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[1.2.2-1.9.x] Contract Pack: Exploration Plus 2.0.1 (24/05/2020)


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Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting for your entertainment and delight, Exploration Plus - an overhaul of the stock Exploration Contracts.

So, I really like the new Exploration contracts introduced in 1.2, but they aren't without their problems. Do I really need to prove that I can rendezvous or dock around every body before I can move on? Aren't the skills transferrable? I also feel like your progression can get bogged down, as you only have one of these contacts at a time.

So here is an attempt to fix this:


  • Multiple exploration contracts at a time. The moment you perform a flyby of a body, the mod will encourage you to push to the next one, while offering follow up contracts for the body you just reached.
  • Works better with Monthly Budgets. The stock exploration contracts make heavy use of parameter level rewards, which my Monthly Budgets mod doesn't like, as it can't intercept the rewards. This pack only uses contract level rewards, so if you are using Monthly Budgets the budgeting system will work better.
  • Better Progression. No more "must perform a rendezvous/docking around x body before you move on" - You will be asked to demonstrate your skills once around the homeworld and then we assume you know what you are doing. Even if you are dragging your heels on that mission, the other contracts will still generate. In addition, if you miss any of the "minor milestones" (returning, planting flags etc) you'll get a follow up mission to finish it off. Obviously this will disable the stock Exploration Contracts
  • Fully Planet Pack compatible - The screenshot above is from Galileos Planet Pack, as that's what I'm playing at the moment. I can safely say, if it works on that one, it will probably work on almost any planet pack. If you do find any issues, let me know.

Known Issues:

  • Rewards have been generally balanced against what the stock contracts would pay you, but there may be some hiccups. For instance, "Mopping Up" assumes you have missed all the potential milestones and pays you accordingly. If you find any others, please report them.
  • [Not really a bug] - You'll get a "perform a spacewalk" mission, even if you've already done it without the contract. Unfortunately I can't check for this.


CC-BY-SA 4.0


First you'll need Contract Configurator

Then grab the pack from here


As ever thanks to @nightingale for Contract Configurator.

Edited by severedsolo
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Could you elaborate on what the completion of "Mopping up" contracts requires?


I do not see any requirements for them in the contract window and its kinda hard to guess what world firsts one might still be missing.

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2 minutes ago, Vrana said:

I do not see any requirements for them in the contract window and its kinda hard to guess what world firsts one might still be missing.

Oh yeah sorry, forgot to mention that bit.

The missions require a return from Flyby/Orbit/Landing and planting a flag. (If you've already done them it will skip that bit)


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Thanks for the lightning fast reply!

But i am still a bit confused. I installed the mod in my current campaign game. I have preformed manned orbits and landings (and planted flag ofc) on the Mun and Minmus multiple times before installing the pack, all these flights have been return missions, and yet i am still offered the "mop up" contracts for these bodies. Do i need to perform a return form flyby and orbit mission without landing for the mop up to be completed?

I am also getting the Kerbin "Mop up" contract. Unsure how to preform a flyby or a landing and return of Kerbin. Or do i just need to place a flag on Kerbin?

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8 minutes ago, Vrana said:

Do i need to perform a return form flyby and orbit mission without landing for the mop up to be completed?

Yes. This is a stock limitation, you only get the credit for a "return from" for the last progression node the craft did. If you went straight to landing, you'll only get credit for a return from landing. You'll have to do the others separately.

8 minutes ago, Vrana said:

I am also getting the Kerbin "Mop up" contract. Unsure how to preform a flyby or a landing and return of Kerbin. Or do i just need to place a flag on Kerbin?

That one should just be plant a flag. The parameters are generated dynamically, so the contract will tell you what you need to do (this is also why it doesn't tell you what the requirements are, because it doesn't know until it tries to.generate). For instance, if you have returned from orbit, but not a flyby for instance, it will ask for a return from flyby, but won't ask you to return from a orbit.

If you are seeing "return from" for flyby/landing on Kerbin please let me know as that's obviously a bug, but I haven't seen it myself.


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Its gonna take a while longer to test the Mun/Minmus flyby and orbit returns.

But i did try to plant a flag a Kerbin and it was, indeed, a world first. However it did not complete the Kerbin Mop up contract, what it did complete was the "Preform a series of orbital maneuvers in Kerbin orbit" contract. This contract had only one requirement for me: "Preform an EVA in space". I did do EVAs in orbit before but it is possible i never preformed one on Kerbins surface. Since the contract mentions EVA "in space" i guess this might be a bug.

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2 minutes ago, Vrana said:

However it did not complete the Kerbin Mop up contract,

Can you screenshot that contract in mission control please, save me guessing :)

3 minutes ago, Vrana said:

what it did complete was the "Preform a series of orbital maneuvers in Kerbin orbit" contract. This contract had only one requirement for me: "Preform an EVA in space". I did do EVAs in orbit before but it is possible i never preformed one on Kerbins surface. Since the contract mentions EVA "in space" i guess this might be a bug.

Yup that one is a bug, which I'll fix now. I'll hold off releasing until I can figure out your mopping up issues though.

2 minutes ago, Tankuwi said:

"contact pack" maybe you mean "contRact" :D

*facepalm* thanks. Fixed.

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3 minutes ago, severedsolo said:

Can you screenshot that contract in mission control please, save me guessing :)


Of course. Happy to help.


As you can see it is accepted and shows no requirements. The other two "Mop ups" for Mun and Minmus are the same. I will still test if a flyby/orbit will complete them.

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5 minutes ago, Vrana said:

Of course. Happy to help.


As you can see it is accepted and shows no requirements. The other two "Mop ups" for Mun and Minmus are the same. I will still test if a flyby/orbit will complete them.

Oh that one! It's a Contract Configurator bug, I've reported it. Just reject the contract (should be no penalities, I coded them to 0 for that very reason). Those contracts won't complete because they have no parameters (they shouldn't generate if that happens, but like I said, bug.)

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10 minutes ago, severedsolo said:

Oh that one! It's a Contract Configurator bug, I've reported it. Just reject the contract (should be no penalities, I coded them to 0 for that very reason). Those contracts won't complete because they have no parameters (they shouldn't generate if that happens, but like I said, bug.)

They keep popping up tough. I suppose it is safe to disable them by changing the extension of ExplorationPlus-MoppingUp.cfg until CC fixes it.

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11 minutes ago, Vrana said:

They keep popping up tough. I suppose it is safe to disable them by changing the extension of ExplorationPlus-MoppingUp.cfg until CC fixes it.

Dw, I've hardcoded the flag requirement, so it will always have one parameter to generate. It's not ideal, as if you've gone on EVA but not done a return (for whatever reason) it won't generate, but it's better than having those contracts spammed.

Exploration Plus 1.0.1 Released

  • Fixed Spacewalk completing while you are on the ground.
  • Coded a requirement for Mopping Up to stop it from spamming


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  • 2 months later...

Cross posted to all of my mods, so apologies if you see this more than once.

You've probably noticed that I've not been very active on the forums lately, and there are issues outstanding that I haven't looked into.

I haven't actually played KSP in months, my PC is rapidly reaching the end of it's life (which means I'm moving towards playing games more on consoles) and nightingale has not been active. All of which means I haven't bothered reporting some of the issues upstream in Contract Configurator (mainly involving Kerbal Academy it has to be said), because I don't think they are going to be looked at.
At this point, I'm considering Contract Configurator to be unsupported, which means I've not had much incentive to bother fixing stuff, because I'm not even sure that from 1.3 onwards, there is going to be any support.

Just to be clear, I am not ragging on nightingale - you've offered me so much support over this journey, and if you've decided to move on, I am eternally in your debt.

However, even if I'm wrong, and nightingale is just waiting for 1.3 to come out, something has to give.

For those of you who don't know, my daughter is non-verbal autistic, and was diagnosed in November last year. I also have a full time job. Between supporting her, and my job, I just don't get much time for gaming, and even less for modding.

With all of that in mind, I have made the decision to move on from Contract Pack modding. I will be spending the next week or so resolving the outstanding issues that I can, and make one final release for each of my contract packs. At this point the license will be changed to MIT and I will be offering them up for adoption. Kessler Syndrome and Monthly Budgets will continue to be supported, for bug fixes and recompiles, but they should be considered to be "feature complete" until such time as things even out and I get more time. It may be at some point I drop those too, but for now I'll keep them on.

If you do have any outstanding issues (and I am aware there are many posts on this thread that have been ignored, for which I apologise) - I urge you to raise them on Github as soon as possible, as I will be clearing the Github issues out, and then releasing.

I'd like to thank you all for your help, encouragement and general niceness on this journey. I have learnt alot, and you are all amazing people.

Lastly, I want to tag the usual suspects, so they see this post if they want to adopt anything - namely: @nightingale, @pap1723, @inigma and @linuxgurugamer (sorry if I've forgotten anyone).

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Bummer, these are all nice packs and I use some of them. Hopefully they can be maintained. I thought Nightingale was on a holiday? He's been logging in, just not interacting all that much, which would make sense if he's taking time off

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  • 2 months later...
1 hour ago, OliverPA said:

removed.... just read the note above

I got the email with your original message so I will answer the question anyway:

When mods are released under a permissive license, CKAN uploads them to the Open Internet Archive. I found some of my mods on some very shady looking sites that implied that I had uploaded them there directly because they had taken them out of the archive.

Technically there is nothing wrong with this, because the license allows this, but I am uncomfortable being associated with these sites, so I no longer put my mods on CKAN so it doesn't happen.


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  • 5 months later...
  • 10 months later...
11 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

I am rapidly enjoying your mods, I want to know if this is 1.5.x ready?


Thanks for the hard work.



Not officially supported any more, but it does work in 1.5, I use it myself. It won't be getting any updates though.

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43 minutes ago, severedsolo said:

Not officially supported any more, but it does work in 1.5, I use it myself. It won't be getting any updates though.

again thank you..  I was getting annoyed how some stock contracts were still sneaking through contract config - again thanks

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/9/2018 at 5:27 AM, gamerscircle said:

again thank you..  I was getting annoyed how some stock contracts were still sneaking through contract config - again thanks

You can switch off stock contracts in the settings, unless I'm mis-remembering... or that is reliant on another mod...

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4 hours ago, severedsolo said:

Think it can be done in Contracts.Cfg but the In game Settings comes from Contract Configurator

I did figure that out!  Yes!  I didn't know I could do that.. now.. I can not see the mystery rouge vanilla contract, but still get the "Collect Science" missions..

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Heya @severedsolo I see v1.0.1 was released middle-Feb.... then in middle-April, you stated support was ending, but if there were any outstanding issues on Git, you might clean them up and (I guess) release a final version...
Links are gone, so I was just wondering if there was anything after v1.0.1?
And absolutely no suggestion to actually do so... I was just wondering if there *was* something already completed/finished after v1.0.1?

And I just wanted to say THANX for all your packs/mods... I have only dabbled in career, lightly... but I have always been relieved/happy to know that when I do start getting into career, and since I play heavily modded, there all these great CC packs to do :D

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