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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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34 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

Try removing Kerbal Renamer. It's been found to be mischievous and we're working on it.

On that note:

Not sure if anyone's mentioned this yet, and I could be wrong in my assumption, but I've noticed that since I started using Renamer, my Gaelans aren't getting some of the ribbons from Final Frontier that they would get if they remained Kermans.  I'm only using the Big Four for flights, and Galileo and Poodmund have both made several landings on Iota and Ceti, but there have been no "First Landing on..." ribbons awarded.  I'm getting ribbons for other stuff, just not those particular ones.  

This isn't so much a complaint or bug report, as it is just a note for someone to look into, if necessary.  It's also possible that because I started this game with Kermans, and THEN changed the names, that I borked something up at that point.  The only thing that makes me think that that might NOT be the issue is that none of my Kermans had even made it to orbit yet when I started using Renamer.

<shrug> No biggie.  I'm not going to restart just to find out, and it's not a major issue for me.

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15 minutes ago, everchanging02 said:

Preliminary testing hints this may have been the issue, but I will have to test further, as the bug was very random in its appearance.
Again, thank you very much for your time and the suggestions!

what ship is that in your pic, can you send me the pic or post it here? It looks like a beast

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8 hours ago, The-Doctor said:

what ship is that in your pic, can you send me the pic or post it here? It looks like a beast

Ah~  That is from my 1.1.3 OPM Science Sandbox game that I still have yet to finish (the 1.3 GPP game is the first I've focused on a v.0.24+ Career mode).  It is the Virrigh Express, taking my most decorated Kerbal to Neidon.

I use TAC Life Support (amongst other mods) for that game, so she has a few years to spare to visit and get home (I think it was somewhere on the order of 64 years of supplies, thanks to the recycling available through K&K and TAC).  Ion-propulsion, fission reactor -powered.
It's honestly about mid-sized for things I've built, but probably included within the largest launched as one unit.  Here's one that took a total of 12 'units' when it was done (this just shows 9 of them; v.0.23.5 game).

I can look at uploading some additional ship designs from games, if you're interested.  Love to share. :)

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@everchanging02 I admire folks who are able to (with TAC mainly) produce manned ships with decades worth of supplies and no DeepFreeze, and the ship isn't bloated with food tankage. It might be me-- I still haven't built big with food, neither gone very far at all with a ship carrying LS, except to Moho's distance. But I feel sorry for the kerbals themselves. She's essentially trapped in the toilet, with likely only that Cupola to move about in. :D 

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53 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@everchanging02 I admire folks who are able to (with TAC mainly) produce manned ships with decades worth of supplies and no DeepFreeze, and the ship isn't bloated with food tankage. It might be me-- I still haven't built big with food, neither gone very far at all with a ship carrying LS, except to Moho's distance. But I feel sorry for the kerbals themselves. She's essentially trapped in the toilet, with likely only that Cupola to move about in. :D 

Thank you!
I know!  :(
I have about 14 crewed 'structures' with recycling life support in that game.  I figured out that recycling didn't happen off camera, so I have to cycle through them all every 150 days.  The data I have collected from doing so is intriguing in how my various designs measured up to the theoretical specifications.
I had sent a lone scientist to Dres for several years, and when she got back, I vowed she could retire with a view of Sarnus's rings.  Her three-Kerbal ship/station just got there.  :D

I opted to give myself more freedom with the GPP 1.3 game and not install life support (since I wasn't sure how well I would do in Career mode).

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2 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@everchanging02 I admire folks who are able to (with TAC mainly) produce manned ships with decades worth of supplies and no DeepFreeze, and the ship isn't bloated with food tankage. It might be me-- I still haven't built big with food, neither gone very far at all with a ship carrying LS, except to Moho's distance. But I feel sorry for the kerbals themselves. She's essentially trapped in the toilet, with likely only that Cupola to move about in. :D 

That's easy to do when you don't send 6 or more Kerbals, also easy with TAC, Kerbalism they go mad alone, also if you disregard realistic ship design and/or add in some recyler/greenhouse then you can achieve that

2 hours ago, everchanging02 said:

Thank you!
I know!  :(
I have about 14 crewed 'structures' with recycling life support in that game.  I figured out that recycling didn't happen off camera, so I have to cycle through them all every 150 days.  The data I have collected from doing so is intriguing in how my various designs measured up to the theoretical specifications.
I had sent a lone scientist to Dres for several years, and when she got back, I vowed she could retire with a view of Sarnus's rings.  Her three-Kerbal ship/station just got there.  :D

I opted to give myself more freedom with the GPP 1.3 game and not install life support (since I wasn't sure how well I would do in Career mode).

deepfreeze gives the freedom you desire, especially if you use kerbalism like me

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48 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

That's easy to do when you don't send 6 or more Kerbals, also easy with TAC, Kerbalism they go mad alone, also if you disregard realistic ship design and/or add in some recyler/greenhouse then you can achieve that

deepfreeze gives the freedom you desire, especially if you use kerbalism like me

I might give DeepFreeze a try.
I have noticed some challenges when one gets over six Kerbals with TAC.  I designed all my vessels to support three, and they do that well.  However, when they combine, certain resources take a dive for some reason.  And it's inconsistent between similar situations...

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@Galileo May I suggest making Iota have a thin atmosphere, but thick enough to cause a little difficulty landing. It would make it more unique and make GPP more different than stock, right now Iota is basically the mun which is basically the moon

1 minute ago, JadeOfMaar said:

*whispers* Why do you call them that?

no idea, it's just what I think a whisper would look like if you could see it

The G.S.S Galilei is under construction, the main version is nearly done, I recently saw I could make it so much bigger and just may add more to it once the main station is completed. I should finish it tomorrow, then I'll be able to do my first unmanned landings followed by crewed landings on the 2 moons. I'll use the station to do science experiments from station science as well as convert samples from the moons into data. I'll also use it to field test deep freeze and train for interplanetary missions. It will also serve as a midway station, anyone returning from another planetary body will first have to dock to the station before going home, that goes for probes as well. This is the largest, most sophisticated station I have ever built, so glad I chose science mode.






What you see in the distance is debris from the spent rcs tank, I jettison tanks and engines when docking, to keep the station looking as closely as it did in the VAB.

The station has more solar arrays to be added to it as well as a lot more modules

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7 minutes ago, The-Doctor said:

@Galileo May I suggest making Iota have a thin atmosphere, but thick enough to cause a little difficulty landing. It would make it more unique and make GPP more different than stock, right now Iota is basically the mun which is basically the moon

no idea, it's just what I think a whisper would look like if you could see it

I assume you haven't actually tried landing on Iota yet? The terrain alone makes it challenging enough, also I don't find having an atmo on Iota realistic, which is what this pack strives for. 

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19 minutes ago, Galileo said:

I assume you haven't actually tried landing on Iota yet? The terrain alone makes it challenging enough, also I don't find having an atmo on Iota realistic, which is what this pack strives for. 

That's for sure!  I have five landings there, and after the first one was on a slope of 15+ degrees, all I kept doing at each subsequent landing was saying over and over, "Please be less than ten degrees, please be less than ten degees..."

Not that I actually had any problems.  All four of you guys are home safe and sound after 5 missions to Iota and 6 to Ceti, the last of which was a test for a heavier lander for heading out to planets.  The test went okay (I think I'm going to scrap the whole concept and start fresh - no serious issues, but improvements are always becessary), but I had some issues taking back off again, as I couldn't get the T-SAS to turn on at all.  No real problems landing, as I said, but there were a few tense, nail-biting moments. 

That was also the same mission where I found the Squad Monolith - first ever anomaly found in the several years I've been playing this game.  Poor Poodmund had to hike 3.6 kilometers one way to get to it (no rovers yet).  Anyway, I managed to get back to orbit and dock with the "mothership" (basically a glorified service module/tug/transport), and transfer Pood and Bob into the 4-Gaelan crew return capsule.  The highlight of the mission was landing less than 25 km from GSC, in the highlands past the mountains to the west.

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@The-Doctor You may want to consider that Iota is more familiar with Minmus than with Mun, so it's far less capable of holding an atmosphere. The real Moon has an atmosphere (of loose Sodium atoms iirc) but it's so incredibly thin and short it's not worth factoring into any preparations.That aside, your mission report is very nice and pretty encouraging. :) The investment into your station will be worth it as science within Gael's SOI is much less abundant than in Stock.

I must say... I think you may be setting yourself up for a date with Kessler since you're dumping tanks and engines within the station's orbit.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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1 hour ago, MaxxQ said:

That's for sure!  I have five landings there, and after the first one was on a slope of 15+ degrees, all I kept doing at each subsequent landing was saying over and over, "Please be less than ten degrees, please be less than ten degees..."

Not that I actually had any problems.  All four of you guys are home safe and sound after 5 missions to Iota and 6 to Ceti, the last of which was a test for a heavier lander for heading out to planets.  The test went okay (I think I'm going to scrap the whole concept and start fresh - no serious issues, but improvements are always becessary), but I had some issues taking back off again, as I couldn't get the T-SAS to turn on at all.  No real problems landing, as I said, but there were a few tense, nail-biting moments. 

That was also the same mission where I found the Squad Monolith - first ever anomaly found in the several years I've been playing this game.  Poor Poodmund had to hike 3.6 kilometers one way to get to it (no rovers yet).  Anyway, I managed to get back to orbit and dock with the "mothership" (basically a glorified service module/tug/transport), and transfer Pood and Bob into the 4-Gaelan crew return capsule.  The highlight of the mission was landing less than 25 km from GSC, in the highlands past the mountains to the west.

There are actually 7 perfectly flat locations (0 degree) and they are large enough to house a big base :wink: they are hard to find though, so be sure to do a thorough once over of your scans!

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2 hours ago, markal said:

I am going from Gael to Ceti and already my Solar panels are not generating Electric power. Is this normal ? What should I be using instead.

Are they retractable?  If so, retract them and extend them again.  There's a minor bug that makes tracking solar panels want to point at the second sun in the system, Grannus, and it's too far away to provide much power.  Oh, and when you extend them, make sure your ship is pointing directly at Ciro (provided your panels stick out perpendicular to the ship).

If you're using non-sun-tracking panels (IOW, the basic panels that you stick on one at a time), and they're pointing at Ciro, then I have no idea what might be the problem.


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I have a small problem with the new version of the galileo mod, a smooth configuration (with galileo pack 1.4 + copernicus 1.3 + GPPTexture 2.0.0) when loading the menu does not allow me to select the menu items, it remains locked. If I add the GPP Secondary mod option then I can only play the skepticism is that in the menu space the planets on the side of the sun have a greater brightness (from the eyes) is normal?
Can you play without GPP Secondary?
There must also be one of my added mods that goes into conflict because it does not even charge me the menu remains black screen and the icon at bottom right in continuous loading.
My mods are all up to date for ksp 1.3
Community Tech Tree 3.2.0
Cormorant Aeronology 1.3.0
CxAerospace Station Part 1.5
DMagic Orbital Science 1.3.10
Docking Port Alignment 6.7.0
KAS 0.6.3
KIS 1.5.0
Kerbal alarm clock 3.8.5
KER 1.1.3
Kerbal Konstructs
Kerbalisim 1.2.9
Manuever Node Evolved 2.3
Real Engines 1.8
Research Bodies 1.9.5
Relay Science 4.1
Trajectories 1.7.0
USI Colonization System 0.52.2 (it creates 2 errors when loading i will ask for explanations)
USI-LS 0-6.2.0
USITools 0.9.3

I still have to try adding KerbNet Controller

EDIT: The other versions had 2 possible installations, one for windows and one for mac and linux, the latter released version is linux compatible? Am I just for windows? Because at this point this may be my problem, I use linux instead of windows

Edited by erik84
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