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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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7 hours ago, Nomad867 said:

Also, another question and I apologize if it sounds stupid but I've been holding off updating KSP to 1.2.2 as I thought that it broke GPP. Some of the updates on the OP make me think that GPP will do fine with 1.2.2 just some mods stop working. Can someone confirm this?

Thanks again!

The OP and my guide post not too far below it will always say to use current/latest KSP, and version-matched Kopernicus. My post will mention, when it is brought to my attention, which mods don't work with current KSP.

4 hours ago, eddiew said:

On the up side, my last career had birds that would reach LKO with over 5km/s spare, so I know this is doable with KR&D. Maybe I'm ok with that... it'll force me to do the early-mid game with rockets, and only let me do SSTOs once I'm above and beyond terrestrial tech levels. That's not unrealistic, the question is whether my inner pilot will let me do it :)

Also have I mentioned how irksome that runway angle is? :P 

Sounds pretty nice. I'll remember that for the next posts in your mission log thread.

Everyone's scaling problems will go away very soon. The runway angle has been fixed. No need to sweat.

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10 hours ago, Nomad867 said:

One question I keep asking myself if is I will actually see any anomalies on other bodies. I appreciate that I don't want to post any spoilers  but my ScanSat fleet has yet to detect one anywhere by Gael. Can someone simply confirm or deny their existence so that I can manage my expectations?

I forgot to answer this earlier. Only Gael has anomalies and sadly, they're not going to appear on the other bodies in release 1.0.3.

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Not sure how interested anyone is, but you can squeak to orbit with about 5600m/s in 3.2x scale.


In future I'll aim for 6km/s if I need to do anything more than take readings and come home again. Orbital velocity around 4200m/s, so lost only 1400 to the atmosphere, which feels pretty decent.

The problem I foresee with this scale... is getting started in a career. This will be really hard without Thumpers, and this ship was 33 parts... Don't think doing this on reduced funds income will be wise, will need those facility upgrades ASAP!

Edited by eddiew
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6 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

I forgot to answer this earlier. Only Gael has anomalies and sadly, they're not going to appear on the other bodies in release 1.0.3.

Thanks for that info and that is fine by me. There is lots to explore! Migration to 1.2.2 went smoothly so thanks for that as well. 

I feel so lucky to have started playing KSP with 1.1.3 with all the amazing work of the modding community already well developed. 

Best game ever, best community ever! 

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I just completed my tour of the outer bodies (including Tellumo but excluding Catullus), so I've moved on to look at a Catullus return.

From a quick experiment I found my stock-parts Eve lander as described here:

can survive the re-entry and made it back to a 250Km circular orbit with a bit of gas left in the tank. 

I'll write it up  properly once I've done the full mission.

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6 hours ago, eddiew said:

The problem I foresee with this scale... is getting started in a career. This will be really hard without Thumpers, and this ship was 33 parts... Don't think doing this on reduced funds income will be wise, will need those facility upgrades ASAP!

Sarbian's CustomBarn Kit lets you change the parameters of all the buildings (so you could make the level 1 VAB and SPH have a 35 or 40 part max). 


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1 hour ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

Sarbian's CustomBarn Kit lets you change the parameters of all the buildings (so you could make the level 1 VAB and SPH have a 35 or 40 part max). 

Interesting, cheers :)  I'd be inclined to go 50, since that'll comfortably make a Mun lander on low tech...

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14 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Everyone's scaling problems will go away very soon. The runway angle has been fixed. No need to sweat.

Dying to restart my space program as I miss the 64K size planet, nothing like having a blue marbel filling your screen \☺/

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Catullus mission accomplished..

I've now successfully launched from Gael, landed on Catullus and returned to orbit. Per previous posts my stock-parts Eve lander did the trick.

It was all a lot harder than it should have been as the lander really needs some fixes. In particular:

- The bottom heatshields collide and explode on jettison, often damaging the craft.
- The ladders are a pain..took about 30 mins to climb back up from the surface without falling off
- I got something wrong with fuel lines meaning I had to manually disable/re-enable some tanks and mess around with the staging

Anyway, worked out well eventually! Now all that remains is a rescue mission which will then head back in to explore the inner bodies (I've done everything outside Gael now)

Photo album below..



Entry in to Catullus:


Chutes deployed:






Final stage:




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So it turns out...


...3.2x isn't scary, if you go with rockets, and scale up to fit the planet. 1.25m tech is crazy, 2.5 not so much, especially if you stick a small command pod on top.

29 parts, 44 tons; might need to customise the barn to allow heavier vessels, and start with a bit of science in the bank, but it's not really a problem. I've be using Space Y to provide 5m and 7.5m options later down the line, so basically this shouldn't be an issue for anything except the very biggest things (like when I did that single launch to Tekto and back in 1.1) and will probably encourage me to actually use the modded parts more often.

So the question I have to ask myself - is whether I can stand not having early spaceplanes. I know I'll be able to get them eventually with KR&D, last career I had some that reached LKO with over 6km/s still in the tank, and maybe B9 will bring them a little sooner, but... I do love my unflappy birds :/  Anyone been doing GPP at 3.2x scale (or above) and would care to comment?

Also question for the team; Near Future - yea or nay? I included it in my Outer Planets career, but honestly didn't use it much because KR&D kept me on more familiar territory. How badly do we need crazy engines to reach the furthest... reaches of this new system?

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Generally speaking, delta-v requirements go up proportionately to the square root of the scale factor.  So for a 3.2x solar system, you can expect the dV requirements to be about 3.2^0.5 = 1.79 times greater than in a stock-sized 1x system.

With a well design rocket made from 2.5m parts and flying an efficient ascent profile, I've been able to get to orbit in a 1x system using 3,000 m/s.  So for 3.2x I should expect about, 3000*1.79 = 5370 m/s.  @eddiew's example that he just posted used, 6200 - 875 = 5,325 m/s.  That's pretty darn close.

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29 minutes ago, eddiew said:

So it turns out...


...3.2x isn't scary, if you go with rockets, and scale up to fit the planet. 1.25m tech is crazy, 2.5 not so much, especially if you stick a small command pod on top.

29 parts, 44 tons; might need to customise the barn to allow heavier vessels, and start with a bit of science in the bank, but it's not really a problem. I've be using Space Y to provide 5m and 7.5m options later down the line, so basically this shouldn't be an issue for anything except the very biggest things (like when I did that single launch to Tekto and back in 1.1) and will probably encourage me to actually use the modded parts more often.

So the question I have to ask myself - is whether I can stand not having early spaceplanes. I know I'll be able to get them eventually with KR&D, last career I had some that reached LKO with over 6km/s still in the tank, and maybe B9 will bring them a little sooner, but... I do love my unflappy birds :/  Anyone been doing GPP at 3.2x scale (or above) and would care to comment?

Also question for the team; Near Future - yea or nay? I included it in my Outer Planets career, but honestly didn't use it much because KR&D kept me on more familiar territory. How badly do we need crazy engines to reach the furthest... reaches of this new system?

I have a 3.2x GPP career game that's been going for awhile now, looooots of mods and lots of my own configs and tinkering, I've also rescaled my atmo so that it ends around 84km but the last 7km or so are super thin.

I have mostly deleted all of the stock rocket stuff and use SSTU parts for all of my rockets, I can easily put a 1.25m command pod into high Gael orbit with a 1.875m lifter with dV to spare.

I personally love Near Future, one of the many mod-suites I use, works fantastically with MKS and EPL for doing long crewed missions if you are using a LS mod. Is it needed? probably not, this is KSP you could build a huge ugly monstrosity with lots of droptanks that will get you out there, but I hate that kind of thing, I prefer playing with a bit of realism in mind.

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1 minute ago, eddiew said:

Thanks @OhioBob, @Akira_R, useful answers :) 

Guess it really is down to whether I want spaceplanes in this career. They certainly get a lot less useful when they provide less than 40% of the orbital velocity on air... Will have to ponder ^^

Also I just read an earlier comment of yours regarding the 3.2x scale and the huge mountains, I would suggest using the features in SigmaDimensions to scale down the terrain, I can't remember off the top of my head what I use but experiment and try and get the mountains to reach a reasonable height, and don't scale the atmo up to much, at least for realisms sake and to avoid crazy reentry heating and stresses lol. I can post the SD config I use if you wanna take a look at it.

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1 hour ago, eddiew said:

Thanks @OhioBob, @Akira_R, useful answers :) 

Guess it really is down to whether I want spaceplanes in this career. They certainly get a lot less useful when they provide less than 40% of the orbital velocity on air... Will have to ponder ^^

If you want more speed out of your airbreathing engines, how about looking into using scramjets in your designs? I know the Mk2 Expansion has one that only activates above Ma = 4 but then will provide good thrust up to I think Ma = 10-12 and pretty high in the atmosphere (40-50km for a 1x game).
The part itself is pretty far down the CTT Aerospace Technode (1500 Science IIRC) but probably still cheaper than what you have to use in KRnD.

Edited by Amnesy
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6 hours ago, eddiew said:

So it turns out...


...3.2x isn't scary, if you go with rockets, and scale up to fit the planet. 1.25m tech is crazy, 2.5 not so much, especially if you stick a small command pod on top.


Anyone been doing GPP at 3.2x scale (or above) and would care to comment?

Also question for the team; Near Future - yea or nay?

I've been doing a 3.2x career in GPP with Kerbal R&D, but RL has prevented me from playing much in the last few weeks. (There are definitely pros and cons to being gainfully employed.)

I find that this combo works great, but I will say that I'm a rocket guy. I find that using Stage Recovery, combined with certain key part upgrades, results in a very satisfying career with very limited use of disposable stages. Rockets are larger than stock, but not so large as to seem unreasonable. While I'm not the best spaceplane guy, I think that if you embrace the idea that you'll always have to top off in LGO before going anywhere, then it should be possible to continue using them, although it may be a bit more challenging than before.

One thing I would suggest is installing Karbonite, as GPP was specifically designed to use it. I've already found an exoatmospheric (sp?) concentration of Karbonite at a particular height around one of Gael's moons, which means that I don't need to land a miner to generate new fuel. Based on some comments and hints dropped by the mod devs, it sounds like some planets or moons may have atmospheric Karbonite concentrations high enough to allow net positive refueling while in flight if the craft has the right sort of scoops and personnel on board.

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I got a contract to put a satellite in orbit around Lilli that's literally impossible because it's above the altitude where the game assumes you leave orbit.  Let me show a screen shot:

( http://imgur.com/a/l3aYb )

(Okay I can't get the KSP forum software to show that as an image embedded- but look at the imgur link to see it.)

This is an impossible contract.  The SOI makes it impossible to get that high and be in orbit.

The odd thing is that according to the information in the game API itself, Lilli has an SOI radius of 17,000m, which should be enough.  But in practice the game is showing a leaving SOI encounter at far lower altitude than 17,000m (as you can see in the screenshot).


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9 hours ago, Steven Mading said:

I got a contract to put a satellite in orbit around Lilli that's literally impossible because it's above the altitude where the game assumes you leave orbit.  Let me show a screen shot:

( http://imgur.com/a/l3aYb )

(Okay I can't get the KSP forum software to show that as an image embedded- but look at the imgur link to see it.)

This is an impossible contract.  The SOI makes it impossible to get that high and be in orbit.

The odd thing is that according to the information in the game API itself, Lilli has an SOI radius of 17,000m, which should be enough.  But in practice the game is showing a leaving SOI encounter at far lower altitude than 17,000m (as you can see in the screenshot).


thanks for that info. we will look into it and make the necessary adjustments

@Steven Mading you don't happen to have a save with that contract do you? If so,  can you me a link for it? 

Edited by Galileo
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