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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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Yesterday was an absolute mess of a day for many, many reasons. 

-It was both Pi-Day and Wednesday (my dudes).

-I woke up to find out that Stephen Hawking died. Not a good way to start the day. 

-My school took part of those nationwide walkouts, and of course people took advantage of it. 

-Of course things went worse - the fire alarm was set off by smoke in the kitchen as soon as the walkout ended.

-An hour was taken out of the normal school day, and during that hour I had to listen to some people read horrendous Harry Potter fan fiction.

-I did so bad at sparring class that I made a baby cry (kinda sorta maybe not really).

-I found no new planets, which is disappointing because yesterday marked the one month anniversary of three very special discoveries.

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  On 3/9/2018 at 10:18 AM, Aperture Science said:



That guy was incredibly lucky to not get a Darwin Award.

As for the whole gun/hunting convo, I did take the C.O.R.E. (Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education, required to get a Firearms Acquisition Certificate) course when I lived in Ft St John as a teenager some 30+ years ago. As a kid fascinated with fire and things that go boom, I always wanted a gun, but my mom was dead set against such a thing, so CORE was the only chance I was gonna get to fire a gun (we went to the range one day). I also joined Air Cadets, for that reason and since I was also fascinated with flight. Later I moved to a major city, where a gun was pointless and and I had better things to do with my limited funds. But i do plan on taking my wife to the range soon.

  On 3/13/2018 at 3:52 AM, Geonovast said:

I just shaved for the first time in like 2 months.  The air... so cold...


That's about how often I mow my beard down to stubble (not quite as cold as there is still a thin boundary layer, but still). I think the last time I actually shaved was for my own wedding 11+ years ago.

And speaking of vinyl albums, they just can't be beat for the frequency range. Not that I really notice, but a friend swears by them... swears by them... swears by them... swears by them... scriiitch!

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This didn't happen today but pretty recently

on January 10th I went to a Science Bowl competition in Idaho and we got 5th place!

out of 16 teams this may seem nit super impressive but regarding the fact the only teams our team lost to were 2-3 years older than us. WE had kids that were 2 grades above us competing not to mention this was our first time our school was ever playing! Even though we were the underdogs we had a blast and was very nerve wrecking and fun. 

several weeks later... 

My school had a pep assembly where we talked about school news and stuff( like how our sport teams were doing or what competitions different clubs had went to recently) And out of the whole school I won the  MVP  award for Science bowl. 

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  On 3/15/2018 at 6:43 PM, Bill Phil said:

I just had a weird thought: What if memes are the Great Filter?


The year is 2245, humans have become too dependent on memes. Agriculture has been abandoned and replaced with meme farms. People worship the memes, and think food can be replaced with memes. Humans wage war for the memes.

I'm Lolcat37, and this, is my story.

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  On 3/16/2018 at 11:57 AM, p1t1o said:

What if humans are unaware of their true roles neuron-analogues in a gigantic super-conciousness and memes are its thoughts?


Do you even know what a meme is, cause that is about literally what it means? The term meme existed long before the internet btw.

memes are the intellectual counterpart of genes, ideas spread across people and only the good memes will survive and be passed onto the next generation.

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  On 3/16/2018 at 3:08 PM, Human Person said:

Do you even know what a meme is, cause that is about literally what it means? The term meme existed long before the internet btw.

memes are the intellectual counterpart of genes, ideas spread across people and only the good memes will survive and be passed onto the next generation.


Excellent point!

How would we go about discovering whether or not this is true? (that we are functioning as neurons in a larger uber-mind)

How can a neuron discover the nature of the mind it is a part of?

Is it like matrix-style universe simulations, the existence of which are by definition impossible to prove/disprove from within?

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  On 3/16/2018 at 6:58 PM, Earthlinger said:

Half my budget will be spent on those shaving creams lol


Eh... shaving cream is so cheap you can almost consider it free.

Don't get an electric.  They're so terrible and annoying to use / clean.  I got a Schick Quattro when I was about 17 with the disposable blades.  I still have that stupid handle too, 13 years later.  Getting harder to find the blades for it.

Really thinking about trying out a straight blade.

  On 3/17/2018 at 8:28 AM, kerbiloid said:

Lifehack. It's possible to shave left and right sides of the face in turns.


Not for me!  Grows too fast, I'd look lopsided all the time.

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  On 3/17/2018 at 12:37 PM, Geonovast said:

Eh... shaving cream is so cheap you can almost consider it free.

Don't get an electric.  They're so terrible and annoying to use / clean.  I got a Schick Quattro when I was about 17 with the disposable blades.  I still have that stupid handle too, 13 years later.  Getting harder to find the blades for it.

Really thinking about trying out a straight blade.

Not for me!  Grows too fast, I'd look lopsided all the time.


When I got out of the Navy I decided to give an electric razor a try. So I bought a Norelco at Sears, came with a money-back guarantee so I figured I couldn't go wrong. It said in the instructions that you should use it for four weeks to give your skin time to adjust to it. So I toughed it out for four weeks. It was bad. It felt like the razor wasn't so much cutting the whiskers off as just pulling them out of my skin. I looked bad. It was painful. Finally, right about the four-week point, I show up to church on Sunday, and one of my friends looks at me and says, "Dude, your face looks like hamburger. Have you thought about switching to an electric razor?" I went home that afternoon, packed the razor and all it's accessories back up in its box, and brought it back to Sears. And, to their credit, they gave me a full refund.

I used the old two-blade Trac-II-style disposable cartridges for decades, you could just get the generics for cheap at any store and they worked fine. I kept seeing the three, and four, and more blade disposable razors coming out and just laughing about them. And then, a gentleman whom I hold in the highest regard, Steve Jackson of Steve Jackson Games, wrote a blog post where he said that he had been the same way, until he had actually tried one of the five-blade razors, and he had been shocked to discover that it actually made a difference and gave him a better, more comfortable shave. So my wife happened upon a coupon for a free demo razor, and I gave it a try. And, he was absolutely correct, the five-blade razor is lightyears better than the two-blade razor. And that's what I use now. Thus leading me to the conclusion that shaving equipment companies should seek product endorsement contracts from game designers.

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  On 3/18/2018 at 2:08 AM, TheSaint said:

I kept seeing the three, and four, and more blade disposable razors coming out and just laughing about them


I started with 4, so going less I could feel a difference.  3 is alright, I don't think I ever actually tried a 2.  I also thought 5 was ridiculous until I tried them (sorta on accident).  I just can't let that 13 year old handle go, and for some reason... they change the handle.


Oh, and tonight I finally watched Hidden Figures.

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The idea of having my own spaceflight company starts popping up again. I have a few super duper genius and smart ideas for fully re-usable rockets.

Im not saying im working on a spaceflight company, but i just have the urge to start one, even though i have not much knowledge about economics.

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