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[1.3.1] LonesomeRobots Aerospace: The Gusmobile. Gemini/Titan II/Agena.


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Ver 1.4
Now with an updated IVA using the latest ASET Props & Avionics.
Parts pack for Gemini missions. Features the Gemini spacecraft, Titan II Launch vehicle ( Can be used for the Dynasoar mod too ) and the Agena Target Vehicle.
You have to supply your own Atlas or equivalent rocket to launch the Agena.

Agena docking cone allows for soft docking when in Mooring Mode. Correct Roll alignment during docking is handled by the Agena docking cone V cutout and the Gemini nosecone Index Bar.
After the soft docking switch the Agena docking cone to "Rigid Mode" for a rigid connection.

Now supports RealPlume, Engine Lighting and TAC Life Support. These mods are not bundled with the release but are highly recommended.
Supports RealChute, kOS and Telemachus.

The mod comes bundled with all the dependencies.
Module Manager, TexturesUnlimited (for reflections), RasterPropMonitor (for functional interior), Firespitter (for the horizon sensor sas animation), Alexustas' ASET Props 1.5 & ASET Avionics 2.1.

Be careful, this mod comes bundled with the latest version of ASET Props (1.5) & ASET Avionics (2.1). Delete these mods if you have older versions before installing this mod.
Unzip and merge with your GameData folder.
Be careful the folder GameData/LonesomeRobots from the zip must be merged with, not replace, any existing GameData/LonesomeRobots folder.


https://spacedock.info/mod/1220/The Gusmobile. Gemini/Titan II/Agena. LonesomeRobots Aerospace.

This mod is licensed under:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

Redistributed with this mod.
RasterPropMonitor created by Mihara & MOARdV. Redistributed as per license.
TexturesUnlimited created by Shadowmage. Redistributed as per license.
ModuleManager created by Sarbian. Redistributed as per license.
Firespitter created by snjo. Redistributed as per license.
ASET Props & ASET Avionics created by Alexustas. Redistributed as per license.

.craft files for all LRAERO ships can be found here . These are saved from the latest KSP 1.3.1.

changes in this version

  • Reflections are now handled by the awesome TexturesUnlimited mod. Texture Replacer is now deprecated.


Ver 1.3
Now with an updated IVA using the latest ASET Props & Avionics.
Parts pack for Gemini missions. Features the Gemini spacecraft, Titan II Launch vehicle ( Can be used for the Dynasoar mod too ) and the Agena Target Vehicle.
You have to supply your own Atlas or equivalent rocket to launch the Agena.

Agena docking cone allows for soft docking when in Mooring Mode. Correct Roll alignment during docking is handled by the Agena docking cone V cutout and the Gemini nosecone Index Bar.
After the soft docking switch the Agena docking cone to "Rigid Mode" for a rigid connection.

Now supports RealPlume, Engine Lighting and TAC Life Support. These mods are not bundled with the release but are highly recommended.
Supports RealChute, kOS and Telemachus.

The mod comes bundled with all the dependencies.
Module Manager, TextureReplacer (for reflections), RasterPropMonitor (for functional interior), Firespitter (for the horizon sensor sas animation), Alexustas' ASET Props 1.4 & ASET Avionics 2.0.

Unzip and merge with your GameData folder.
Be careful the folder GameData/LonesomeRobots from the zip must be merged with, not replace, any existing GameData/LonesomeRobots folder.


https://spacedock.info/mod/1220/The Gusmobile. Gemini/Titan II/Agena. LonesomeRobots Aerospace.

This mod is licensed under:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

Redistributed with this mod.
RasterPropMonitor created by Mihara & MOARdV. Redistributed as per license.
TextureReplacer created by ducakar. Redistributed as per license.
ModuleManager created by Sarbian. Redistributed as per license.
Firespitter created by snjo. Redistributed as per license.
ASET Props 1.4 & ASET Avionics created by Alexustas. Redistributed as per license.

.craft files for all LRAERO ships can be found here . These are saved from the latest KSP 1.3.1.

changes in this version

  • Changed ModuleRCS to ModuleRCSFX for all parts with RCS thrusters. Now when firing RCS produces sound.
  • Changed TACLifeSupport configs. Now Gemini has resources to support 2 kerbals for 15 days.
  • Added TWR indicator and Life Support gauges to the IVA. Flight computer now switches between HI and LO modes so you can view AP or PE above 999km.
  • Added a retractrable camera to the Retro module. You can view it from the IVA CRT display.
  • Changed parts monopropellant amounts for better craft balancing.
  • Capsule RCS pod is now more powerful for increased stability during reentry.


Ver 1.2
Now with an updated IVA using the latest ASET Props & Avionics.
Parts pack for Gemini missions. Features the Gemini spacecraft, Titan II Launch vehicle ( Can be used for the Dynasoar mod too ) and the Agena Target Vehicle.
You have to supply your own Atlas or equivalent rocket to launch the Agena.

Agena docking cone allows for soft docking when in Mooring Mode. Correct Roll alignment during docking is handled by the Agena docking cone V cutout and the Gemini nosecone Index Bar.
After the soft docking switch the Agena docking cone to "Rigid Mode" for a rigid connection.

Now supports RealPlume and Engine Lighting. These mods are not bundled with the release but are highly recommended.
Supports RealChute, kOS and Telemachus.

The mod comes bundled with all the dependencies.
Module Manager, TextureReplacer (for reflections), RasterPropMonitor (for functional interior), Firespitter (for the horizon sensor sas animation), Alexustas' ASET Props 1.4 & ASET Avionics 2.0.

Unzip and merge with your GameData folder.
Be careful the folder GameData/LonesomeRobots from the zip must be merged with, not replace, any existing GameData/LonesomeRobots folder.


https://spacedock.info/mod/1220/The Gusmobile. Gemini/Titan II/Agena. LonesomeRobots Aerospace.

This mod is licensed under:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

Redistributed with this mod.
RasterPropMonitor created by Mihara & MOARdV. Redistributed as per license.
TextureReplacer created by ducakar. Redistributed as per license.
ModuleManager created by Sarbian. Redistributed as per license.
Firespitter created by snjo. Redistributed as per license.
ASET Props 1.4 & ASET Avionics created by Alexustas. Redistributed as per license.

.craft files for all LRAERO ships can be found here . These are saved from the latest KSP 1.3.0.


Ver 1.1

Parts pack for Gemini missions. Features the Gemini spacecraft, Titan II Launch vehicle ( Can be used for the Dynasoar mod too ) and the Agena Target Vehicle.
You have to supply your own Atlas or equivalent rocket to launch the Agena.

Agena docking cone allows for soft docking when in Mooring Mode. Correct Roll alignment during docking is handled by the Agena docking cone V cutout and the Gemini nosecone Index Bar.
After the soft docking switch the Agena docking cone to "Rigid Mode" for a rigid connection.

Now supports RealPlume and Engine Lighting. These mods are not bundled with the release but are highly recommended.
Supports RealChute, kOS and Telemachus.

The mod comes bundled with all the dependencies.
Module Manager, TextureReplacer (for reflections), RasterPropMonitor (for functional interior), Firespitter (for the horizon sensor sas animation).

Important! You should completely delete all LonesomeRobots mods and re-install all the latest versions from scratch. (Dyna-Soar has been updated too.)
Also don't forget that the GameData/LonesomeRobots folder must be merged and not replace the existing LonesomeRobots folder as you install the mods one by one.
This way all the IVA's will work correctly and reference the same and correct props for all the mods, reducing clutter and conflicts. You can read the reason for this below.

ASET Props and FlightSystemsRedux are no longer bundled with the release. Only the relevant props from these 2 mods are moved inside the "props" folder of the HOYO mod.
I had to do this since ASET Props have been updated, but for some reason the game crashes instantly when i try to use them. I contacted alexustas and he tried to sort it but
it is kind of a freak case that applies to some OSX installations and he cannot help.
So in order to keep the IVA fully working for people that have updated to the new ASET Props i moved all the relevant files inside the mod file structure. This way the IVA will work
whatever version of ASET Props you have and even if you don't have it at all. I also have to state that i do not claim i made any of the props used in this mod. Credit goes solely to alexustas and MOARdV.


https://spacedock.info/mod/1220/The Gusmobile. Gemini/Titan II/Agena. LonesomeRobots Aerospace.

This mod is licensed under:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

Redistributed with this mod.
RasterPropMonitor created by Mihara & MOARdV. Redistributed as per license.
TextureReplacer created by ducakar. Redistributed as per license.
ModuleManager created by Sarbian. Redistributed as per license.
Firespitter created by snjo. Redistributed as per license.


Ver 1.0

Parts pack for Gemini missions. Features the Gemini spacecraft, Titan II Launch vehicle ( Can be used for the Dynasoar mod too ) and the Agena Target Vehicle.
You have to supply your own Atlas or equivalent rocket to launch the Agena.

Agena docking cone allows for soft docking when in Mooring Mode. Correct Roll alignment during docking is handled by the Agena docking cone V cutout and the Gemini nosecone Index Bar.
After the soft docking switch the Agena docking cone to "Rigid Mode" for a rigid connection.

Supports RealChute, kOS and Telemachus.
The mod comes bundled with all the dependencies.


https://spacedock.info/mod/1220/The Gusmobile. Gemini/Titan II/Agena. LonesomeRobots Aerospace.

Note: I had to modify some of the props from ASET Props and MOARdV FlightSystemsRedux in order for them to work correctly with the latest versions of KSP and RasterPropMonitor.
I duplicated and added them inside the Gemini props folder so as to not tamper with the original props.
When ASET and MOARdV updates will be released i will also update the mod and remove the duplicate props.
If you have other LonesomeRobots mods installed overwrite the files if/when you are asked.

*This is my third parts mod, there might be bugs (This is getting old...). If you report a bug please be patient as it takes a few days for me to have time to tackle the issue.*
*Also if you have any solutions or tweaks and you want to help i will be happy including yours on the next update and attributing you for your help*

This mod is licensed under:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

Redistributed with this mod.
RasterPropMonitor created by Mihara & MOARdV. Redistributed as per license.
TextureReplacer created by ducakar. Redistributed as per license.
ASET Props created by Alexustas. Redistributed as per license.
FlightSystemsRedux created by MOARdV. Redistributed as per license.
ModuleManager created by Sarbian. Redistributed as per license.

Still to come from LonesomeRobots Aerospace: HOYO Lander. MAVR Heavy Interplanetary Spacecraft.
Also check out HOYO CSM. DynaSoar.







Edited by silentvelcro
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@Lunar Sea

So on the "Flight Computer" you have 5 basic controls. 1 Rotary knob (Mode Select) and 4 Switches. The 3 on top that switch between different subpages and the Radar Activation one at the bottom.



FL.COMP MODE AT: "OBT"| 1st Switch: "SHIP" | 2nd Switch: "PHS/ALT" | 3rd Switch: Any Position
Screen displays: Your Apoapsis, your Periapsis and your current altitude.

FL.COMP MODE AT: "OBT"| 1st Switch: "SHIP" | 2nd Switch: "INC" | 3rd Switch: Any Position
Screen displays: Your Apoapsis, your Periapsis and your orbit inclination

FL.COMP MODE AT: "RNDZ/MNVR"| 1st Switch: "SHIP" | 2nd Switch: Any Position | 3rd Switch: "AD/T"
If you have a Maneuver node place in the map.
Screen displays: ETA to node, Estimated burntime of the node for your active engine.

FL.COMP MODE AT: "RNDZ/MNVR"| 1st Switch: "SHIP" | 2nd Switch: Any Position | 3rd Switch: "AT/DV"
If you have a Maneuver node place in the map.
Screen displays: ETA to node, Estimated deltaV of the node

In order to be able to target a ship you have to enable the Radar. You do that by switching on the "RADAR" switch.
You will see the scan warning light turning on. Now you can select a target in the map.
The cool thing is that any ship that is closer than 200km from you and within 30 degrees from your forward field of view will be automaticaly targeted.

FL.COMP MODE AT: "OBT"| 1st Switch: "TGT" | 2nd Switch: "PHS/ALT" | 3rd Switch: Any Position
Screen displays: Target Apoapsis, target Periapsis and target current altitude.

FL.COMP MODE AT: "OBT"| 1st Switch: "TGT" | 2nd Switch: "INC" | 3rd Switch: Any Position
Screen displays: Target Apoapsis, target Periapsis and target orbit inclination.

FL.COMP MODE AT: "RNDZ/MNVR"| 1st Switch: "TGT" | 2nd Switch: "PHS/ALT" | 3rd Switch: AD/T
Screen displays: Target Closest Approach distance, Target Closest Approach ETA, Phase angle with target ship

FL.COMP MODE AT: "RNDZ/MNVR"| 1st Switch: "TGT" | 2nd Switch: "PHS/ALT" | 3rd Switch: AT/DV
Screen displays: Target Closest Approach distance, deltaV for transfer, Phase angle with target ship

FL.COMP MODE AT: "RNDZ/MNVR"| 1st Switch: "TGT" | 2nd Switch: "INC" | 3rd Switch: AD/T
Screen displays: Target Closest Approach distance, Target Closest Approach ETA, Relative inclination with target ship

FL.COMP MODE AT: "RNDZ/MNVR"| 1st Switch: "TGT" | 2nd Switch: "INC" | 3rd Switch: AT/DV
Screen displays: Target Closest Approach distance, deltaV for transfer, Relative inclination with target ship

FL.COMP MODE AT: "DOCK/SPD"| 1st Switch: "TGT" | 2nd Switch: Any Position | 3rd Switch: AD/T
Screen displays: Target Closest Approach distance, Target Distance (0-9999m), Relative speed.

FL.COMP MODE AT: "DOCK/SPD"| 1st Switch: "TGT" | 2nd Switch: Any Position | 3rd Switch: AT/DV
Screen displays: Target Closest Approach ETA, Target Distance (0-9999m), Relative speed.

FL.COMP MODE AT: "DOCK/SPD"| 1st Switch: "SHIP" | 2nd Switch: Any Position | 3rd Switch: Any Position
Screen displays: Your Apoapsis, your Periapsis and your current selected speed (Surface/orbit/target).


So if you launch your ship correctly relative to the ship you want to rendez-vous with, using the data on the flight computer,
you can rendez-vous and dock with your target, without ever leaving the IVA or even opening the map view. This is actually my favourite way to play.
If you need any more info on how to achieve that PM me.

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