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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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@OhioBob Circling back to the issue of Tarsiss's lakes color- I see in the config that the stock textures for water are used, making it look blue-green from within the atmosphere and while floating in it.

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This is significantly different than what's seen everywhere else- in the map view, tracking station, from low orbit in flight, and even the texture file the lakes are blue-white.

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Is this color discrepancy intended? It seems to me like the water you float in should look totally different (i.e., blue-white, same color as from orbit) than the water back on Gael. I mean, it's methane!

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  On 9/28/2020 at 1:46 PM, darwinpatrick said:

@OhioBob Circling back to the issue of Tarsiss's lakes color- I see in the config that the stock textures for water are used, making it look blue-green from within the atmosphere and while floating in it.

This is significantly different than what's seen everywhere else- in the map view, tracking station, from low orbit in flight, and even the texture file the lakes are blue-white.

Is this color discrepancy intended? It seems to me like the water you float in should look totally different (i.e., blue-white, same color as from orbit) than the water back on Gael. I mean, it's methane!


I'm certain the blue-white color is intended because that's what's in the color map.  I need to ask, do you have Kittopia Tech installed?  Kittopia has been know to alter the color of oceans.  If so, uninstall it a try again.  If the oceans are still too blue, I can look into it.

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I don't have it installed, no. As for the oceans, I'm looking at the config and I'm pretty sure this is the relevant bit in the GPP_Planets/Tarsiss file. What I'm wondering is, what's the ocean color like on your end if you splash down there?

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  On 9/28/2020 at 4:30 PM, darwinpatrick said:

I don't have it installed, no. As for the oceans, I'm looking at the config and I'm pretty sure this is the relevant bit in the GPP_Planets/Tarsiss file. What I'm wondering is, what's the ocean color like on your end if you splash down there?


The problem is that Tarsiss is using Laythe's ocean texture, which has color built into it.  There's nothing I can do to fix it using configs only.  We either need to make our own water texture that matches the scaled space color, or we need to change the scaled space color map to match the water texture.  In either case it requires new or modified textures, and that's not something I really want to do.  I prefer to leave any texture work to Galileo, and he hasn't shown any interest in KSP for months.

You can try this patch, which I think improves it some.  The near color it still different from the far color, but I tried to blend the transition a little better.

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Edited by OhioBob
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Thanks! I'll try the patch tomorrow but my Gauss grand tour is over and I don't think I'll be putting boots on Tarsiss again soon- still, from a development perspective, I'll sandbox it and see how it looks. I almost wonder if using Eve's ocean textures would look good as it's a light purple which is much closer to the desired light blue than the dark blue...

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I'm surprised that the large high plateau groups on both of Catullus's poles remain polar with the intermediate axis theorem at work. Eventually the moon would spin 90 degrees such that they'd both end up at the equator, but I'm not sure how Gauss and Tarsiss would come into play. Interesting to think about

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GPP Patch

Many of you have undoubtedly experienced a terrain bug while playing GPP or other planet packs that looks like this:


Thanks to @R-T-B, the cause of this has been identified.  I've written a patch for GPP that should fix it.  Just download the following zip file, select the version of KSP that you are currently using, and install the patch as indicated.  If playing KSP v1.10+, no patch is required.

Download GPP Patch

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm experiencing a bug with Galileo where the game very often freezes on automatic time compression changes (or maybe situation changes?). I've tried it with different versions of KSP (1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.10.1) and also release- and bleeding edge versions of Kopernicus. It's completely reproducible in all configurations where Galileo is present. I does not produce any error messages in the log, as far as I can analyze. Issue does not appear in vanilla, and disappeared completely when I downgraded Galileo from to 

I'm quite happy with, but thought I'd let you know. 

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  On 10/14/2020 at 1:21 PM, DrGonzo94 said:

I'm experiencing a bug with Galileo where the game very often freezes on automatic time compression changes (or maybe situation changes?). I've tried it with different versions of KSP (1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.10.1) and also release- and bleeding edge versions of Kopernicus. It's completely reproducible in all configurations where Galileo is present. I does not produce any error messages in the log, as far as I can analyze. Issue does not appear in vanilla, and disappeared completely when I downgraded Galileo from to 

I'm quite happy with, but thought I'd let you know. 


Ah, I assumed it to be a texture loading problem, because it freezes on approach to Gael from Ceti or Iota for me. Your explanation(s) might also work.

But it IS always during timewarp, so maybe it's a certain date (eg. day 57) that triggers it? Will try this out somewhere this week.

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  On 10/19/2020 at 4:47 PM, umph7 said:

Ah, I assumed it to be a texture loading problem, because it freezes on approach to Gael from Ceti or Iota for me. Your explanation(s) might also work.

But it IS always during timewarp, so maybe it's a certain date (eg. day 57) that triggers it? Will try this out somewhere this week.



It's always during timewarp, but more specifically during warp time compression CHANGES. At first I thought it was the due to loading the new planet or moon, but it can happen even without a change of SOI - such as an altitude change. When it happens in connection to an SOI change, it also doesn't really happen AT the SOI change, but rather when timewarp gears down AHEAD of it.

Tried it in many different situations, don't think it was due to a specific date or time. 

I've solved it by downgrading though, and if I'm the only one affected maybe it's something odd with my setup. 

Edited by DrGonzo94
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/14/2020 at 1:21 PM, DrGonzo94 said:

I'm experiencing a bug with Galileo where the game very often freezes on automatic time compression changes (or maybe situation changes?). I've tried it with different versions of KSP (1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.10.1) and also release- and bleeding edge versions of Kopernicus. It's completely reproducible in all configurations where Galileo is present. I does not produce any error messages in the log, as far as I can analyze. Issue does not appear in vanilla, and disappeared completely when I downgraded Galileo from to 

I'm quite happy with, but thought I'd let you know. 


I experience the exact same problem ! Often freezes completely  during auto time change, but on some occasions it also happen when I manually change it. Seems to happen only when I'm approaching a new celestial body...

GPP is the only mod I have installed.

I will try to downgrad it like you and see if it fixes the issue.

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  On 11/13/2020 at 5:51 PM, Drupegod02 said:

Is Gael supposed to be the only planet with clouds? Because it seems that Tellumo should also have clouds. Also Nodens has no clouds. I have GU as one of my mods as well, but I'm not sure if that is causing these no clouds


Several planets should have clouds - Gael, Tellumo, Gratian, Catullus, Hadrian, Nodens and Epona.  Sounds like you likely have a mod conflict.  It could be GU, though I don't know much about it.  Your best bet is to remove mods until you find the one causing the problem.

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  On 11/13/2020 at 5:57 PM, OhioBob said:

Several planets should have clouds - Gael, Tellumo, Gratian, Catullus, Hadrian, Nodens and Epona.  Sounds like you likely have a mod conflict.  It could be GU, though I don't know much about it.  Your best bet is to remove mods until you find the one causing the problem.


I have installed these mods only but Gael still only has clouds:

Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.4.1)
Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit
Distant Object Enhancement Continued (DistantObject v2.0.1.1)
Distant Object Enhancement Continued default config (DistantObject-default v2.0.1.1)
Environmental Visual Enhancements (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3:1.10.1-3)
Environmental Visual Enhancements - Stock Planet Config files (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR 2:EVE-1.2.2-1)
Final Frontier (FinalFrontier 1.10.0-3485)
Galileo's Planet Pack (GPP 1:
GPP Textures (GPPTextures 4.1.1)
Grannus Expansion Pack (GrannusExpansionPack 1.2.1)
Grannus Expansion Pack CommNet (GrannusExpansionPack-CommNet 1.2.1)
JX2Antenna (JX2Antenna 2.0.5)
Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.9.1-12)
Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.9.1)
ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.1.4)
scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0632)
Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0632)
Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0632)
Sigma Replacements: Descriptions (SigmaReplacements-Descriptions D_v0.2.5)
Sigma Replacements: Heads (SigmaReplacements-Heads H_v0.2.4)
Sigma Replacements: MenuScenes (SigmaReplacements-MenuScenes K_v0.1.0)
Sigma Replacements: SkyBox (SigmaReplacements-SkyBox B_v0.2.2)
Sigma Replacements: Suits (SigmaReplacements-Suits S_v0.2.4)
Im on 1.9.1 btw

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@Drupegod02, I suggest you delete these:

  • Environmental Visual Enhancements - Stock Planet Config files (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR 2:EVE-1.2.2-1)
  • Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0632)
  • Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0632)

GPP and GEP comes with all its own configs.  Adding the default configs for those mods are likely messing things up.

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  On 11/13/2020 at 8:29 PM, OhioBob said:

@Drupegod02, I suggest you delete these:

  • Environmental Visual Enhancements - Stock Planet Config files (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR 2:EVE-1.2.2-1)
  • Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0632)
  • Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0632)

GPP and GEP comes with all its own configs.  Adding the default configs for those mods are likely messing things up.


I cant seem to get rid of default scatterer and sunflare with ckan

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I just installed GPP again after years of playing this one. I ran into a snag when scaling up the system....screenshot1.png


There are no error messages, no warnings, no nothing. Just this... I have reached out to a few ppl that know more about planet pack building as me and we cant seem to figure out why this happens. This is a clean install, only GPP and KK installed, tried it on various versions... i always end up with this. So i'm hoping someone here knows a fix for this.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 12/14/2020 at 3:23 PM, Dizezed Zebra said:

Is there any way to get Hox to look like it does in the wiki image? I love the way it looks there, but I'm just not a big fan of how it actually looks in-game.


What's different about it in the Wiki versus the game?  Is it the light level that you're referring to?  If so, you can remove the following file:


That should make the light level the same across all planets with no drop off in intensity.

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  On 12/14/2020 at 9:10 PM, OhioBob said:

What's different about it in the Wiki versus the game?  Is it the light level that you're referring to?  If so, you can remove the following file:


That should make the light level the same across all planets with no drop off in intensity.


Sorry, I should have posted screenshots. I put it around Urlum in my game, but moving planets and moons around has never affected visuals like this for me before.




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