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Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because at 2:30 am his wife startedto suffer a liver failure. He called an ambulance to come and get her and bring her to the hospital. On the way there, his car broke down so he had to walk the rest of the way. While he was walking down a backroad after he temprarily got lost, he was mugged by killer clowns. He continued on for the love of his wife. When he got to the last stretch of the road, he started to cross. As he was in the middle of the road, the green light came on. He was run over and left for dead on the street. Then, several hours later, a man by the name of Harland David Sanders picked him up, and threw him into the oven for a hungry 34 year old man, his wife, and his two children/ His wife, Mrss. Chicken, came to his funeral despite her surgery the previous day.

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Is your awnser to this question no?

A geek at a bar says "Hey can i get some H2O?" The geek number 2 says "Can i get some H2O too?" They both take a sip, geek number 2 dies. Rest in Chemicals.


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Let's up the idiocy then:


A man walks into a pub.



Little Johnny sits on a stone fence chewing chocolate when an old man comes walking by.

The old man stops, looks at Johnny and says: "Young lad, all that chocolate, that can't be good for you"

Little Johnny looks at the old-timer and replies: "My grand-dad lived to become 107 years old, he did"

The old man then says "but he didn't eat chocolate all day now, did he?" to which Johnny answers back:


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