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[1.8.x] DMagic's Basic Mods - Basic Orbit 9.0 Basic DeltaV 6.0 [11-2-2019]


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@DMagic Ok. I was just about to update/ reinstall anyway.

Windows Defender has decided that your dll for maneuver nodes is a Trojan =P That may have been the issue. 


Update: Windows Defender still thinks its a trojan. Going to run it to see if it does what it should, but I think its just me.

Updated Update: Windows Defender having hissy fit , but your mod is working fine.  

Updated Updated Update: Its the bettermaneuver.dll that is the issue. Unclear why. Windows Defender has been told to blow off under the threat of flying with jeb.

Doubt there is anything you can do to fix this yourself, but it is something to check if everything is installed and its still broken. Simply allow threat or add an exclusion.

Edited by Mark Kerbin
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Maneuver Node Evolved has been moved into the "Evolved Mods" thread, along with Tracking Station Evolved:

That leaves this thread to be used only for the information display mods, Basic Orbit and Basic DeltaV.

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This mod helps me a lot.

But I have a problem.
I just bought the making history DLC, and there are parts named "engine plate".
They work as decoupler but mod doesn't recognize them. (I guess)
So deltaV calculation stops before the stage where engine plates were used.

I just want to inform this issue.

Keep up the good work.
Thank you!

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@DMagic Feature request:

  • checkbox for sea_level/space on the Basic DeltaV panels in the VAB (no submenu, quick one-click access, just like KER, maybe for every panel separately)
  • "Miscellaneous" 4th panel in Basic Orbit for some other values. I miss SystemTime (SystemTime24 really)
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@flart A per-stage toggle for atmospheric calculations would be nice, but Engineer's vessel simulator doesn't really support that (it could kind-of do it, I think, but it would be a lot of trouble). And I'm not sure where to put anymore onscreen controls. The right-click function of the toolbar button is already taken by the toggle to turn on/off the readout panels.

I've considered a fourth panel for a long time, mostly for things like vessel information, but have never really gotten around to it.

@windmt It's a known problem.

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  On 3/27/2018 at 2:34 PM, DMagic said:

The right-click function of the toolbar button is already taken by the toggle to turn on/off the readout panels


I didn't know about the right-click option. Not sure why quick one-click enable-disable is needed, but quick one-click sea_level/space would be helpful


  On 3/27/2018 at 2:34 PM, DMagic said:

And I'm not sure where to put anymore onscreen controls


I was thinking about something like this. Buttons can be enabled synchronously

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@DMagic Have you ever considered making a light-weight version of deltaV such that it integrates seamlessly into the existing stage GUI, is simplified to only showing dV and TWR, and has no other components? Effectively a stock dV/TWR implementation.

My thought is to extend each stage node header (orange bar) to be two lines instead of 1 when an engine or decouple is within that stage. The first line would stay as-is, but the second would show the dV and TWR. No other options or configurations, no extra toolbars, windows, or other GUI stuff.

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@Electrocutor That's an interesting idea. I don't think it would be that challenging to replace the stage icons for selected stages with a modified version of the icon, but space would be very tight to fit two lines of info in there. It would have to just show dV for that stage alone, and then probably TWR on a separate line. I do like the idea of stripping out all settings, windows, and options, though, just making it as simple as possible.

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  On 4/11/2018 at 1:10 AM, DMagic said:

@Electrocutor That's an interesting idea. I don't think it would be that challenging to replace the stage icons for selected stages with a modified version of the icon, but space would be very tight to fit two lines of info in there. It would have to just show dV for that stage alone, and then probably TWR on a separate line. I do like the idea of stripping out all settings, windows, and options, though, just making it as simple as possible.


Could you not stretch the header slightly wider so as to fit? dV should never exceed 6 characters and twr 3. Well, I guess there is also the mouse-over tooltip if need be: maybe that would be an even better idea, just leave the stock 1-line and show dV and TWR on mouse-over.

I've also thought about the same for precision maneuver nodes. Consider the small control buttons you have for SAS on the side of the navball: have a similar thing when you create a maneuver. One button for 'Circularize' that pushes prograde until matching altitude, one button for 'Intercept' that pushes all 3 axes until your orbit intersects with your current target (or SOI of target) with as close to parallel orbit as possible, and one button to toggle 'Precise', which changes the amount that pulling on the 3 nodes will change your dV for the maneuver to being much, much less.


Instead of being a robust mod that gives you all sorts of options, it would instead enhance the stock interface to only provide things that are sorely missing.

Edited by Electrocutor
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  On 4/11/2018 at 3:49 AM, Electrocutor said:

Instead of being a robust mod that gives you all sorts of options, it would instead enhance the stock interface to only provide things that are sorely missing.


Features that are "sorely lacking" is always a tricky subject. The features that I consider to be lacking from the stock maneuver node tool are the ability to place the maneuver node at specific locations (not needing to hunt for just the right pixel to place the maneuver node at apoapsis), something to prevent the maneuver node from getting lost in other icons when zoomed out, and something to allow for fine adjustments. Maneuver Node Evolved does the first two pretty well, I think, and while it has a separate window for making exact adjustments, there is probably a more seamless method for adjusting how much the maneuver node gizmo increments dV. But I would consider any kind of auto-generated node adjustment as way outside of the stock behavior.

As for the dV readout, stretching the header would be bad, it would just look funny for the stage panels to be bigger than the stage icons, and it would look even more out of place if only the stages with engines and/or decouplers used the bigger icons. It would simpler to just have a separate icon that is stretched vertically, since vertically stretched icons are already used by the staging panels to accommodate extra stage icons.


@Gordon Dry What is the middle-click info given by those mods? 

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  On 4/11/2018 at 12:50 PM, DMagic said:

What is the middle-click info given by those mods? 


Cost, dry mass / wet mass, resources, used fuels when it's an engine, thrust vectoring, ISP, modules like if RCS or SAS exist in that part etc.


btw this mod works better with RealFuels and RO as KER or Void do, but still got its smaller issues.

RealFuels is a pita I guess...

Edited by Gordon Dry
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@Gordon Dry I can see how that information could be useful, but neither of these mods would serve that purpose. Basic Orbit is about flight information, and Basic DeltaV is about dV and engine performance, basically.

Basic DeltaV should behave the same as KER or VOID when it comes to data calculations, they all use the same vessel simulator code. Unless something has changed in the latest updates for KER, which I'm waiting for 1.4.3 to implement, they should all give the same information.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Basic Orbit 8.1 and Basic DeltaV 3.0 are out; get them on Space Dock.

Basic Orbit has some UI related performance improvements and reduction in garbage allocation.

Basic DeltaV has been updated for KSP 1.4 (should work on any version of 1.4.x) and has incorporated changes to the Engineer vessel simulator code to handle Engine Plates correctly.

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Having reached the point in the game where my need for science is exceeding the reach of the parts I've unlocked, I'm heartily sick of having to make half a dozen launches just to dial in how much fuel and how many boosters I need to reach orbit. I do have KER but I know I'm not using it to its best due to the way it presents so much in such a dense manner. I love the simplicity of Basic DeltaV, and shall be taking advantage of its readouts for all future builds!

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  • 1 month later...

I love KER, but I do prefer the simplicity and clarity of Basic Orbit/Delta-V. With KER I always find the VAB/SPH window getting in my way so the way Basic Delta-V handles it is perfect for me.

I do have one tiny feature request.... would it be possible to split the "Display Active" option for Basic Delta-V between flight and the VAB/SPH? Right now, if you turn off Basic Delta-V in flight via the Difficulty Options, it is permanently off in flight. If you turn it off via the Settings in flight, it is then off in the VAB/SPH too. What I'd like is for it to default to on in the VAB/SPH and default to off in flight, but still be accessible in flight if I do need a Delta-V readout. So basically, just treat "Display Active" as a separate option between scenes?

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  • 1 month later...

Basic Orbit version 8.2 and Basic DeltaV version 3.1 are out; get them on Space Dock.

They work in KSP 1.4.5, but should also work fine in any 1.4.x version.

Both have some minor performance improvements aimed at further reducing garbage allocation. This is primarily accomplished by only updating one panel for each frame, instead of updating each panel on each frame. So if you are using Basic Orbit with a target selected and a maneuver node planned, with all three panels open, then it will go through one panel each frame and update it. If you only have one panel open it will update it every frame. The same is done for Basic DeltaV. This basically means that there is no difference in terms of garbage allocation for having more than one panel open at the same time. 

It cuts the already very low garbage allocation levels to about as low as you can get without doing some really crazy things with string allocations (converting a number to a string always allocates garbage, there are ways of getting around this, but for desktop usage it's a little bit over the top).

Basic DeltaV also now stores the activation state of the panels separately for flight and the VAB/SPH. So you can turn them off in flight (without disabling them in flight completely, using the in-game settings menu) and not have to turn them on again when you go back to the editor.

Edited by DMagic
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  • 1 month later...

@ZobrAA Do you know what the actual closest approach value is when that happens? It looks like some impossibly large value is getting calculated for some reason.

And does the same thing happen if you open the map view?

That number is the max value of a 64 bit floating point value in c#. Basic Orbit should be checking for such a possibility, but it looks like an error could have slipped through.

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I saw that too:

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  On 9/9/2018 at 5:39 PM, DMagic said:

@ZobrAA Do you know what the actual closest approach value is when that happens? It looks like some impossibly large value is getting calculated for some reason.


I think there wasn't one? It was before and during a burn to establish an encounter with an asteroid. The post-maneuver closest approach would have been close, probably <1km.


And does the same thing happen if you open the map view?


I didn't think to check that (or at least I didn't take a screenshot of the map view). I will if I notice it again.

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