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What Facts Do We Know About The Devs Leaving?


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  On 10/6/2016 at 1:51 PM, MaxPeck said:

This entire thread, while well-intentioned, is nothing but amateur tabloidism. It's just a glaring example of entitlement.  

Here's what you need to know:

Some people quit.  Some others will be hired to take their place.  The next iteration of the game drops on Tuesday.


That's literally all there is.  ANYTHING else is speculation and prying into things that are none of anyone's business.  Thanks again to @RoverDude for trying to set the record straight, but nothing productive is going to come of this discussion.  I'm done.  You guys have fun arguing in circles until one of the mods comes to their senses and shuts this down.


Man, I wish my likes would come back from yesterday...I got to like 1 post this AM and now it's saying my 25 are out again...;.;

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  On 10/6/2016 at 1:50 PM, Green Baron said:


Fact:-) Half of the above mentioned devs is actually underway in the addon forum, caring about their work. Does that calm you, Andem ?




Yes, a great deal actually. Many of the above posters have kept me quite busy. :P

  On 10/6/2016 at 1:50 PM, monstah said:

I believe I know, yes, you want to know why exactly they left. It is none of your business.

Or maybe I'm just dumb.


Well that doesn't excuse the fact that it's in Squad's best interest to quell the outrage occurring here. Now the above post by the Green Baron certainlyhelps, but a finishing word wouldn't hurt. I'm not asking for details, just the most crude explanation for why possible.

  On 10/6/2016 at 1:55 PM, Ignath said:

You think SQUAD owes us some sort of explanation for why the 8 developers left, but the fact of the matter is that they don't.  As a matter of fact, you stated exactly this in a reply to me earlier:

"The point was, when a major controversy hit, they dealt with it immediately and put the concerns to rest."

Then you completely dismissed my points:

1. that the situation is entirely different when you take into account the subjects at hand (a Mod website vs. Employment information) AND

2. that this has happened before in the past.  There were 3 devs/employees that left/were fired around the same time 3+ years ago.  No explanation was given back then, other than to say that their work was appreciated and thank them.  SQUAD did that here as well.  They've never given explanations as to why employees left/were let go and they (if they are smart) will never do so.


No. I think that asking for an explanation isn't wrong, not that they owe us an explanation. Not that an explanation wouldn't hurt if they write it carefully, but I never said anything of the sort. Furthermore, the post you "quoted" says nothing about an explanation. it says that they dealt with the problem. However Squad chooses to do that is up to them, but an explanation is probably the easiest method for doing so. The reason I ignored your points was that  they make no sense when put into context with mine.

  On 10/6/2016 at 2:01 PM, cxg2827 said:

@Andem You need to learn to step off the soapbox, relax, and breath once in a while.


As soon as you learn to stop judging people for defending their points. I can keep this up night and day.

Edited by Andem
Removed a little bit of moderator bait...
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Take it easy, everyone. I understand this is a contentious topic and feelings are running high, but I trust that you all have the maturity to discuss matters like this without getting personal or being rude to each other. So please try and tone down the feelings a little, ok?

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In the interest of injecting a little light-hearted humour into the thread (and because when I first saw them on a shelf I thought I was hallucinating), perhaps one of these would be more appropriate:


Not intended to be in reference to any post or poster. Its just funny. We are all one of these at one time or another :)

Edited by p1t1o
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  On 10/6/2016 at 2:16 PM, p1t1o said:


In the interest of injecting a little light-hearted humour into the thread (and because when I first saw them on a shelf I thought I was hallucinating), perhaps one of these would be more appropriate:


Not intended to be in reference to any post or poster. Its just funny.


You are only allowed to give 25 likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 2:07 PM, Andem said:

No. I think that asking for an explanation isn't wrong, not that they owe us an explanation. Not that an explanation wouldn't hurt if they write it carefully, but I never said anything of the sort. Furthermore, the post you "quoted" says nothing about an explanation. it says that they dealt with the problem. However Squad chooses to do that is up to them, but an explanation is probably the easiest method for doing so. The reason I ignored your points was that  they make no sense when put into context with mine.


The problem is that asking for an explanation of some things IS wrong; well maybe wrong is an incorrect term, presumptuous, entitled or perhaps out of bounds would be more appropriate terms maybe.  Employment matters are not the business of anyone but the employees and employer, unless the employer is breaking labor laws of some sort in which case it'd be the business of law enforcement as well.

Asking SQUAD to clarify statements made by a NON-EMPLOYEE (SirCmpown, keeping with the KerbalStuff theme) about the company is entirely different than asking for insider information about why 8 former employees left or were let go from the company.  If you cannot see that difference then I can no longer continue to put this blatant point in front of you.

Edited by Ignath
clarification of non-employee
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  On 10/6/2016 at 2:16 PM, p1t1o said:


In the interest of injecting a little light-hearted humour into the thread (and because when I first saw them on a shelf I thought I was hallucinating), perhaps one of these would be more appropriate:


Not intended to be in reference to any post or poster. Its just funny. We are all one of these at one time or another :)


You know what though?  My post got moderated.  But cheers, all the same.

edit post hoc: the mods, in fairness, restored my earlier post. Thank you mods. 

Edited by MaxPeck
Fixed it, MaxPeck. Fair is fair.
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  On 10/6/2016 at 10:42 AM, Signo said:

May I ask you why?


I tried. I tried so hard. I raised one of the biggest stinks I've ever bothered with. Nothing. We will never get a public roadmap from Squad, they're flying by (or were, at least) the seat of their pants RE: features and it shows.

  On 10/6/2016 at 8:59 AM, RoverDude said:

You do realize that for devs to directly interact with the community is NOT the norm yes?


There are three (four including KSP) games I follow where the devs directly interact with the community on a fairly regular basis. In the indie world it seems fairly common, really depends on the studio. It also serves a purpose for EA games in that you can perform "user interviews" of a sort but you do have to have thick skin because players can be ... passionate, from what I've seen.

That being said, I'm glad I never got into game programming.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 2:20 PM, Ignath said:

The problem is that asking for an explanation of some things IS wrong; well maybe wrong is an incorrect term, presumptuous, entitled or perhaps out of bounds would be more appropriate terms maybe.  Employment matters are not the business of anyone but the employees and employer, unless the employer is breaking labor laws of some sort in which case it'd be the business of law enforcement as well.

Asking SQUAD to clarify statements made by a NON-EMPLOYEE (SirCmpown, keeping with the KerbalStuff theme) about the company is entirely different than asking for insider information about why 8 former employees left or were let go from the company.  If you cannot see that difference then I can no longer continue to put this blatant point in front of you.


Have you even read some of my previous posts? You're making it out like I want there home addresses instead of something that culd be summed in either sentence:


"We are unable to disclose the reasons these 8 staff members have left."




"We hired many of them for the 1.1-2 update cycle, and others have left for reasons we will not disclose"


If @UomoCapra were to say either of those somewhere I would stop making a fuss about it. Whether they do or not is up to Squad, but I'm going to keep being loud until I get bored or they say something.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 2:46 PM, regex said:

There are three (four including KSP) games I follow where the devs directly interact with the community on a fairly regular basis. In the indie world it seems fairly common, really depends on the studio. It also serves a purpose for EA games in that you can perform "user interviews" of a sort but you do have to have thick skin because players can be ... passionate, from what I've seen.

That being said, I'm glad I never got into game programming.


Thats 4 out of great, great deal. And I can think of at least one example of where the devs communicate freely with the community but I wish they would stick to programming and keep their mouths shut because they come off badly. They get personally offended by the community, they lash out, they get bitter and they clam up. A lot of times you cant really blame them as they are exposed to the usual decrepitudes of a mixed anonymous public, but other times you wonder how they cant have predicted some of it and grow a thicker skin. Either way, people on both sides dont come out smelling of roses.

There really is some benefit to maintaining some distance.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 3:07 PM, Andem said:

Have you even read some of my previous posts? You're making it out like I want there home addresses instead of something that culd be summed in either sentence:


"We are unable to disclose the reasons these 8 staff members have left."




"We hired many of them for the 1.1-2 update cycle, and others have left for reasons we will not disclose"


If @UomoCapra were to say either of those somewhere I would stop making a fuss about it. Whether they do or not is up to Squad, but I'm going to keep being loud until I get bored or they say something.


It's basically what you got right here:

It might not be in the exact words you want nor in the exact format, but this is what you're getting.  This is SQUADs response and I'd be very surprised if you get anything more.  

Now you're just making noise for noise sake.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 3:07 PM, Andem said:

If @UomoCapra were to say either of those somewhere I would stop making a fuss about it. Whether they do or not is up to Squad, but I'm going to keep being loud until I get bored or they say something.


Andem, maybe you really aren't aware of it, but you are asking Squad to give information about the motivation of the people that left. Private information.

I don't like being in the dark either, but they'd be a pretty excrementsty company for dong that. You asking them to do that is ridiculous, that would be even worse. And for what? Just to still your curiosity?

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  On 10/6/2016 at 3:09 PM, p1t1o said:

Thats 4 out of great, great deal.


Out of the three games that I bothered to follow on forums all three have some sort of dev interaction, usually a Q&A style thing on dev notes and bug reports. The fourth I check in on is something special. I'll bet I could roll up on KSH's forums and find that they interact with players on occassion, but I don't care to talk about Space Engineers on a forum. The point really being that dev iinteraction, from my admittedly limited view with sandbox games (Oh, let's add a fifth game, a large MMO, totally forgot), appears to be a bit more common than "not the norm". vOv

But, you know, I can't play all the games out there.


 grow a thicker skin.


I noted that it takes a thick skin, right? Did I not write that?


There really is some benefit to maintaining some distance.


It really depends on the studio, like I said.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 3:07 PM, Andem said:

"We are unable to disclose the reasons these 8 staff members have left."


You want Squad to explicitly state that they're not going to release private information about their employer/employee relations, why?


You already know they can't/won't/aren't going to.  Do you need someone to tell you that the sun has risen every morning, as well?

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  On 10/6/2016 at 3:16 PM, Ignath said:

It's basically what you got right here:

It might not be in the exact words you want nor in the exact format, but this is what you're getting.  This is SQUADs response and I'd be very surprised if you get anything more.  

Now you're just making noise for noise sake.


No, I'm making noise because generic company speak is, in my opinion, unacceptable after the "grief" they've caused to the community.

  On 10/6/2016 at 3:23 PM, Temeter said:

Andem, maybe you really aren't aware of it, but you are asking Squad to give information about the motivation of the people that left. Private information.

I don't like being in the dark either, but they'd be a pretty excrementsty company for dong that. You asking them to do that is ridiculous, that would be even worse. And for what? Just to still your curiosity?


I'm within my rights to ask for information, and what I'm asking for isn't personal anyway, I've made that very clear, and Squad is within their rights to withhold it from all of us. I speak for what I want because, surprise surprise, I'm an expert at what I want. See the above statement for more information.

  On 10/6/2016 at 3:39 PM, Foxster said:

What a whiney, self-defeating, load of old tosh much of this thread is. 

Can't believe I read past page 1.


I can't believe you took the time to stand and judge something you find to be so beneath you're standing.

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This thread is the best example of why SQUAD won't give answers:

It will turn into a massive, animalistic fight. Jeez, can't you guys TRY to be civilized? If you want to argue with someone, do it over PMs or something.

Ever since I joined, I have received ZERO warnings and gotten into ZERO fights. And it's really easy. Just act like an adult should. Grow up and don't get your jimmies rustled over a post.

There, rant over.

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  On 10/6/2016 at 3:07 PM, Andem said:

"We are unable to disclose the reasons these 8 staff members have left."


This is pretty much the standard line that you're going to get from any company with any common sense.  Pretty sure there are laws and/or HR best practices that prohibit a company from giving any answer but this, so you can pretty much take it as a given that this is their answer and move in.

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