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currently playing Elite Dangerous, and I am making a journey of 22,000 LIGHT YEARS to a place called Colonia. I have a question for you dear reader. Would you be brave enough to fly into this?


<sorry the image is sub par, its taken via my phone. The screen shots I can take in elite dangerous are apparently too large for imgur to deal with, especially the HD images..., so using my phone it is>


Again, subpar image I know... That is my ship. The Nantang. It is a ship type called The Mandalay. As it sits in this image, I can do 72.38 light years. Once I fly into that object a few light seconds in front of me, I will be able as configured to reach just shy of 290 light years. Unladen I can reach WELL past that, but, I am carrying a planetary vehicle hangar and a rover called an SRV <which yes, I can drive, its about the size of a Hummer H1 Alpha <a true hummer, maybe a bit bigger> This ship is a medium sized ship for what its worth. Now, what is that blue nightmare fuel ahead of me? A neutron star. And yes, as soon as I post this, I am getting my next jump coordinates for the next one of these beasts <my journey will be roughly 84 jumps>. This is the Neutron Star just prior to the one I am currently sitting at. But, functionally they ALL look like this. Blue High Speed Spinning death. At the one I am currently located Nova Aquila 3, I have 21,349.91 light years remaining. Every single time I use one of these stars to boost me from around 71.89 <yes its going down as I do this, these boosts physically damage my ship. Yes, i can repair enroute, and will need to do just that about halfway there or things will get ugly> to just shy of 290 light years I take damage to my subsystems. My FSD <frame shift drive> <<think hyperdrive in star wars, its what allows me to leap from normal space to what we call Witch Space to jump between stars>>, my shields, my fuel scoop, and every other subsystem. I only need 4 systems to remain at full potential the whole way. Fuel Scoop, FSD, Life support and my AFMU or Auto Field Maintenance Units. Both of which are shut down at the moment, so they take no damage. Ok. Back to the jumps. Oh one last thing. You screw up flying into the ejection cone and hit the exclusion zone around the star itself? It will kick you out of whats called super cruise <think warp drive from star trek> and you will be hard pressed to get away from the star before it kills you. It is small, it is HOT, and its got more gravity than you expect. 


13-14 jumps later i have just about 18,000 ly left. Im calling it here for now. My FSD has taken a fair bit of damage and is at about 86-87% integrity. Its the only module taking damage atm. Ill get 5-6 more jumps before repairs are needed. Im hoping my two AFMUs can safely cover the distance. 020702242025

Edited by AlamoVampire
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I am slowly working my way towards Colonia, I have about 16211 light years left. I am doing some Exobiology on the way. I stopped at a pair of Moons in a system a few thousand lightyears out from Earth, it has a Methane atmosphere. I was the FIRST PERSON to land on these two moons, FIRST PERSON to map them, and FIRST PERSON to collect the biological data. I got only some bacterial samples on the first moon, and the moon where these 3 pictures were just taken on my phone, I got both bacterial samples and something called Fonticula Digitos Sage. Ok, so, in the post above I mentioned my ship, the Nantang and something called an SRV. Have a look :)

Ok, I must stress again, the screen shot size I can take inside the game is larger than what imgur can deal with, so, these are off my cell phone. sorry for potato quality.

First, is my Commander standing about 20 meters in front of the Nantang. It again, is a ship class called Mandalay. It is 49.6mX74.4mX14.9m. 


Next is my Commander STANDING on the Nantangs cockpit:


and finally is my SRV a class called Scarab, which has my Commander standing next to it, which is in front of the Nantang.


Well, off to the next Neutron star and my journey to Colonia!


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I've been playing Cities: Skylines pretty much exclusively recently. I've been working on a vanilla city, of which I've called Vanillaton. There's a whole story and stuff behind it because that's just how I do, but I'll spare you the sermon. I'll just show some cool screenshots.




Two skyline shots, one in the day and one in the night.


Railroad trench (no anarchy used, which was really painful to do)


Vanillaton International Airport (VNL) Aviation enthusiasts, please tell me if there's anything wrong with it.


Fraudwell Bank Field, home of the Vanillaton Swallows



Cool little chateau I built on an island in a river delta. A yes, a heavily forested island with an ornate castle on it. I've never seen anything bad happen in this setting before!


(Now outdated) Map of the subway system


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I've moved on from Into the Breach, even farther back to FTL. One of my very favorite games of all time, along with (of course) KSP.

I've also been playing, in no particular order:

  • Brotato - Bullet Heaven roguelike where you are a potato.
  • Enshrouded - I may have mentioned this before. It's Valheim with a designed world and coherent story.
  • Monster Train - Just got it. Only played it a couple times but it could be a new staple game for me.
  • Trimps - One of the very best idle games. I played it years ago and it just got a major update, so decided to play it again.
  • Sandustry - Factorio Terraria. Sort of. Just try it the demo's free.
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as you all know, I am taking a break from KSP because lets face it, catching that comet burned me out. So, I have been playing Elite Dangerous again. I am currently trying to do a bit of light exploring as I traverse some 22000 light years from earth <well, near by, but are we going to quibble about a difference of about 50-70 light years from where I actually started to where I am going when earth is the easiest reference for not Elite Dangerous players to use, or I could say I started at Jameson Memorial orbiting the Founders World in the  Shinrarta Dezhra system which is about 50-70 light years from earth or sol>. But at any rate, yesterday Elite Dangerous was taken offline to update the game to include the colonization update. Normal weekly maintenance is done on thursday morning UK time. Notice something? 24 hours ago Elite Dangerous was taken offline to perform maintenance and update the system to have Colonization turned ON. I say again, 24 HOURS AGO Elite Dangerous had maintenance performed. Why then, did I see a message barely 10 minutes into playing this evening that in 15 minutes <about a minute from now> servers would go offline for maintenance. Um EXCUSE ME? YOU JUST DID BLOODY MAINTENANCE YESTERDAY! WHY DID YOU NOT DO TODAYS MAINTENANCE YESTERDAY WHILE YOU HAD THE BLOODY THING SHUT DOWN  INSTEAD OF DOING THIS NOW WHEN YOU GIVE US A NEW TOY AND STOP US 24 HOURS IN FROM USING IT? WHAT THE HECK?!?!?! Sorry, but, I am frustrated and I dont know if I should rant here or over in negative things thread... Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to go be frustrated and pet a kitty. 010102272025

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