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So what song is stuck in your head today?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone mentioned Fantasia on Reddit today. Immediately, this came to my mind: Night on Bald Mountain Fantasia, Modest Mussorgsky.





Edited by Lisias
Changing video. This one allows embedding, and the sound is better.
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Nuke said:

do yourself a favor and dont try to interpret the lyrics too much.

That goes for Judas Priest in general.

Man my middle school years were weird due to this band :D

Anyway, here's my "random song you've not heard in a decade that just pops in there" for the day:


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Lately, I have been sharing old concerts from bands back in the day with my 13-year-old daughter (when she will let me). I shared the 1981 Escape Tour from Journey the other weekend with her. She wasn't impressed, but I have always thought this was one of their best concerts. And from this concert came one of their most well-known songs. I'm so glad that YouTube and other sites have the full concerts available!

@Superfluous J, my song is a little older than a decade! :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, I had played this marvelous game on the "good old days".  On a PS/2. When the game was still a novelty!

I'm missing playing this game - or, perhaps, I miss the person I was when I was playing this game? :/


Edited by Lisias
Fixing the link, pinpointing the first song instead of the last.
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That's the spirit!!

There's also a very, very nice video on the pinned comment of this video - but I'm unsure if it would be Forum friendly ;) , so I used the audio only version.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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