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[1.12.x] Kramax Autopilot Continued: Course guidance and auto-land for spaceplanes


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I'll see what I can find out.  Did you raise a github issue?

11 hours ago, steve_v said:

WRT not following waypoints: No change.
Log. (mods)

Well bugger me. Saved in flight, then restarted the game to get a clean (ish) log... and now it's working perfectly (so this log is useless).
Go to orbit, dock, undock, re-enter: Nav doesn't work (as mentioned previously).
Load a craft from an in-flight quicksave: everything is fine. Odd.


8 hours ago, Isabelle.V.Fuchs said:

This problem I have in 'Pilot assistant' too, from which the autopilot originates. But I have tested it. If I use a more the less clean installation of KSP, it works. But if I use my heavy modded game, then after undocking the pilot assistant doesn't respond any longer. I have to save and load and then everything works well again. There seems to be some kind of intolerance between the pilot assistant (or the autopilot) and another mod. But I hevo not found out, which it may be.

both of you, can you do the following:

  1. Clean install, put this mod and Hyperedit into it.
  2. Create a plane, docked to a station, in the SPH.  Launch, and hyperedit it to orbit.
  3. Undock, and see if it works


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4 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I wonder if this could be related to  your craft?  I've had other people not have any issue.  This mod is sensitive to craft design.

Can you post the craft file please?

I can; it requires KAS, KIS, USI LS, and KSP Interstellar... and it might not fly at all without FAR, I haven't tried it on stock aero.  I'm using the FAR dev build.

In 1.1.3, all my craft worked fine with heading hold; in 1.2.1, none of them do.  Craft design is pretty much identical.  Craft in question here is reliable and safe and can land back on the runway no problem, following a Kramax auto-land on the ILS.


https://www.dropbox.com/s/jqiuussq59r80ky/QRI CP-400-F.craft?dl=0

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a wonderful mod! Exactly what I've been looking for. I'm using Real Solar System with my KSC at a custom location (Spaceport America in New Mexico). It is easy plotting a custom take off and landing path using your FlightPlans.cfg. Works like a charm! Now I can perform a nice straight landing whether coming in from orbit or simply from flying my aircraft in atmosphere.

I had almost come to the point of diving into add-on creation, but no need; since you've already accomplished what I am seeking. Great job!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/27/2016 at 10:36 AM, DarthVader said:

@linuxgurugamer how can I create a flight plan to fly to a target?

An example of what I do, is using Waypoint Manager mod, I manually fly my desired flight plan, setting waypoints for IAF, FAF, RW and Stop. Then, I edit the KramaxAutoPilot FlightPlans.cfg file, using the latitude, longitude and altitudes recorded for those waypoint. I reference a savegame to find the waypoint coordinates for easy copy/paste. Thus, I end up with something like this:

            planet = Earth
            name = OSR East ILS
            description = Land OSR East Approach
                        Vertical = true
                        IAF = true
                        lat = 32.990155
                        lon = -106.7
                        alt = 2000
                        name = OSRE IAF
                        Vertical = true
                        lat = 32.990155
                        lon = -106.83445
                        alt = 1500
                        name = OSRE 01
                        Vertical = true
                        FAF = true                                                
                        lat = 32.990155
                        lon = -106.90
                        alt = 500
                        name = OSRE FAF
                        Vertical = true
                        RW = true
                        lat = 32.990155
                        lon = -106.9644109
                        alt = 150
                        name = OSRE RW
                        Vertical = true
                        Stop = true
                        lat = 32.990155
                        lon = -106.989284
                        alt = 0
                        name = OSRE RW STOP

In my case, those values work for East runway approach. I do similar for West approach. Then, using the in-game UI, I can load my new " OSR East ILS" flight plan. It works like a charm! Similarly, any flight route could be prescribed.


Edited by Observe
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having this problem when in Autopilot with NAV enabled...doesn't matter if its on approach or leaving...its like my craft can't find the correct heading and just keeps banking left and right.  I have been using this craft with this mod pretty much since this mod came out, pre 1.2, so I don't know if its the craft or the mod or a bit of both.  I've balanced my craft using the RCS balancer mod, made sure the engine thrust and RCS thrust produce as little torqe as possible, made sure the center of lift is just above and behind the center of mass, I've even let the craft just do what it does on take off and landing just to see if it would smooth itself out.  The only time it smooths out and doesnt rock its wings back and forth is when its in Heading mode or Bank mode...in these its smooth as glass.  So, anyone have any suggestions on where I start to troubleshoot this issue? 

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@bsooner77 Is this a custom flight-path that you created? Unless you've already passed it, your craft should first fly toward the  IAF = true waypoint, proceed toward to any additional waypoints that aren't marked true (for IAF, FAF, RW or Stop) and then it will head to FAF, RW and finally Stop. 

At some point, I had the same problem as you are describing. I don't remember exactly what I had to do, but I think I had incorrect Waypoints specified in the config. Either that, or I had some other autopilot running that caused conflict.

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No custom flight path...I only use the depart and ILS at the main ksp runway. I think they are awesome, but I don't even know where to begin to learn how to make custom flight plans.  As for the autopilot confilct thing, I learned long ago not to use another autopilot while using Kramax. I did try using SAS once and it just seem to make the rocking worse, more pronounced.  I just had to re-install my game to figure out another issue I was having un-related to Kramax so I'll test it and see if a fresh install of everything helped. 

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Fresh Install Helped. Seems to have fixed the issue. My other issue sucks...I had used the same save game file since 1.0.5...with 1.2.2 I finally hit a version where it doesn't work...well it works, it just wont let me add any kerbals to crafts other than the ones it loads up. Anyways, started a new game, problem solved.  

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hello linuxgurugamer.

thanks for all of the work that you have done to keep this mod up and going.

When this mod first came out, you could select one of the circuit flight plans and basically let er rip and the plan would fly the complete route hands off.  Now there seems to be something different happening with the vertical aspect.  

It 'looks' like where the older version would use the alt in GS to be the interpolated alt from waypoint just passed to the waypoint ahead.  For some reason it now seems to be using something different, as now unattended flights are hitting into the mountains on either the outbound leg or on the inbound leg.  I am using / commenting on the KSL ILS 09 Circuit LARGE.

has there been some change in the logic or calculations that glideslope uses ??


again, great mod and many thanks.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi, first of all thank you for taking this great mod over.

I got that hold/bank issue too.

I'm only using this mod, x-science and KER, so basically pretty clean.

Also the old mod was toggelable via the tab-key, this was nice too.

Thank you for maintaining all those mods.

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If any RSS players are interested, I created two approaches for KSC, weird runway seams not withstanding.

There's no actual runway at the real KSC except the shuttle landing facility, and thats a 15-33 strip, not a 9-27 strip like KSP's KSC has.  So I borrowed a real RNAV RWY 9 approach from the nearby Space Coast Regional Airport, which does have a 9-27 runway.  I recalculated the waypoints and converted the approach from imperial to metric units and then plugged it all in.  The approaches seem to run pretty smooth, although I would encourage anyone who uses these to lower the final speed from 100m/s to something more reasonable like 65 m/s.

There are two approaches, a North Approach and a South Approach.  The North approach comes into the field from the northwest and the south approach comes in from the southwest.  Your best bet is to navigate to a point 40km or so west of the initial waypoints and then engage the autopilot and let it do its thing.  I would recommend keeping the initial intercept around 30 degrees or less or you'll be doing wild S-turns in the first leg and might not be established by the IAF.

To use, just copy this into a text file and name it "FlightPlans.cfg" and put it into the Kramax main directory.



            planet = Earth
            name = KTIX RNAV RWY 09 N
            description = SPACE COAST RGNL RNAV RWY 09 (NORTH)
                    Vertical = true
                    lat = 28.7957
                    lon = -80.9386
                    alt = 1000
                    name = OVIDO
                    Vertical = true
                    lat = 28.6761
                    lon = -80.8838
                    alt = 1000
                    name = BINYY
                    Vertical = true
                    IAF = true
                    lat = 28.6128
                    lon = -80.8214
                    alt = 1000
                    name = OMLOF (IF)
                    Vertical = true
                    FAF = true
                    lat = 28.6128
                    lon = -80.7039
                    alt = 500
                    name = TUNPY (FAF)
                    Vertical = true
                    RW = true
                    lat = 28.6128
                    lon = -80.6487
                    alt = 250
                    name = ZUGAX (FINAL)
                    Vertical = true
                    STOP = true
                    lat = 28.6128
                    lon = -80.6160
                    alt = 74.03
                    name = KTIX TDZ
            planet = Earth
            name = KTIX RNAV RWY 09 S
            description = SPACE COAST RGNL RNAV RWY 09 (SOUTH)
                    Vertical = true
                    lat = 28.4448
                    lon = -81.9627
                    alt = 1000
                    name = PRESK
                    Vertical = true
                    lat = 28.5588
                    lon = -80.8942
                    alt = 1000
                    name = CUJEN
                    Vertical = true
                    IAF = true
                    lat = 28.6128
                    lon = -80.8214
                    alt = 1000
                    name = OMLOF (IF)
                    Vertical = true
                    FAF = true
                    lat = 28.6128
                    lon = -80.7039
                    alt = 500
                    name = TUNPY (FAF)
                    Vertical = true
                    RW = true
                    lat = 28.6128
                    lon = -80.6487
                    alt = 250
                    name = ZUGAX (FINAL)
                    Vertical = true
                    STOP = true
                    lat = 28.6128
                    lon = -80.6160
                    alt = 74.03
                    name = KTIX TDZ



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@linuxgurugamer I'm still having trouble with heading hold.  If I'm in straight and level flight and turn on heading mode with 0 degrees plugged in, it keeps that heading.. but in previous KSPs/versions of this mod, I could plug in, say, 320 and it'd turn to head 320.  Now if I change the heading it has.. unpredictable results, and it no longer seems to hold a heading or turn to one.  I'm not sure why.  ALL other modes of the autopilot including the landing/ILS guidance work exactly as expected.  Just this one function.


Is this just me?  Others seeing this?

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@ss8913 - Nope, it's not just you, it's been happening since early November.  I thought @linuxgurugamer said back then the he'd opened a Github issue for it, but I don't believe there's been any resolution provided yet.  It's the reason I stopped creating/posting any more new flightplans for the KK/KerbinSide runways.  I can't do precise approach/departure angles easily without heading hold.  In fact, at this point, I've basically stopped playing KSP altogether since then, as surface craft flying(particularly, writing those flightplans and automating flights for my large crafts) was my real passion in the game.

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51 minutes ago, floydian022 said:

@ss8913 - Nope, it's not just you, it's been happening since early November.  I thought @linuxgurugamer said back then the he'd opened a Github issue for it, but I don't believe there's been any resolution provided yet.  It's the reason I stopped creating/posting any more new flightplans for the KK/KerbinSide runways.  I can't do precise approach/departure angles easily without heading hold.  In fact, at this point, I've basically stopped playing KSP altogether since then, as surface craft flying(particularly, writing those flightplans and automating flights for my large crafts) was my real passion in the game.

No resolution.  and there won't be for a little while.  Once 1.3 drops, I'll be updating all my mods, and will be looking at this at that time.

Sorry about the delay

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On 3/31/2017 at 10:32 PM, floydian022 said:

@ss8913 - Nope, it's not just you, it's been happening since early November.  I thought @linuxgurugamer said back then the he'd opened a Github issue for it, but I don't believe there's been any resolution provided yet.  It's the reason I stopped creating/posting any more new flightplans for the KK/KerbinSide runways.  I can't do precise approach/departure angles easily without heading hold.  In fact, at this point, I've basically stopped playing KSP altogether since then, as surface craft flying(particularly, writing those flightplans and automating flights for my large crafts) was my real passion in the game.

I can create an approach template for you - all you'd need is the touchdown lat/lon, you can calculate the rest on paper.

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, floydian022 said:

1.3 is here! :wink:

Don't you think I know that?  Do you have any idea how many mods I need to update?  Whatever you guess, it's going to be too low.

Here is a link to a page where you can see all of my mods' statuses:


Any more comments, and I'll move this to the bottom of the list

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On ‎2017‎-‎04‎-‎03 at 9:30 AM, MaxPeck said:

I can create an approach template for you - all you'd need is the touchdown lat/lon, you can calculate the rest on paper.

actually I would like this a lot.  I have been trying to figure out how to make the flight plans for this mod for a while now

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