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1.3 - What will it have?

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Im honestly hoping for 2 things, more optimization, and the grafix overhaul that was started by porkjet (right now we have no idea what his absence will mean, im not going to jump on the bandwagon and automatically assume the rocket parts revamp is dead).  I know it isnt essential, but itd be very nice to have the rocket parts (and especially the few remaining ugly cockpits) redone in a standard similar to the SSTO and starfighter (i dont make planes so i cant call them airplane) parts that we got with the mk2 and mk3 updates.  Clouds and better atmo shaders would also be welcome here, but given that scatterer/eve have more or less done that already to a reasonable degree, i am perfectly content with mods to fix the glaring visual issues of stock.  That and the stock implementation would have to have customizable textures for me to be really happy with it and stop using visual mods.  Things like the cloud textures, sunflare (stock sunflare in scatterer sucks as it doesnt look like something out of sci-fi), and the coloring schemes of atmo/clouds (astronomer's pack was the only eve based mod i actually liked out of the box, everything else lacks that sci-fi feel to it)...

Aside from that, there is very little that i consider that necessary in stock KSP, the 2 mods that id personally love in stock is the robotics mod (or some variation of that that gives you rotating/bending joints), and KIS (so i can make minor repairs and modifications to a ship in space).  Anything else is just too limited in its audience to make stock.  Things like RO/RSS are great for those that enjoy it, but making that stock would make at least 50% of the community unhappy, LS same situation (albeit that can just be toggled off), just no reason to spend the time and effort implenting something that at least half the community isnt crazy about.

Also, while i would love to see MP, the amount of effort and time it would take to make that would require too much time dedicated away from core features.  Wish DMP wasnt abandoned (its technically being updated to new versions but actual development and bugfixing is completely dead), it was a good mod back in the day before it just fell apart.  That said, not exactly a priority imo right now...

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I'd like to see stock clouds, and other visual improvements, but more importantly comprehensive mission planning tools and Dv information.  

Whether it's in 1.3 or later I would not be surprised if a simple life support system is introduced too at some point.

Multi player I suspect will be longer, I think that's going to be a tough cookie to get right.

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Luckily, Porkjet isn't the only person in the world capable of revamping the rocket parts. He might have a unique and beloved style we've all come to know and love, but there has to be artists out there who could take on the same job. No, they wouldn't be Porkjet, but they could probably fulfill the criteria nevertheless.

So yes, I think 1.3 will have revamped rocket parts, even though Porkjet won't be the one doing it.

Also, the devs have scattered Monoliths all over the place in 1.2. There are new monoliths on Ike, Eeloo, Vall and Laythe now, probably elsewhere too. It could be that they are reviving NovaSilisko's old idea of a "story", where the Monoliths play a crucial part. I could see it happen primarily in an expansion pack, but perhaps 1.3 will expand on it too. Who knows?

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> Rocket part revamp of course.

> Terrain and environmental graphics upgrade.

> Career mode overhaul, not more tweaks of the contracts system, but a whole new approach.  I'd love to see a true multi-role space program mangagent career, where you can choose to play as :

      1) Administrator: Manage the budget, hire astronauts, decide what the goals are and plan the appropriate missions, which are then handed off to the...

      2) Chief Engineer/Designer:  Research the tech, and then design and build the appropriate vessels/vehicles/etc. for the missions you receive from the "boss".  All needed crafts are handed off to the...

      3) Flight Director:  Run and control the missions with the crafts you receive.  This is done from mission control, the actual crafts are flown and operated by the...

      4) Astronaut:  No planning or building, you fly the crafts in the assigned mission, doing and completing the planned tasks and objectives.

Ideally, you would be able to play just one role, all of them, or pick'n'choose which ones you want.  The other roles you don't play would be controlled by the computer...or other players--Multiplayer hook!

The only contracts that would appear in this new system would be those for commercial satellite launches. :)


Edited by Laguna
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Multiplayer can wait. It needs a lot of work and thought to make.

Personally, I'd like a rocket parts revamp. Making the engines more realistic, adding LF only tanks and making procedural parts stock so we can make our own parts. (Sort of :P )

More planets would be nice! :D



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A revamp of all the celestial bodies in the solar system, including the addition of clouds and weather, including wind and rain. This sort of thing has been missed from the game for a while.

Why don't you add a survey KAL 9000? Put up the most requested suggestions and get people to vote on them.

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In my opinion they have concentrated last years too much on Kerbin's surface and atmosphere. There should be finally something to do on planets. I hope that now when so many crew members, including the boss, have changed, there is a little bit hope that new guys lift the old ban against procedural terrain and science generation and make an exploration update. It would have better terrains (I prefer physical functions over fancy graphics) and procedurally generated special places to find science and resources to keep every new save interesting. If it will not be 1.3, then later. I am certainly ready to pay several tens of euros for it, if it is necessary to keep the development running, but I will not pay for better graphics. I think that I have already got very fair amount of entertainment compared to the price I paid (actually I felt it about 10 minutes after I got my first paid version, 0.18.0).

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Hopefully porkjet's rocket part revamp can be added into the game and be extended to the 2.5m parts.

After that (more optimisations), cleanup of code, mass mod intergration and more fixes and tweaks, etc.etc...

And then 1.4 could be the visual overhaul update, where that 1.0 trailer finally fits in, with more clouds and etc..


How Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tanks are made: 


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I can remember having read a thread in the mod subsection about a third party plugin for multiplayer. But I recall it didn't work properly and I never tried it yet. I'm not even sure if that exists for 1.1.3 or 1.2 later on.

I was just wondering how a Multiplayer in KSP would look like since it's been mentioned a few times.
Could a multiplayer session download part textures from third party mods? Would that work? I know many multiplayer games can do this, but would that work for KSP? Basically that means that you won't need to have B9 aerospace while another user in your session has a B9 ship because the session can download third party textures and stream it to your game environment directly.

Or would everybody need to limit themselves to stock parts?

Wouldn't we need multiple KSC locations on the planet? Otherwise ships spawn into ships. What would the max number of players per session be?
Would a shared savefile work on a server cloud so people can reload mutiplayer saves with a engine that can remember and localize vessels to the original authors online account without removing inactive vessels from orbit?

Or would it be more like a sandbox environment only where the session will end when the host disconnects or something?


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What WILL it have? No clue. I'll let you know when they tell us. Which is redundant as you'll by then know.

What do I WANT it to have? Other than the normal stuff I'd like the new "upgradeable parts" functionality to be realized in the stock parts. Like, all of the stock parts.

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Upgradeable parts and rocket part revamp is my guess. The code for upgradeable parts is already in the game (I believe) and Porkjet left a rather nice roadmap for upgrading the remaining engines. It would make sense (to me), to finish both of those up. After that I suspect we're into expansion pack territory - with no justification for that other than gut feel.

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