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Ultimate Steve

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19 minutes ago, p1t1o said:

Oh lol! I didnt think about cost at all, obviously its way more expensive!

Awww Im kinda sad, I really wanted someone to try out my fave rocket fact ;.;

When you're a small team made up of college students, you think of these things... :D  

28 minutes ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Well, crickets are a good source of protein and are commonly eaten in Asia. And there's cricket protein bars available, which is about the only way I can see myself eating crickets... (haven't tried them yet)

Oh I know all about it. Crickets and grasshoppers have a nutty flavor, and of course the exoskeletons are quite crunchy. 

28 minutes ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Hmmm, cubinator making cricket incubators... incricketors?... a certain irony in that. It's actually one of the more logical ways to provide protein in space, aside from growing legumes. Although need to provide cricket fodder anyways, hmmm... An interesting project, to be sure!

I'll be measuring precisely the mass of fodder required!

People have done nutritional analyses to no end about how crickets and beetle grubs and cockroaches are a staple of Martian nutrition, but no one's done the actual culinary experiment. I'm willing to take that path, especially since no one else seems to be doing it. And I'll be very generous with snacks for all of my friends!

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A month ago I was scorekeeping for half a day at the brand new ice rink in town (doesn't even have wifi yet). But I didn't notice until today that the ice resurfacing machine is not a Zamboni. It's an IceBear electric ice resurfacer made by Olympia. Not a propane tank in sight! I kinda miss that propane-exhaust smell...

I think Tesla missed a niche here. They should at least try to supply batteries for the thing...


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Created an orbit simulation today. Even included a model for the Earth’s equatorial bulge.

Hoping to add the Moon relatively soon. Probably going to need to use the JPL ephemeris for that.

Stretch goal: include the Moon and Earth mascons to a suitable degree of accuracy.

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My school district has banned me and everyone on the VEX Robotics team from going to the Regionals competition in Worcester, MA because of Coronavirus fears...even though there’s been no native cases in my state. If we try to go by any means, we will be punished. The school has also started banning and canceling just about everything else — the play, conferences, some after school events. And let me reiterate, we have NO native cases in Connecticut. Two are from people from New York, and one is from somebody who came from California. It’s completely unjustified panic, and other towns are following suit. At this rate, they’re going to cancel all activities and school for like a week. 

For more positive news...um....it was nice out yesterday. That’s kinda it. 

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18 hours ago, ProtoJeb21 said:

My school district has banned me and everyone on the VEX Robotics team from going to the Regionals competition in Worcester, MA because of Coronavirus fears...even though there’s been no native cases in my state. If we try to go by any means, we will be punished. The school has also started banning and canceling just about everything else — the play, conferences, some after school events. And let me reiterate, we have NO native cases in Connecticut. Two are from people from New York, and one is from somebody who came from California. It’s completely unjustified panic, and other towns are following suit. At this rate, they’re going to cancel all activities and school for like a week. 

I'm sort of starting to agree with Elon Musk...The coronavirus panic is dumb.

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6 hours ago, RealKerbal3x said:

I'm sort of starting to agree with Elon Musk...The coronavirus panic is dumb.

Oh, but it gets better. It turns out this banning is from the state of Connecticut, and my district has also started cancelling or rescheduling more events. So far..

-All VEX teams in CT are legally forbidden from going to Regionals

-VEX Worlds is basically screwed at this point

-All students are legally forbidden to leave the state in school trips

-All awards ceremonies are cancelled

-All events in the auditorium are cancelled

-The orchestra trip to Florida is cancelled, which means 80 people just lost a total of $125,000 to $160,000 — and can’t get it back

-Prom (and possibly graduation) are being pushed back

-The school play is tentatively rescheduled for June, but is at risk for being cancelled 

-All conferences are cancelled

-Multiple after-school events are cancelled 

-All high school sporting events across the state have been cancelled, including the state tournaments

Essentially, the state (and especially my school district in particular) are trying to minimize large groups of people gathering, and don’t want students getting the Coronavirus from another state and bringing it back. However, my school has just been canceling literally everything that isn’t school in fear of the virus, and not only has it massively *quacked* up hundreds of students, but it won’t solve anything. The amount of people meeting in those events is nothing compared to how many people are in my school — over 3,000 — and how incredibly crowded it is. It’s so densely packed here that you’re more likely to get the Coronavirus in school than out of it. It’ll be so easy for it to spread here, and I heard the administration doesn’t want to cancel school because their mindset is basically “oh well, it’s probably already too late”.

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41 minutes ago, sh1pman said:

Bought a smart watch. Now I can’t stop checking my heart rate every 5 minutes for no reason. Please help

Well... on the upside, you’ll be the first person to know if you die. :D

and speaking of which...

4 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

Six degrees of separation

Do you want coronavirus? Because that’s literally how you get coronavirus. 

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9 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Do you want coronavirus? Because that’s literally how you get coronavirus. 

I just reacted on the pre-pre-previous post about Half-Life.

But you got the idea.

51 minutes ago, sh1pman said:

Bought a smart watch. Now I can’t stop checking my heart rate every 5 minutes for no reason. Please help

Have you bought a full gadget set? Includes a portable defibrillator.




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The "Heute Show", a German satirical program, does these puns all the time. However this one pertaining to this whole corona hoarding panic really got me:

I doubt this needs a translation, the picture speaks for itself. Never did I laugh so much because of such a silly pun!

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Starting mucking about with Folding@Home.


This is a very cool distributed computing thing like the old SETI@Home, that uses your PC's idle time (or while you're working) to help simulate protein folding. This is of crucial use to all sorts of medical... stuff on the edge of my comprehension, but given everything that's going on in the world today it's also involved with seeking a solution to CORVID-19. And it includes this neat little visualizer. I have no idea what's going on here but it look cool.

In other news, ice continues to fascinate me. -_-



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1 hour ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

This is a very cool distributed computing thing like the old SETI@Home

It is sad to know that SETI@Home ends on March 31st. I haven't had a data packet downloaded since February 14th. It sent in the data around the 8th of March, not to be replaced. ;.;

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