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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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1 hour ago, tater said:

Yikes! Hope you're feeling better!

i do, but it was trully emotionnnaly intensive the lastsssss daysssss/weekss with other cuckoo nest guests, gettin' out just in time to watch knigthfall ending with internet box VOD free replay

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
some little details
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15 hours ago, tater said:

On my end, they are filming some movie (?) at my neighbor's pool (which is pretty spectacular, frankly) this afternoon and night until 4:30am :o .

It's called "Silk Road," about dark web drug dealers or something.

A documentary.

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A cat and a pigeon on the roof below were siiting and staring at each other from 30 cm distance.
One was too lazy to catch, another was too lazy to fly away.
As there is no feathers, but the cat appreciated a sausage, the laziness expectedly won.

Nothing keeps peace better than laziness.

Edited by kerbiloid
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The other day, but we got our first egg! :D


Found in a pile of duck poo, of course. :rolleyes:

Then today we got a second. Also in a pile of duck poo.

This and the size, color, and just heft of the things lead us to believe they might actually be from the ducks, which is pretty surprising. We thought they'd be the last of the flock to start laying. 

So now it's a case of, you eat it... no you eat it... no you... :confused:

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My new laptop battery arrived! Just in time, too. The old battery had gotten to the point where the laptop died three seconds after the power cord fell out.

It was pretty easy to install, too. No disassembling the underside of the laptop to get to the battery compartment, no hatch with annoyingly tiny screws. The battery pack just slots into the back of the laptop.

The battery life appears to be roughly 2 hours, which is certainly an improvement over 2 seconds!

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Welp... it’s definitely a car... :P


Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park.

Populated by strange dark shapes... 

Pix incoming...


I don’t so much get into it as put it on. And whang my head on the roof. But it’s certainty an experience...

That first time you hit the Autopilot and the steering wheel just starts doing it’s own thing... absolutely surreal... and then the guy ahead stops to make a left turn and the car slow, stops, then goes back to the speed limit without touching the pedals...

Yeah, I could maybe get used to that... :cool:

And when the guy ahead is going just slow enough to be annoying but not worth passing... I just let the car keep distance and don’t get annoyed. -_-

Also, this view again at 5500 feet:


And then to the opposite extreme:


And nothing spoils a romantic moment like an enormous extremely-dead whale:


Nah, you prolly don’t wanna see that. :wacko:

But there was this really cool beach tree:


pokes @KSK with a stick 

And finally, sunset and a Space Station pass.:D



*waves to our Russian Kerballers*

The question for tomorrow: to brave or not to brave the probable mob scene at the Museum of Flight for a chance to see the Apollo 11 command module on the landing anniversary...

sort of



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1 hour ago, cubinator said:

So tomorrow I'm getting two wisdom teeth extracted. I get some pills for a very unusual day, so probably take anything I say with a grain of salt? Not sure what to expect, other than just being along for the ride.

Pain, I’m sorry to say. :( Pain the likes of which you probably can’t imagine if you’ve never lost a tooth that didn’t want to come out. The after meds aren’t too bad, will mostly make you sleepy. The during meds, well... there is a certain downside to living in an age where everyone and their brother has a video camera and YouTube account. :unsure:

mumble mumble is this real life?

Also, Novocain is tricky, try not to bite though your own lip.

don’t ask me how I know.

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14 minutes ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Pain, I’m sorry to say. :( Pain the likes of which you probably can’t imagine if you’ve never lost a tooth that didn’t want to come out. The after meds aren’t too bad, will mostly make you sleepy. The during meds, well... there is a certain downside to living in an age where everyone and their brother has a video camera and YouTube account. :unsure:

mumble mumble is this real life?

Also, Novocain is tricky, try not to bite though your own lip.

don’t ask me how I know.

I remember the whole getting up part from when I had mine out. I didn't actually say anything that loopy.

1 hour ago, cubinator said:

So tomorrow I'm getting two wisdom teeth extracted. I get some pills for a very unusual day, so probably take anything I say with a grain of salt? Not sure what to expect, other than just being along for the ride.

When I had mine out I was really into rubik's cubes (not so much any more sadly) and afterwards I was so exhausted and groggy that I couldn't do one (admittedly it was a tiny one).

I wasn't able to feel my tongue for hours afterward. be careful with your mouth. I was like "Why won't my mouth close?" and then I realized it was my tongue. You'll also lose track of where things to soak up the blood are due to the numbness.

Also I had solid food 2-3 days later and it still made me bleed a little bit I think.

Good luck!

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Update: I'm bad at moving about, but ok at thinking. A little sleepy. It went well, despite some difficulties removing part of one tooth. There were like two times when I felt a mildly painful jolt, and I could feel the incision being made for one tooth, but the pain was very, very toned down. Otherwise, it was peachy. Very comfortable and interesting to watch. They gave me nitrous oxide to breathe throughout, and pure O2 at the end. I'll be sleepy all day.

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37 minutes ago, cubinator said:

They gave me nitrous oxide to breathe throughout, and pure O2 at the end.

They are testing various oxidizers for their rocket.
I bet, peroxide was also involved in that process, you just didn't see it.

Happily, they didn't have tetroxide.

Edited by kerbiloid
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1 hour ago, kerbiloid said:

They are testing various oxidizers for their rocket.
I bet, peroxide was also involved in that process, you just didn't see it.

Happily, they didn't have tetroxide.

My Isp is higher now by a few s, and I have less mass.

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