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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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21 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

Just checking, but:  You need HeatControl for radiators.

That was it, I didn't know there was a separate mod for this. It works. There's no GR-2 radiator but 4 EBR-250s provide enough cooling to run the MX-1 without overheating. Thanks!

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2 hours ago, slackitude said:

I'm trying to get into using an MX-1 fission reactor. But I can't find the GR-2 radiator anywhere in my tech tree. I don't see it listed in any Parts directory either. Am I missing something? 

Where are you getting that from? A really old version of NFE? There's no reference to HC anywhere in the mod anymore, no dependencies at all. 

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The reference to the GR-2 is here:


I'm using a current version of everything on 1.4.3. There may be ways to radiate enough heat without HC but I didn't dig in too much. HC is working for me. I just didn't know it existed. I've gotten used to just going to the main Near Future thread and grabbing everything I need.

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2 hours ago, slackitude said:

I'm using a current version of everything on 1.4.3. There may be ways to radiate enough heat without HC but I didn't dig in too much. HC is working for me. I just didn't know it existed. I've gotten used to just going to the main Near Future thread and grabbing everything I need.

Oh wow that wiki is OOOOOOOOOLD. Do not use!

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If I can make a suggestion: the two service module parts in Near Future Spacecraft don't currently have a partswitch option for monoprop-only, which means you can't use them with the mod's fantastic monoprop engines.

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Hi all just started using Near Future Electrical, I need some help with cooling the reactor I can see it glowing but for the life of me cant figure out how to cool it. I have the heat control thermal radiators installed but dont seem to be working (probably postioned badly) using the smallest reactors cant cool it 

Edited by Virtualgenius
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5 hours ago, Virtualgenius said:

Hi all just started using Near Future Electrical, I need some help with cooling the reactor I can see it glowing but for the life of me cant figure out how to cool it. I have the heat control thermal radiators installed but dont seem to be working (probably postioned badly) using the smallest reactors cant cool it 

In the VAB, each reactor has a "required cooling" stat in its rightclick menu. Also, each radiator has a "core transfer" stat in its rightclick menu. The sum of your radiators' core trasnfer must be equal to or greater than the required cooling of the reactor.

Also: radiators that extend can cool the entire spacecraft. Fixed panel radiators only cool the part they are directly attached to, plus at most a direct neighbor of that part. So it's possible that you brought enough radiators, but mounted them somewhere they cannot reach the reactor.

Finally, make sure the radiators are actually extended and/or switched on in flight.

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On 5/13/2018 at 11:27 PM, Virtualgenius said:

Thanks @Streetwind, I am using the fixed radiators so attach directly to the reactor and this should solve the problem 

Problem Solved and it fly's

That thing is ridiculous. I love it! Do I see the structural tubing mod, too? Brilliant little mini craft. :D

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@Beetlecat yep sure is the structural tubing is very light and provides a great foundation  to build on here it is in Orange


Small Manned Rover Using Near Future RTG's to power 




Mods used for aircraft

KSPX : inline Reaction Wheel Micro

Umbra Space Industries Exploration Pack : Cockpit and Fans

Firespitter : Landing Pads

KAS Storage Boxes Legacy : Storage Boxes (required cfg changes to work but totally worth it)

Structural Tubing Re manufactured : Tubing / Chassis

Near Future electrical : Reactor MX-0 Fission Reactor ( Thanks @nertea wouldnt fly without this)

Heat control : Radiators

Lithobrake Exploration Technologies : Ladders

Misc: Legacy : ScanSat  dish 

Tweakscale to make things fit just right 

@Streetwind for help with the reactor cooling 

Has power for 7years and 25days  at 70% power setting,  wanted something to explore Duna with just have to get it, there looking for cargo  containers to ship it in. There seems to be a void of opening  drop cargo pods love using small rockets and small parts to create equipment for the little green guys


Happy to supply craft file minus legacy parts if anyone interested


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On 5/9/2018 at 9:35 AM, Streetwind said:

There are some girder-mounted static panels without sun tracking you could use for the purpose. There are, however, no giant non-tracking ground installations. All of the larger panels track, so you cannot mount them flush against the ground unless you orient them exactly so that the sun travels along the axis they cannot track.

A quick check of the .cfg file suggests you could disable the sun-tracking, though there are some differences in the detail between something like the stock Gigantor and Nertea's panels. Also, the localisation system makes a copy and edit of a .cfg file a little more of a fiddle. For your own use, you don't need the localisation pointers in the name and description, just put in something useful to distinguish the panel from the others. I think I would have the English part-name as a comment, as the stock parts do.

Anyway, for one of Nertea's deployable panels, it looks to be as simple as this:

		sunTracking = true

Change the line to what one of the static panels uses.

		sunTracking = false

Then you could deliver a neatly-packaged unit to your Mun-base, set it up, and extend the panels.

Looking at the stock Gigantor, it points to the same code module, so I'd expect adding the above line to have the same effect. But there are other differences that might matter. 


My main computer is down, so I haven't tested this yet, but I am pretty confident.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@b0ss Whoever can write an MM config can simply strip out all of Nertea's custom modules (set them up as any brand new, feature-less part) and then insert all the KSPI-related modules, and calibrate them as needed. Concerning this very same subject, I've seen Nertea dragged around in circles in wasteful efforts to (what I assume) make his plugins and modules compatible with KSPI.

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Ah heavens no, that was not my intent at all, was just looking for how to do it myself, like you so cleanly put it. Nertea's mod suite is way too dignified to be made into "extras" for KSPIE.

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2 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@b0ss Whoever can write an MM config can simply strip out all of Nertea's custom modules (set them up as any brand new, feature-less part) and then insert all the KSPI-related modules, and calibrate them as needed. Concerning this very same subject, I've seen Nertea dragged around in circles in wasteful efforts to (what I assume) make his plugins and modules compatible with KSPI.

Doesn't KSPI already change NFE stuff with it's own patches to fit into KSPI?

1 hour ago, Funtime60 said:

Not to be too clueless but is there any easy way to add a custom RTG to the decaying RTGs patch without editing the patch's own config?

Just make a copy of that patch for your own part? Probes+ did the same for it's optional RTG patch for NFE.

Edited by Jimbodiah
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1 hour ago, Funtime60 said:

Not to be too clueless but is there any easy way to add a custom RTG to the decaying RTGs patch without editing the patch's own config?

That's quite easy. Just copy out one of the configNodes and change two values in it. You don't even need the existing DecayingRTGs patch to be in your GameData if you want to affect just one new RTG part.

@PART[xyz] //xyz being the "part (name) added to ship" as can be seen in the Console when you attach it to a craft in the VAB/SPH
	@cost *= 0.5
	!MODULE[ModuleGenerator] {}
		name = ModuleRadioisotopeGenerator
		BasePower = 0.75 // this is the EC/s value. Change it to what the new RTG currently puts out
		HalfLife = 8.35
		EasyMode = true


@Jimbodiah KSPI does, but it's not complete. The NFE plugin does not agree with whatever the KSPI people are trying to get from it, therefore the struggle.

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Thanks for the quick response, where would I put this? In a separate file in the original Decaying RTGs directory, in my part's directory, or could I add it directly to my part? If my last option works would it still work when Decaying RTGs is removed? Thank you.

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You could add it to the end of your part .cfg  and do the following:


That way your part is not dependant on NFE and can also work without it using he stock generator module.

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2 minutes ago, Jimbodiah said:

You could add it to the end of your part .cfg  and do the following:


That way your part is not dependant on NFE and can also work without it using he stock generator module.

Thank You!

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On 5/11/2018 at 11:49 AM, slackitude said:

I'm trying to get into using an MX-1 fission reactor. But I can't find the GR-2 radiator anywhere in my tech tree. I don't see it listed in any Parts directory either. Am I missing something? 

Have you installed Heat Control?

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