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[1.12] Astrogator v1.0.1


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1 hour ago, HebaruSan said:

Hmm, not sure, but maybe we can figure out an upper bound...

The old logic looked for an optimal transfer solution within a 90 degree arc around an initial guess based on the relative phase angles (KAC's transfers use essentially the same logic as that initial guess). The problem occurred when the solution was in the future but the corresponding initial guess was in the past. In the worst case, we can assume that they're 45 degrees apart (initial guess at the center of the search interval and the solution at the future edge) and that the initial guess is in the very recent past (say, 1 second). So about of the starting body's orbit, or 53 Kerbin days if you start from Kerbin? But that's only the absolute worst case; 50% of the time, the solution is before the initial guess, and the problem wouldn't happen at all, and in the remaining 50% the number of days probably ranges from 0 to 53 with some distribution unknown to me.

(For those curious, the fix just got rid of the initial guesses entirely. The first 90 degree search arc now starts at the immediate present in all cases, because our method for discarding bad guesses is efficient.)

I'll go with 60 days, for now. That gives me more than enough time to reorient my ship's orbits, after refueling at my station in Kerbin orbit, so I have burn time separation between each. The problem I run into is...I can separate the 4 ships, in orbit, so I can have time to do each burn, without any overlap...but warping 60 days tends to bring any minor inconsistency in the orbits into play. In other words, I can have 4 ships 90* apart in Kerbin orbit, but 60 days of warp? Who knows? I haven't given up on KSP 1.8.1...entirely...but I already see that "Eveengines" mod hasn't been listed as 1.8.1 compatible...that's when I stopped looking. I know that some mods may never get upgraded, and I will look at which are "required" by me. For now, I like Astrogator and I will live with the issue in KSP 1.7.3 and Astrogator 0.9.2.

Thank you much for your time...and work!

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1 hour ago, HebaruSan said:

So about of the starting body's orbit, or 53 Kerbin days

Oops, just noticed an error here; it's not the starting body's orbit that we searched but a combination of the starting and destination orbits, based on how quickly the angle between the planets changes:

	// We'll search a time span this wide for the best burn time
	double searchInterval = 0.5 * Math.PI / Math.Abs(phaseAnglePerSecond);

For farther-away planets (Moho or Eeloo), phaseAnglePerSecond will be larger and the interval and hence the possible error smaller, and for closer planets (Eve or Duna), the opposite would hold.

	double phaseAnglePerSecond =
		  (Tau / transferDestination.GetOrbit().period)
		- (Tau / currentOrbit.period);

think that simplifies down to:

	// We'll search a time span this wide for the best burn time
	double searchInterval = Math.Abs(
		0.25 / (1.0 / transferDestination.GetOrbit().period
			- 1.0 / currentOrbit.period));

Using the orbital periods from the KSP wiki, that gives us these upper bounds for transfers starting from Kerbin:

Planet Period (s) Interval (s) Worst case (days)
Moho 2,215,754.00 729,586.49 16.89
Eve 5,657,995.00 3,671,758.37 84.99
Kerbin 9,203,545.00 N/A N/A
Duna 17,315,400.00 4,911,424.79 113.69
Dres 47,893,063.00 2,848,225.97 65.93
Jool 104,661,432.00 2,522,725.54 58.40
Eeloo 156,992,048.00 2,444,174.19 56.58
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I've decided to try to upgrade KSP, after installing CKAN  to export my modpack first. I really need to run the newer version of Astrogator to avoid having ships in orbit for a year or more before the upcoming transfer window. Wish me luck!

I did, however, come up with another question ( :rolleyes::D). Is there a way to find the next transfer window if you do not have a ship in orbit? Hypothetical example:

I have no ships in orbit around Kerbin but I plan on building some for a trip to Dres. How can I find the next Astrogator transfer window so I know when to start building and launching ships into Kerbin orbit, to make the next window? I might be really over-thinking this but I dislike (me being diplomatic) doing months of work only to get to that..."ooops" moment...because I didn't ask a question.\

Ignore that last bit...as usual it became obvious after posting. I can open Astrogator at any time and see the next window. That part is not dependent on having a ship in orbit...only the create node part is. I'm getting KSP gun shy, me thinks.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
28 minutes ago, Redacted said:

Why is there not an option to plot the best encounter for the Mun when orbiting Kerbin ?


Edit: NM, now i see it... want able to on previous versions.

Have to admit I'm very confused, that's pretty much all this mod does. Maybe instead of demanding a defense of "Why is there not," you could focus more on explaining the problem you're having?

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a small but niggling issue in Astrogator where, if you repeatedly open and close the interface, it will move farther and farther away from the center of the screen (in a horizontal direction only) until it's partially off the screen. It will only stay in place if it's placed perfectly in the center (which is where it starts when loading up KSP). I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I play on 2560x1440 in windowed mode, using Borderless Gaming to make the game borderless fullscreen.

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45 minutes ago, BTAxis said:

There's a small but niggling issue in Astrogator where, if you repeatedly open and close the interface, it will move farther and farther away from the center of the screen (in a horizontal direction only) until it's partially off the screen. It will only stay in place if it's placed perfectly in the center (which is where it starts when loading up KSP). I'm not sure if it's relevant, but I play on 2560x1440 in windowed mode, using Borderless Gaming to make the game borderless fullscreen.

Yup, that's known and expected if you use UI scaling, because UI scaling makes it impossible to predict where the window will appear in a sane way:

On 11/11/2019 at 11:36 PM, HebaruSan said:
  • There will be some gradual "drift" at some scales if you open and close the window repeatedly due to the numbers not matching up precisely, but it should be an improvement over not being able to see it at all.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
58 minutes ago, NotMyProblem said:

Is this compatible with Principia?

FYI, the forum has a "search within topic" feature:


If you try that on this thread you can locate the previous time someone asked about Principia:

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  • 3 months later...
On 3/16/2021 at 10:36 PM, NotMyProblem said:

Is this compatible with Principia?

Kind of. It shows you delta V and transfer windows (although uncertain how reliable those are compared with Tranfer Windows Mod).

The most useful feature for Principia would be the automated maneuvre option. Now, this one is a bit more complicated. It worked once for the Moon, it saved me a lot of time and allowed me to work it from an already decent maneuvre instead of from zero. But, the second time I attempted it, it didn't work. Also, because of sphere of influence in patched conics, it doesn't allow you to use astrogator from orbiting the sun, because it detects it as you're still waiting to get of Earth Influence.

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  • 1 month later...

I tried searching the site and google to find the answer to the following question, so I really, sincerely apologize if it's been answered but,

I haven't play KSP since 1.9. I always play heavily modded (game data folder for that version has 111 items in it), and I want to get back into it, but don't want to play a version where a mod doesn't work. Has anyone confirmed if this works with the latest (I think 1.12) patch?

I have a lot of downloads to get to,  parts, tools, etc. and reallllllly would love to add this to the collection. If necessary I'll play off 1.11, but I'd like to get the latest additions from stock added in. Only reason I'm doing this now is because now I can have a version of KSP to live on until KSP2 that won't break some of the mods I use due to changes the stock game made in an update.

If anyone has tested this, I'd love to know if it does

Update: Read in TWP's replies that this mod does work in the latest patch (1.12.x). Yey!


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On 8/21/2021 at 11:03 PM, shoe7ess said:

Has anyone confirmed if this works with the latest (I think 1.12) patch?

Update: Read in TWP's replies that this mod does work in the latest patch (1.12.x). Yey!

Thanks for reminding me...

Announcement regarding KSP 1.12 versions:

I haven't tested my mods in 1.12 yet. I should, and eventually I will, but so far I have not. This means I do not know whether they should be marked compatible; they might work fine, or they might have problems big or small.

In the past, Astrogator has done reasonably well at staying compatible after upgrades, but 1.12 supposedly involved a Unity version change, which increases the likelihood of problems. So for now the current release of Astrogator will remain marked as compatible up to KSP 1.11, since that's the maximum version I've personally tested. If you want to try it on 1.12, go ahead, but know that it's "at your own risk." When I do eventually get around to testing it out, I'll either mark the current release as 1.12 compatible, or release a new version that is 1.12 compatible, as per usual.

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3 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

Thanks for remininding me...

Announcement regarding KSP 1.12 versions:

I haven't tested my mods in 1.12 yet. I should, and eventually I will, but so far I have not. This means I do not know whether they should be marked compatible; they might work fine, or they might have problems big or small.

In the past, Astrogator has done reasonably well at staying compatible after upgrades, but 1.12 supposedly involved a Unity version change, which increases the likelihood of problems. So for now the current release of Astrogator will remain marked as compatible up to KSP 1.11, since that's the maximum version I've personally tested. If you want to try it on 1.12, go ahead, but know that it's "at your own risk." When I do eventually get around to testing it out, I'll either mark the current release as 1.12 compatible, or release a new version that is 1.12 compatible, as per usual.

I certainly haven't tested extensively. in my 1.12.2 game I've just barely gotten to where I'm sending my first few unkerballed interplanetary missions. But in my very cursory use, astrogator seems to be working ok.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Astrogator v0.10.3 is released.

There are no user-visible in-game changes, so there is no hurry to upgrade. I learned some things about project organization while working on PlanningNode and KerbalChangelog that I wanted to apply to Astrogator before I could consider it completed, and the NetKAN bot needed an update to the internal .ckan file.

  • Migrate user settings to .cfg file
  • Convert internal .ckan file to YAML and fix its spec_version
  • Adopt standard path names (Source, GameData, Icons, Localization, Plugins)
  • Automated build system via GitHub Actions
  • Add KerbalChangelog changelog



On 10/30/2021 at 11:57 PM, Frostiken said:

Great mod, simple, easy, perfect. Only issue: the stock toolbar is for plebs. Glorious patrician master race needs Blizzy integration!

From the README:


Known limitations

  • Blizzy's toolbar is not and will not be supported. 0.23.5 was a long time ago.
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1 minute ago, Silvia Dragoness said:

I like the functionality of this, but the panel keeps shifting to the left every few seconds, usually winding up partially off-screen.  It might be a weird mod interaction, as I'm running a LOT of mods.  I can test it without them, but haven't gotten around to it yet (been busy with other stuff).

Presumably you've set the UI scale to something other than 100%:

On 11/11/2019 at 11:36 PM, HebaruSan said:
  • There will be some gradual "drift" at some scales if you open and close the window repeatedly due to the numbers not matching up precisely, but it should be an improvement over not being able to see it at all.
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5 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Presumably you've set the UI scale to something other than 100%:

Ah, yeah, that's what I get for not doing proper research before reporting issues.  My eyesight is just poor enough and my monitors are just far enough away that I need about 120% to comfortably read things.

It's not from opening and closing it repeatedly though; I open it, move it where I want it, and within about 2 seconds it's jumped to the left at least once.  Then it keeps doing it every second or two while it's open.

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13 hours ago, Silvia Dragoness said:

It's not from opening and closing it repeatedly though

Sorry, that could have been explained more clearly; the window opens and closes itself sometimes (essentially whenever it needs to change the layout of the table, like adding or re-sorting rows), and those instances are just as susceptible to the issues with the UI scale setting. I apologize for the inconvenience.

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