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How many Kerbals do you have stationed on the Mun ?


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Current base has 2 but its just an mobile mining base plan to update it with an larger base with lab and greenhouse and it would house 4-5 kerbals. 
Minmus base has 6 but its large scale mining, lab, greenhouses and also an workshop. 

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Haven't been to Mun surface since first landing this career. I have self-sufficient bases on Minmus, Gilly and Moho, another three craft with self-sufficient base essentials underway to Duna, Dres and Eeloo, and something that given some luck might bootstrap itself on one of Jool moons, but Mun gets no love from me.

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2 in a MKS mining base, 4 in a MKS manufacturing base, including an extra engineer to drive the node-harvesting rover around.

Thinking about sending a second scientist and a lab down to the larger base, but I will probably not get around to it as my tree is already unlocked.

Minmus is pretty much the same.


The changes in MKS since I established those bases means that the mining base en route to Duna is unmanned, as is the one heading to Ike(which is being pushed by an autonomous refueling drone on a high-impulse(~11km/s from lko to lio) trajectory.

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None since I started using life support. Since I don't set up fuel operations on the Mun, there's no point to have crew there requiring supplies.

Before that I would have a small base once in awhile when the whimsy struck me.

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0, and never any more. I've spent way too much time on the Mun, I'm terribly bored of it and only use it to gain enough science to get solar panels (a flyby, an orbit, and a single landing, maybe two are enough). Then I farm Minmus because it's easier. After I get 2.5m parts I may build a station in LKO but I tend to explore outwards because Kerin SOI is pretty damn boring for me nowadays (Kerbin itself is always fun to explore).

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On the surface?  0

In orbit?  About 8 or so manning the Research Station there.  Once they're collected all the science needed/wanted there, they'll return to Kerbin and then head off with another station to somewhere a bit more exotic.

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I had 9 until last night. I built a 10 Kerbal transport vessel that landed at my Iota base )I'm playing in Galileo's Planet Pack), refueled, and picked up all my Kerbals and transported them to Glenn Station in high Kerbin Orbit. 


Now I'm trying to get them home with an SSTO, along with the Glenn Station Crew. I want all my Kerbals back home to start planning our spaceprogram's future before reassigning them.

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1 hour ago, Magzimum said:

I am playing a Super Realism Career , so all my Kerbals are safe at the KSC, talking about the glorious days of Mun landings several decades ago, while probes are visiting the outer planets.

How tradgic...



I'm now inspired to set up a self sufficient Mun colony....  hmmmm...

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20 hours ago, razark said:

Ten times as many as the first three respondents combined.

And, I tripled this.

I really hate Mun. The surface is a joke. Am putting a very small MKS system in place and will have a small orbital station, but no more than 2 at any time, other than to plant flags for XP and some science points.

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Currently none, because my current career game has only just restarted and it's going to be a while before I develop the technology required for crewed Mun exploration. A station is high priority though; after a crewed orbiter mission, the next thing to do will be to assemble a station in Munar orbit so that the kerbals have a nearby base of operations, and so that there are backup landers in case something goes wrong on the surface.

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