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[1.12.x] Near Future Technologies (September 6)


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1 minute ago, AmpCat said:

waitwhat?!? A 3.75m US2 bay? Where do I get this awesomeness?

Its the 3.75m service tank in Near Future Spacecraft. Now, if universal storage 2 is also installed at the same time, compatible attach nodes will be added to the inside of the payload bays so that you can you can use US2 wedges inside it. Turns out to be a pretty good fit.

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Holy crap. Amazing!

1 minute ago, Zorg said:

Its the 3.75m service tank in Near Future Spacecraft. Now, if universal storage 2 is also installed at the same time, compatible attach nodes will be added to the inside of the payload bays so that you can you can use US2 wedges inside it. Turns out to be a pretty good fit.


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1 hour ago, Jesusthebird said:

Perhaps this has been asked but...are there any plans for NFAero to be added to ckan?

Lol I have have asked it a while ago...i dont remember..

Last this was asked, NF Aero had a dependency whose author did not want it being distributed on CKAN, which means that NF Aero can't be distributed on CKAN either. I'm assuming that hasn't changed.

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7 hours ago, Nertea said:

Removed chicken from distribution

I get this is probably something else... or maybe it's just your abject exhaustion with what you mentioned as these kind of updates... but what is "chicken" in this context? :D

Edited by scottadges
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18 minutes ago, scottadges said:

I get this is probably something else... or maybe it's just your abject exhaustion with what you mentioned as these kind of updates... but what is "chicken" in this context? :D

A test image of roasted chicken made it's way into a previous release :)

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On 5/21/2019 at 11:26 AM, Nertea said:

NF Spacecraft 1.2.4

  • Removed chicken from distribution

The chicken was awesome - best mistake ever, especially for the conversation it spawned. "Removed chicken from distribution" technically means that chicken was recalled, doesn't it? Someone call the FDA! ;-)

@zer0Kerbal - my vote is roasted over a Mainsail.

Edited by panarchist
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1 hour ago, TonedMite133805 said:

Can the vertical speed/hover menu for NF Aero VTOL engines/lift fans be used for other mods that add Helicopter/VTOL parts?

It looks like NF Aero is using KerbalActuators for the VTOL control. Parts from other mods should be able to use it through the WBIHoverController module, but I have no idea what all is required to properly add that module to a part. If you are familiar with modding KSP, or just feeling brave, you might try looking at the cfg files and creating your own MM patch. Otherwise, you might want to ask the owners of other mods if they would consider adding KerbalActuator support, or ask @Angel-125 if they can help you. There's no promises there though, these are people that likely have their own stuff going on too, and may not have the time to provide in depth help, depending on the situation.

Edited by TBenz
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7 hours ago, panarchist said:

The chicken was awesome - best mistake ever, especially for the conversation it spawned. "Removed chicken from distribution" technically means that chicken was recalled, doesn't it? Someone call the FDA! ;-)

@zer0Kerbal - my vote is roasted over a Mainsail.

what a great release note/change log item!

personally - MohoBBQ... extra sauce.

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On 5/22/2019 at 5:51 PM, TonedMite133805 said:

Can the vertical speed/hover menu for NF Aero VTOL engines/lift fans be used for other mods that add Helicopter/VTOL parts?

It's very easy, you can do it with MM when you have KerbalActuators installed

		name = WBIHoverController
		guiVisible = false
		verticalSpeedIncrements = 1.0


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NF Solar and NF Construction now have first party CKAN support.

In addition I took some time to update the FAQs in the OP, including an explanation of what's going on with NFAero and with the outdated albums. I do hope that people read these before posting... I guess I can keep dreaming. 

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It's MAS overriding the ASET props that I used in RPM IVAs. A proper overhaul is in the works, but don't expect it anytime soon. The new pods have priority. That said, it'll be worth the wait.

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I can't seem to get the Octo-Girder octagonal docking ports to actually dock, they just bounce against each other. The magnetise, but don't dock.

And yeah, they're the right way round.

Edit: with a bit of Q-ing and E-ing it eventually locked, seems like they are just VERY particular about their alignment. Great for perfect spaceships, but damn does it take patience.

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47 minutes ago, Hoddd9000 said:

I can't seem to get the Octo-Girder octagonal docking ports to actually dock, they just bounce against each other. The magnetise, but don't dock.

And yeah, they're the right way round.

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Edit: with a bit of Q-ing and E-ing it eventually locked, seems like they are just VERY particular about their alignment. Great for perfect spaceships, but damn does it take patience.

Perhaps try installing SnapDock? That should let you dock if within 5 degrees.

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3 hours ago, Hoddd9000 said:

I can't seem to get the Octo-Girder octagonal docking ports to actually dock, they just bounce against each other. The magnetise, but don't dock.

And yeah, they're the right way round.

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Edit: with a bit of Q-ing and E-ing it eventually locked, seems like they are just VERY particular about their alignment. Great for perfect spaceships, but damn does it take patience.

I've seen this same issue recently.  I have DockingAlignment, RCS balancer, and was using MechJeb to dock.  I was seeing it with my docking adaptor probes, which I've posted a picture of earlier and have used quite a bit over time.  (I also was noticing it with the linear docking probe on the same vessels.)

I noticed the issue didn't appear to be the rotation alignment.  I could sit there and watch the two models overlap as they bounced, and they were perfectly aligned - what appeared to be the problem was the bounce itself: The ports would only dock if they were the correct distance away from each other and moving below a certain relative velocity, and they bounced past that point moving to quickly.  Using RCS to quell the bounce helped, but wasn't an instant solution - but as long as the ports weren't drifting away from each other I could wait and eventually they'd dock.

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One thing to bear in mind is if you are docking two large ships together you need to be docking at super low speed and alignment.  Rotation isn't that important but you need to have really low closing speeds and good alignment, other than rotation, to dock the really large ships together.

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I have made them very conservative in terms of what roll angle they can dock with. If someone wants to test more convenient values, you can try editing 

captureMinRollDot = 0.99999

In the config file for the docking port. Discover a pleasant, more user friendly value that keeps things working nicely in terms of angle and I'll revise the next version with that value. 

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Hello everyone :)


Sorry if the question already has been asked and/or answered, I went around 20 pages back from this one and didn't find an answer, so here goes :

I've been away from KSP for around two months and recently got back to it. I've been using NF mods for this KSP save I stated last year and I really enjoy those parts, especially all the Monoprop tanks : most of my upper stages are mono thanks to those.

My problem is that those tanks are no longer showing in the VAB/SPH while still present/working in already saved/launched vessels.

I have the Janitor's Closet mod installed and already checked it to be sure I didn't hide those parts by mistake. I also uninstalled/reinstalled the NF Spacecraft mod, without success.


Has this issue already occured ? Is there a solution ? I can provide more relevant info on my game install if needed.


Thanks !

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Thank you Lordcirth !

That's good news for me, I will reactivate the parts and make a copy of the files just in case !

@Nertea for what it's worth, I really do like the aesthetics of those tanks ! makes for sleeks designs :) If you ever decide to remove them from you mods, please consider including them in a Legacy, un-maintained mod ?

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1 hour ago, Creedix said:

Hello everyone :)


Sorry if the question already has been asked and/or answered, I went around 20 pages back from this one and didn't find an answer, so here goes :

I've been away from KSP for around two months and recently got back to it. I've been using NF mods for this KSP save I stated last year and I really enjoy those parts, especially all the Monoprop tanks : most of my upper stages are mono thanks to those.

My problem is that those tanks are no longer showing in the VAB/SPH while still present/working in already saved/launched vessels.

I have the Janitor's Closet mod installed and already checked it to be sure I didn't hide those parts by mistake. I also uninstalled/reinstalled the NF Spacecraft mod, without success.


Has this issue already occured ? Is there a solution ? I can provide more relevant info on my game install if needed.


Thanks !

@lordcirth already linked to the release notes on this, that they were intentionally depreciated.  I'm another heavy user of those tanks, looking for options.  The suggested option is to switch to Restock and Restock+ parts.

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