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[1.12.x] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - MechJeb - Autopilot - [2.14.3] [4th March 2023]


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  On 9/21/2021 at 10:06 PM, antipro said:

why it is called "Bi" Impulsive if it creates one node only?


Because it is optimizing for the sum of two nodes - one at the start and one at arrival. It doesn't automatically make the second node. That would probably be pointless because you often have to make a midcourse correction for various reasons, so the arrival node is likely to be different enough from the initial guess that auto-creating it won't be wise. Even without a midcourse correction, the difference between the instantaneous impulse that MJ computes versus the finite time of the actual maneuver is likely to make a significant difference in the needed final node. But the delta-V of the predicted final node is still part of the optimization... unless you select the option for flyby/impact only. I forget exactly what it is called and I'm not looking at it right now, but that's basically what it does - optimize ignoring the final node. Often the difference is trivial, but there can be cases where it isn't. Caveat - this is just my 3rd-party understanding. It's possible I have it wrong, but I think this is what it's all about.

Ah. Ninja'd while I was typing I see. But I'll leave this here as I elaborated a little more.

Edited by rmaine
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(hello yes its me hanson making my daily post)


sorry if this sounds dumb but mechjeb keeps snapping its windows to the corner of the screen, making it unusable... if this is an issue youve noticed b4 pls help, but if you need some screenshots or smth id b happy to oblige :)


Sorry for wasting your time, I did something (i have NO idea what) and fixed it. At least I can take this time to express how much i like this mod!

Edited by HansonKerman
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  On 9/24/2021 at 10:02 PM, HansonKerman said:

(hello yes its me hanson making my daily post)


sorry if this sounds dumb but mechjeb keeps snapping its windows to the corner of the screen, making it unusable... if this is an issue youve noticed b4 pls help, but if you need some screenshots or smth id b happy to oblige :)


Sorry for wasting your time, I did something (i have NO idea what) and fixed it. At least I can take this time to express how much i like this mod!


I have the same problem and the orbit info/surface info isn't visible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How does MJ determine what the control part is?  I have a couple of docked vessels that for some reason the control part is changing when I leave it and make it active again.  Is there way to tell MJ which part to make the control part prior to a burn within MJ, or do I have to manually (re)set it on the craft every time I make this craft active?

Edited by darthgently
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  On 10/9/2021 at 5:58 PM, Brainpop14 said:

I'm apparently having some conflictions with ClickThroughBlocker, but also use Janitor's Closet which ClickThroughBlocker is an absolute hard dependency for. So, is there a patch or anything for this issue?


Well, I wouldn't be able to solve whatever your problem is anyway, but I suggest that the first line of the first post in this thread is at least a start. (That's the line about needing logs for support). I also note that you say absolutely zero about what your problem is. I use both ClickThroughBlocker and McJeb all the time with no hint of a problem; I suspect many other people do as well. I guess I just assume you are talking about McJeb, as you didn't even actually mention it. In short, darned little for anyone to go by in helping you.


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It's causing many of the menus to be glitched and many more to just not show up at all. Custom Window Editor especially. It's just blank and it doesn't do anything. It's letting me create windows from templates as well, but those are just blank windows with nothing on them. The windows in question as well IE: Orbit Info, Vessel Info, Delta-V Stats ...etc... are completely missing. I can create them with the Custom Window Editor but that just creates blank windows that do nothing, they also disappear again when I reload the game again. I mentioned this on Github and the response I got was that it was ClickThroughBlocker causing the issue. I'd post my log but I don't know how to:valsob:

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I can tell you for absolutely certain that it's not an interaction between ClickThruBlocker and MechJeb. I have both installed, and I have zero issues. In fact, I was having weird issues that looked a lot like this UNTIL I installed ClickThruBlocker, as I had apparently missed a dependency when installing my mods.
I always install mods manually because I started using mods for KSP long before CKAN was even a glint in anyone's eye, (around 0.15.x I think, and it was mostly rocket parts and then I discovered MechJeb and never looked back).
CKAN has its own fair share of issues that I avoid by doing things manually (mostly about letting me install a few "so-called incompatible but actually the version file was just not updated and they work fine" mods, without causing conflicts with other mods because I have two versions of KSP checked in the options, but the one significant downside is that I don't have a system for automatically checking for dependencies if they're not bundled (and I'm thankful when they are bundled, it makes my job easier).
Therefore me missing the fact that I needed to install ClickThruBlocker in my game to make it work right.

It would be nice if MechJeb supported the functionality of ClickThruBlocker, even if it's just a "soft" aka optional dependency (if that's even possible).
The reason is that I sometimes accidentally click on KSP UI elements that happen to be behind my MechJeb windows, and ClickThruBlocker seems to have the one job of preventing exactly that.
However, I understand not adding it if that's a feature that would significantly upset the existing code base. No need to potentially create loads of new bugs when the current version of MechJeb works just fine with very few bugs that I encounter (for the most part, there's a few that I know well, but that also means I know how to use MechJeb to avoid those bugs).

Heck the landing and ascent autopilots are working pretty spectacularly in this version I'm using (I've only tested the landing autopilot on worlds without atmosphere so far), which is pretty nice as landings are one of the primary reasons I use MechJeb (or failing that, the Retrograde SAS mode in vanilla KSP). Most of the reason I use the ascent autopilot is that I've been playing this game so long that flying something to orbit is just a chore at this point, and so I let the autopilot do it for me. Every time there's a new major version of KSP, I do start a new save, and I do test myself without MechJeb to make sure I can still do a Mun landing without MechJeb. Never failed it yet.

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  On 10/12/2021 at 4:45 AM, Brainpop14 said:

Here, it's the best I can do


Wow, almost 20k NullReference exceptions in that log.  I think you have KSP/mod version incompatibility problem (TweakScale, Procedural Wings, Tantares and Tundra Exploration, for starters).  I'd start by removing your mods (or starting with a fresh KSP download),  and adding them back in in groups to see which ones might be causing the problems.  Make sure these mods are compatible with KSP 1.12.2.

Are you using CKAN or are you manually installing your mods?

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  On 10/12/2021 at 4:45 AM, Brainpop14 said:

Here, it's the best I can do



  On 10/12/2021 at 6:49 PM, Brigadier said:

Wow, almost 20k NullReference exceptions in that log.  I think you have KSP/mod version incompatibility problem (TweakScale, Procedural Wings, Tantares and Tundra Exploration, for starters).  I'd start by removing your mods (or starting with a fresh KSP download),  and adding them back in in groups to see which ones might be causing the problems.  Make sure these mods are compatible with KSP 1.12.2.

Are you using CKAN or are you manually installing your mods?



You have at least 3 copies of MiniAVC.dll running, which are incompatible with any game version later than 1.8, and will break the game.  See my post in the CTB thread for details

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  On 10/12/2021 at 6:49 PM, Brigadier said:

Wow, almost 20k NullReference exceptions in that log.  I think you have KSP/mod version incompatibility problem (TweakScale, Procedural Wings, Tantares and Tundra Exploration, for starters).  I'd start by removing your mods (or starting with a fresh KSP download),  and adding them back in in groups to see which ones might be causing the problems.  Make sure these mods are compatible with KSP 1.12.2.

Are you using CKAN or are you manually installing your mods?


Manually Installing

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Just to confirm:  You're saying you started with a fresh, clean install, added your mods in small groups, ran the game between each iteration, and looked at your log for NullReferenceExceptions?  I found 11.3k NREs in the file you uploaded, so I'm not quite sure what you did do.  After which mods did the NREs start showing up?  Just before the first NRE there is a Crash Report that seems to be associated with WingProcedural which, in turn, seems to be part of B9 Aerospace.

It appears that you haven't got all the dependencies.   Mods CactEye2, HangerExtenderExtended and ButtonManager need ToolbarController and KerbalKonstructs needs CustomPreLaunchChecks.

From where are you downloading your KSP game?  I've heard of problems in the past related to installing KSP directly under C:\, but I don't know if that's still, or ever was, a thing.

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  On 10/16/2021 at 4:08 AM, Brainpop14 said:

Yes, that's exactly what I did. I never bothered looking for those though. I just downloaded from the proper website. I've never had any problems until this version


Well, if you don't have the dependencies installed, things aren't going to go well. It's pretty much not worth investigating anything else until you fix that. Some people dislike CKAN for various reasons. Fine, but handling dependencies is a big plus of CKAN. Not that it catches 100% of all situations, but it sure catches most of them - a lot more than the few problems it has. Some mods have added dependencies in their later versions; in particular, quite a lot of them have added dependence on Toolbar Controller. The fact that you might have installed some mod in the past without Toolbar Controller doesn't mean that you can necessarily get by with it for a later version of the same mod. If you don't use CKAN, you need to at least read the mod threads to see if things like that have changed before installing new versions. Yes, that can be a bother.

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I've been wondering whether there is any way to flag in MechJeb that a ship is slow to maneuvre?  I've been bringing space station components together, and there's no way that they can turn 180 in less than a minute or so, not the 14 seconds that seems to be MechJeb's default maneuvre spacing :(

Edited by Ravlain
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I'm sure this topic has been discussed but i cannot seem to find a search feature for just this thread.   With RSS, when I try to use approach and autoland in a spaceplane, it only gives me options for the KSC and island runways.  And when I select KSC, it tries to take me somewhere not KSC.   Can someone please advise how to make it recognize the airfields where they are and not, presumably, where they would be if RSS was not installed?

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  On 10/24/2021 at 6:24 PM, Maker16 said:

I'm sure this topic has been discussed but i cannot seem to find a search feature for just this thread.   With RSS, when I try to use approach and autoland in a spaceplane, it only gives me options for the KSC and island runways.  And when I select KSC, it tries to take me somewhere not KSC.   Can someone please advise how to make it recognize the airfields where they are and not, presumably, where they would be if RSS was not installed?


Mechjeb has a config file with the co-ordinates, heights and approach directions of Airfields that have been manually added to it. If you want it to land at your airfields you will have to go to them with a mechjeb unit close to the ground. Use the custom mechjeb window to copy to clipboard the co-ordinates and height at 1 end of the runway , pop out to desktop and paste in txt document, pop back in and do the same at the other end. Make sure you add a note near your data in the text file to say which runway they are for. Repeat this process for all your runways. and then go into the config and use the set up for runways you see there as a template to create your bespoke locations.

It is called LandingSites.cfg

Here is an example I did ages ago for Kerbinside and Hafco. The first 4 are rocket landing sites, you want everything after where it says Runways.

  Reveal hidden contents


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Came back to KSP after some pause and installed 1.12.2 and Mechjeb 2 (absolute great mod, loving it!) and some other mods.

When using Auto-Rendevouz, aligning planes and first node (interception) works as I am used to, but then it gets a bit strange. Mechjeb does create the next node (match speed at closest approach), but instead of warping directly to it Mechjeb does only a short time-warp and then does a very small correction burn, then again a small timewarp and again a very small correction burn => rinse & repeat. This repeats for some time until the final node is reached and executed. The small burns are not shown as nodes.

Is this an intended new behaviour, did I miss on a setting or could it be a problem with my install? Any ideas/help appreciated!


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