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[1.8.x] KSC++ Continued (from Lack's Stock Extension thread) - version 4.1


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Continue of KSC++  by @Lack from:



Extension to the Kerbal Space Centre, trains, cars, trees, the whole shebang.

 . . .


Updated versions of KSC++ :

CURRENT  --  for KSP 1.2.x - 1.7.x   --  KSC++ v4.1 (with road to Kerbin City and ResearchBodies mod's compatibility)

 _____ What was done for v4.1 : _____

1) object's rearranging (look the spoiler):
   a) Move the Railway Station some left - for compatibility with Observatory of ResearchBodies mod (due to @Ger_space request and respect to this must-have mod).
   b) increaced distance of middle-range guidance tower to runway;
   c) Minor rearrange of buildings (near the Station) and palms.
   d) large truck moving from VAB to SPH gate;
   e) hangars near big parking rotate on 90 degrees.

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2) added the Ghost Road - Road to Kerbin City.
It have lenght ~112 km and consist of ~150 KSC++ parts.
Some of them never used in KSC++ before, but stay hidden among its files.




Pit Stop One - new location at 25 km from KSC:



Final part of Ghost road:



Download :   KSC++ v4.1   (just 1.31 Mb)

PREVIOUS version  --  checked in KSP from 1.1.x to 1.2.x (1.3 also possible)   --  KSC++ v3A (look in spoiler).

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Licence:  CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Install instruction:

1) Download and install the current version of Kerbal Konstructs;

2) Download .zip from above, put the folder 'LackMisc' from it in your GameData. (Example path: [KSP_rootfolder]/GameData/LackMisc )


Pictures of KSC++ (with Kerbin Side Kampus, but without Ghost Road yet) :



Edited by Aerospacer
change title, again
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Some addition pictures:

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Please note - it is the same my "3A" version from post in Lack's thread 


Nearest plans:

1) Road  to  Kerbin City (made from KSC++  road parts).

2) Nord road.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 5/12/2017 at 5:55 PM, msnbcorp said:

You really should add this one to CKAN :wink:


Sorry, but now I haven't needing skill (and not use CKAN). Later possibly.


Btw, 112-km Road to Kerbin-City already done (remain a little bit testing).


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New version of KSC++ is out.

Version 4 - now with a Road to Kerbin City (look in OP).

This road let you to reach the Kerbin City on rover or car, but quite narrow and some dangerous. Speed more 30 m/s is possible, but not recommended.

Why it is called a "Ghost road" you will can to guess on one's own. :wink:

Luck in fli  on the way. )

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@ElpoDaKing - it not a floating, it hard fixed on invisible pillars, made with kerbal's ghost technology. :wink:  Because it is Ghost road. )

Actually now I haven't the right part in KSC++ kit, probably, had to make it handly (later).  Anyway, really pillars not need for pilot's navigation, and as not need as not seen for cars on the road.

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  • 2 weeks later...


KSC++ v4 compatible with Kerbin-City, Kerbin-Side, Kosmodrome, KSC Floodlight, Wenchang Satellite Launch Center, TOP SECRET!, SM Marine Static Pack, South-West Launch Site and probably with some other static content.

Kerbal Cities technically may to use with KSC++, but road to its City initially was made through the KSC++ buildings. In addition, "Kerbal Cities" static pack extremally lagging for my PC, reducing performance up to 1,5-2 fps, and I can't play with it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Minor update version of KSC++ - v4.1.


1) Move the Railway Station some left - for compatibility with Observatory of ResearchBodies mod (due to @Ger_space request and respect to this must-have mod).

2) Some rearrange of buildings near the Station and palms.




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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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