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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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I passed out during a marching band practice, fell over, hit my head on a trombone, and was transported to a dream world, it felt like I was there for far longer than I was, and I don't remember much of it, but it may have involved past memories. I came back a few seconds later, my vision coming back in a way I can't quite describe, but for a few seconds I didn't know where I was, or what this life was, and when I finally started to get it I was shocked at the fact that I was in college and not waaay younger.

The best I can describe it is waking up and not knowing if this world is reality or a dream.

I was fine mentally about 5-10 seconds after and fine physically about 5 minutes after.

Craaaazy stuff.

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  On 8/19/2020 at 6:46 AM, Ultimate Steve said:

passed out during a marching band practice, fell over, hit my head on a trombone,


Whoah. :wacko:

In all seriousness, if you haven’t yet you may want to have a doc check you out. Hitting your head and losing consciousness like that can be indicative of a concussion, even if you feel fine after.

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  On 8/19/2020 at 6:54 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Whoah. :wacko:

In all seriousness, if you haven’t yet you may want to have a doc check you out. Hitting your head and losing consciousness like that can be indicative of a concussion, even if you feel fine after.


Good idea. I would like to point out that the loss of consciousness was due to an overdone breathing exercise and potentially dehydration, and not as a result of the fall.

However if any concussion symptoms come up soon I will seek medical attention.

I am aware that it could be more serious than what I think it is and I will definitely keep that monitored, but I was posting here more about the mental experience than the fall itself. It was a real "woah" moment. I have an epic idea for a poem loosely related to it that I might write if I have time.



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I built something that is, let's be honest, completely useless...

...but it was a pretty nice start for me to get back into working with an Arduino and electricity in general, after not having touched one of these things for almost 2 years. The idea here is that the display's update frequency is driven by a potentiometer's output. Basically, the larger the voltage, the longer one digit would be lit, and therefore the fewer times the display as a whole would update per second.

It became very amusing once I realized why the display wasn't showing what it should (I made a lookup table for each digit and I got the segment order wrong). But I would say that I had a few bits of fun building and programming this.

And I got to learn that potentiometers don't like behind put on a breadboard. I think I "permanently altered" 6 points today; they're still working fine, though.

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My wife wanted to do something with other humans tonight... have cocktails or something. Her friend she wanted to do this with was post call, and couldn't... so she was sorta bummed, and I told her I'd find someone to come over... then when we communicated during the day, I had nothing, she was more bummed (thinking I had blown it off).

She got home, and her friend from out of state was standing in the kitchen, we had worked it out a couple weeks ago, and she flew in this afternoon, and I picked her up at the airport, lol.


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I made this rocket motor in Wings 3D. I plan to make it into a proper KSP mod part at some point.


It's not very detailed (though I plan to change that) and I'm only learning 3D modelling at the moment so it's probably not that good, but can anyone guess what it's meant to be? 100 nerd points up for grabs :P

Edited by RealKerbal3x
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A week ago I've read that they had to replace the forward docking port on Salyut-7 from welded one with the milled one to let the 20 t ships dock, instead of the 6 t Soyuzes.

Today I've read that the International Berthing/Docking Mechanism used in some places of ISS allows just 30 docking/undocking cycles.

Such fragile...

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