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What's the most useful part (in your opinion) for your creativity in building stuff in KSP?


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The title says it all. What's your most useful stuff that allows you to think various possibilities in building stuff in KSP?

For me, it was small nosecones. It's basically allows me to place engines, intakes or whatever I want to attach on any part with a small attachment point. Especially handy when building airplanes and trying to balance it

What about you?

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My brain.  Oh you mean parts in KSP, well I use the Girders to do various things I can't seem to do directly or when I need something stronger than some other better looking but weak part.  But maybe I'm just not being imaginative enough.

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Editor extensions redux. So many useful features! Personally, I use the no-offset limits and t to toggle surface attachment the most while in the SPH/VAB.

Edit: If you mean actual parts on craft, I have to say cubic octagonal or ibeams

Edited by qzgy
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3 hours ago, qzgy said:

Editor extensions redux. So many useful features! Personally, I use the no-offset limits and t to toggle surface attachment the most while in the SPH/VAB.

Edit: If you mean actual parts on craft, I have to say cubic octagonal or ibeams

Where can I get it? I have several design that cannot be completed since the offset limit is always preventing me to do it

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They say the quicksave is your best friend, and I certainly won't dispute that, but the strut connector has long been my second best friend. I use it to hold things together that should simply fall apart on the launchpad. I know the autostrut is now pushing it aside a bit, but not for me. I do my own flyin' and my own struttin', thank you very much.

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I get a ton of use out of the small cubic octagonal strut. I've landed on it, used it to attach skycranes and command pods (so as to spawn with a crewmember even though I used the rover seat) to rovers, made roll bars out of it, and even used it as an ultralight aircraft's framing.

A close second would be the almighty strut. The two combined are quite useful indeed:


Edited by moogoob
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Most useful part for creativity? Am I allowed to say all the modular wings? Together they let me make pretty much any planform I like and it will look good.

EDIT: A few of my more eccentric designs:

A retrofuture rocket ship landed on an alien world: https://flic.kr/p/GHS2Uj

A flying saucer, of sorts: https://flic.kr/p/xDv4tz

A solar-electric glider with cranked wings: https://flic.kr/p/qS5SRP

A 9-winged STOVL mining plane: https://flic.kr/p/wgRaGH

Something that I only gave the appellation "LOLplane": https://flic.kr/p/qiW69v



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The service bays.

I've crunched so many parts that otherwise would've been stuck outside the ship and even probably effect the drag of the ship into it. It helps the fact that KSP allows clipping of many parts into one.

I've lost count of how many science modules and batteries I've squeezed into just milk the science out of Kerbal! :D

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By far the most useful stock part is the humble cubic octagonal strut. The no offset building mod killed it stone dead though. :D

 If you are building without no offsets mods then yeah, it's a god send. In fact I hold it in such high regard I made a statue to it to place in my KSC a while ago:


'In struts we trust'.


Edited by Majorjim!
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