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  On 9/2/2018 at 6:45 AM, TheSaint said:

Are they aware that in order to get into Ranger School in the Army you're only required to do six?


I wasn't Army or Rangers, but I seem to recall we had to do 10. Also, something like 25 pushups, tread water for an hour, and a bunch of other grueling stuff. USCG S&R, Nam era.


  On 9/2/2018 at 9:13 AM, Deddly said:

@Delay, I'm glad you're feeling better.

Here's something to think about. Have you ever heard of Paul McCartney - one of the most influential multi-instrument players and songwriters of all time? Guess what? He can't read music, and there are many more famous musicians and composers who never felt it was important.

Of course, there are plenty of other musicians who do feel it's important, so by all means do your best to learn the things you're being taught, but the most important thing about music is to love playing and to get a feel for the instrument. Did you ever just sit in front of the piano and simply experiment, with no papers in front of you, just for fun?


Luciano Pavarotti couldn't read music either, and many who sang and rehearsed with him often complained. Still, he was considered one of the greatest ever.

Set your own bar.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other." - Abraham Lincoln

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  On 9/4/2018 at 10:23 AM, GearsNSuch said:

Why is it that I never have any screenshots of important missions but always have an abundance of pictures from grindy contract flights?


Because you haven't installed this yet.


Well, I went almost two weeks without ordering something from NewEgg.  Then they went and put the SSD I was watching on sale.

Inconsiderate jerks.  :mad:

Edited by Geonovast
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They discuss terraforming, they discuss Mars colonization, they feel like Mars is a western...
They are even designing a BFShip large like a horse stable.

But nobody discusses space horses themselves?

Even hypothetic Martian microbes dead long ago are discussed more often than ready-to-use horses existing irl.

If terraform  Mars, they have to move across its plains.
In Firefly they usually ride. Where to start doing this if not on Mars?

Also O'Neil cylinders. You can ride along their surface.
Horse-driven rotating habitats, horse space suits, cavalry dropship, so on.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Warning: the following is an angry rant that will likely be either very long or very short. 

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Hot weather.

101 degrees F today. Thank God I mowed the lawn 3 days ago...

  On 8/23/2018 at 8:30 AM, Earthlinger said:

I have two classmates who legitimately think the earth is flat



Hold on, I'll grab my SAS Uniform and rope you out.


  On 9/4/2018 at 2:14 PM, LordFerret said:

USCG S&R, Nam era."


You were in the USCG? I'm going for USCG or Navy. Probably Navy, 'cause they have an ROTC program. 

Edited by Lo Var Lachland
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  On 9/6/2018 at 3:28 PM, kerbiloid said:

They discuss terraforming, they discuss Mars colonization, they feel like Mars is a western...
They are even designing a BFShip large like a horse stable.

But nobody discusses space horses themselves?

Even hypothetic Martian microbes dead long ago are discussed more often than ready-to-use horses existing irl.

If terraform  Mars, they have to move across its plains.
In Firefly they usually ride. Where to start doing this if not on Mars?

Also O'Neil cylinders. You can ride along their surface.
Horse-driven rotating habitats, horse space suits, cavalry dropship, so on.


Google is just the best sometimes ;):


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  On 9/7/2018 at 7:13 AM, Lo Var Lachland said:

I'm going for USCG or Navy. Probably Navy, 'cause they have an ROTC program.


The Navy will increase your potential for travel and seeing more of the world. The USCG is known for receiving Navy hand-me-downs... they do more with less, and that's a fact. They used to be governed by the Department of Transportation (except during times of war, which they then were controlled by the Navy); The creation of 'Homeland Security', I think, changed all of that.

Thanks to Google -


The Coast Guard has an Officer Candidate School, and an Academy, as do the other services, but no ROTC program. What they do have, some might think is a better deal than ROTC: The Coast Guard College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative, or CSPI.



Personally, I think the Navy has more to offer (in so many different ways) than any other branch of service. Good luck to you!
Semper Paratus


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  On 9/7/2018 at 10:26 PM, Geonovast said:

Tron Legacy IS a sequel.


I'm aware of that, but doesn't 'sequel' apply to any continuation of something? Like you can say that Tron Legacy is a sequel to Tron, but Tron Legacy doesn't have a sequel for itself. Or does sequel only apply to the second installment of a franchise?

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He's one of the healthiest guys I know; Watches his diet, exercises daily, no junk food, eats seaweed and kelp for snacks, doesn't smoke or drink, his entire life has been an example ..... and yesterday the doctors put two stents into his heart.

Now that my friends, is irony.

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  On 9/8/2018 at 4:10 PM, LordFerret said:

He's one of the healthiest guys I know; Watches his diet, exercises daily, no junk food, eats seaweed and kelp for snacks, doesn't smoke or drink, his entire life has been an example ..... and yesterday the doctors put two stents into his heart.

Now that my friends, is irony.


What the doctors all know, but none of them will actually tell you: Your risk of heart disease mostly comes from your genetics. A much smaller portion of it comes from your lifestyle. Except for smoking. Don't smoke, kids.

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I'm not sure where to post this, but I think I found the answer to why the book Ready Player One and it's film "adaptation" are wildly different :


Showing many original arcade game content in audio-video format would take a lot of effort to have the filming and publishing rights cleared - and so, unlike the book, where mentioning names and describing stuff would be fairly mundane and no one would complain about it, to be able to show these old games - visual, audio and gameplay-wise - in a film without someone calling you for copyright infringement later is a much more difficult and real issue. In order to cut the slack, the script writers/adapter has to find alternatives that are easier to reach, much more willing to comply (not much reason for your practically defunct company to do anything about your old products) - and sadly, brings some revenue.

and yes if you can't tell it i've been read-and-watching it in one go XD

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A nice accumulation of small problems... leading to a big pile.

Yesterday was a little drop of too much. To put in context, I have never traveled as much as during the last thirty days. Five two-ways trips between Florida and different points from Western Europe in one month, a lot of driving and multiple trains to take and the jet-lag is making my head turning while I'm trying to sleep. Yesterday was theoretically announcing the end of all this mess, and I could not be happier. However, it didn't started really well, the sole and only flight available from my lost location to reach the hub was at 05:30, so another nice night of around 4 hours at the most. Then, once at the hub, the second flight expected at 14:40 local time was now announced at 17:40, which meant an arrival at Orlando around 21:20. Still, I was pretty optimist. Such a late arrival meant that I would probably not have to wait 90-120 minutes at the border control as usual. Anyway, the flight was not so bad, but it was not great neither. Once in Orlando the mess started, the customs were unable to find my file despite having entered the territory a week before, it took almost an hour to solve it peacefully (I did not have the force to rage)  I took the sole and only cab still available for the expected 55 minutes, but the guy got exactly the same problem than me a months ago; his huile plug went away... hopefully, another cab driver was around and able to help. I was just worried for the first man having to stand waiting for towing truck. Finally, I arrived at the residence after a 28 hours trip, just to discover that my car has been towed away from the parking due to a stupid mistake from local workers. 



This residence is one of the few around here with an administrative center closed on Sunday, and there are four different tow yards in the sector. To complete, none of these genius found a way to leave a note of where the car was towed... :angry:

Thank you colonel Murphy Jr., once again your rules are illuminating me.

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I supersampled my screenshots, and now I might need to dedicate an entire 1TB HDD just to KSP screenshots with how itchy my SS trigger finger is.  (I have a mouse button dedicated to it, and I might install Automated Screenshots again)

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  On 9/10/2018 at 11:53 AM, Delay said:

My German teacher today: "If you can't do something you shouldn't try it."

Do I need to point out in just how many ways this statement is illogical and even plain dumb?


Wow... just... wow

We need a facepalm emoji... Oh, that can be my complaint to keep this on-topic... hehehe


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  On 9/10/2018 at 11:53 AM, Delay said:

Do I need to point out in just how many ways this statement is illogical and even plain dumb?


No, you don't :-) I hope he didn't say that in German ...


My neighbour had a fire in the garden. A stack of lumber from his carpentry caught fire, spontaneous ignition the fire fighters said later. My suspicion is a carelessly thrown away cigarette stub.

I realized the fire next door (well, 70m or so) when i heard the cracking. People from the road stopped to see where the smoke came from and immediately called the fire fighters. Between Mai and October any kind of open fire is absolutely forbidden because dry season and wind. In the other part of the year you need a permit, or you are in danger of being billed for the helicopter or brigade dispatch ...

He lives 50m up from his workshop and hadn't realized the fire ! If others had not been so perceptive, this could have run out of control. I should upgrade my insurance ... :-/


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