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[1.8.1] Kerbal Konstructs - - 15.Dec.2019


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under latest release of KK w/ KSP V1.2.2 I chucked an object thrower at the Tier 1 Tracking Station dish to destroy it, and I replaced it with a scaled-down anomaly dish. Then I created a second dish in the location of one of the Tier 2 dishes. However for some reason even tho when I did it they showed up fine when I restarted the game only one appears. If I use this config:

  pointername = SQUAD_CommNetDish
    CelestialBody = Kerbin
    RadialPosition = 159228.672,-1239.5824,-578484.813
    Orientation = 0,1,0
    RadiusOffset = 67.6955109
    RotationAngle = 171.100006
    isScanable = False
    ModelScale = 0.100000001
    RefLatitude = -0.11837147899614482
    RefLongitude = -74.610365675967898
    VisibilityRange = 25000
    Group = KSCUpgrades
    GroupCenter = false
    useRadiusOffset = True

Then the Tier 1 tracking dish shows up. If I use this config:

  pointername = SQUAD_CommNetDish
    CelestialBody = Kerbin
    RadialPosition = 159228.672,-1239.5824,-578484.813
    Orientation = 0,1,0
    RadiusOffset = 67.6955109
    RotationAngle = 171.100006
    isScanable = False
    ModelScale = 0.100000001
    RefLatitude = -0.11837147899614482
    RefLongitude = -74.610365675967898
    VisibilityRange = 25000
    Group = KSCUpgrades
    GroupCenter = false
    useRadiusOffset = True
    CelestialBody = Kerbin
    RadialPosition = 159381.281,-1333.27795,-578442.563
    Orientation = 0,1,0
    RadiusOffset = 67.6955032
    isScanable = False
    ModelScale = 0.100000001
    RefLatitude = -0.12731876827293875
    RefLongitude = -74.595247929701785
    VisibilityRange = 25000
    Group = KSCUpgrades
    GroupCenter = true
    useRadiusOffset = True

Then only the second dish shows up (the one in the Tier 2 location). When I look in the KK menu it even says SQUAD_CommNetDish(1) but there is no entry for SQUAD_CommNetDish(0)

I took this config out of the NewInstances folder and put it in one of my own within GameData

Log file

Edited by Drew Kerman
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On 2.8.2017 at 11:58 AM, Drew Kerman said:

under latest release of KK w/ KSP V1.2.2 I chucked an object thrower at the Tier 1 Tracking Station dish to destroy it, and I replaced it with a scaled-down anomaly dish. Then I created a second dish in the location of one of the Tier 2 dishes. However for some reason even tho when I did it they showed up fine when I restarted the game only one appears. If I use this config:

I took this config out of the NewInstances folder and put it in one of my own within GameData


OK The truth is I'm surprised, that the dished showed up anyway :-) 

I think I fixed the CommNet dishes and some other anomalies. 

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I made a quick prerelease for those who are brave enought to test this:



Changes since the last beta:

  • A new addon for supporting NavUtils: All runways can now be flaged to generate the proper config, so they show up in navutils. Thanks to @whale_2 for writing this. 
  • Bugfix: Squad anomalies (like CommNet dishes) should now show up more than once, after KSP got restarted.
  • BugFix: placed Squad KSC models create less errors are KSP restarted
  • I rewrote the persistence handling once again. All launchsites are now closed again, but should stay open for all players. please test this, as I couldn't reproduce the errors.
  • some stuff I'm working on but what is totally untested. (shader and texture replacement for staticmodels) 

Bugreports are welcome.

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1 minute ago, KerbMav said:

If I only wanted to use the bare minimum, i.e. the island runway and the old space center, what would I have to install/delete/edit and would it work out of the box with a resized Kerbin?

 you cannot launch from the other places without using a spawn marker to setup the launchsite. Placing the objects un a resized planed will work, but resizing the planet after placement is a no-go.

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Hey guys, I'm having problems saving anything I do in KK so that it will still be there when I reload the game. I'm running KSP 1.2.2 with RSS, RO, and RP-0 and I was hoping to use KK to get some runways that won't kill my planes 90% of the time. After trying many times, I finally got it to save one runway (one out of three that I had made on that attempt). After previous attempts there weren't any config files in the KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances folder, but this time there was one! And when I reloaded the game, it was still there. However, for some reason, it didn't save it as a launch site (even though I did click on 'make launchsite' and then click save...)

I checked the log, and as far as I can tell, this seems to be the relevant bit that comes up everytime I try to save something in KK:


KK: Creating LaunchSite
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

KK: Saving File: KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances/kkrunway1-instances.cfg
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Reflection.FieldInfo]].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.Modules.KKFacility.WriteConfig (.ConfigNode cfgNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.Core.ConfigParser.WriteInstanceConfig (KerbalKonstructs.Core.StaticInstance instance, .ConfigNode cfgNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.SaveInstanceByCfg (System.String pathname) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.UI.LaunchSiteEditor.drawLaunchSiteEditorWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
(Filename:  Line: -1)

I have read through most of the posts in this thread, and I'm pretty sure that this hasn't been reported yet. So I may just be missing something really obvious. But in any case, any help would be much appreciated!

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13 hours ago, Clam said:

Hey guys, I'm having problems saving anything I do in KK so that it will still be there when I reload the game. I'm running KSP 1.2.2 with RSS, RO, and RP-0 and I was hoping to use KK to get some runways that won't kill my planes 90% of the time. After trying many times, I finally got it to save one runway (one out of three that I had made on that attempt). After previous attempts there weren't any config files in the KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances folder, but this time there was one! And when I reloaded the game, it was still there. However, for some reason, it didn't save it as a launch site (even though I did click on 'make launchsite' and then click save...)

I checked the log, and as far as I can tell, this seems to be the relevant bit that comes up everytime I try to save something in KK:

  Reveal hidden contents

KK: Creating LaunchSite
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

KK: Saving File: KerbalKonstructs/NewInstances/kkrunway1-instances.cfg
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Reflection.FieldInfo]].get_Item (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.Modules.KKFacility.WriteConfig (.ConfigNode cfgNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.Core.ConfigParser.WriteInstanceConfig (KerbalKonstructs.Core.StaticInstance instance, .ConfigNode cfgNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.SaveInstanceByCfg (System.String pathname) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalKonstructs.UI.LaunchSiteEditor.drawLaunchSiteEditorWindow (Int32 id) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate (UnityEngine.WindowFunction func, Int32 id, UnityEngine.GUISkin _skin, Int32 forceRect, Single width, Single height, UnityEngine.GUIStyle style) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
(Filename:  Line: -1)

I have read through most of the posts in this thread, and I'm pretty sure that this hasn't been reported yet. So I may just be missing something really obvious. But in any case, any help would be much appreciated!

You can edit the.cfg by hand and add the LaunchSite definition by manually.

The error is bad and I have no idea why you get this. Looks like something is missing in the LaunchSite definition... Like the name or something like that.

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Thanks for your reply, @Ger_space. I uninstalled KK, deleted all the relevant folders, and then reinstalled it and now everything is working. This time, I also installed the Real KSC mod, just because I had seen that combo was working for somebody else (also, it does add some nice eye-candy around the Cape Canaveral area). I doubt that was what solved the problem, but if anybody else is having this problem and can't figure out a solution, they may want to give that a try.

Since I'm new to this forum, let me just also use this opportunity to thank you and all the other awesome people who are making and maintaining these mods. It is incredible what this game has become thanks to all of you. So please keep up the good work. You're all heroes in my book.



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2 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

@Ger_space Kerbal Konstructs isn't allowing commnet to have multiple ground stations, in the previous version of KK I had installed I could enable it but not now, any suggestions?


Uf you want to use the stock ground stations, then disable the CommNet support in the Kerbal konstructs settings.

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I've just tried to install GPP, and wanted to try out KSC++ which is included with it, so I've downloaded and installed KK, but after installing KK, the main menu of KSP no longer responds to mouse clicks. So I can't click on 'new game' 'load game' etc. I've tried clearing the input locks but that didn't help.



And I just tried it with, and it still happens...

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Love this mod and kerbin-side, and I can't imagine ever playing again without them now. Thank you so much for the time and skill you have put into this.

I have a question about recovery costs however. For example lets take the base KKVLA which has a Recoveryfactor of 70 (70%), plus tracking station boost to 90% and a test vehicle worth 23,541.

In testing I found that landing at this base results in a refund of 69.5% because of distance from KSC (16,363) which is then reduced to 90% by KKVLA + boost (Total refund 62.6% = 14,727).

Is this correct behavior? If so it doesn't make sense to me that it should work this way. It means if I landed outside of KKVLA's RecoverRange I would actually get a larger refund, 69.5% = 16,363.

It actually cost me funds to locate and land at a base rather than just land somewhere in the wilderness. Have I missed a setting somewhere?


Edited by Coyote21
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8 hours ago, Ger_space said:

Uf you want to use the stock ground stations, then disable the CommNet support in the Kerbal konstructs settings.

Frankly, how? I've been searching for at least half an hour and there is no KK settings menu to be found. The .cfg in the folder does not have any obvious option for commnet support either.

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2 hours ago, Iskierka said:

Frankly, how? I've been searching for at least half an hour and there is no KK settings menu to be found. The .cfg in the folder does not have any obvious option for commnet support either.


1 hour ago, The-Doctor said:

where are the settings?


Click the KK button while in KSC building view. You should get a box that says "Only used @KSC to access Mod settings". Then click the mod settings button.

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8 hours ago, Rodger said:

I've just tried to install GPP, and wanted to try out KSC++ which is included with it, so I've downloaded and installed KK, but after installing KK, the main menu of KSP no longer responds to mouse clicks. So I can't click on 'new game' 'load game' etc. I've tried clearing the input locks but that didn't help.



And I just tried it with, and it still happens...

Sorry, but it looks like you hand an plugin called LoadingScreenManager which throws some errors, because it doesn't find its configs. perhaps there is the problem. 

Kerbal Konstructs 1.1.0 doesn't have any logic that was able to disable the loading buttons (this changed with the latest beta as I produced a bug like that during the development), but the log is clear.  (except some complaining about the default configs not finding kerbin, but this es expected, as you use GPP. 


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13 hours ago, Rodger said:

I've just tried to install GPP, and wanted to try out KSC++ which is included with it, so I've downloaded and installed KK, but after installing KK, the main menu of KSP no longer responds to mouse clicks. So I can't click on 'new game' 'load game' etc. I've tried clearing the input locks but that didn't help.



And I just tried it with, and it still happens...

I think you have the loading screen manager installed incorrectly. KK and LSM work fine no matter what version I use 

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It still doesn't work without loading screen manager, and KK I'm on a Mac, which is the only thing I can think of which might be different from most other people... I've never tried KK before, so maybe it's a long standing issue on macs which hasn't been noticed before?

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1 hour ago, Poodmund said:

@Ger_space, is there a way to export all Statics currently loaded to a new instance (new config)?

I think there was once such a feature, but it I broke it so I removed it. 

So you have to manually copy all cfg files by hand (newly placed configs are in the NewInstances Folder), if you edited already placed models, you have to copy them by hand.

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