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[1.12.x] - Modular Kolonization System (MKS)


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Hello RoverDude!    I noticed the Salamander pod doesnt have a right-click "turn on lights" option.  Could you consider adding that at your leisure?  It might be doing something wrong as I havent fully sorted MKS out yet, if so you can tell me to stuff it.   Thanks!

Edited by klesh
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44 minutes ago, klesh said:

Hello RoverDude!    I noticed the Salamander pod doesnt have a right-click "turn on lights" option.  Could you consider adding that at your leisure?  It might be doing something wrong as I havent fully sorted MKS out yet, if so you can tell me to stuff it.   Thanks!

Please log that on http://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/mks/issues

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@voicey99 I did think it was something more on the USI-LS type thing, but since that really deals more with supplies I thought I'd post here. That said, I fully understand how things are calculated and how it all works. My point was simply that it seems very odd that the timers are different. If I launch a mission knowing I have 15 days of "supplies" (read starving) because that's the way the mod was designed, I'm expecting the same for Habitation by default. I'm not expecting to have to go through and modify settings like @danielboro mentions so I can actually still just launch a MK-1 Command Pod to Minmus and get it back.

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I got to thinking about the catch up mechanic again today and I have another question about it.  Say I have a main base that is producing material kits and can mine everything but substrate.  Substrate is mined by a remote base (with all the planetary logistics needed).  If i switch to the space center and fast forward a month, will it matter which base I visit first?

Scenario 1: if i visit the remote base first then all of the substrate produced will get pushed to planetary logistics, which will then be available to the main base when I switch to it.  Therefore if i go remote base first I will lose no production.

Scenario 2: Or is it the case that the catch up mechanism knows that the main base did not have any substrate available to it for that month and I will lose that month of material kit production regardless of which base I visit first?

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31 minutes ago, Cynor said:

@voicey99 I did think it was something more on the USI-LS type thing, but since that really deals more with supplies I thought I'd post here. That said, I fully understand how things are calculated and how it all works. My point was simply that it seems very odd that the timers are different. If I launch a mission knowing I have 15 days of "supplies" (read starving) because that's the way the mod was designed, I'm expecting the same for Habitation by default. I'm not expecting to have to go through and modify settings like @danielboro mentions so I can actually still just launch a MK-1 Command Pod to Minmus and get it back.

Would you like to be stuck in a 1.25m x 1m capsule for a week? I think not. It's not really different though, since the 15 days of no supplies before grumpout can be considered as the grace period if you didn't add any supplies, and you could also see the 7.5d of hab per seat as your grace period if you didn't add any specific hab modules.

1 minute ago, Uberns said:

I got to thinking about the catch up mechanic again today and I have another question about it.  Say I have a main base that is producing material kits and can mine everything but substrate.  Substrate is mined by a remote base (with all the planetary logistics needed).  If i switch to the space center and fast forward a month, will it matter which base I visit first?

Scenario 1: if i visit the remote base first then all of the substrate produced will get pushed to planetary logistics, which will then be available to the main base when I switch to it.  Therefore if i go remote base first I will lose no production.

Scenario 2: Or is it the case that the catch up mechanism knows that the main base did not have any substrate available to it for that month and I will lose that month of material kit production regardless of which base I visit first?

Scenario 1. Catchup doesn't happen until the vessel is simulated on being loaded or passing into physrange.


Also @TheRagingIrishman GJ cleaning up the hundreds of inactive tickets on the bugtracker!

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8 hours ago, voicey99 said:

This is more a USI-LS thing, but habitation is distinct from supplies time. Habitation is supposed to represent how much time a kerbal can sit in a cramped pod for before they go nuts, and supplies time is how long they have a food supply for. When they run out of hab time, they grump out but when they run out of supplies they have a 15-day grace period before they grump out. By default, hab time is calculated by kerbalmonths of hab*hab mult/kerbs on vessel, and each additional seat on a vessel grants one additional kerbal-month of hab time (30 days), with the default multiplier of 0.25, giving you 7.5 days of hab per seat per kerbal. To extend this add additional empty seats to the vessel or use parts with ModuleHabitation (that is to say, the PPD-10 and an assortment of parts from MKS and other USI mods-they also require power). The LS window in the VAB will tell you more-note values are given in kerbalmonths.

:rep: This needs to be pinned...

This is all the help I need to refine my existing USI configs, and to do a good job on my in-dev OPT_USI project.

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5 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

:rep: This needs to be pinned...

This is all the help I need to refine my existing USI configs, and to do a good job on my in-dev OPT_USI project.

However, I did notice a small oddity in the LS calculations-I think LS defines a Kerbin year as 425 days, not 426. I tested it by adding a 2.5m kerbitat on common mode onto the end of a Mk3 pax module and the calculation should have given me 18*0.25*3.35=15.075k-m habtime for one kerbal, which equates to (ignoring the 30 minutes on the end of the year) 425.25 days, which is 1 year, 26 days, 1 hour and 30mins. However, in the VAB LS window it gave that as 1y, 27d, 1h and 30m. Strange much?

...or has my maths gone wrong somewhere?

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14 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

:rep: This needs to be pinned...


As a guy who just started using this entire suite, thats about the only thing I was able to figure out off the bat without any researching how the mod works. Go figure. :confused:

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9 hours ago, voicey99 said:

Would you like to be stuck in a 1.25m x 1m capsule for a week? I think not. It's not really different though, since the 15 days of no supplies before grumpout can be considered as the grace period if you didn't add any supplies, and you could also see the 7.5d of hab per seat as your grace period if you didn't add any specific hab modules.

Yes and no. I can well see how naively one might assume that the no-supplies limit is the limit for a mission with no life support planning, given we're not in a TACLS world where all crewed parts have some life support.

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3 hours ago, Baladain said:

Odd situation:

I had a kerbal rescue mission, and when I rescued them, they were a tourist.  They're now part of my space program, as a tourist.  Is there any way to determine what they should have been?

First off, try taking them out for a walk - just put them in a part, launch, EVA(?), and recover.  Often that's enough to reset them.

Otherwise - if things are working, there should be a field in the savefile with their old occupation.  Presumably however if that doesn't reset them then things aren't working...

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38 minutes ago, DStaal said:

First off, try taking them out for a walk - just put them in a part, launch, EVA(?), and recover.  Often that's enough to reset them.

Otherwise - if things are working, there should be a field in the savefile with their old occupation.  Presumably however if that doesn't reset them then things aren't working...

Doesn't seem to have worked.  Is it possible he generated with the tourist class at random?


            name = Danny Kerman
            gender = Male
            type = Crew
            trait = Tourist
            brave = 0.602813244
            dumb = 0.588954926
            badS = False
            veteran = False
            tour = False
            state = Available
            inactive = False
            inactiveTimeEnd = 0
            gExperienced = 0
            outDueToG = False
            ToD = 0
            idx = 0
            extraXP = 0
                flight = 2
                0 = Suborbit,Mun
                0 = Land,Mun
                0 = BoardVessel,Mun
                0 = ExitVessel,Mun
                0 = Orbit,Mun
                0 = Escape,Mun
                0 = Flyby,Kerbin
                0 = Suborbit,Kerbin
                0 = Flight,Kerbin
                0 = Land,Kerbin
                0 = Recover
                1 = ExitVessel,Kerbin
                1 = BoardVessel,Kerbin
                1 = Recover
                flight = 2


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10 hours ago, voicey99 said:

Would you like to be stuck in a 1.25m x 1m capsule for a week? I think not. It's not really different though, since the 15 days of no supplies before grumpout can be considered as the grace period if you didn't add any supplies, and you could also see the 7.5d of hab per seat as your grace period if you didn't add any specific hab modules.


Can we get those numbers scaled up to where a Kerbal is around 2m tall though? You know, for perspective :kiss:

Joking aside, no I do I get it and think it's a good idea. Again you're totally right in it's not really that different than the "grumpout" grace period. But again my point is that because it IS the same idea as the supplies grace period, wouldn't you expect it to be the same time period like @damerell says?

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4 hours ago, Baladain said:

Odd situation:

I had a kerbal rescue mission, and when I rescued them, they were a tourist.  They're now part of my space program, as a tourist.  Is there any way to determine what they should have been?

Log a ticket, ideally with a save, and I can see what's what :)

Also a heads up - closing on a house tomorrow so I will be a bit out of pocket, but still around :)

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Woot! Congrats RoverDude!

Weird question - what is the bare minimum I need to have to *just* have the MKS hab-ring in the game? PorkJet teased us with a sweet hab ring ages ago, but has since peaced out. I'm guessing he will not be back. The game has a distinct lack of hab rings, and your is the more polished. I'd love to use it, but dont want to go whole hog with MKS at this time.

I'm assuming USI-Tools, the cfg and model - but not sure what textures and other stuff I need to keep? Also not sure if there's a way to just have the animation modules from USI-Tools and nothing else.

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2 hours ago, OldMold said:

Weird question - what is the bare minimum I need to have to *just* have the MKS hab-ring in the game? PorkJet teased us with a sweet hab ring ages ago, but has since peaced out. I'm guessing he will not be back. The game has a distinct lack of hab rings, and your is the more polished. I'd love to use it, but dont want to go whole hog with MKS at this time.

I'm assuming USI-Tools, the cfg and model - but not sure what textures and other stuff I need to keep? Also not sure if there's a way to just have the animation modules from USI-Tools and nothing else.

You will also need CRP and the KolonyTools DLL *might* also be needed, without it you will get some errors but the LS part of the habring will probably still be functional.

...What do you mean by the last bit?

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I tried installing just MKS and deleting (mostly) everything except the hab ring, but it wouldn't animate properly. I figured USI-Tools probably has the animation modules that RoverDude re-uses on other mods, so installing that worked and now the ring animates. However USI-Tools has a bunch of other stuff but I'm only using 1% of it. Wonder where the animation stuff lives so I can just keep that and nuke the rest to save on memory/performance/load-time

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3 minutes ago, OldMold said:

I tried installing just MKS and deleting (mostly) everything except the hab ring, but it wouldn't animate properly. I figured USI-Tools probably has the animation modules that RoverDude re-uses on other mods, so installing that worked and now the ring animates. However USI-Tools has a bunch of other stuff but I'm only using 1% of it. Wonder where the animation stuff lives so I can just keep that and nuke the rest to save on memory/performance/load-time

it lives in the ModuleAnimation section of the USITools DLL, so unless you know how to compile C#, don't mess with it.

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2 hours ago, OldMold said:

I tried installing just MKS and deleting (mostly) everything except the hab ring, but it wouldn't animate properly. I figured USI-Tools probably has the animation modules that RoverDude re-uses on other mods, so installing that worked and now the ring animates. However USI-Tools has a bunch of other stuff but I'm only using 1% of it. Wonder where the animation stuff lives so I can just keep that and nuke the rest to save on memory/performance/load-time

tbh unless something in USI Tools is causing you grief (which I doubt, it is mostly part modules) then roll with it.

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I'm doing a MM patch for the Ranger (and Tundra) inflatable storage units in order to align them with Refining / Assembly purposes

eg, A *Material Kit* config containing Metals, Polymers, Chemicals & MaterialKits at 2:2:1:5 ratio, So inflated the tank would have

  • 14,000 Metals
  • 14,000 Polymers
  • 7,000 Chemicals
  • 35,000 Material Kits
  • (I was considering putting a % (or other calculated amount) loss of total capacity for each additional item contained)

This would mean the Workshop (or refinery/assembly plant) module it is attached to would have the capacity to store all the output from using all of it's input items, before Logistics would be required to move items.

Is this a foolish idea ? I've got 20 configs so far (have not done fuel conversions yet) I was thinking of copying the part config and replacing the existing FSfuelSwitch entries.

I'd like to replace the textures to colour code the tanks for purpose, eg Orange for Raw, Orange&Blue for Refining, Blue&Green for Assembly. (using the same colours as the MKS wiki flowchart), Am I right in understanding that too many textures slows down the game ?

Thoughts ?

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