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[1.12.x] Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (FMRS), now with RecoveryController integration


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2 minutes ago, se5a said:

Could that be added as a feature?

The stage/separation bit is only to give it a point in time to save and merge back into isn't it?

If we could feed it two (or more) ships and a point in time, it shouldn't be too  much of a code change I imagine, at least as I understand how it does what it does.

I'll leave the definitive answers to the author, but I think it's not a worthwhile endeavour.  IMHO, the amount of information that would have to be retained about all of the craft in the running game to permit this doesn't justify the simple expedient of just not scheduling burns at the same time.  The KISS principle probably applies.

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I am not even going to begin to think about how much code work would be required to implement this. it's much more involved than you think, and besides, I don't see a real need for it.  The times that this would happen is so rare that it just isn't worth spending the time on it.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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6 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

The times that this would happen is so rare

What really?

I'm always getting burn/timeing conflicts , maybe not the specific one I posted previously, but I've always got something about to do an atmobrake right when I've *just* got this complicated base part lined up to dock with the station, or something on closest approach just when a kerbal is playing ragdoll down the hill on mun for *eternity*, or a geosat that's just got to it's apoapsis for a circularization burn... or a probe that's just about to come into coms range and needs to be given a burn order, or a plane halfway around Kerbin and 1.6kup on the way to check out the badlands... the list is endless.

The number of times I've savescumed because some task has taken longer than I expected, and its either loose 30m of gameplay or loose a ship,  is a fairly reasonable number. 

That being said, if it's more complicated than what it seems on the surface, I'd be more interested the contracts and science bugs getting fixed.

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6 hours ago, se5a said:

What really?

I'm always getting burn/timeing conflicts , maybe not the specific one I posted previously, but I've always got something about to do an atmobrake right when I've *just* got this complicated base part lined up to dock with the station, or something on closest approach just when a kerbal is playing ragdoll down the hill on mun for *eternity*, or a geosat that's just got to it's apoapsis for a circularization burn... or a probe that's just about to come into coms range and needs to be given a burn order, or a plane halfway around Kerbin and 1.6kup on the way to check out the badlands... the list is endless.

The number of times I've savescumed because some task has taken longer than I expected, and its either loose 30m of gameplay or loose a ship,  is a fairly reasonable number. 

That being said, if it's more complicated than what it seems on the surface, I'd be more interested the contracts and science bugs getting fixed.

Then maybe you should space things out some more.  Sounds like you are throwing rockets into space very quickly, and therefore you are getting traffic jams.

Regardless, it's not something I'm going to do.  If someone else wants to do it and submit a PR, I'll consider merging it.

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On 8/24/2018 at 6:54 AM, se5a said:

I'm always getting burn/timeing conflicts , maybe not the specific one I posted previously, but I've always got something about to do an atmobrake right when I've *just* got this complicated base part lined up to dock with the station, or something on closest approach just when a kerbal is playing ragdoll down the hill on mun for *eternity*, or a geosat that's just got to it's apoapsis for a circularization burn... or a probe that's just about to come into coms range and needs to be given a burn order, or a plane halfway around Kerbin and 1.6kup on the way to check out the badlands... the list is endless.

Hmm, the only reason you need FMRS is because KSP removes Vessels IN ATMOSPHERE that are too far away. Getting out of the atmosphere takes a couple of minutes. And you have THAT many maneuver nodes, that you don't have a time window of like 5 minutes for launching another vessel?

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When doing an airlaunch via Plane (both plane and orbiter are manned and the root part is the orbiter command capsule) the experience of the planepilot(s) gets reset upon recovery.

Just to be sure: i am using with KSP 1.4.5


To reproduce:

Craftfile (not a plane but the bug appears and it is faster to reproduce with a rocket)

  • Cheat 2 new kerbals via the cheat menu with 1 star veterancy
  • Put them into the two command pods
  • launch and after a few km separate the bottom stage
  • fly and land the root stage (upper one)
  • go back to separation with FMRS
  • land the booster stage and do not recover the stage
  • go back to main mission via FMRS
  • if you switch to the landed booster via the map now, the experience of the pilot is 0
  • experience also gets reset with direct recovery
  • end result: root pilot is fine, booster pilot lost all his memory :(

I hope this helps


Edited by SuumCuique
added steps to reproduce
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/16/2017 at 8:03 PM, MaxZhao said:

I've done another try and the reproduction steps are as follows:

-Build a launch vehicle with two booster stages attached to a central stage. 

-Launch with all three stages firing.

-Booster separation.

-Jump to separated stage and attempt landing.

-Land both booster stages.

-Revert to launch using FMRS button when viewing the separated booster stage.

-The contracts are emptied.


Note the above procedures are just my reproduction steps, many details might not be needed to reproduce the problem such the rocket configuration or the number of landing attempts.


I know I am quoting an old post but unfortunately I am having exactly the same problem in KSP 14.5.2243 with the latest version of the mod.

Anyone having the same issue or a fix?

Will investigate further, will check whether returning to the main mission and then reverting to launch does not give the same problems..

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1 hour ago, Aereau said:

I know I am quoting an old post but unfortunately I am having exactly the same problem in KSP 14.5.2243 with the latest version of the mod.

Anyone having the same issue or a fix?

Will investigate further, will check whether returning to the main mission and then reverting to launch does not give the same problems..

Known bug, no solution at this time, sorry

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26 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Known bug, no solution at this time, sorry

Thanks for the quick reply, I just tried, switching back to main mission and then reverting to launch works, contracts are not deleted! Only one test though

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10 hours ago, Aereau said:

Thanks for the quick reply, I just tried, switching back to main mission and then reverting to launch works, contracts are not deleted! Only one test though

I just looked back at the past posts on this and want to be sure I understand it as far as it's currently understood.

If using FMRS and currently jumped back in time on the lower stages, if a Revert to Launch or Revert to VAB/SPH is done, ALL contracts and strategies are cleared.

The workaround is only to Revert in the main mission.  And "main mission" is defined by...the original root part?

Edited by Jacke
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I have a question. I installed the FMRS mod because I think it is a really great mod and practical for KSP. I extracted the FMRS folder into my Game Data folder in KSP, but it didn't work. Then I tried extracting all the FMRS folders to see if that would work because for one mod I got that is what you are supposed to do; needless to say, this also didn't work. Is there something I am doing wrong and if so what am I doing wrong? @ linuxgurugamer 

Edited by BobaFett4516
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3 hours ago, BobaFett4516 said:

Is there something I am doing wrong and if so what am I doing wrong?

If it's not working, there's something wrong.  But without more info, there's just too many possibilities.  Look at my signature and follow the link.  It'll tell you some troubleshooting steps and how to find your logs.  Without logs and often more information, there's nothing that anyone can do to help.

You also need to describe in detail how it's not working.  Go to the first post and watch the Scott Manley video.  Focus on the portion where he uses FMRS.  Understand how it is used.  Try to do what Scott did and see where things go wrong.  Or make a simple rocket, two stage, with the first stage having a long burn, a control probe on it, and parachutes.  Launch it, fly it up to first stage burnout, stage, then use FMRS to switch to the first stage and take it down in altitude and open the parachutes and land it.  Then try to jump back to the second stage.  Take screenshots.

Then come back with links to the logs from your test on a file-sharing site like Dropbox.  Post here and give a summary and tell where things went differently for you as opposed to what's supposed to happen.  Without that level of detail, there's not enough information for anyone to help.

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On 9/21/2018 at 11:07 PM, Jacke said:

If it's not working, there's something wrong.  But without more info, there's just too many possibilities.  Look at my signature and follow the link.  It'll tell you some troubleshooting steps and how to find your logs.  Without logs and often more information, there's nothing that anyone can do to help.

You also need to describe in detail how it's not working.  Go to the first post and watch the Scott Manley video.  Focus on the portion where he uses FMRS.  Understand how it is used.  Try to do what Scott did and see where things go wrong.  Or make a simple rocket, two stage, with the first stage having a long burn, a control probe on it, and parachutes.  Launch it, fly it up to first stage burnout, stage, then use FMRS to switch to the first stage and take it down in altitude and open the parachutes and land it.  Then try to jump back to the second stage.  Take screenshots.

Then come back with links to the logs from your test on a file-sharing site like Dropbox.  Post here and give a summary and tell where things went differently for you as opposed to what's supposed to happen.  Without that level of detail, there's not enough information for anyone to help.

So when I installed it and loaded up KSP an icon popped up asking me if I wanted to receive update information from FMRS and I thought yes!!!!!! it worked, but then when i created a new save file the mod didn't show up in that bar that shows all your mods. I thought that is weird, so I made a simple two stage rocket, both stages having a probe core and battery, and FMRS still wasn't there. I launched anyway wondering if that is how you do it and it still didn't work. I also have the stage recovery mod installed could that affect it? @ linuxgurugamer 

Edited by BobaFett4516
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On 9/23/2018 at 3:27 PM, BobaFett4516 said:

So when I installed it and loaded up KSP an icon popped up asking me if I wanted to receive update information from FMRS and I thought yes!!!!!! it worked, but then when i created a new save file the mod didn't show up in that bar that shows all your mods. I thought that is weird, so I made a simple two stage rocket, both stages having a probe core and battery, and FMRS still wasn't there. I launched anyway wondering if that is how you do it and it still didn't work. I also have the stage recovery mod installed could that affect it? @ linuxgurugamer 

Make sure the dependencies are installed

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anybody else having a problem with 

[ERR 08:20:40.042] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'FMRS_PM'

thats the module the mm config is supposed to loading on everypart and its saying it did that but when the part tries to load its saying it cant find it. 

on 1.4.5 I never had any problems with this before. and ive got all the click blocker and toolbars controllers installed. 


okay looks like it was the toolbar controller. redownloaded and reinstalled it and its working now. 

it was looking for something called slingshotter that wasnt loading. guess i got a bad download or something. but have the gui for fmrs again. 

Edited by COL.R.Neville
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Hello,  I encountered issue with FMRS - when I revert to FMRS "main" save (aka - launch) It doesn't remember any contracts done.

Is there an easy solution for this ? Or I just have to save it manualy each time and then eddit in contracts later on?

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15 hours ago, assasin172 said:

Hello,  I encountered issue with FMRS - when I revert to FMRS "main" save (aka - launch) It doesn't remember any contracts done.

Is there an easy solution for this ? Or I just have to save it manualy each time and then eddit in contracts later on?

Yeah, that's an old bug. I usually just revert to separation, so I don't remember if it happens on every "revert to launch" or just occasionally. To be safe, I always do a quicksave before launch, so I can load that one in case the bug happens.

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On 8/23/2018 at 11:14 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I am not even going to begin to think about how much code work would be required to implement this. it's much more involved than you think, and besides, I don't see a real need for it.  The times that this would happen is so rare that it just isn't worth spending the time on it.

Hi linuxgurugamer,

Thanks for making and curating all these mods. Can you clarify if this is in response to FMRS covering multiple unrelated vessels or does it also apply to, say, drone ships dropped by a carrier ship that I want to deploy/burn at the same time?

I'm grateful either way I just want to know if it's possible or if I should try to achieve this another way.

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14 minutes ago, Basabasa said:

Hi linuxgurugamer,

Thanks for making and curating all these mods. Can you clarify if this is in response to FMRS covering multiple unrelated vessels or does it also apply to, say, drone ships dropped by a carrier ship that I want to deploy/burn at the same time?

I'm grateful either way I just want to know if it's possible or if I should try to achieve this another way.

That is essentially related to covering multiple unrelated vessels.  Dropping multiple drones from a mother ship should be fine

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1 minute ago, linuxgurugamer said:

That is essentially related to covering multiple unrelated vessels.  Dropping multiple drones from a mother ship should be fine

Do the ships need to be landed/destroyed to merge with the main file then? I deployed my drones with the mothership, then used FMRS to go back to each of them individually to start their burns immediately after the drop. After I'd set them on the desired orbits I pressed Jump back to Main Mission, but unfortunately the drones were next to me as though no burn had been made.

Am I misunderstanding how this works?

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1 hour ago, Basabasa said:

Do the ships need to be landed/destroyed to merge with the main file then? I deployed my drones with the mothership, then used FMRS to go back to each of them individually to start their burns immediately after the drop. After I'd set them on the desired orbits I pressed Jump back to Main Mission, but unfortunately the drones were next to me as though no burn had been made.

Am I misunderstanding how this works?

yes, you are.

I suggest you view the vid in the OP, I didn' t make it, but it should give some examples

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I just so happened to find out that the "delay" isn't being saved when you edit it ingame. I'm not sure if you were aware of this or that this is impossible to fix? I hope it's something you can fix! 

KSP 1.4.5
All mods are the latest.

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14 hours ago, damonvv said:

I just so happened to find out that the "delay" isn't being saved when you edit it ingame. I'm not sure if you were aware of this or that this is impossible to fix? I hope it's something you can fix! 

KSP 1.4.5
All mods are the latest.

Please refresh my memory, I haven't used this mod for a while.  What "delay"?

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7 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Please refresh my memory, I haven't used this mod for a while.  What "delay"?

The time between staging and FMRS saving both crafts.


For me it does not seem to save after reloading KSP/launching another craft.

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