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Recently, I've been playing tons of L4D2. Last Man On Earth mutation is incredibly nerve-wracking at times, but is a major help to practicing fighting special infected and moving efficiently through levels.

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Picked up Battlefield 1 and been loving it so far.  Reminds me a lot of the old Battlefield games... I definitely appreciate them doing something besides modern/near future warfare.

Besides that, been playing with my Syma X5SC quadcopter.  Just got an FPV camera and been practicing with it.  Can't say I'm very skilled yet, but I've certainly been having fun!

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As much as I like KSP, I've recently been getting itches for Cities:Skylines and OpenTTD. Add to that picking up the Tropico saga, Prison Architect and Universe Sandbox, and I'm having to severely ration my non-KSP time to get anything KSP-related done at all

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Well I wouldn't exactly call this playing but I have been trying to figure out how to work around the bugs, broken features and non-existing features in Silent Hunter 3. At least I begin to understand why the devs silently dropped the attack map in the later SH games. They could never get the bleedin thing to work properly to begin with.

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20 hours ago, LN400 said:

At least I begin to understand why the devs silently dropped the attack map in the later SH games.

It's quite present in SH4, considering the large number of features they did drop.  I've never noticed any particular problems with it, but I've been running a highly modified version for a long time now.


Although, I must admit I don't actually use it all that often.  I tend to use the regular map and the TDC dials much more.

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4 minutes ago, razark said:

It's quite present in SH4, considering the large number of features they did drop.  I've never noticed any particular problems with it, but I've been running a highly modified version for a long time now.

Oh, from what I gathered, the shortcut was in the code but not documented. I am aware that many have enabled the shortcut while others asked about the map.

Anyway, in SH3, there is a major issue with projected torpedo runtime and distance where righthand turns and lefthand turns yield completely different projections when all other TDC data are identical.

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1 minute ago, LN400 said:

Oh, from what I gathered, the shortcut was in the code but not documented. I am aware that many have enabled the shortcut while others asked about the map.

It was present in SH4 when it was released.  It's not exactly easy to get to, and it's barely even mentioned in the manual, but it's there.


2 minutes ago, LN400 said:

Anyway, in SH3, there is a major issue with projected torpedo runtime and distance where righthand turns and lefthand turns yield completely different projections when all other TDC data are identical.

Ouch.  That is pretty bad.  I used auto-targetting in SH3, and it's been a long time since I've played, so I can't say I ever noticed it.


Yikes.  Yeah, I just checked in stock SH4.  Fortunately, my shooting methods tend not to involve the attack map and its calculations.

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Mostly From the depths.

I'm currently doing a warship that (hopefully) won't get destroyed easily by my friend's ship(like my old design was.


Just finished the main hull but I fear it might be too big and that it will be an easy target because of that.
KSP changed my habits in every single sandbox games I play >:(

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11 minutes ago, goldenpeach said:

Mostly From the depths.

I'm currently doing a warship that (hopefully) won't get destroyed easily by my friend's ship(like my old design was.


Just finished the main hull but I fear it might be too big and that it will be an easy target because of that.
KSP changed my habits in every single sandbox games I play >:(

Then make it really big and strong.

fast + nimble + niche < fast + average strength + powerful < slow + strong + powerful < fast + nimble + niche.....


destroyer < cruiser < battleship < destroyer


On topic: I'm playing a lot of Squad recently, and some Ultimate General: Civil War.

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I found SAM Simulator two days ago. It's a free first person game in 2D. You got many AA and SAM system available from the famous S-75/SA-2 to terrifying S-200/SA-5. One of the mission includes the down of Powers and his U-2C in 1960.

Really interesting but I still can't play it efficiently (the manuals can be downloaded) and you stay inside all the systems, there is no external views.

Available here : https://sites.google.com/site/samsimulator1972/home 

Just watch out, their files are on MediaFire but I didn't have any problems.

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Picked it up on thursday and over a 4 day weekend racked up 34+hours. Seriously addictive.

Im just as much in love with my plucky, uncomplaining combat engineer ("Engie") as I am with Hitomi the one-eyed teenage pyromaniac. Poor old Keunomate is having a hard time after Sheena refused his proposal though. She changed after her left hand was smashed off when that herd of rabid muffalo broke into the compound.

Basically "Prison Architect in space".

(NB: though the two games have remarkably similar graphical styles (and some gameplay elements) the two projects are unrelated (other than inspiration) and apparently the devs have communicated about the art similarities and are supportive.)

Any game that you can mod the Imperial Guard into at the same time as a suite of lovecraftian horrors is worth a go in my book.

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I started playing Factorio two or three weeks ago, and it really got me hooked! I have 44 hours logged in on Steam, I even spent an entire Saturday playing it  :D 

I tend to play on the Komunity Minecraft Server sometimes, but there's some weird stuff going on there I don't want to discuss here.

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I discovered FTB:IE Skyblock for Minecraft and have been pretty engrossed in that, sort of took the steam out of my current science mode save in KSP (although I'll skip back and forth no doubt). I always wanted to try Expert mode but we didn't have it enabled on the work server last time I was playing, this is a chance to play it in a bit more refined state, hopefully. I much prefer it to Agrarian Skies or other HQM-style packs because I really don't like the quest book mechanic.

Waiting on Factorio version 15 before getting back into it, same with My Summer Car. I don't want to burn out on those games before the main event arrives, kind of like what happened to me with KSP.

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On weekdays, when I don't have enough time to sail the seas, ride the lands, or fly through the air, or blast rockets into the air in KSP, I'm designing virtual model railroads now! Again... But for reals this time:


(Once again I am giving out a cookie to whoever knows what this is reference, or in this situation, based on gets a cookie.)

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i badly was in need of some relax, so on i m currently stuck here:



^^ definetly relaxing ^^ as expected & as needed ^^

((also keep on following lobotomy corp, the gameplay is pretty simple and i like to test the new abnormality when they are added , i really like the "n" degree work they've done around the lore, moslty that ))

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(( 1/2 slight slide side of topic but )) just noticed that a minute ago, i aggree it's sad to throw water on the cat ; ) but it made me laugh because somehow and weirdly it seem synchronous, all time zone map aside ^^

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