Apokelyon (from "cheli" the Greek for "eel", with a "y" added since upsilon is the equivalent of the "oo" sound)
Perilyon, Apoilyon ("ee" replaced with an "i" and "oo" with "y")
Perieel, Apoeel

Edited by Gaarst
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'Perikee, Apokee (-gee with a "k")' - please don't do that, this randomly replacing first letter with K thing always has been awful. "-keron" leads to Kerosyncronous, which is pleasant, I like that lots. I guess Apoke and Perike ( spoken A-po-K and Per-i-K ) aren't terrible too.

Not a fan of contracting Laythe at all though.

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Do we really have such terms in real life for All the moons? I was under the impression that we only really used -helion, -gee, and -cynthion very much.

(and I swear I saw -selene used rather than -cynthion once. Might have been when reading Lost Moon)

Edited by pincushionman
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Funny, we were having the same discussion in another thread. Here's the work-in-progress list we've come up with so far:



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2 hours ago, pincushionman said:

Do we really have such terms in real life for All the moons? I was under the impression that we only really used -helion, -gee, and -cynthion very much.

(and I swear I saw -selene used rather than -cynthion once. Might have been when reading Lost Moon)

Perilune and periselene are also used for the Moon, yeah.

I've heard perijove (Jupiter) quite a few times recently. Guess the rarer ones only get brought out whenever there is a probe arriving at a body! Wikipedia has a list, though it doesn't have any for moons of bodies other than Earth.

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Whilst 'body specific' Ap and Pe terms can certainly have their uses, I think that for in game use and general confusion avoidance we need to stick to the current generic terms.

Also, there could be a real danger of scaring off newcomers to the game and forums with unnecessary technical terms if we're not careful.  This game can be hard enough to learn anyway, without what can come across as 'Veteran players' talking down to 'Noobs'.  If the new players have spent time on less welcoming games and forums then that may well be what they have experienced and therefore the impression they get, I know that we are better than that, but newcomers might not.

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7 hours ago, Van Disaster said:

'Perikee, Apokee (-gee with a "k")' - please don't do that, this randomly replacing first letter with K thing always has been awful. "-keron" leads to Kerosyncronous, which is pleasant, I like that lots. I guess Apoke and Perike ( spoken A-po-K and Per-i-K ) aren't terrible too.

Not a fan of contracting Laythe at all though.

I don't like the adding "k" thing either, but I've seen perikee/apokee used a few times so I figured out I might as well have put it. (Note that all other "k" I've added in these words are because of a (fictive or not) Greek root, not to make them "more kerbal")

For Laythe it really depends on how you pronounce it, I tend to say it la-ee-the (the "ay" being two syllabes) but saying Lay-the ("ay" one sound) also works and does make perilaythion more pleasant; I'll add it

6 hours ago, pincushionman said:

Do we really have such terms in real life for All the moons? I was under the impression that we only really used -helion, -gee, and -cynthion very much.

(and I swear I saw -selene used rather than -cynthion once. Might have been when reading Lost Moon)

Sun: perihelion/apohelion
Mercury: perihermion/apohermion
Venus: pericytherion/apocytherion
Earth: perigee/apogee
Moon: perilune/apolune, periselene/aposelene, pericynthion/apocynthion
Mars: periareion/apoareion
Jupiter: perjove/apojove, perizene/apozene
Saturn: perikrone/apokrone
Uranus: periuranion/apouranion
Neptune: periposeidon/apoposeidon
Pluto: perihadeion/apohadeion

3 hours ago, Brikoleur said:

Funny, we were having the same discussion in another thread. Here's the work-in-progress list we've come up with so far:



Look a few posts up in your thread, I was the one suggesting names for apses in KSP right before making this thread :wink:

Adding these.

17 minutes ago, pandaman said:

Whilst 'body specific' Ap and Pe terms can certainly have their uses, I think that for in game use and general confusion avoidance we need to stick to the current generic terms.

Also, there could be a real danger of scaring off newcomers to the game and forums with unnecessary technical terms if we're not careful.  This game can be hard enough to learn anyway, without what can come across as 'Veteran players' talking down to 'Noobs'.  If the new players have spent time on less welcoming games and forums then that may well be what they have experienced and therefore the impression they get, I know that we are better than that, but newcomers might not.

This is more a joke than anything really, I'm not suggesting the game should replace Ap and Pe by things as absurd as perimoeorivicikion or perigyron. I would make the effort to learn them all if it did though :P

Edited by Gaarst
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I thought this was intended more as whimsy than a serious attempt at changing the terminology.

Speaking as a relative newcomer to KSP – although I don't consider myself a newbie, not since I managed to put a 140-ton SSTO spaceplane into orbit using FAR – there is a fair bit of Kerbal idiom here already, and I for one have found it charming rather than intimidating, and I'm greatly enjoying the process of learning it. I've also developed a healthy skepticism of any words with a "K" in them, ever since I thought Kolniya was a real orbit...

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1 hour ago, Gaarst said:

I don't like the adding "k" thing either, but I've seen perikee/apokee used a few times so I figured out I might as well have put it. (Note that all other "k" I've added in these words are because of a (fictive or not) Greek root, not to make them "more kerbal")

For Laythe it really depends on how you pronounce it, I tend to say it la-ee-the (the "ay" being two syllabes) but saying Lay-the ("ay" one sound) also works and does make perilaythion more pleasant; I'll add it

Sun: perihelion/apohelion
Mercury: perihermion/apohermion
Venus: pericytherion/apocytherion
Earth: perigee/apogee
Moon: perilune/apolune, periselene/aposelene, pericynthion/apocynthion
Mars: periareion/apoareion
Jupiter: perjove/apojove, perizene/apozene
Saturn: perikrone/apokrone
Uranus: periuranion/apouranion
Neptune: periposeidon/apoposeidon
Pluto: perihadeion/apohadeion

Look a few posts up in your thread, I was the one suggesting names for apses in KSP right before making this thread :wink:

Adding these.

This is more a joke than anything really, I'm not suggesting the game should replace Ap and Pe by things as absurd as perimoeorivicikion or perigyron. I would make the effort to learn them all if it did though :P


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Before I played KSP, in my stories when needing to talk about orbits around stars other than the Sun I used "periastron" and "apastron." I don't know where I got them or if I made them up.

Were I to write them today I'd probably use -apsis. And I'd probably not even notice I was doing so :)

(Oh and I take credit for perimint and apomint for Minmus)

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On 26/09/2016 at 2:12 PM, kerbiloid said:

KIC 8462852 = Perikic8462852ion = [perikeiaieseitmiljenfohandredthauzandsixtitueithandredfiftituon]

(beware mistakes, not a native speaker)

edit: Also not sure about emphasis.

Bu KIC 8462852 is not part of the Kerbal system, I can't add it to the list, I agree with the term though it's precise and everyone can understand it!

20 hours ago, Curveball Anders said:

I'm unable to reply since every time I get this far in the text my parser breaks down with 'does not compute' and refuses to redo from start.

Psssh, it's because you can't see the beauty of a well-engineered explosion rocket.

19 hours ago, cubinator said:

Too many weird letters. I'll settle for "Perimo".

Perimo for short, but I'm keeping perimoeorivicikion. Also we already have perimoe/apomoe

17 hours ago, Aperture Science said:

I suggest changing the Moho apogee to "ramadamadamadingdong".

Added it. :)

17 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Before I played KSP, in my stories when needing to talk about orbits around stars other than the Sun I used "periastron" and "apastron." I don't know where I got them or if I made them up.

Were I to write them today I'd probably use -apsis. And I'd probably not even notice I was doing so :)

(Oh and I take credit for perimint and apomint for Minmus)

Periastron and apastron are usually used when describing orbits around stars other than the Sun.

Added your mention next to perimint and apomint.

12 hours ago, Van Disaster said:

If you're not being serious Apojoo & Perijoo for Jool are far too fun to leave off :P Apoloo?

Adding it!

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Just now, Curveball Anders said:

I've tracked down my parser crashes to the concept of "KSP" and "serious" in the same sentence.

I'll continue to debug my parser.

What, did you think KSP was a game?

Edited by Gaarst
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